Indian Health Service
Continuing Dental Education
Course Directory
FY 2018
Indian Health Service
Division of Oral Health
Clinical Support Center
40 North Central Avenue, Suite 780
Phoenix, AZ 85004
General Information
Continuing Dental Education (CDE) courses are open to IHS, Tribal, Urban, and Contract dental personnel. Some courses require completion of a prerequisite course. This is noted on the Course Detail page of each catalog offering. For example, dental assistants may not enroll in the Restorative Expanded Functions-Advanced course unless they have successfully completed the Restorative Expanded Functions-Basic course.
Before Selecting Your CDE Courses
Before selecting a CDE course, you must complete an Individual Development Plan (IDP) with a supervisor. The IDP identifies training needs that would be most appropriate for an employee and the dental program for which he / she works. If you have not already completed an IDP with your supervisor, you can find a copy of the form by going to the Dental CDE Website at the following address:
To Locate the form, follow these steps:
- Click the "Please Login" link near the top of the page.
- Once you are logged in, click the "CDE” tab on the left side of the page.
- On the CDE website, click the "My CDE” tab on the left side of the page.
- Then on the right side of the “My CDE” page, click the "IndividualDevelopmentPlan.doc" link under “Forms.”
- Download the IDP form, print it out and complete the form with your supervisor.
Selecting Your CDE Courses
Once you have completed your IDP, you may select your courses. For the current fiscal year,
you may choose a maximum of three courses by following these steps:
- Click the “Catalog” tab in the main navigation on the left side of the CDE website.
- Scroll as needed to find a course of interest.
- Click the Course Number to go to the Course Detail page.
- If this is a course that you wish to select, click the “Select Course” button.
Supervisor Approval of Your Course Selections
After you have selected all your courses, you are ready to process the selections by 1) prioritizing selections and 2) confirming priorities. Both these steps must be completed before sending the request to your supervisor. The CDE system uses the priorities you set here to register you in your most wanted course. Once you confirm your priorities, the CDE system sends an email to your supervisor requesting approval. To begin the Supervisor Approval process, click the “Request Approval” button on the right side of any Course Detail page.
Once your request is sent, you can track the status of your request using the "My CDE" page.
Help is Available
If you are using the CDE website for the first time, ask one of your co-workers
or your supervisor for assistance. If you have forgotten your username or
password, click on the “Forgot Password” link on the Login page. If
you wish to confirm that you have made your selections correctly, you can contact for assistance.
Update Your Dental Directory Listing
If you do not receive an automated email, that is an indication that your email address is listed incorrectly in the online Dental Directory. Please make corrections to the Dental Directory by following these steps:
- Login to the Dental Portal (
- Your Directory Listing is shown in the upper right corner of the page.
Note: If you do not see a section entitled “Your
Directory Listing”, you are not logged into the Dental Directory; please
click the “Login Help” tab on the left side of the page for
help logging on.
- Make changes to the information as needed by clicking "update your directory listing."
It is important that your email address be correct in the Dental Directory
since emails may be sent to advise you of course changes, course cancellations,
and course assignments.
Confirming Your Attendance
Due to the extremely high demand for CDE courses, and the need to utilize
resources efficiently, confirmation or cancellation of course attendance
is required. When you are registered for a course, the status on that course
will read “Registered” on the “My CDE” page. You can update the “Status” of your
attendance at any time by clicking on the word “Registered” and indicating
“Attending” or “Not-Attending.” If you have not confirmed attendance,
the message “Please Confirm Your Attendance” will appear in red under the
Course Title on the “My CDE” page twelve weeks before the course is due
to start. Follow these steps to confirm attendance:
- On the "My CDE" page, click the message “Please Confirm Your Attendance.”
- Select a new status from the list provided and enter an appropriate comment.
Note: If you select "Not Attending," your space in the class will be lost and filled with the first available waitlisted individual.
- Click the "Submit" button to finalize the change.
The Course Director will request that you re-confirm your attendance to him / her in writing after you have received your confirmation letter. If registered participants fail to confirm their intention to attend a course at least seven (7) weeks prior to the course start date, they will lose their training opportunity. Their places in a course will be offered to people on the waiting list.
Paying Your Tuition
Tuition is not charged for dental personnel working at IHS federal programs.
Tuition will be charged for dental personnel working at Tribal dental
programs that have taken their headquarters dental shares.
If you are charged tuition, it must be paid eight
(8) weeks before the start date of a course. You pay tuition by check
or money order made payable as directed in the catalog and in the
course confirmation letter you receive.
"In Your Clinic" and "By Request" courses have associated
costs for travel, per diem, lodging, salary, and honorarium for instructors.
costs will be charged to all IHS, Tribal, and Urban dental programs.
Contact the Course Director to schedule a course and negotiate fees.
Travel & Lodging Information
Course participants are responsible for confirming attendance in a course,
making travel and lodging arrangements, obtaining necessary travel documents,
and ensuring that clinic schedules are arranged to allow for participants' absence.
Eight (8) to twelve (12) weeks before the start of a course, the Course
Director will mail out information on lodging, special instructions
regarding travel, uniform of the day, and the phone number of someone to
contact to answer questions.
Another way to check travel and lodging information for a course is through
the CDE website. Once you go to and
login, go to the CDE site and click on the course for which you are
registered and scroll down on the Course Detail to the travel section.
Some course
directors will post
the course confirmation letter on the CDE website under “Course Materials” which
is under “Tools.”
CDE Certificates
Course participants can view and print transcripts through the CDE system.
A transcript lists the courses you have completed and the number of
CDE credits earned since FY 2002. The transcript will be automatically
updated when you complete courses in FY 2011.
Course participants are encouraged, upon their return to their worksite,
to discuss course content with their supervisor and co-workers, and share
what was learned and whether the course would be appropriate for other staff
to attend.
The IHS Division of Oral Health is an American Dental Association (ADA) Continuing Education Recognition Program (CERP) Recognized Provider. In order to receive credit, participants must attend all sessions of a course. Evening sessions or pre-course work may be scheduled at the discretion of the course instructor, and will be announced at the beginning of the course.
Disclosure Policy
It is the policy of the Indian Health Service, Division of Oral Health, that faculty/planners disclose any financial or other relationships with commercial companies whose products may be discussed in the educational activity. The Indian Health Service, Division of Oral Health, also requires that faculty disclose any unlabeled or investigative use of pharmaceutical products and medical devices. Images that have been falsified or manipulated to misrepresent treatment outcomes are prohibited.
None of the faculty/planners for this activity has a conflict of interest, and there is no use of unlabeled or investigative pharmaceutical products or medical devices. No images have been falsified or manipulated to misrepresent treatment outcomes. The educational objectives, content, and selection of educational methods and instructors are conducted independent of any commercial entity.
Concerns or complaints about this course may be directed to IHS CDE Coordinator or to ADA CERP (
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0001: Endodontic Cleaning and Shaping
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Thomas Taylor
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
8.00 (Total CDE); 8.00 (AGD - 070) |
Activity Overview:
This course is an E-Learning course that is divided into two parts covering the chemo and the mechanical aspects of endodontic cleaning and shaping. Part 1 covers the selection and use of chemotherapeutic agents in endodontics. Part 2 covers the proper use of conventional stainless steel hand files and nickel titanium rotary files. The hand filing section explains and demonstrates crown down technique, step back technique, negotiating narrow canals, as well as blocked and ledged canals. The rotary section covers basic principles of all rotary files and the detailed use of the analytic K3 nickel titanium file system.
Teaching Methods
This course is delivered online and includes interactive activities, lecture, and video demonstrations. Course developed July, 2007; reviewed and updated August, 2010
Learning Objectives:
After review of this DVD and completion of the post-test the clinician will be able to: 1. Describe the principles and advantages of an ideal tapered endodontic preparation. 2. Perform a Crown Down Step Back endodontic preparation using Gates-Glidden burs, orifice shapers and standard hand files. 3. Negotiate a blocked and ledged canal. 4. Negotiate a narrow “calcified” canal. 5. Explain the basic similarities and differences between the main types of rotary file systems. 6. State the logic behind a crown down preparation using both hand and rotary files. 7. Demonstrate using the K3 rotary file system and how to safely and properly use it. 8. Apply various chemo agents used in endodontics and explain their safe and proper usage.
Hardware/Software Requirements:
Windows | Macintosh |
Intel Pentium II 450MHz or faster processor [or equivalent] | PowerPC G3 500MHz or faster processor | 128MB of RAM | 128MB of RAM |
Operating systems and browsers Flash Player 8 is supported on the following operating systems and browsers:
WindowsPlatform | Browser |
Microsoft Windows 98 | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows Me | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows 2000 | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows XP | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows Server 2003 | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later |
MacintoshPlatform | Browser |
Mac OS X v.10.1.x, 10.2.x, 10.3.x, or 10.4.x | Internet Explorer 5.2, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL for Mac OS X, Opera 6, Safari 1.x or later |
This course may contain an audio portion or soundtrack. Please turn on your speakers or use headphones.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0002: Endodontic Emergencies
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Thomas Taylor
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
8.00 (Total CDE); 8.00 (AGD - 070) |
Activity Overview:
This course is an E-Learning, online based course that covers all aspects of an emergency endodontic visit. It is structured around the SOAP note and will walk you through developing a good patient note, performing diagnostic tests, formulating a pulpal and perapical diagnosis, and providing initial emergency treatment. At the end of the course you will be given an exam. A score of 80 or higher is needed before the CDE system can print out your course certificate.
Teaching Methods
This course is delivered online and includes interactive activities, lecture, and video demonstrations.
Course developed:
July, 2007; reviewed and updated August, 2010; reviewed 2014
Course References:
Cohen's Pathways of the Pulp Expert Consult, 10eMay 24, 2010 by Kenneth M. Hargreaves DDS PhD FICD FACD and Louis H. Berman DDS FACD
Endodontics: Principles and Practice, 5eApr 10, 2014 by Mahmoud Torabinejad DMD MSD PhD and Ashraf Fouad
Ingle's Endodontics 6e Hardcover – December 31, 2007 by John I. Ingle [Author], Leif K. Bakland [Author], J. Craig Baumgartner [Author]
Questions about this course can be directed to:
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Write a logical and supportable SOAP note. 2. Perform a subjective patient interview. 3. Describe appropriate pulpal and periapical tests. 4. Interpret test results to justify diagnosis. 5. Formulate a pulpal and periapical diagnosis. 6. Perform a safe and effective pulpectomy. 7. State the logic and perform a partial pulpectomy. 8. Provide a patient with a “long term” initial endodontic access. 9. Minimize exposure to malpractice litigation based on poor documentation.
Hardware/Software Requirements:
Windows | Macintosh |
Intel Pentium II 450MHz or faster processor [or equivalent] | PowerPC G3 500MHz or faster processor | 128MB of RAM | 128MB of RAM |
Operating systems and browsers Flash Player 8 is supported on the following operating systems and browsers:
WindowsPlatform | Browser |
Microsoft Windows 98 | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows Me | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows 2000 | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows XP | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows Server 2003 | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later |
MacintoshPlatform | Browser |
Mac OS X v.10.1.x, 10.2.x, 10.3.x, or 10.4.x | Internet Explorer 5.2, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL for Mac OS X, Opera 6, Safari 1.x or later |
This course may contain an audio portion or soundtrack. Please turn on your speakers or use headphones.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0003: Endodontic Obturation
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Thomas Taylor
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
0 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
4.00 (Total CDE); 4.00 (AGD - 070) |
Activity Overview:
Before final restoration and after complete cleaning and shaping, the root canal system must be obturated. This course covers the most common and best supported techniques available today. Various techniques presented include cold lateral obturation [standard and non-standard], as well as warm vertical obturation utilizing the System B heat carrier, and a gutta percha gun. Techniques, tips, and detailed visual examples including demonstrations and 3D animations are used to explain and demonstrated these techniques. Course developed July, 2007; reviewed and updated August, 2011.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this training you will be able to explain: -Requirements for endodontic obturation materials -Cold lateral standard obturation -Cold lateral non-standard obturation -Warm vertical system B Obturation
Successful completion of Endodontic Emergencies and Cleaning and Shaping e-learning courses.
Hardware/Software Requirements:
Windows | Macintosh |
Intel Pentium II 450MHz or faster processor [or equivalent] | PowerPC G3 500MHz or faster processor | 128MB of RAM | 128MB of RAM |
Operating systems and browsers Flash Player 8 is supported on the following operating systems and browsers:
WindowsPlatform | Browser |
Microsoft Windows 98 | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows Me | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows 2000 | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows XP | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows Server 2003 | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later |
MacintoshPlatform | Browser |
Mac OS X v.10.1.x, 10.2.x, 10.3.x, or 10.4.x | Internet Explorer 5.2, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL for Mac OS X, Opera 6, Safari 1.x or later |
This course may contain an audio portion or soundtrack. Please turn on your speakers or use headphones.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0004: Caries Stabilization
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
John Zimmer, Robert Sewell
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
0 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.00 (Total CDE); 2.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 2.00 (AGD - 250) |
Caries stabilization can increase treatment options for babies and young children. Caries stabilization involves using fluoride-releasing glass ionomer for interim therapeutic restorations [ITRs], resin and glass ionomer sealants to protect pit and fissures on primary molars, fluoride varnish, and twice daily use of fluoride toothpaste at home.
YOU MUST BE LOGGED IN TO TAKE THIS ONLINE COURSE. Course developed: February, 2010.
