Diagnostic Statistical Manual-5

This webinar series highlights changes in the DSM-5, particularly in the area of Trauma and Stress Related Disorders, including special considerations for clinicians working with young children and their families.

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The American Psychiatric Association (APA) proposes to include a new grief disorder—Prolonged Grief Disorder—in its forthcoming Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5-Text Revised (DSM-5-TR), which is scheduled for release in 2021. Members of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network have developed recommendations to make these diagnostic criteria more developmentally informed and helpful for providers who serve children and adolescents. This webinar will review the draft criteria, proposed developmental recommendations, and implications, risks, and opportunities that a new grief disorder can bring. The NCTSN encourages providers and members of the public to educate themselves about the newly-proposed grief disorder and to participate as informed consumers during a public comment period, which is scheduled for early April to mid-May 2020. This public comment period presents a critical opportunity to advocate for diagnostic criteria that are developmentally informed. For more information on the DSM-5-TR Prolonged Grief Disorder visit: https://www.nctsn.org/treatments-and-practices/dsm-5-tr-prolonged-grief-disorder-informed-consumer-and-advocate
In the second half of this 2-part webinar Julie Larrieu and Chandra Ghosh Ippen discuss the implications of the changes in the DSM-5 as they relate to young children. They reflect on symptoms and the multiple ways that clinicians and family members may understand and react to a childs symptoms. Presenters discuss ways to assess for trauma history and trauma-related symptoms and show how to integrate assessment and diagnostic data into a clinical case conceptualization.
Are you working with young children and their families? Do you have questions about how the changes in the DSM will affect your work with this population? This presentation, the first of two parts, features experts in the field of early childhood trauma discussing some of the core developmental, relational, and clinical considerations when working with this population as they relate to changes in the DSM-5.
In this webinar Robert Pynoos and Charles Zeanah discuss important changesin DSM-5 related to Trauma and Stress Related Disorders in children and adolescents, including the Dissociative Subtype of PTSD and the Preschool Subtype.