Learning Objectives:
A the end of this course, participants will be able to explain: Indications for interim therapeutic restorations [ITRs], and glass ionomer sealants Appropriate technique for placing ITRs and GI sealants Variables that influence the success of ITRs and GI sealants Behavioral management tips when working with young children Oral health messages for parents and caregivers of young children Strategies for follow-up and coding
Hardware/Software Requirements:
Windows | Macintosh |
Intel Pentium II 450MHz or faster processor [or equivalent] | PowerPC G3 500MHz or faster processor | 128MB of RAM | 128MB of RAM |
Operating systems and browsers Flash Player 8 is supported on the following operating systems and browsers:
WindowsPlatform | Browser |
Microsoft Windows 98 | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows Me | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows 2000 | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows XP | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows Server 2003 | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later |
MacintoshPlatform | Browser |
Mac OS X v.10.1.x, 10.2.x, 10.3.x, or 10.4.x | Internet Explorer 5.2, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL for Mac OS X, Opera 6, Safari 1.x or later |
This course may contain an audio portion or soundtrack. Please turn on your speakers or use headphones.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0005: Understanding Clinical Productivity, Efficiency, and Effectiveness
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Timothy Ricks,
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Hygienists, Support Staff, Dentists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
This online course provides an overview of the IHS Clinical Productivity, Efficiency, and Effectiveness Indicators.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants should be able to: 1. list at least 5 of the IHS clinical productivity, efficiency and effectiveness standards; 2. identify at least two best practices related to improving access to care; and 3. discuss the balance between assessing quality of care and maximizing third party collections.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0006: Pediatric Dentistry I [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Elizabeth Twomey, John Zimmer
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff, Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.00 (Total CDE); 2.00 (AGD - 430) |
This recorded webinars consists of clinical slides and fictitious presentations and includes deferred treatment, interim treatment, comprehensive treatment and various treatment scenarios with healthy and medical complex pediatric patients. The webinar is accessible at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Understand the appropriate use of deferred and interim treatment in the primary and mixed dentition; 2. Demonstrate a conversant level of knowledge on the literature-based evidence in caries management; and 3. Improve local anesthetic technique with children as measured by self-reported experiences.
None - webinar
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0007: Pediatric Dentistry II [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Elizabeth Twomey, John Zimmer
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.00 (Total CDE); 2.00 (AGD - 430) |
This webinar provides participants with clinical slides and fictitious presentations and includes deferred treatment, interim treatment, comprehensive treatment and various treatment scenarios with healthy and medical complex pediatric patients. The webinar is accessible at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Understand the appropriate use of deferred and interim treatment in the primary and mixed dentition; 2. Demonstrate a conversant level of knowledge on the literature-based evidence in caries management; and 3. Improve local anesthetic technique with children as measured by self-reported experiences.
None - webinar
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0008: Dental Management of Organ or Stem Cell Transplant Patient [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Jackie Mays, Pamela Gardner
Director: |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 750) |
Preventive and therapeutic dental care and oral soft tissue management for special populations - bone marrow, stem cell, and solid organ transplant patients, and kidney dialysis patients - are discussed in this one-hour recorded webinar. This webinar is accessible at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: 1. Understand preventive care and treatment considerations for bone marrow and stem cell transplant patients; 2. Understand preventive care and treatment considerations for solid organ transplant patients; and 3. Understand preventive care and treatment considerations for kidney dialysis patients.
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0009: IHS Organizational Structure & Overview [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/29/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Timothy Ricks, TIMOTHY LOZON
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
This webinar provide a basic overview of the Indian Health Service structure and organization. The webinar is accessible at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the IHS organizational structure from HQ to field and the types of dental programs across the IHS system. 2. Differentiate the different types of employment and personnel systems available to all dental staff in IHS direct or Tribal programs. 3. Understand IHS dental standards and centralized location of standards regarding infection control, oral health promotion disease prevention, quality of care and clinical efficiency and effectiveness.
Payment Address:
No tuition required
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0010: Personnel Systems, Performance Evaluations, & Other Staffing Issues [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Steve Tetrev, Richard Champany
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
This course, designed for dental managers, is a recorded webinar that covers personnel systems and performance evaluations. It is accessible at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the different personnel systems in the IHS & Tribal setting; 2. Discuss tips in setting realistic performance expectations and in evaluating performance of staff; 3. Describe how to deal with common staff issues such as meetings, handling grievances, and handling interpersonal conflicts.
Payment Address:
No tuition required
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0013: Creating fillable forms [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff, Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This recorded webinar provides participants with ways to create fillable forms in Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat, and how to convert one format to another. The webinar is accessible at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe how to create a Microsoft Word-fillable form; 2. Describe how to convert Word documents to PDF documents; 3. Describe how to create a PDF-fillable form.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0014: "How to" Practical Tips: Assess Reading Level, Remove Autocorrections, Compress Files [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This recorded webinar provides answers to some frequently asked questions - how to assess reading levels in a document, how to remove auto-corrections in Word, and how to compress files and pictures. This webinar is accessible at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Explain how to assess reading level in a document; 2. Describe how to remove autocorrections in Word and Outlook; and 3. Describe how to compress pictures and files.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0015: Working in Microsoft Excel [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Timothy Ricks, Kristina Rogers
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This recorded webinar provides participants with an overview of working in Microsoft Excel. This webinar is accessible at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe methods of copying and pasting data into Microsoft Excel; 2. Demonstrate how to set up formulas in cells and drag formulas to other cells; and 3. Explain how to create graphs in Excel from data sheets.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0016: Working in Microsoft Outlook [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/2/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This recorded webinar offers participants the chance to learn Microsoft Outlook, including how to create .pst files, how to check folder sizes, how to use the calendar, etc. This webinar is accessible at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe how to create .pst files in Outlook; 2. Explain how to check folder size using Outlook; and 3. Demonstrate how to use the calendar and tasks to keep track of projects, tasks, and meetings.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0017: Infection Control for Dental Managers [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Damon Pope,
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Assistants, Support Staff, Hygienists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 148) |
This recorded webinar provides dental staff with an update of CDC infection control recommendations in a dental setting and is particularly useful for new dental directors. The webinar can be accessed at, and the completion code is embedded in the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe applicability of CDC infection control standards in IHS and tribal dental settings; 2. Explain methods of sterilization and disinfection and appropriateness of these methods; 3. Provide examples of correct sterilization techniques including digital xrays and low speed handpieces.
Payment Address:
No tuition required
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0018: Principles in Dental Public Health [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Nathan Mork
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
This recorded webinar provides participants with the basics of public health dentistry which are critical to providing dental services to communities in IHS and tribal settings. The webinar can be accessed at, and the completion code is embedded in the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. List at least three philosophies of dental care in the IHS. 2. Describe the organizational structure of the IHS Dental Program. 3. Define the levels of dental care, listing at least two examples of each level.
Payment Address:
No tuition required
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0020: Clinical Efficiency & Effectiveness for Dental Managers [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
This recorded webinar provides definitions of efficiency and effectiveness and describe in detail the 20 IHS clinical efficiency and effectiveness indicators and how they apply to a clinical and public health setting. To access the webinar, go to The completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. List at least 5 of the IHS clinical productivity, efficiency and effectiveness standards; 2. Identify at least two best practices related to improving access to care; and 3. Discuss the balance between assessing quality of care and maximizing third party collections.
Payment Address:
No tuition required
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0021: Planning Your Upcoming Prevention Program [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 430) |
This webinar provides an overview of the P-O-A-R-E planning model of oral health promotion/disease prevention and help program directors plan for upcoming prevention activities. The webinar can be accessed at, and the completion code is embedded in the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the components of the POARE planning model; 2. Discuss how to engage collaborative partners in implementing a prevention program at a school or Head Start; and 3. Define the current three dental GPRA indicators.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0022: Measuring Quality of Dental Care [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
How is quality measured in IHS and tribal dental settings? This recorded webinar covers the basics for quality assurance and improvement for dental settings. This recorded webinar is available at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Define the IHS quality measure utilized in the Improving Patient Care Initiative; 2. Explain limitations in measuring quality of care in the IHS; 3. List three or more ways to measure quality of care delivered in an IHS or Tribal dental setting.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0023: Mentorship in Pediatric Dentistry
1/10/2018 - 2/21/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
John Zimmer |
Audience: |
Dentists |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
1 - 5 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
7.00 (Total CDE); 7.00 (AGD - 430) |
The Pediatric Dentistry Mentorship course is driven primary with clinical slides, and fictitious case presentations; including deferred treatment, interim treatment, comprehensive treatment, and various treatment scenarios with healthy and medically complex children, including hints for LA injections. The details of the agenda will be determined based on needs of the student and the resources of the mentor. All participants must be selected by the Course Director, Dr. John Zimmer []. The course will be carried out through a series of 7 webinars coordinated by the Course Director.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: 1. Understand the appropriate use of deferred and interim treatment in the primary and mixed dentition; 2. Demonstrate a conversant level of knowledge on the literature- based evidence in caries management; and 3. Improve local anesthetic technique with children as measured by self-reported experiences.
Participants must be selected by the Course Director
Payment Address:
Please Make Checks Payable to: Indian Health Service.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0024: Challenges Course: Navajo Area
3/26/2018 - 4/6/2018
Facility: |
Flagstaff |
Location: |
Flagstaff, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Roger Oldroyd, Amy Suhr, Kenneth Moran, TIMOTHY LOZON, Thomas Taylor, Chester Smyth, Gregory Smith, JOHN KING, Richard Champany, Tony McClure
Director: |
Christina Zeigler |
Audience: |
Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
6 - 15 students |
Tuition: |
$360.00 |
Hours: |
36.00 (Total CDE); 6.00 (AGD - 490); 7.00 (AGD - 070); 8.00 (AGD - 430); 4.00 (AGD - 149); 7.00 (AGD - 310); 6.00 (AGD - 250) |
To gain access to this course, please contact Dr. Christina Zeigler at Christina.Zeigler@TCHEALTH.ORG. People are by virtue of their assignment location, thrust into professional roles for which they have not been adequately prepared by previous schooling or experience. “Challenges” is designed for all new Indian Health Service [IHS], tribal, and urban dentists within their first three to six months of service. The course provides a basis for understanding and working in the IHS dental programs as well as to establish a baseline of skill and knowledge to be able to provide dental services efficiently and effectively.
Learning Objectives:
Headquarters Session for Challenges [0.5 hour] The overall goal of the Headquarters session is to explain the mission of the Indian Health Service and the Division of Oral Health, and to provide an organizational framework of how the federal government interacts with Tribal organizations. The teaching resources include PowerPoint presentations and group discussions. Learning Objectives: By the end of this session, participants will be able to: • State the mission of the Indian Health Service • Describe the functions of the Division of Oral Health • Identify how to access clinical issues and career development resources Dental Public Health Session [3 hours] Dental Public Health is the science and art of preventing and controlling dental diseases, and promoting dental health through organized community efforts. Previous educational or practice experiences may have emphasized how to be successful in the private sector. This session will focus on how to be successful in a dental public health program. This session is designed to give an overview of key dental public health data and concepts; distinctions between public health and private practice models; basic epidemiology principles; critical reading of research; and social and behavioral dimensions of dental disease. The learning format includes interactive PowerPoint presentations, case studies, and small group discussions. Learning Objectives At the end of the dental public health session, participants will be able to: • Describe the differences between a dental public health practice model and a private practice model; • List available resources that describe oral health status in the United States; • Discuss the effects of social and behavioral effects on one dental disease, and develop a scenario where these effects could be seen in an IHS setting; • Categorize common dental procedures in one of the dental levels of care; • Explain the basis of both preventive and periodontal recall management in an IHS dental public health practice. • Distinguish the three current IHS dental GPRA indicators and discuss the rationale behind these indicators. • Explain the goal for the IHS ECC Initiative, and how to access resources to achieve these goals. Pediatric Dentistry Session for Challenges [7.5 hours] The overall goal of the pediatric dentistry session is to help the course participant better understand the treatment needs often presented in young children. This session is designed to give an overview of infant oral health and disease; preventive, diagnostic, and restorative strategies; and how to deal with common traumatic injuries. The learning format includes interactive PowerPoint presentations, case studies, and small group discussion. Learning Objectives: By the end of this session, participants will be able to: • Provide anticipatory guidance to parents/guardians as to what is normal development and when bottle, breast, cup, pacifier use is appropriate. • Explain how and why early caries relates to latter caries experience. • Recognize varying degrees of carious involvement, space maintenance needs, behavioral considerations, and when consults [related to co-morbidities] are necessary. • Determine when radiographs are required and what types of radiographs are appropriate for a given age. • Discuss a variety of pulp treatments in primary teeth, medicaments utilized, and rates of success. • Describe common trauma injuries in children, what to evaluate, and when consults are needed. • Distinguish between various types of restorative materials for primary teeth considering their relative longevity and their public health implication. • Recognize developing occlusion, early malocclusions, possible treatment options, and appropriate referrals. • Select behavior modification technique for achieving treatment appropriate with the child’s chronological age and maturity. • Discuss types and dosages of analgesics and local anesthesia appropriate for children. • Explain the logic for when and why general anesthesia may be an appropriate treatment option. • Describe what constitutes special needs patients and how their treatment is approached. • Identify the most common chronic diseases [anemia, asthma] encountered with children in our population and their impact on patient treatment. • Recognize the most common oral pathologies seen in our population and identify what should be treated and what should be referred. • Describe common ages for abuse and neglect, the most common presenting features, and dental provider’s legal responsibility. Periodontics Session for Challenges [5.5 hours] The overall goal of the periodontics session is to advance participants knowledge and skills in nonsurgical and surgical periodontics, and to introduce them to public health in periodontics. The format will be lecture, discussion, and case studies. Learning Objectives: At the end of the periodontal session, the participants will be able to: • Record CPI/PSR scores accurately. • Diagnose periodontal diseases. • Plan periodontal treatment taking into account the delivery of care, including the provider [DA, RDH, or DDS/DMD]. • Recommend appropriate antimicrobial agents for brushing, rinsing, local and systemic delivery in the treatment of periodontitis. • Recognize indications and contraindications to periodontal surgery. • Describe inflammation and the relationship between oral and systemic diseases. • List five conditions that put individuals at risk for periodontitis. • List three new technologies in periodontics that can/could be recommended for use in an I/T/U dental program. Endodontic Session for Challenges [7 hours] The overall goal of the endodontic session is to provide a review of endodontic principles and techniques applied to clinical situations common to Indian Health Service dental practice: diagnosis and treatment of common dental pulp diseases with the emphasis on pulp testing; radiography, anatomy; vital pulp therapy; endodontic access; cleaning and shaping; and placement of medicaments in the pulp space and coronal restoration. Teaching resources include PowerPoint presentations developed by IHS Endodontists based on their experience and the published scientific literature. Laboratory exercise operating on extracted human teeth. Learning Objectives: By the end of the endodontic session, participants will be able to: • Apply the protocol for taking at least two pre-op radiographs made at different angles. • Explain the SLOB rule. • Identify clues to multiple canals. • Perform pulp and periradicular testing • Explain the rationale for making a pulpal and periradicular diagnosis. • Record diagnoses that are consistent with exam findings. • Describe the American Association of Endodontics [AAE] diagnoses. • Locate sources for endodontic information on basic canal anatomy. • Describe the importance of Straight Line Access and how to achieve it. • List techniques to avoid perforations, ledging and blocking. • Explain the importance of magnification and illumination. • Discuss the rationale for working length distinguishing between preparation of the canal and obturation. • Describe the relationship of diagnosis and urgent treatment needed. • Demonstrate hand filing techniques to handle ledges and blocked canals. • Use Balanced Forces Filing technique and placement of CaOH. • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of temporary filling materials. • Demonstrate the use of gutta percha cones of greater taper. • Evaluate which teeth are restorable. • Discuss rationale for using post retention. • Explain the concept of restore at the time of obturation. • Trauma diagnosis and treatment Oral Surgery Session of Challenges [6.5 hours] The overall goal of the oral surgery session is to advance participants’ skills and abilities about surgical procedures by adhering to a set of principles to provide the best possible treatment for patients. The format of this session is lecture, discussions, case studies, simulated practice, and hands-on suturing lab. Lectures will be presented about how to interview a patient; review medical history; obtain appropriate labs, radiographs; perform a workup to identify and avoid possible complications during and after surgery. Discussions will emphasize talking with the patients about consent forms; explanation of procedures and risks associated with the procedure; possible alternative treatments; answering patient’s questions; documenting process and findings in a patient’s chart. Cases will demonstrate the principles of simple and moderately difficult surgical extractions. The simple dental extraction cases will focus on establishing and maintaining surgical aseptic technique; proper instrumentation and set up, and use of local anesthetics; complications associated with dental extractions [including but not limited to anatomical considerations]; unexpected inter-operative complications with techniques to deal with these complications; and medical considerations that may compromise a successful surgical outcome. The moderately difficult surgical extraction cases will accentuate establishing and maintaining surgical aseptic technique; instrumentation, expected wound healing; appropriate follow-up and referrals. Cases will demonstrate the evaluation of an ectopically positioned tooth with its anatomic considerations to determine the degree of surgical difficulty and surgical approach [i.e. flap design, degree of bone reduction, sectioning technique, delivery, choice of suturing material and techniques]; possible complications and treatment of those complications including but not limited to bleeding, nerve damage, and infections; management of pain with a brief discussion of antibiotics and analgesics. Learning Objectives: At the end of the oral surgery session, participants will be able to: • Describe the principles of patient evaluation and workup for oral surgical procedures. • Establish and maintain surgical aseptic technique. • Explain the principles of simple dental extractions. • Summarize the principles of moderately difficult surgical extractions with consideration of associated hard and soft tissue anatomy and possible complications. Based upon the providers abilities make appropriate referral. • Explain the various suture materials and use. • Demonstrate various suturing techniques in a laboratory setting and explain when these techniques should be used • Document informed consent, treatment plan, and treatment in patient’s chart. General Dentistry Session for Challenges [6 hours] Session Summary: The goal of the general dentistry session is to introduce the course participant to the provision of general clinical services in an Indian Health Service dental program. This session is designed to give an overview of diagnostic and treatment planning; preventive and restorative therapies; utilization of expanded-function auxiliaries; advantages and disadvantages of working with different dental materials; and strategies for working with medically compromised patients. The learning format includes interactive PowerPoint presentations, case studies, and small group discussions Learning Objectives: At the end of the general dentistry session participants should be able to: • Assign risk for decay, discuss appropriate therapies and recall intervals for individual patients. • Describe factors affecting caries risk. • Describe restorative dentistry strategies and dental auxiliary utilization in a public health clinic and how they differ from a typical private practice setting. • Discuss the pros and cons of commonly used dental materials and bonding systems. • Summarize the caution needed in the treatment of medically compromised patients.
Must have a current dental license.
Travel to host site required.
Payment Address:
No tuition required
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0025: Advanced Topics in Pediatric Dentistry
10/31/2017 - 11/3/2018
Facility: |
Alaska Native Medical Center/Southcentral Foundation |
Location: |
Anchorage, AK |
Instructor(s): |
Roseann Dameron, THOMAS BREWER, Adam Bahr, Kayla Carver, , Paige Ryan, JAMES SINGLETON, Jennifer Wilson, Kashif Bhatti, John Etter
Director: |
Audience: |
Dentists, DHA |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
3 - 20 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
34.75 (Total CDE); 18.75 (AGD - 430); 3.00 (AGD - 250); 1.50 (AGD - 155); 1.50 (AGD - 142); 4.00 (AGD - 730); 1.50 (AGD - 750); 2.50 (AGD - 370); 2.00 (AGD - 130) |
The purpose of this course is to provide participants with a foundation of the basic knowledge of pediatric dentistry at the graduate program level. The course includes a full range of topics pertinent to the clinical practice of pediatric dentistry.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Accurately assess when intervention is indicated in the developing dentition; 2. Recognize and treat accidental and non-accidental trauma; and 3. Properly treatment plan preventive, pulpal, restorative and behavior guidance needs of their pediatric and special needs patients.
Must be a dentist or DHAT to attend
Yes, to ANMC
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0026: Pediatric Dentistry for the General Dentist
5/1/2018 - 5/3/2018
Facility: |
NAPPR, Inc. |
Location: |
Albuquerque, NM |
Instructor(s): |
Matt Fisher
Director: |
Matt Fisher |
Audience: |
Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
10 - 30 students |
Tuition: |
$220.00 |
Hours: |
22.00 (Total CDE); 22.00 (AGD - 430) |
This course will provide general dentists with a framework on how to comfortably and confidently deliver comprehensive care to pediatric patients. In addition to learning the science, techniques, and materials of the field, participants will learn ways to reduce the stress associated with treating children. Course Agenda: Tuesday, May 1, 2018 8:00 to 9:00 Meet and Greet/Course Overview 9:00 to 10:30 Trauma to the Primary and Early Permanent Dentition 10:30 to 10:45 Break 10:45 to 12:00 Trauma [cont.] 12:00 to 1:00 Lunch 1:00 to 3:00 Odontogenic Infections in Children 3:00 to 3:15 Break 3:15 to 5:00 Infections [cont.] Wednesday, May 2, 2018 8:00 to 10:00 Pulp Therapy in the Primary and Early Permanent Dentition 10:00 to 10:15 Break 10:15 to 12:00 Pulp Therapy [cont.] 12:00 to 1:00 Lunch 1:00 to 3:00 Behavior Management in Pediatric Dentistry 3:00 to 3:15 Break 3:15 to 5:00 Behavior Management [cont.] Thursday, May 3, 2018 8:00 to 10:00 Restorative Dentistry for the Pediatric Patient 10:00 to 10:15 Break 10:15 to 12:00 Restorative Dentistry [cont.] 12:00 to 1:00 Lunch 1:00 to 2:30 Restorative Dentistry [cont.] 2:30 to 2:45 Break 2:45 to 4:30 Space Maintenance in Pediatric Dentistry 4:30 to 5:00 Evaluations
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Understand the principles and treatments of emergency dental care; 2. Choose the appropriate procedure and materials for restorative and pulp therapy treatments in primary teeth; and 3. Determine the best approach to managing the behaviors of pediatric dental patients.
To host site
Payment Address:
Title V compacted programs should send $220.00 per student to:
IHS Division of Oral Health, ATTN: CDE Coordinator, 5600 Fishers Lane, Mail Stop 08N34 A, Rockville, MD 20857.
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Compact programs, and is required at least 2 weeks prior to the course.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0027: Concepts in Dental Clinic Management I [for Dental Directors/Chiefs]
3/12/2018 - 3/15/2018
Facility: |
Albuquerque Area Office |
Location: |
Albuquerque, NM |
Instructor(s): |
Steve Tetrev, Richard Champany
Director: |
Audience: |
Hygienists, Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
8 - 18 students |
Tuition: |
$280.00 |
Hours: |
28.00 (Total CDE); 28.00 (AGD - 550) |
This course provides new IHS, Tribal, and Urban dental program directors/dental chiefs and deputy dental directors/deputy chiefs with knowledge of basic principles in dental clinic management. As an introductory course, the course will cover management theory and basics in public health program management, allowing participants to practice on case examples. This is the first of a three-part series of clinic management courses and participants must successfully complete this in-person course prior to attending the Concepts II or III course.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: 1. Create plans using leadership techniques and styles to solve problems and improve their dental program; 2. List at least three quality or efficiency indicators and the calculations for them; and 3. Describe at least five characteristics of effective dental clinic management in a public health setting.
Participants should serve either in the role of dental clinic program director/dental chief or assistant dental director/deputy chief.
Travel is required at participant expense to host site.
Payment Address:
Please Make Checks Payable to: Indian Health Service.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0028: Concepts in Dental Clinic Management III [for Dental Directors/Chiefs]
2/12/2018 - 2/15/2018
Facility: |
Albuquerque Area Office |
Location: |
Albuquerque, NM |
Instructor(s): |
Steve Tetrev, Richard Champany
Director: |
Richard Champany |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
8 - 18 students |
Tuition: |
$280.00 |
Hours: |
28.00 (Total CDE); 28.00 (AGD - 550) |
This course is designed to provide experienced IHS, Tribal, and Urban dental program directors/dental chiefs and assistant dental directors/deputy chiefs with the skills and knowledge to continue to improve dental program management. This is the third of a three-part series of clinic management courses and participants must have successfully completed Concepts I and II within the past five years to enroll in this course.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: 1. Describe the progressive discipline process; 2. List at least 10 quality, efficiency, productivity, or efficiency measures that are or can be tracked in your dental program; and 3. Provide details on advanced staff development to improve retention of quality staff in your program.
Participants should serve either in the role of dental clinic program director/dental chief or assistant dental director/deputy chief.
Travel is required at participant expense to host site.
Payment Address:
Please Make Checks Payable to: Indian Health Service.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0029: Instructor Course: Restorative Expanded Functions
1/8/2018 - 1/12/2018
Facility: |
Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health |
Location: |
Mesa, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Terry Haney, David Collier
Director: |
James Webb |
Audience: |
Dentists |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
6 - 20 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
40.00 (Total CDE); 40.00 (AGD - 250) |
The purpose of this course is to train dentists to teach EF-Basic Restorative in their local facility or within an IHS Area. The course consists of completing pre-course work and teaching an actual EF-Basic Restorative course for dental assistants. PowerPoint presentations and teaching aids will be provided to all course participants to facilitate teaching activities. Completion of this course will certify you to teach dental assistants and provide continuing education through the IHS Division of Oral Health CDE program. It will also enhance your CV/Resume with dental activities outside your normal service unit duties. Pre-Course Requirements: 1. Complete "Basic Principles of Adult Learning," Course DE0028 in the FY 2018 CDE Catalog, no later than December 8, 2107. Failure to complete this course by December 8, 2017 will result in removal from the registration for this course. 2. Submit a signed letter to no later than December 8, 2017 stating that, upon completion of this course, the dentist agrees to teach at least one Restorative Basic EFDA Course in FY 2018 [by 9/30/18] and at least one course in FY 2019 [10/1/18 - 9/30/19]. It will be the responsibility of the dentist educator to find a host location to teach the course, and the course will need to at least be 25 percent open to all dental assistants outside of his/her program [class size is usually 6-8, so 1-2 slots need to be open to everyone]. Failure to submit the letter by December 8, 2017 will result in the potential dentist educator being removed from the registration list. Pending funds availability, financial support for this course including travel may be available by the IHS Division of Oral Health. This course is only open to 10 dentists, and participants will be chosen after careful review by the IHS Division of Oral Health.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1. Apply the concepts of adult education in teaching situations. 2. Plan and teach didactic and lab sessions according to IHS EF-Basic course curriculum. 3. Explain cavity classifications, oral anatomy, placement and finishing of dental materials used in operative dentistry. 4. Teach how to place and carve Class I, II, V amalgam restorations, and Class III, and V composite restorations. 5. Apply the criteria from IHS-Basic Restorative curriculum to determine what is acceptable and unacceptable in evaluating and grading alloy and composite restorations. 6. Provide constructive feedback to dental assistants to enhance learning. 7. Communicate with Dental Chiefs regarding expectations of dental assistants before and after taking EF-Basic Restorative course.
1. Complete "Basic Principles of Adult Learning," Course DE0028 in the FY 2018 CDE Catalog, no later than January 1, 2018. Failure to complete this course by January 1, 2018 will result in removal from the registration for this course. 2. Submit a signed letter to no later than December 8, 2017 stating that, upon completion of this course, the dentist agrees to teach at least one Restorative Basic EFDA Course in FY 2018 [by 9/30/18] and at least one course in FY 2019 [10/1/18 - 9/30/19]. It will be the responsibility of the dentist educator to find a host location to teach the course, and the course will need to at least be 25 open to all dental assistants outside of his/her program. Failure to submit the letter by December 8, 2017 will result in the potential dentist educator being removed from the registration list.
Travel to the host site [Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health] is required. Travel reimbursement may be possible by the IHS Division of Oral Health, pending funds availability.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0030: 2018 National Dental Challenges Course
4/10/2018 - 4/12/2018
Facility: |
Sheraton Albuquerque Airport |
Location: |
Albuquerque, NM |
Instructor(s): |
Jonathan Chiang, Justin Sikes, Benjamin Warren, TIMOTHY LOZON, Timothy Ricks, CHRISTOPHER HALLIDAY, Gregory Smith, John Zimmer, Douglas McKendry, Mitchell Wilkinson, Nathan Mork, Damon Pope
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
15 - 35 students |
Tuition: |
$212.50 |
Hours: |
21.25 (Total CDE); 4.75 (AGD - 550); 2.00 (AGD - 490); 3.75 (AGD - 310); 3.50 (AGD - 430); 0.75 (AGD - 610); 1.00 (AGD - 670); 1.00 (AGD - 148); 1.00 (AGD - 250); 1.50 (AGD - 370); 2.00 (AGD - 070) |
This course is limited to the first 35 who register. The National Challenges Course is designed to be an orientation course for new dentists - dentists with less than 3 years of experience in an IHS, Tribal, or Urban dental program. This course is taught by the IHS National Dental Specialty Consultants and relays standards of care for IHS dental programs. Whether you're a new dental graduate or a seasoned private practice dentist but new to the IHS, this course has something to offer to all newer dentists. AGENDA Tuesday, April 10, 2018 [Day 1] 8:00 - 8:30 Welcome 8:30 - 10:00 Overview of the IHS 10:00 - 10:15 Break 10:15 - 11:00 Principles in Dental Public Health 11:00 - 12:00 Oral Health Promotion/Disease Prevention 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch 1:00 - 3:00 Periodontal Disease Detection & Tx Plan 3:00 - 3:30 Break 3:30 - 5:00 Alternative Dental Workforce Models Wednesday, April 11, 2018 [Day 2] 8:00 - 10:00 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Part I 10:00 - 10:15 Break 10:15 - 12:00 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Part II 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch 1:00 - 3:00 Pediatric Dentistry, Part I 3:00 - 3:30 Break 3:30 - 5:00 Pediatric Dentistry, Part II Thursday, April 12, 2018 [Day 3] 8:00 - 10:00 Endodontics 10:00 - 10:15 Break 10:15 - 12:00 Fixed & Removable Prosthodontics 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch 1:00 - 2:00 Operative Dentistry 2:00 - 3:00 Infection Control 3:00 - 3:30 Break 3:30 - 5:00 Interceptive Orthodontics
Learning Objectives:
Individual session learning objectives are available in the Challenges Program. Overall, upon completion of this meeting/course, participants should be able to: 1. Describe the organizational structure of the Indian Health Service; 2. List at least one standard of care for each dental discipline; and 3. Define at least two best practices to help prevent tort claims.
To host site
Payment Address:
Payment must be by check and accompanied by Tuition Payment Form
IHS DIvision of Oral Health, ATTN: CDE Coordinator
5600 Fishers Lane, Mail Stop 08N34 A
Rockville, MD 20857
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0031: Endodontic Emergencies and Vital pulp therapy
8/23/2018 - 8/23/2018
Facility: |
Tuba City Regional Health Center |
Location: |
Tuba City, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Audience: |
Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 10 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.50 (Total CDE); 2.50 (AGD - 070) |
This course, available only to dentists at Tuba City, will provide an overview of the standards of care related to treating endodontic emergencies and vital pulp therapy.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Discuss how diagnosis is related to endodontic treatment; 2. List emergent/urgent care endodontic instrumentation; and 3. Describe the steps and considerations in vital pulp therapy.
Must be dentists at TCRHCC
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Dentist Courses
DD0032: Concepts III Journal Club - "False Expertise"
9/19/2018 - 9/19/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Wesley Johnson
Director: |
Wesley Johnson |
Audience: |
Dentists |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
5 - 25 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This course will be a journal club with the attendees receiving the article in advance and using an IHS conference line to discuss. Dr. Johnson will lead the discussion for this session on false expertise and how participants can discern opinion from research findings and be a better consumer of data and information.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Understand the neurological pitfalls that humans are prone to fall for regarding facts vs. non expertise opinion. 2. Distinguish between opinion and research-based information. 3. Provide examples of fact-based information and resources for future use.
Completion of Concepts in Dental Clinic Management I, II, and III
None - online
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Hygienist Courses
DH0001: Periodontal EFDA Educator Course
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
To be determined |
Location: |
Instructor(s): |
Gregory Smith
Director: |
Gregory Smith |
Audience: |
Hygienists, Dentists |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
1 - 25 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
Note: We are no longer accepting new periodontal EFDA instructors for FY 2018. This course is held in conjunction with an IHS periodontal EFDA course, and the RDH will be working alongside a certified periodontal educator. This didactic and lab course is for dental hygienists who have a desire to be IHS educators in periodontics. This is a teaching course, where the participant will learn how and what to teach dental assistants in basic clinical periodontics. You will be preparing the assistant to provide ultrasonic instrumentation, OHI, and antimicrobial recommendations to their patients under the direction of a dentist or hygienist. This course will certify you to teach dental assistants and provide continuing education credits through the Division of Oral Health CDE program, as well as enhance your CV/Resume with dental activities outside your normal service unit duties. PowerPoint presentations will be provided to all course participants to facilitate teaching activities.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1. Use the concepts of adult education in teaching situations. 2. Teach detection and classification of periodontal disease. 3. Motivate individuals to improve oral hygiene and periodontal health. 4. Teach safe and effective ultrasonic scaling of teeth. 5. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. 6. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to dental assistants and patients. 7. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown. 8. Use mounted dentiforms effectively to teach instrumentation of teeth.
Participant has been a clinical hygienist for at least five years and has the supervisor's permission to teach a four-day course, either at or away from the service unit. Selection is based upon the national need for additional periodontal educators. Contact Dr. Todd Smith for registration to this course.
Travel is required to the course site.
Payment Address:
No tuition required.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Hygienist Courses
DH0002: 2018 Dental Hygiene Updates
4/10/2018 - 4/12/2018
Facility: |
Sheraton Albuquerque Airport |
Location: |
Albuquerque, NM |
Instructor(s): |
, TIMOTHY LOZON, John Zimmer, Cynthia Chennault, COLLEEN WHITE, Benjamin Warren, Damon Pope, JUANITA SIMPSON, Joel Knutson, Timothy Ricks, Sherri Lukes, Kimberly Miller
Director: |
Audience: |
Hygienists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
25 - 75 students |
Tuition: |
$220.00 |
Hours: |
21.25 (Total CDE); 3.50 (AGD - 550); 2.00 (AGD - 730); 3.00 (AGD - 430); 2.00 (AGD - 158); 2.00 (AGD - 130); 2.00 (AGD - 490); 1.25 (AGD - 250); 1.50 (AGD - 153); 2.00 (AGD - 148); 2.00 (AGD - 144) |
Dental Hygiene Updates presents the best of recent technology, clinical, and administrative practices available to dental hygienists who work in I/T/U dental programs. Below is the final agenda for travel authorization purposes only. Tuesday, April 10, 2018 [Day 1] 8:00 - 10:00 Welcome & Overview of the IHS 10:00 - 10:15 Break 10:15 - 12:15 Pathology 12:15 - 1:15 Lunch [on your own] 1:15 - 2:45 Pediatrics for the Dental Hygienist 2:45 - 3:00 Break 3:00 - 5:00 Tobacco Cessation Wednesday, April 11, 2018 [Day 2] 8:00 - 10:00 To Use or Not to Use: New Product Updates 10:00 - 10:15 Break 10:15 - 12:15 The 5 Pillars of Perio 12:15 - 1:15 Lunch [on your own] 1:15 - 2:30 ITRs and Silver Ion Placement 2:30 - 2:45 Break 2:45 - 4:15 Treating Patients with Anxiety Thursday, April 12, 2018 [Day 3] 8:00 - 10:00 Infection Control 10:00 - 10:15 Break 10:15 - 12:15 Roundtable Discussions 12:15 - 1:15 Lunch [on your own] 1:15 - 2:45 Dentrix: Running Reports 2:45 - 3:00 Break 3:00 - 4:30 Early Childhood Caries Best Practices
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this meeting, participants will be able to: 1. Describe unique characteristics associated with public health dental hygiene practice in an IHS or tribal setting; 2. Explain the steps in placement of interim therapeutic restorations and silver diamine fluoride; and 3. List at least three reports that can be run in the Dentrix DXOne Reports.
Payment Address:
Payment must be by check and accompanied by Tuition Payment Form
IHS DIvision of Oral Health, ATTN: CDE Coordinator
5600 Fishers Lane, Mail Stop 08N34 A
Rockville, MD 20857
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Hygienist Courses
DH0003: Dental Hygiene Challenges
4/10/2018 - 4/10/2018
Facility: |
Sheraton Albuquerque Airport |
Location: |
Albuquerque, NM |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Audience: |
Hygienists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
10 - 40 students |
Tuition: |
$67.50 |
Hours: |
6.75 (Total CDE); 1.50 (AGD - 130); 5.25 (AGD - 550) |
The purpose of this course is to introduce clinical dental hygienists to practice in an Indian Health Service [IHS] setting. Dental hygienists with limited public health experience or those who are new to the IHS may be unfamiliar with practice management tools, accountability measures, or community dental health programs. This course will include an overview of clinical protocols and community programs commonly used in IHS. This course is most useful to dental hygienists with 5 or fewer years of service in an IHS or tribal clinical setting.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: 1. Distinguish the three current IHS GPRA indicators and the rationale behind each; 2. Describe risk-based recall; and 3. Design and evaluate a community-based dental program.
Participants should be hygienists with 5 or fewer years of experience in an IHS or tribal program.
Yes, travel to the host site is required.
Payment Address:
Please Make Checks Payable to: Indian Health Service.
Payment must accompany the Tuition Payment Form
Payment is only required from programs that have taken HQ dental shares.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0001: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Basic Prerequisites
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Gregory Smith
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
3.00 (Total CDE); 3.00 (DANB Clinical); 3.00 (AGD - 490) |
Dental assistants must have basic knowledge about periodontal disease before attending the Periodontal Expanded Functions-Basic course. The basic knowledge includes: what makes oral hygiene instruction effective; how to modify patient behavior to improve compliance with oral hygiene regimens; predisposing factors that relate to motivation to act or change; how antimicrobials work, and their use in preventing and treating periodontal diseases. This online course consists of pre-tests, learning activities, and post-tests in the two modules. To complete this course, dental assistants must earn a score of 80 percent or better on each post-test. Dental assistants must successfully complete these two modules prior to attending the Periodontal Expanded Functions-Basic course.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this course, participants will be able to: • Distinguish between effective and ineffective oral hygiene instruction. • Discuss methods about how to modify patient behavior to improve compliance with oral hygiene regimens. • Clarify how antimicrobials work and their use in preventing and treating periodontal diseases.
Payment Address:
No tuition required.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0002: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Basic CERTIFICATION
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
0.00 (Total CDE) |
Following completion of the IHS Periodontal Expanded Function BASIC Course, dental assistants have up to 6 months to complete the post-course requirements of completing 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home clinic. One this requirement is met, the supervisor of the dental assistant will notify the IHS CDE Coordinator of completion of the requirements [documentation of completion will be maintained at the local clinic and does not need to be sent into the IHS CDE Coordinator]. The IHS CDE Coordinator will then provide a completion code to the dental chief/director and the dental assistant. The dental assistant will then log into this course, enter the completion code, and print his/her Periodontal Expanded Function Dental Assistant Certificate.
Learning Objectives:
None - this is a certificate as a result of post-course work
To obtain certification, the dental assistant must: 1. Complete pre-requisite courses prior to attending the periodontal EFDA course; 2. Complete the in-person periodontal EFDA course; and 3. Have his/her supervisor notify the IHS CDE Coordinator of completion of post-course requirements.
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0003: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Advanced CERTIFICATION
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
0.00 (Total CDE) |
Following completion of the IHS Periodontal Expanded Function ADVANCED Course, dental assistants have up to 6 months to complete the post-course requirements of completing 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home clinic. One this requirement is met, the supervisor of the dental assistant will notify the IHS CDE Coordinator of completion of the requirements [documentation of completion will be maintained at the local clinic and does not need to be sent into the IHS CDE Coordinator]. The IHS CDE Coordinator will then provide a completion code to the dental chief/director and the dental assistant. The dental assistant will then log into this course, enter the completion code, and print his/her Periodontal Expanded Function Dental Assistant Certificate.
Learning Objectives:
None - this is a certificate as a result of post-course work
To obtain certification, the dental assistant must: 1. Complete pre-requisite courses prior to attending the periodontal advanced EFDA course; 2. Complete the in-person periodontal advanced EFDA course; and 3. Have his/her supervisor notify the IHS CDE Coordinator of completion of post-course requirements.
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0004: Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Prerequisites
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
0 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
9.00 (Total CDE); 9.00 (DANB Clinical); 9.00 (AGD - 010) |
Dental assistants must have a core set of knowledge and skills before registering for the Expanded Functions-Basic Restorative course. The core set of knowledge and skills include: dental terminology; placing and removing a Tofflemire matrix band and wedge, preparing, placing and removing a dental dam; and setting up for Class I, Class II, and Class V amalgams, and Class III and Class V composite restorations. This online course consists of pre-tests, learning activities, post-tests and demonstrations for each lesson in the four modules. To complete this course, dental assistants must earn a score of 80 percent or better on each post-test, and certify competency by demonstrating skills and knowledge to their supervisor. Upon successful completion of all four modules in this course, dental assistants will be able to register for the EF-Basic Restorative Course.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participants will be able to: •Identify parts and surfaces of teeth. •Use universal numbering system. •Define tooth anatomy terms. •Describe the caries process and identify cavity classifications. •Place and remove Tofflemire retainer, matrix band, and wedge. •Place and remove a dental dam. •Set up instruments and materials for amalgam restorations. •Set up instruments and materials for composite restorations.
Payment Address:
No tuition required
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0005: Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic CERTIFICATION
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
0.00 (Total CDE) |
Following completion of the IHS Restorative Expanded Function BASIC Course, dental assistants have up to 6 months to complete the post-course requirements. One this requirement is met, the supervisor of the dental assistant will notify the IHS CDE Coordinator of completion of the requirements [documentation of completion will be maintained at the local clinic and does not need to be sent into the IHS CDE Coordinator]. The IHS CDE Coordinator will then provide a completion code to the dental chief/director and the dental assistant. The dental assistant will then log into this course, enter the completion code, and print his/her Restorative Expanded Function Dental Assistant Certificate.
Learning Objectives:
None - this is a certificate as a result of post-course work
To obtain certification, the dental assistant must: 1. Complete pre-requisite courses prior to attending the restorative EFDA course; 2. Complete the in-person restorative EFDA course; and 3. Have his/her supervisor notify the IHS CDE Coordinator of completion of post-course requirements.
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0006: Restorative Expanded Functions - Advanced CERTIFICATION
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
0.00 (Total CDE) |
Following completion of the IHS Restorative Expanded Function ADVANCED Course, dental assistants have up to 6 months to complete the post-course requirements. One this requirement is met, the supervisor of the dental assistant will notify the IHS CDE Coordinator of completion of the requirements [documentation of completion will be maintained at the local clinic and does not need to be sent into the IHS CDE Coordinator]. The IHS CDE Coordinator will then provide a completion code to the dental chief/director and the dental assistant. The dental assistant will then log into this course, enter the completion code, and print his/her Restorative Expanded Function Dental Assistant Certificate.
Learning Objectives:
None - this is a certificate as a result of post-course work
To obtain certification, the dental assistant must: 1. Complete pre-requisite courses prior to attending the restorative advanced EFDA course; 2. Complete the in-person restorative advanced EFDA course; and 3. Have his/her supervisor notify the IHS CDE Coordinator of completion of post-course requirements.
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0011: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Refresher Course
1/29/2018 - 2/2/2018
Facility: |
Tuba City |
Location: |
Tuba City, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Jen Eng
Director: |
Jen Eng |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
3 - 6 students |
Tuition: |
$320.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
Course is designed for EFDAs who have taken the basic/advanced course more than 5 years ago and who want a refresher on periodontal EFDA procedures. This course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. It is designed to provide dental assistants who have provided periodontal/hygiene care in the past an update on periodontal expanded functions. This will include training in dental cleanings with newer state-of-the art Piezoelectric scalers as well as hand instrumentation with a Montana Jack sickle scaler. Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Lecture- Instrumentation of teeth using ultrasonic equipment and hand scalers. • Ultrasonic and hand instrumentation lab using mannequins/typodonts Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM-Lab • Lab Instrumentation of teeth using ultrasonic equipment and hand scalers. • Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each other • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Friday 8:00 AM- Noon – Practicum and Close Out • Students provide dental cleanings for patients until 11:00 AM • Explanation of post-course work, Q&A session, and evaluations
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index [CPI] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough ultrasonic scaling of teeth along with isolated hand scaling. 4. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 5. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 6. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
Dental assistants must have been certified in the use of ultrasonic scalers in the past. The other prerequisite required prior to this course includes successfully completing two modules on effective oral hygiene instruction; how to modify patient behavior to improve compliance with oral hygiene regimens; and antimicrobials and their use in preventing and treating periodontal diseases. This online course consists of pre-tests, learning activities, and post-tests in the two modules. To complete this course, dental assistants must earn a score of 80 percent or better on each post-test. Please sign up for, and complete, this Prerequisite Online Periodontal Course prior to attending the Refresher Course.
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0012: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Advanced
4/23/2018 - 4/27/2018
Facility: |
Chinle |
Location: |
Chinle, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Sharon Lang, Mylene Santulan
Director: |
Sharon Lang |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
2 - 10 students |
Tuition: |
$280.00 |
Hours: |
28.00 (Total CDE); 28.00 (DANB Clinical) |
Course is designed for EFDAs who have taken the basic EFDA course and want to progress to advanced periodontal functions. This course is open to everyone, but 6 slots will go to Chinle DAs and 4 to others. This advanced course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. Reminder - This course has prerequisites and is for the advanced dental assistant clinician who has taken the Perio EF Basic course and has been comfortable with the ultrasonic for at least two years or used an ultrasonic for at least five years. It is designed to teach dental assistants to provide dental cleanings to remove visible calculus by using the following two universal scalers: Montana Jack Sickle Scaler Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using universal scalers. • Dental procedure codes • Universal Scalers lab using mannequins/typodont - Posture will be covered Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using universal scalers lab with mannequins/typodonts - Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback - Sharpening will be covered Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each other • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients - Closeout, review, questions, post test Post-Course Requirements: Students must complete 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home dental clinic. This is documented on the Follow-Up Training Progress Record, which is then maintained at the local program. The dental chief/director should then e-mail the IHS CDE Coordinator to inform him that post-course requirements have been met and that the record is on file at the local clinic. Once this is done, the IHS CDE Coordinator will provide the student with a link to receive their CDE certificate and their EFDA certificate. .
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index [CPI] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough scaling of teeth. 4. Use universal scalers efficiently and atraumatically. 5. Sharpen universal scalers correctly and efficiently. 6. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. . 7. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 8. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 9. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
This course is for the advanced dental assistant who has attended the Perio EF Basic course and has been comfortable using the ultrasonic for at least five years. Students do NOT need to retake the Perio EF Basic Pre-Requisite Course for this course.
Travel is required to Chinle.
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0013: Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic [with Dr. Terry Haney]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
By Request |
Location: |
TBD, |
Instructor(s): |
Terry Haney
Director: |
Terry Haney |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
6 - 8 students |
Tuition: |
Negotiated |
Hours: |
36.00 (Total CDE); 36.00 (DANB Clinical) |
This course is offered by request in your facility, through a contractor, Dr. Terry Haney. Dr. Haney has taught restorative EFDA courses for many years. If interested in setting up a course at your facility, contact Dr. Haney at Costs will be negotiated between the instructor and the facility where the course is taught. The purpose of this course is to introduce the dental assistant to the placement and finishing of restorative materials used in operative dentistry. Technical background information is presented in cavity classification and dental anatomy. Class I, II, V amalgam restorations, Class III, and V composite restorations are covered in lecture and laboratory exercises. Both written and practical examinations are used to measure participant progress. The basic course has been organized for those dental assistants who have limited or no training and/or experience in the placement of restorative materials. Additionally, it is limited to those clinics where the ratio of dentists to dental assistants allows the practice of expanded restorative functions. If the newly acquired skills are to become fully developed, the assistant must be able to return to his/her clinic and work with their dentist for a recommended period of 6 months. This follow-up is required in order to complete the course and receive a certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe tooth morphology and structure. 2. Place and finish basic amalgam and composite restorations. 3. Discriminate between what is an acceptable and unacceptable restoration.
Completion of the online Restorative Expanded Functions-Basic Prerequisite course.
Required to host site
Payment Address:
Costs will be negotiated between the instructor and the facility where the course is taught.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0014: Restorative Expanded Functions - Advanced [with Dr. Terry Haney]
10/1/2017 - 8/30/2018
Facility: |
By Request |
Location: |
Instructor(s): |
Terry Haney
Director: |
Terry Haney |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
4 - 8 students |
Tuition: |
Negotiated |
Hours: |
28.00 (Total CDE); 28.00 (DANB Clinical) |
This course is offered by request in your facility, through a contractor, Dr. Terry Haney. Dr. Haney has taught restorative EFDA courses for many years. If interested in setting up a course at your facility, contact Dr. Haney at Costs will be negotiated between the instructor and the facility where the course is taught. This course is a continuation of the “Basic Expanded Functions” course, which is a prerequisite. All five-cavity classifications/preparations will be covered in lecture and laboratory exercises, including amalgam and composite restorations. Lectures will review and update course participants on dental restorative materials including a discussion of bonding agents. Laboratory exercises will be performed on typodonts beginning with conservative preparations and working up to and including cusp-protected amalgam and incisal angle composite resin restorations. Also, participants will be introduced to the basics of occlusion. The course will require that the participant perform 5 cusp-protecting amalgams [CPAs] and 5 class IV composite restorations back in their clinical setting before receiving her/his certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Have an understanding of the basic concepts of occlusion as they apply to restorative dentistry. 2. Be able to place and finish complex Class II amalgam restorations and composite restorations involving the incisal angle. 3. Have an understanding of the current state-of-the-art in dentinal bonding agents. 4. Have the ability to discriminate between acceptable and unacceptable restorations
1. Certificate from the Basic Expanded Functions course. 2. Completion of the online Restorative Expanded Functions-Basic Prerequisite course.
To host site
Payment Address:
Costs will be negotiated between the instructor and the facility where the course is taught.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0015: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Basic
4/16/2018 - 4/20/2018
Facility: |
Red Lake |
Location: |
Red Lake, MN |
Instructor(s): |
Lee Carriker, Ruth Reed
Director: |
Lee Carriker |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
2 - 3 students |
Tuition: |
$320.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
This is a CLOSED course only for Red Lake dental assistants. This course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. It is designed to teach dental assistants to provide dental cleanings to remove visible calculus by using state-of-the art Piezoelectric scalers or Magnetostrictive ultrasonic scalers. Agenda: Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using ultrasonic equipment • Dental procedure codes • Ultrasonic lab using mannequins/typodonts Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Lab • Ultrasonic lab with mannequins/typodonts • Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Friday 8:00 AM- Noon – Practicum and Close Out • Students provide dental cleanings for patients until 11:00 AM • Explanation of post-course work, Q&A session, and evaluations Post-Course Requirements: Students must complete 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home dental clinic. This is documented on the Follow-Up Training Progress Record, which is then maintained at the local program. The dental chief/director should then e-mail the IHS CDE Coordinator to inform him that post-course requirements have been met and that the record is on file at the local clinic. Once this is done, the IHS CDE Coordinator will provide the student with a link to receive their CDE certificate and their EFDA certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs [CPITN] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough ultrasonic scaling of teeth.. 4. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. . 5. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 6. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 7. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
Dental assistants must have basic knowledge about periodontal disease before attending the Periodontal Expanded Functions-Basic course. The basic knowledge includes: what makes oral hygiene instruction effective; how to modify patient behavior to improve compliance with oral hygiene regimens; and antimicrobials and their use in preventing and treating periodontal diseases. This online course [course DA0001 in this year's catalog] consists of pre-tests, learning activities, and post-tests in the two modules. To complete this course, dental assistants must earn a score of 80 percent or better on each post-test. Dental assistants must successfully complete these two modules prior to attending the course.
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0016: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Refresher Course
2/12/2018 - 2/16/2018
Facility: |
Tuba City |
Location: |
Tuba City, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Jen Eng
Director: |
Jen Eng |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
3 - 6 students |
Tuition: |
$320.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
Course is designed for EFDAs who have taken the basic/advanced course more than 5 years ago and who want a refresher on periodontal EFDA procedures. This course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. It is designed to provide dental assistants who have provided periodontal/hygiene care in the past an update on periodontal expanded functions. This will include training in dental cleanings with newer state-of-the art Piezoelectric scalers as well as hand instrumentation with a Montana Jack sickle scaler. Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Lecture- Instrumentation of teeth using ultrasonic equipment and hand scalers. • Ultrasonic and hand instrumentation lab using mannequins/typodonts Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM-Lab • Lab Instrumentation of teeth using ultrasonic equipment and hand scalers. • Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each other • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Friday 8:00 AM- Noon – Practicum and Close Out • Students provide dental cleanings for patients until 11:00 AM • Explanation of post-course work, Q&A session, and evaluations
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index [CPI] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough ultrasonic scaling of teeth along with isolated hand scaling. 4. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 5. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 6. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
Dental assistants must have been certified in the use of ultrasonic scalers in the past. The other prerequisite required prior to this course includes successfully completing two modules on effective oral hygiene instruction; how to modify patient behavior to improve compliance with oral hygiene regimens; and antimicrobials and their use in preventing and treating periodontal diseases. This online course consists of pre-tests, learning activities, and post-tests in the two modules. To complete this course, dental assistants must earn a score of 80 percent or better on each post-test. Please sign up for, and complete, this Prerequisite Online Periodontal Course prior to attending the Refresher Course.
Travel to Phoenix, AZ is required for this course
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0017: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Refresher Course
8/20/2018 - 8/24/2018
Facility: |
Sisseton |
Location: |
Sisseton, SD |
Instructor(s): |
Lisa Daniel
Director: |
Lisa Daniel |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
2 - 4 students |
Tuition: |
$320.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
Course is designed for EFDAs who have taken the basic/advanced course more than 5 years ago and who want a refresher on periodontal EFDA procedures. This course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. It is designed to provide dental assistants who have provided periodontal/hygiene care in the past an update on periodontal expanded functions. This will include training in dental cleanings with newer state-of-the art Piezoelectric scalers as well as hand instrumentation with a Montana Jack sickle scaler. Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Lecture- Instrumentation of teeth using ultrasonic equipment and hand scalers. • Ultrasonic and hand instrumentation lab using mannequins/typodonts Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM-Lab • Lab Instrumentation of teeth using ultrasonic equipment and hand scalers. • Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each other • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Friday 8:00 AM- Noon – Practicum and Close Out • Students provide dental cleanings for patients until 11:00 AM • Explanation of post-course work, Q&A session, and evaluations
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index [CPI] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough ultrasonic scaling of teeth along with isolated hand scaling. 4. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 5. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 6. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
Dental assistants must have been certified in the use of ultrasonic scalers in the past. The other prerequisite required prior to this course includes successfully completing two modules on effective oral hygiene instruction; how to modify patient behavior to improve compliance with oral hygiene regimens; and antimicrobials and their use in preventing and treating periodontal diseases. This online course consists of pre-tests, learning activities, and post-tests in the two modules. To complete this course, dental assistants must earn a score of 80 percent or better on each post-test. Please sign up for, and complete, this Prerequisite Online Periodontal Course prior to attending the Refresher Course.
Travel to Sisseton is required for this course
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0018: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Advanced
8/6/2018 - 8/10/2018
Facility: |
Sisseton |
Location: |
Sisseton, SD |
Instructor(s): |
Lisa Daniel
Director: |
Lisa Daniel |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
2 - 4 students |
Tuition: |
$280.00 |
Hours: |
28.00 (Total CDE); 28.00 (DANB Clinical) |
Course is designed for EFDAs who have taken the basic EFDA course and want to progress to advanced periodontal functions. This advanced course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. Reminder - This course has prerequisites and is for the advanced dental assistant clinician who has taken the Perio EF Basic course and has been comfortable with the ultrasonic for at least two years or used an ultrasonic for at least five years. It is designed to teach dental assistants to provide dental cleanings to remove visible calculus by using the following two universal scalers: Montana Jack Sickle Scaler Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using universal scalers. • Dental procedure codes • Universal Scalers lab using mannequins/typodont - Posture will be covered Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using universal scalers lab with mannequins/typodonts - Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback - Sharpening will be covered Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each other • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients - Closeout, review, questions, post test Post-Course Requirements: Students must complete 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home dental clinic. This is documented on the Follow-Up Training Progress Record, which is then maintained at the local program. The dental chief/director should then e-mail the IHS CDE Coordinator to inform him that post-course requirements have been met and that the record is on file at the local clinic. Once this is done, the IHS CDE Coordinator will provide the student with a link to receive their CDE certificate and their EFDA certificate. .
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index [CPI] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough scaling of teeth. 4. Use universal scalers efficiently and atraumatically. 5. Sharpen universal scalers correctly and efficiently. 6. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. . 7. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 8. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 9. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
This course is for the advanced dental assistant who has attended the Perio EF Basic course and has been comfortable using the ultrasonic for at least five years. Students do NOT need to retake the Perio EF Basic Pre-Requisite Course for this course.
Travel is required to Warm Springs, OR
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0019: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Basic
3/26/2018 - 3/30/2018
Facility: |
Claremore |
Location: |
Claremore, OK |
Instructor(s): |
Julie Black, Theresa Chennault
Director: |
Julie Black |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
4 - 6 students |
Tuition: |
$320.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
This course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. It is designed to teach dental assistants to provide dental cleanings to remove visible calculus by using state-of-the art Piezoelectric scalers or Magnetostrictive ultrasonic scalers. Agenda: Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using ultrasonic equipment • Dental procedure codes • Ultrasonic lab using mannequins/typodonts Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Lab • Ultrasonic lab with mannequins/typodonts • Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Friday 8:00 AM- Noon – Practicum and Close Out • Students provide dental cleanings for patients until 11:00 AM • Explanation of post-course work, Q&A session, and evaluations Post-Course Requirements: Students must complete 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home dental clinic. This is documented on the Follow-Up Training Progress Record, which is then maintained at the local program. The dental chief/director should then e-mail the IHS CDE Coordinator to inform him that post-course requirements have been met and that the record is on file at the local clinic. Once this is done, the IHS CDE Coordinator will provide the student with a link to receive their CDE certificate and their EFDA certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs [CPITN] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough ultrasonic scaling of teeth.. 4. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. . 5. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 6. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 7. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
Dental assistants must have basic knowledge about periodontal disease before attending the Periodontal Expanded Functions-Basic course. The basic knowledge includes: what makes oral hygiene instruction effective; how to modify patient behavior to improve compliance with oral hygiene regimens; and antimicrobials and their use in preventing and treating periodontal diseases. This online course [course DA0001 in this year's catalog] consists of pre-tests, learning activities, and post-tests in the two modules. To complete this course, dental assistants must earn a score of 80 percent or better on each post-test. Dental assistants must successfully complete these two modules prior to attending the course.
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0020: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Advanced
4/16/2018 - 4/20/2018
Facility: |
Gallup Indian Medical Center |
Location: |
Gallup, NM |
Instructor(s): |
COLLEEN WHITE, Andrea Phillips, Rochelle Begay
Director: |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
4 - 8 students |
Tuition: |
$320.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
Course is designed for EFDAs who have taken the basic EFDA course and want to progress to advanced periodontal functions. This course is available only to GIMC previously certified basic periodontal EFDAs. This advanced course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. Reminder - This course has prerequisites and is for the advanced dental assistant clinician who has taken the Perio EF Basic course and has been comfortable with the ultrasonic for at least two years or used an ultrasonic for at least five years. It is designed to teach dental assistants to provide dental cleanings to remove visible calculus by using the following two universal scalers: Montana Jack Sickle Scaler Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using universal scalers. • Dental procedure codes • Universal Scalers lab using mannequins/typodont - Posture will be covered Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using universal scalers lab with mannequins/typodonts - Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback - Sharpening will be covered Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each other • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients - Closeout, review, questions, post test Post-Course Requirements: Students must complete 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home dental clinic. This is documented on the Follow-Up Training Progress Record, which is then maintained at the local program. The dental chief/director should then e-mail the IHS CDE Coordinator to inform him that post-course requirements have been met and that the record is on file at the local clinic. Once this is done, the IHS CDE Coordinator will provide the student with a link to receive their CDE certificate and their EFDA certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs [CPITN] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough ultrasonic scaling of teeth.. 4. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. . 5. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 6. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 7. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
This course is for the advanced dental assistant who has attended the Perio EF Basic course and has been comfortable using the ultrasonic for at least five years. Students do NOT need to retake the Perio EF Basic Pre-Requisite Course for this course.
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0021: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Advanced
4/23/2018 - 4/27/2018
Facility: |
Gallup Indian Medical Center |
Location: |
Gallup, NM |
Instructor(s): |
COLLEEN WHITE, Andrea Phillips, Rochelle Begay
Director: |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
4 - 8 students |
Tuition: |
$320.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
Course is designed for EFDAs who have taken the basic EFDA course and want to progress to advanced periodontal functions. This course is available only to GIMC previously certified basic periodontal EFDAs. This advanced course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. Reminder - This course has prerequisites and is for the advanced dental assistant clinician who has taken the Perio EF Basic course and has been comfortable with the ultrasonic for at least two years or used an ultrasonic for at least five years. It is designed to teach dental assistants to provide dental cleanings to remove visible calculus by using the following two universal scalers: Montana Jack Sickle Scaler Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using universal scalers. • Dental procedure codes • Universal Scalers lab using mannequins/typodont - Posture will be covered Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using universal scalers lab with mannequins/typodonts - Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback - Sharpening will be covered Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each other • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients - Closeout, review, questions, post test Post-Course Requirements: Students must complete 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home dental clinic. This is documented on the Follow-Up Training Progress Record, which is then maintained at the local program. The dental chief/director should then e-mail the IHS CDE Coordinator to inform him that post-course requirements have been met and that the record is on file at the local clinic. Once this is done, the IHS CDE Coordinator will provide the student with a link to receive their CDE certificate and their EFDA certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs [CPITN] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough ultrasonic scaling of teeth.. 4. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. . 5. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 6. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 7. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
This course is for the advanced dental assistant who has attended the Perio EF Basic course and has been comfortable using the ultrasonic for at least five years. Students do NOT need to retake the Perio EF Basic Pre-Requisite Course for this course.
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0022: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Advanced
4/30/2018 - 5/4/2018
Facility: |
Gallup Indian Medical Center |
Location: |
Gallup, NM |
Instructor(s): |
COLLEEN WHITE, Andrea Phillips, Rochelle Begay
Director: |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
4 - 8 students |
Tuition: |
$320.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
Course is designed for EFDAs who have taken the basic EFDA course and want to progress to advanced periodontal functions. This course is available only to GIMC previously certified basic periodontal EFDAs. This advanced course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. Reminder - This course has prerequisites and is for the advanced dental assistant clinician who has taken the Perio EF Basic course and has been comfortable with the ultrasonic for at least two years or used an ultrasonic for at least five years. It is designed to teach dental assistants to provide dental cleanings to remove visible calculus by using the following two universal scalers: Montana Jack Sickle Scaler Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using universal scalers. • Dental procedure codes • Universal Scalers lab using mannequins/typodont - Posture will be covered Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using universal scalers lab with mannequins/typodonts - Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback - Sharpening will be covered Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each other • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients - Closeout, review, questions, post test Post-Course Requirements: Students must complete 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home dental clinic. This is documented on the Follow-Up Training Progress Record, which is then maintained at the local program. The dental chief/director should then e-mail the IHS CDE Coordinator to inform him that post-course requirements have been met and that the record is on file at the local clinic. Once this is done, the IHS CDE Coordinator will provide the student with a link to receive their CDE certificate and their EFDA certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs [CPITN] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough ultrasonic scaling of teeth.. 4. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. . 5. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 6. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 7. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
This course is for the advanced dental assistant who has attended the Perio EF Basic course and has been comfortable using the ultrasonic for at least five years. Students do NOT need to retake the Perio EF Basic Pre-Requisite Course for this course.
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0023: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Advanced
5/7/2018 - 5/11/2018
Facility: |
Gallup Indian Medical Center |
Location: |
Gallup, NM |
Instructor(s): |
COLLEEN WHITE, Andrea Phillips, Rochelle Begay
Director: |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
4 - 8 students |
Tuition: |
$320.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
Course is designed for EFDAs who have taken the basic EFDA course and want to progress to advanced periodontal functions. This course is available only to GIMC previously certified basic periodontal EFDAs. This advanced course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. Reminder - This course has prerequisites and is for the advanced dental assistant clinician who has taken the Perio EF Basic course and has been comfortable with the ultrasonic for at least two years or used an ultrasonic for at least five years. It is designed to teach dental assistants to provide dental cleanings to remove visible calculus by using the following two universal scalers: Montana Jack Sickle Scaler Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using universal scalers. • Dental procedure codes • Universal Scalers lab using mannequins/typodont - Posture will be covered Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using universal scalers lab with mannequins/typodonts - Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback - Sharpening will be covered Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each other • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients - Closeout, review, questions, post test Post-Course Requirements: Students must complete 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home dental clinic. This is documented on the Follow-Up Training Progress Record, which is then maintained at the local program. The dental chief/director should then e-mail the IHS CDE Coordinator to inform him that post-course requirements have been met and that the record is on file at the local clinic. Once this is done, the IHS CDE Coordinator will provide the student with a link to receive their CDE certificate and their EFDA certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs [CPITN] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough ultrasonic scaling of teeth.. 4. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. . 5. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 6. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 7. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
This course is for the advanced dental assistant who has attended the Perio EF Basic course and has been comfortable using the ultrasonic for at least five years. Students do NOT need to retake the Perio EF Basic Pre-Requisite Course for this course.
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0024: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Advanced
5/14/2018 - 5/18/2018
Facility: |
Gallup Indian Medical Center |
Location: |
Gallup, NM |
Instructor(s): |
COLLEEN WHITE, Andrea Phillips, Rochelle Begay
Director: |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
4 - 8 students |
Tuition: |
$320.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
Course is designed for EFDAs who have taken the basic EFDA course and want to progress to advanced periodontal functions. This course is available only to GIMC previously certified basic periodontal EFDAs. This advanced course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. Reminder - This course has prerequisites and is for the advanced dental assistant clinician who has taken the Perio EF Basic course and has been comfortable with the ultrasonic for at least two years or used an ultrasonic for at least five years. It is designed to teach dental assistants to provide dental cleanings to remove visible calculus by using the following two universal scalers: Montana Jack Sickle Scaler Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using universal scalers. • Dental procedure codes • Universal Scalers lab using mannequins/typodont - Posture will be covered Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using universal scalers lab with mannequins/typodonts - Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback - Sharpening will be covered Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each other • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients - Closeout, review, questions, post test Post-Course Requirements: Students must complete 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home dental clinic. This is documented on the Follow-Up Training Progress Record, which is then maintained at the local program. The dental chief/director should then e-mail the IHS CDE Coordinator to inform him that post-course requirements have been met and that the record is on file at the local clinic. Once this is done, the IHS CDE Coordinator will provide the student with a link to receive their CDE certificate and their EFDA certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs [CPITN] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough ultrasonic scaling of teeth.. 4. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. . 5. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 6. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 7. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
This course is for the advanced dental assistant who has attended the Perio EF Basic course and has been comfortable using the ultrasonic for at least five years. Students do NOT need to retake the Perio EF Basic Pre-Requisite Course for this course.
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0025: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Advanced
5/21/2018 - 5/25/2018
Facility: |
Gallup Indian Medical Center |
Location: |
Gallup, NM |
Instructor(s): |
COLLEEN WHITE, Andrea Phillips, Rochelle Begay
Director: |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
4 - 8 students |
Tuition: |
$320.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
Course is designed for EFDAs who have taken the basic EFDA course and want to progress to advanced periodontal functions. This course is available only to GIMC previously certified basic periodontal EFDAs. This advanced course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. Reminder - This course has prerequisites and is for the advanced dental assistant clinician who has taken the Perio EF Basic course and has been comfortable with the ultrasonic for at least two years or used an ultrasonic for at least five years. It is designed to teach dental assistants to provide dental cleanings to remove visible calculus by using the following two universal scalers: Montana Jack Sickle Scaler Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using universal scalers. • Dental procedure codes • Universal Scalers lab using mannequins/typodont - Posture will be covered Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using universal scalers lab with mannequins/typodonts - Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback - Sharpening will be covered Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each other • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients - Closeout, review, questions, post test Post-Course Requirements: Students must complete 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home dental clinic. This is documented on the Follow-Up Training Progress Record, which is then maintained at the local program. The dental chief/director should then e-mail the IHS CDE Coordinator to inform him that post-course requirements have been met and that the record is on file at the local clinic. Once this is done, the IHS CDE Coordinator will provide the student with a link to receive their CDE certificate and their EFDA certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs [CPITN] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough ultrasonic scaling of teeth.. 4. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. . 5. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 6. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 7. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
This course is for the advanced dental assistant who has attended the Perio EF Basic course and has been comfortable using the ultrasonic for at least five years. Students do NOT need to retake the Perio EF Basic Pre-Requisite Course for this course.
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0026: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Basic
6/4/2018 - 6/8/2018
Facility: |
Northern Navajo Medical Center |
Location: |
Shiprock, NM |
Instructor(s): |
SHARON BYDONIE, Cornelia Begay
Director: |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
2 - 8 students |
Tuition: |
$320.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
This course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. It is designed to teach dental assistants to provide dental cleanings to remove visible calculus by using state-of-the art Piezoelectric scalers or Magnetostrictive ultrasonic scalers. Agenda: Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using ultrasonic equipment • Dental procedure codes • Ultrasonic lab using mannequins/typodonts Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Lab • Ultrasonic lab with mannequins/typodonts • Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Friday 8:00 AM- Noon – Practicum and Close Out • Students provide dental cleanings for patients until 11:00 AM • Explanation of post-course work, Q&A session, and evaluations Post-Course Requirements: Students must complete 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home dental clinic. This is documented on the Follow-Up Training Progress Record, which is then maintained at the local program. The dental chief/director should then e-mail the IHS CDE Coordinator to inform him that post-course requirements have been met and that the record is on file at the local clinic. Once this is done, the IHS CDE Coordinator will provide the student with a link to receive their CDE certificate and their EFDA certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs [CPITN] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough ultrasonic scaling of teeth.. 4. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. . 5. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 6. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 7. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
Dental assistants must have basic knowledge about periodontal disease before attending the Periodontal Expanded Functions-Basic course. The basic knowledge includes: what makes oral hygiene instruction effective; how to modify patient behavior to improve compliance with oral hygiene regimens; and antimicrobials and their use in preventing and treating periodontal diseases. This online course [course DA0001 in this year's catalog] consists of pre-tests, learning activities, and post-tests in the two modules. To complete this course, dental assistants must earn a score of 80 percent or better on each post-test. Dental assistants must successfully complete these two modules prior to attending the course.
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0027: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Basic
6/25/2018 - 6/29/2018
Facility: |
Sisseton |
Location: |
Sisseton, SD |
Instructor(s): |
Lisa Daniel
Director: |
Lisa Daniel |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
2 - 4 students |
Tuition: |
$320.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
This course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. It is designed to teach dental assistants to provide dental cleanings to remove visible calculus by using state-of-the art Piezoelectric scalers or Magnetostrictive ultrasonic scalers. Agenda: Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using ultrasonic equipment • Dental procedure codes • Ultrasonic lab using mannequins/typodonts Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Lab • Ultrasonic lab with mannequins/typodonts • Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Friday 8:00 AM- Noon – Practicum and Close Out • Students provide dental cleanings for patients until 11:00 AM • Explanation of post-course work, Q&A session, and evaluations Post-Course Requirements: Students must complete 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home dental clinic. This is documented on the Follow-Up Training Progress Record, which is then maintained at the local program. The dental chief/director should then e-mail the IHS CDE Coordinator to inform him that post-course requirements have been met and that the record is on file at the local clinic. Once this is done, the IHS CDE Coordinator will provide the student with a link to receive their CDE certificate and their EFDA certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs [CPITN] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough ultrasonic scaling of teeth.. 4. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. . 5. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 6. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 7. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
Dental assistants must have basic knowledge about periodontal disease before attending the Periodontal Expanded Functions-Basic course. The basic knowledge includes: what makes oral hygiene instruction effective; how to modify patient behavior to improve compliance with oral hygiene regimens; and antimicrobials and their use in preventing and treating periodontal diseases. This online course [course DA0001 in this year's catalog] consists of pre-tests, learning activities, and post-tests in the two modules. To complete this course, dental assistants must earn a score of 80 percent or better on each post-test. Dental assistants must successfully complete these two modules prior to attending the course.
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0028: Oral Surgery Assistant's Survival Course
4/10/2018 - 4/12/2018
Facility: |
Drury Inn |
Location: |
Albuquerque, NM |
Instructor(s): |
James Osaki, Justin Sikes
Director: |
Justin Sikes |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
12 - 24 students |
Tuition: |
$230.00 |
Hours: |
23.00 (Total CDE); 23.00 (DANB Clinical); 13.00 (AGD - 310); 4.00 (AGD - 738); 1.00 (AGD - 315); 3.00 (AGD - 142); 1.00 (AGD - 319); 1.00 (AGD - 742) |
This course will provide dental assistants with the knowledge and skills to perform supplemental oral surgery procedures and understand why and how oral surgery procedures are performed.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe complex oral surgery procedures and their role in those procedures; 2. Explain how to recognize and treat medical emergencies; and 3. Describe adjunctive measures in an oral surgery practice.
Yes, to host hotel. For more information, contact Dr. Justin Sikes at
Payment Address:
Title V compacted programs should send $200.00 per student to:
IHS Division of Oral Health, ATTN: CDE Coordinator, 5600 Fishers Lane, Mail Stop 08N34 A, Rockville, MD 20857.
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Compact programs, and is required at least 2 weeks prior to the course.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0029: Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic
4/16/2018 - 4/20/2018
Facility: |
Ft. Peck Service Unit |
Location: |
Wolf Point, MT |
Instructor(s): |
Terry Haney
Director: |
Linda Markle |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
4 - 5 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
36.00 (Total CDE); 36.00 (DANB Clinical) |
The purpose of this course is to introduce the dental assistant to the placement and finishing of restorative materials used in operative dentistry. Technical background information is presented in cavity classification and dental anatomy. Class I, II, V amalgam restorations, Class III, and V composite restorations are covered in lecture and laboratory exercises. Both written and practical examinations are used to measure participant progress. The basic course has been organized for those dental assistants who have limited or no training and/or experience in the placement of restorative materials. Additionally, it is limited to those clinics where the ratio of dentists to dental assistants allows the practice of expanded restorative functions. If the newly acquired skills are to become fully developed, the assistant must be able to return to his/her clinic and work with their dentist for a recommended period of 6 months. This follow-up is required in order to complete the course and receive a certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe tooth morphology and structure. 2. Place and finish basic amalgam and composite restorations. 3. Discriminate between what is an acceptable and unacceptable restoration.
Completion of the online Restorative Expanded Functions-Basic Prerequisite course.
Required to host site
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0030: Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic
7/9/2018 - 7/13/2018
Facility: |
Lawton |
Location: |
Lawton, OK |
Instructor(s): |
Terry Haney
Director: |
Tiffany Teegarden |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
4 - 8 students |
Tuition: |
$360.00 |
Hours: |
36.00 (Total CDE); 36.00 (DANB Clinical) |
The purpose of this course is to introduce the dental assistant to the placement and finishing of restorative materials used in operative dentistry. Technical background information is presented in cavity classification and dental anatomy. Class I, II, V amalgam restorations, Class III, and V composite restorations are covered in lecture and laboratory exercises. Both written and practical examinations are used to measure participant progress. The basic course has been organized for those dental assistants who have limited or no training and/or experience in the placement of restorative materials. Additionally, it is limited to those clinics where the ratio of dentists to dental assistants allows the practice of expanded restorative functions. If the newly acquired skills are to become fully developed, the assistant must be able to return to his/her clinic and work with their dentist for a recommended period of 6 months. This follow-up is required in order to complete the course and receive a certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe tooth morphology and structure. 2. Place and finish basic amalgam and composite restorations. 3. Discriminate between what is an acceptable and unacceptable restoration.
Completion of the online Restorative Expanded Functions-Basic Prerequisite course.
Required to host site
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0031: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Basic
12/20/2017 - 12/29/2017
Facility: |
Lummi |
Location: |
Bellingham, WA |
Instructor(s): |
Harriet Ludjin
Director: |
Harriet Ludjin |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
2 - 6 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
This is a CLOSED course and is available only to dental staff at Lummi. This course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. It is designed to teach dental assistants to provide dental cleanings to remove visible calculus by using state-of-the art Piezoelectric scalers or Magnetostrictive ultrasonic scalers. Agenda: Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using ultrasonic equipment • Dental procedure codes • Ultrasonic lab using mannequins/typodonts Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Lab • Ultrasonic lab with mannequins/typodonts • Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Friday 8:00 AM- Noon – Practicum and Close Out • Students provide dental cleanings for patients until 11:00 AM • Explanation of post-course work, Q&A session, and evaluations Post-Course Requirements: Students must complete 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home dental clinic. This is documented on the Follow-Up Training Progress Record, which is then maintained at the local program. The dental chief/director should then e-mail the IHS CDE Coordinator to inform him that post-course requirements have been met and that the record is on file at the local clinic. Once this is done, the IHS CDE Coordinator will provide the student with a link to receive their CDE certificate and their EFDA certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs [CPITN] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough ultrasonic scaling of teeth.. 4. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. . 5. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 6. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 7. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
Dental assistants must have basic knowledge about periodontal disease before attending the Periodontal Expanded Functions-Basic course. The basic knowledge includes: what makes oral hygiene instruction effective; how to modify patient behavior to improve compliance with oral hygiene regimens; and antimicrobials and their use in preventing and treating periodontal diseases. This online course [course DA0001 in this year's catalog] consists of pre-tests, learning activities, and post-tests in the two modules. To complete this course, dental assistants must earn a score of 80 percent or better on each post-test. Dental assistants must successfully complete these two modules prior to attending the course.
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0032: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Basic
5/7/2018 - 5/11/2018
Facility: |
Yakama |
Location: |
Yakama, WA |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
0 - 2 students |
Tuition: |
$320.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
This course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. It is designed to teach dental assistants to provide dental cleanings to remove visible calculus by using state-of-the art Piezoelectric scalers or Magnetostrictive ultrasonic scalers. Agenda: Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using ultrasonic equipment • Dental procedure codes • Ultrasonic lab using mannequins/typodonts Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Lab • Ultrasonic lab with mannequins/typodonts • Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Friday 8:00 AM- Noon – Practicum and Close Out • Students provide dental cleanings for patients until 11:00 AM • Explanation of post-course work, Q&A session, and evaluations Post-Course Requirements: Students must complete 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home dental clinic. This is documented on the Follow-Up Training Progress Record, which is then maintained at the local program. The dental chief/director should then e-mail the IHS CDE Coordinator to inform him that post-course requirements have been met and that the record is on file at the local clinic. Once this is done, the IHS CDE Coordinator will provide the student with a link to receive their CDE certificate and their EFDA certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs [CPITN] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough ultrasonic scaling of teeth.. 4. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. . 5. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 6. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 7. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
Dental assistants must have basic knowledge about periodontal disease before attending the Periodontal Expanded Functions-Basic course. The basic knowledge includes: what makes oral hygiene instruction effective; how to modify patient behavior to improve compliance with oral hygiene regimens; and antimicrobials and their use in preventing and treating periodontal diseases. This online course [course DA0001 in this year's catalog] consists of pre-tests, learning activities, and post-tests in the two modules. To complete this course, dental assistants must earn a score of 80 percent or better on each post-test. Dental assistants must successfully complete these two modules prior to attending the course.
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0033: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Basic
5/14/2018 - 5/18/2018
Facility: |
Phoenix Indian Medical Center |
Location: |
Phoenix, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Gregory Smith, Shannon Davis, Sharon Lang, Margarett White
Director: |
Shannon Davis |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
6 - 10 students |
Tuition: |
$320.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
This course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. It is designed to teach dental assistants to provide dental cleanings to remove visible calculus by using state-of-the art Piezoelectric scalers or Magnetostrictive ultrasonic scalers. Agenda: Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using ultrasonic equipment • Dental procedure codes • Ultrasonic lab using mannequins/typodonts Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Lab • Ultrasonic lab with mannequins/typodonts • Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Friday 8:00 AM- Noon – Practicum and Close Out • Students provide dental cleanings for patients until 11:00 AM • Explanation of post-course work, Q&A session, and evaluations Post-Course Requirements: Students must complete 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home dental clinic. This is documented on the Follow-Up Training Progress Record, which is then maintained at the local program. The dental chief/director should then e-mail the IHS CDE Coordinator to inform him that post-course requirements have been met and that the record is on file at the local clinic. Once this is done, the IHS CDE Coordinator will provide the student with a link to receive their CDE certificate and their EFDA certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs [CPITN] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough ultrasonic scaling of teeth.. 4. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. . 5. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 6. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 7. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
Dental assistants must have basic knowledge about periodontal disease before attending the Periodontal Expanded Functions-Basic course. The basic knowledge includes: what makes oral hygiene instruction effective; how to modify patient behavior to improve compliance with oral hygiene regimens; and antimicrobials and their use in preventing and treating periodontal diseases. This online course [course DA0001 in this year's catalog] consists of pre-tests, learning activities, and post-tests in the two modules. To complete this course, dental assistants must earn a score of 80 percent or better on each post-test. Dental assistants must successfully complete these two modules prior to attending the course.
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0034: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Advanced
3/12/2018 - 3/16/2018
Facility: |
TON San Xavier Health Center |
Location: |
Tucson, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Sylvia Carbajal-Leon, Eric Jewell, Ayana Blagrove
Director: |
Eric Jewell |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
1 - 5 students |
Tuition: |
$280.00 |
Hours: |
28.00 (Total CDE); 28.00 (DANB Clinical) |
Course is designed for EFDAs who have taken the basic EFDA course and want to progress to advanced periodontal functions. This advanced course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. Reminder - This course has prerequisites and is for the advanced dental assistant clinician who has taken the Perio EF Basic course and has been comfortable with the ultrasonic for at least two years or used an ultrasonic for at least five years. It is designed to teach dental assistants to provide dental cleanings to remove visible calculus by using the following two universal scalers: Montana Jack Sickle Scaler Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using universal scalers. • Dental procedure codes • Universal Scalers lab using mannequins/typodont - Posture will be covered Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using universal scalers lab with mannequins/typodonts - Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback - Sharpening will be covered Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each other • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients - Closeout, review, questions, post test Post-Course Requirements: Students must complete 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home dental clinic. This is documented on the Follow-Up Training Progress Record, which is then maintained at the local program. The dental chief/director should then e-mail the IHS CDE Coordinator to inform him that post-course requirements have been met and that the record is on file at the local clinic. Once this is done, the IHS CDE Coordinator will provide the student with a link to receive their CDE certificate and their EFDA certificate. .
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index [CPI] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough scaling of teeth. 4. Use universal scalers efficiently and atraumatically. 5. Sharpen universal scalers correctly and efficiently. 6. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. . 7. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 8. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 9. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
This course is for the advanced dental assistant who has attended the Perio EF Basic course and has been comfortable using the ultrasonic for at least five years. Students do NOT need to retake the Perio EF Basic Pre-Requisite Course for this course.
Travel is required to Warm Springs, OR
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0035: Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic
1/8/2018 - 1/12/2018
Facility: |
Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health |
Location: |
Mesa, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Terry Haney, David Collier
Director: |
James Webb |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
14 - 20 students |
Tuition: |
$360.00 |
Hours: |
36.00 (Total CDE); 36.00 (DANB Clinical) |
The purpose of this course is to introduce the dental assistant to the placement and finishing of restorative materials used in operative dentistry. Technical background information is presented in cavity classification and dental anatomy. Class I, II, V amalgam restorations, Class III, and V composite restorations are covered in lecture and laboratory exercises. Both written and practical examinations are used to measure participant progress. The basic course has been organized for those dental assistants who have limited or no training and/or experience in the placement of restorative materials. Additionally, it is limited to those clinics where the ratio of dentists to dental assistants allows the practice of expanded restorative functions. If the newly acquired skills are to become fully developed, the assistant must be able to return to his/her clinic and work with their dentist for a recommended period of 6 months. This follow-up is required in order to complete the course and receive a certificate. Tuition is required only for those dental assistants from tribal programs that have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid [received] at least four weeks in advance or the student will be dropped and the next student on the waiting list will be added.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe tooth morphology and structure. 2. Place and finish basic amalgam and composite restorations. 3. Discriminate between what is an acceptable and unacceptable restoration.
Completion of the online Restorative Expanded Functions-Basic Prerequisite Course [DA0004]. This must be completed at least two weeks prior to the course; failure to complete the prerequisite course at least two weeks prior to the course will result in the student being dropped from the course.
Travel required to host site.
Payment Address:
IHS CDE Program
5600 Fishers Lane, Mail Stop 08N34-A
Rockville, MD 20857
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0036: Restorative Expanded Functions - Advanced
2/5/2018 - 2/8/2018
Facility: |
Parker IHS Hospital |
Location: |
Parker, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Terry Haney
Director: |
Doreen Denisty |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
5 - 8 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
28.00 (Total CDE); 28.00 (DANB Clinical) |
This course is a continuation of the “Basic Expanded Functions” course, which is a prerequisite. This course is funded by the Southwest Dental Support Center and participants are chosen by that support center. All five-cavity classifications/preparations will be covered in lecture and laboratory exercises, including amalgam and composite restorations. Lectures will review and update course participants on dental restorative materials including a discussion of bonding agents. Laboratory exercises will be performed on typodonts beginning with conservative preparations and working up to and including cusp-protected amalgam and incisal angle composite resin restorations. Also, participants will be introduced to the basics of occlusion. The course will require that the participant perform 5 cusp-protecting amalgams [CPAs] and 5 class IV composite restorations back in their clinical setting before receiving her/his certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Have an understanding of the basic concepts of occlusion as they apply to restorative dentistry. 2. Be able to place and finish complex Class II amalgam restorations and composite restorations involving the incisal angle. 3. Have an understanding of the current state-of-the-art in dentinal bonding agents. 4. Have the ability to discriminate between acceptable and unacceptable restorations
1. Certificate from the Basic Expanded Functions course. 2. Completion of the online Restorative Expanded Functions-Basic Prerequisite course.
To host site
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0037: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Basic
1/29/2018 - 2/1/2018
Facility: |
Fort Defiance |
Location: |
Ft. Defiance, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Mylene Santulan
Director: |
Mylene Santulan |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
This course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. It is designed to teach dental assistants to provide dental cleanings to remove visible calculus by using state-of-the art Piezoelectric scalers or Magnetostrictive ultrasonic scalers. Agenda: Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using ultrasonic equipment • Dental procedure codes • Ultrasonic lab using mannequins/typodonts Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Lab • Ultrasonic lab with mannequins/typodonts • Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Friday 8:00 AM- Noon – Practicum and Close Out • Students provide dental cleanings for patients until 11:00 AM • Explanation of post-course work, Q&A session, and evaluations Post-Course Requirements: Students must complete 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home dental clinic. This is documented on the Follow-Up Training Progress Record, which is then maintained at the local program. The dental chief/director should then e-mail the IHS CDE Coordinator to inform him that post-course requirements have been met and that the record is on file at the local clinic. Once this is done, the IHS CDE Coordinator will provide the student with a link to receive their CDE certificate and their EFDA certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs [CPITN] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough ultrasonic scaling of teeth.. 4. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. . 5. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 6. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 7. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
Dental assistants must have basic knowledge about periodontal disease before attending the Periodontal Expanded Functions-Basic course. The basic knowledge includes: what makes oral hygiene instruction effective; how to modify patient behavior to improve compliance with oral hygiene regimens; and antimicrobials and their use in preventing and treating periodontal diseases. This online course [course DA0001 in this year's catalog] consists of pre-tests, learning activities, and post-tests in the two modules. To complete this course, dental assistants must earn a score of 80 percent or better on each post-test. Dental assistants must successfully complete these two modules prior to attending the course.
Payment Address:
As of January 1, 2017, dental staff from Title V Tribal Compact Programs are required to pay tuition for courses. For this course, Title V compacted programs should send a check or money order made out to the
Tuition is required only for staff from Title V Tribal Compacts who have taken their dental shares. Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start of the course – please see the tuition policy below.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0038: Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic
4/9/2018 - 4/13/2018
Facility: |
A-Mo Health Center |
Location: |
Salina, OK |
Instructor(s): |
Arlan Andrews, Ruth Reed
Director: |
Arlan Andrews |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
0 - 2 students |
Tuition: |
$360.00 |
Hours: |
36.00 (Total CDE); 36.00 (DANB Clinical) |
NOTE: This course is scheduled to have 8 students. 6 students will be from the host site, and 2 slots will be open for other dental assistants on a first-come, first-served basis. The Indian Health Service has been a pioneer since 1961 in the training and certification of dental assistants for expanded duties. Expanded Function Dental Assistants [EFDAs] can significantly increase clinical productivity and access to dental services. The purpose of this course is to introduce the dental assistant to the placement and finishing of restorative materials used in operative dentistry. Technical background information is presented in cavity classification and dental anatomy. Class I, II, V amalgam restorations, Class III, and V composite restorations are covered in lecture and laboratory exercises. Both written and practical examinations are used to measure participant progress. The basic course has been organized for those dental assistants who have limited or no training and/or experience in the placement of restorative materials. Additionally, it is limited to those clinics where the ratio of dentists to dental assistants allows the practice of expanded restorative functions. If the newly acquired skills are to become fully developed, the assistant must be able to return to his/her clinic and work with their dentist for a recommended period of 6 months. This follow-up is required in order to complete the course and receive a certificate. AGENDA: Day 1: Didactic [Cavity classification system, Class V buccal amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont Day 2: Didactic [Class I occlusal amalgam, Class II two-surface amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class V amalgam written test Day 3: Didactic [Burnishing and polishing, Class III and V composites] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class I amalgam written test Day 4: Didactic [Cavity liners] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class II [two-surface] amalgam written test Day 5: Laboratory practice on typodont final exam Post-Course Work: Participants must complete 40 restorations under the proctorship of a supervising dentist within 6-12 months following course completion. Pre-Course Work: Participants must complete the online Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Prerequisite Course at least 2 weeks prior to attending the Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Course. SUPERVISORS should work with dental assistants prior to the course to make sure that they have the knowledge to successfully complete/pass the written and practical tests required. Certification Process: Following successful completion of the 40 restorations [which must be done within 1 year of completion of the course], the dental assistant should send the evaluation sheet to the PRIMARY INSTRUCTOR of the course. The instructor will then contact the IHS CDE Coordinator requesting an EFDA Certificate be issued, and the student [new EFDA] will receive an e-mail with further instructions on how to print their EFDA Certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe tooth morphology and structure. 2. Place and finish basic amalgam and composite restorations. 3. Discriminate between what is an acceptable and unacceptable restoration.
Completion of the online Restorative Expanded Functions-Basic Prerequisite course [please check the CDE Catalog for the appropriate course number - for FY 2018, it is DA0004]. This online course must be completed successfully at least two weeks prior to the course; failure to complete the course will result in un-registration of the student. The dental assistant's supervisor & dental director are also responsible for preparing the student for success in the course. They can do this by reviewing the online course materials with the dental assistant to ensure that the student will pass the written tests in the Basic course.
Required to host site
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0039: Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic
4/23/2018 - 4/27/2018
Facility: |
Carl Albert Hospital |
Location: |
Ada, OK |
Instructor(s): |
Joshua Mayo
Director: |
Joshua Mayo |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
2 - 8 students |
Tuition: |
$360.00 |
Hours: |
36.00 (Total CDE); 36.00 (DANB Clinical) |
NOTE: This course is scheduled to have 8 students. 6 students will be from the host site, and 2 slots will be open for other dental assistants on a first-come, first-served basis. The Indian Health Service has been a pioneer since 1961 in the training and certification of dental assistants for expanded duties. Expanded Function Dental Assistants [EFDAs] can significantly increase clinical productivity and access to dental services. The purpose of this course is to introduce the dental assistant to the placement and finishing of restorative materials used in operative dentistry. Technical background information is presented in cavity classification and dental anatomy. Class I, II, V amalgam restorations, Class III, and V composite restorations are covered in lecture and laboratory exercises. Both written and practical examinations are used to measure participant progress. The basic course has been organized for those dental assistants who have limited or no training and/or experience in the placement of restorative materials. Additionally, it is limited to those clinics where the ratio of dentists to dental assistants allows the practice of expanded restorative functions. If the newly acquired skills are to become fully developed, the assistant must be able to return to his/her clinic and work with their dentist for a recommended period of 6 months. This follow-up is required in order to complete the course and receive a certificate. AGENDA: Day 1: Didactic [Cavity classification system, Class V buccal amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont Day 2: Didactic [Class I occlusal amalgam, Class II two-surface amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class V amalgam written test Day 3: Didactic [Burnishing and polishing, Class III and V composites] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class I amalgam written test Day 4: Didactic [Cavity liners] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class II [two-surface] amalgam written test Day 5: Laboratory practice on typodont final exam Post-Course Work: Participants must complete 40 restorations under the proctorship of a supervising dentist within 6-12 months following course completion. Pre-Course Work: Participants must complete the online Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Prerequisite Course at least 2 weeks prior to attending the Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Course. SUPERVISORS should work with dental assistants prior to the course to make sure that they have the knowledge to successfully complete/pass the written and practical tests required. Certification Process: Following successful completion of the 40 restorations [which must be done within 1 year of completion of the course], the dental assistant should send the evaluation sheet to the PRIMARY INSTRUCTOR of the course. The instructor will then contact the IHS CDE Coordinator requesting an EFDA Certificate be issued, and the student [new EFDA] will receive an e-mail with further instructions on how to print their EFDA Certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe tooth morphology and structure. 2. Place and finish basic amalgam and composite restorations. 3. Discriminate between what is an acceptable and unacceptable restoration.
Completion of the online Restorative Expanded Functions-Basic Prerequisite course [please check the CDE Catalog for the appropriate course number - for FY 2018, it is DA0004]. This online course must be completed successfully at least two weeks prior to the course; failure to complete the course will result in un-registration of the student. The dental assistant's supervisor & dental director are also responsible for preparing the student for success in the course. They can do this by reviewing the online course materials with the dental assistant to ensure that the student will pass the written tests in the Basic course.
Required to host site
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0040: Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic
5/7/2018 - 5/11/2018
Facility: |
Tuba City Hospital |
Location: |
Tuba City, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
David Harbarger
Director: |
Christina Zeigler |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
0 - 8 students |
Tuition: |
$360.00 |
Hours: |
36.00 (Total CDE); 36.00 (DANB Clinical) |
NOTE: This course is scheduled to have 8 students. 6 students will be from the host site, and 2 slots will be open for other dental assistants on a first-come, first-served basis. The Indian Health Service has been a pioneer since 1961 in the training and certification of dental assistants for expanded duties. Expanded Function Dental Assistants [EFDAs] can significantly increase clinical productivity and access to dental services. The purpose of this course is to introduce the dental assistant to the placement and finishing of restorative materials used in operative dentistry. Technical background information is presented in cavity classification and dental anatomy. Class I, II, V amalgam restorations, Class III, and V composite restorations are covered in lecture and laboratory exercises. Both written and practical examinations are used to measure participant progress. The basic course has been organized for those dental assistants who have limited or no training and/or experience in the placement of restorative materials. Additionally, it is limited to those clinics where the ratio of dentists to dental assistants allows the practice of expanded restorative functions. If the newly acquired skills are to become fully developed, the assistant must be able to return to his/her clinic and work with their dentist for a recommended period of 6 months. This follow-up is required in order to complete the course and receive a certificate. AGENDA: Day 1: Didactic [Cavity classification system, Class V buccal amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont Day 2: Didactic [Class I occlusal amalgam, Class II two-surface amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class V amalgam written test Day 3: Didactic [Burnishing and polishing, Class III and V composites] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class I amalgam written test Day 4: Didactic [Cavity liners] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class II [two-surface] amalgam written test Day 5: Laboratory practice on typodont final exam Post-Course Work: Participants must complete 40 restorations under the proctorship of a supervising dentist within 6-12 months following course completion. Pre-Course Work: Participants must complete the online Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Prerequisite Course at least 2 weeks prior to attending the Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Course. SUPERVISORS should work with dental assistants prior to the course to make sure that they have the knowledge to successfully complete/pass the written and practical tests required. Certification Process: Following successful completion of the 40 restorations [which must be done within 1 year of completion of the course], the dental assistant should send the evaluation sheet to the PRIMARY INSTRUCTOR of the course. The instructor will then contact the IHS CDE Coordinator requesting an EFDA Certificate be issued, and the student [new EFDA] will receive an e-mail with further instructions on how to print their EFDA Certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe tooth morphology and structure. 2. Place and finish basic amalgam and composite restorations. 3. Discriminate between what is an acceptable and unacceptable restoration.
Completion of the online Restorative Expanded Functions-Basic Prerequisite course [please check the CDE Catalog for the appropriate course number - for FY 2018, it is DA0004]. This online course must be completed successfully at least two weeks prior to the course; failure to complete the course will result in un-registration of the student. The dental assistant's supervisor & dental director are also responsible for preparing the student for success in the course. They can do this by reviewing the online course materials with the dental assistant to ensure that the student will pass the written tests in the Basic course.
Required to host site
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0041: Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic
5/14/2018 - 5/18/2018
Facility: |
Roger Saux Dental Clinic |
Location: |
Tahola, WA |
Instructor(s): |
C. Ostteen
Director: |
C. Ostteen |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
3 - 8 students |
Tuition: |
$360.00 |
Hours: |
36.00 (Total CDE); 36.00 (DANB Clinical) |
NOTE: This course is scheduled to have 8 students. 1 student will be from the host site, and 7 slots will be open for other dental assistants on a first-come, first-served basis. The Indian Health Service has been a pioneer since 1961 in the training and certification of dental assistants for expanded duties. Expanded Function Dental Assistants [EFDAs] can significantly increase clinical productivity and access to dental services. The purpose of this course is to introduce the dental assistant to the placement and finishing of restorative materials used in operative dentistry. Technical background information is presented in cavity classification and dental anatomy. Class I, II, V amalgam restorations, Class III, and V composite restorations are covered in lecture and laboratory exercises. Both written and practical examinations are used to measure participant progress. The basic course has been organized for those dental assistants who have limited or no training and/or experience in the placement of restorative materials. Additionally, it is limited to those clinics where the ratio of dentists to dental assistants allows the practice of expanded restorative functions. If the newly acquired skills are to become fully developed, the assistant must be able to return to his/her clinic and work with their dentist for a recommended period of 6 months. This follow-up is required in order to complete the course and receive a certificate. AGENDA: Day 1: Didactic [Cavity classification system, Class V buccal amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont Day 2: Didactic [Class I occlusal amalgam, Class II two-surface amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class V amalgam written test Day 3: Didactic [Burnishing and polishing, Class III and V composites] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class I amalgam written test Day 4: Didactic [Cavity liners] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class II [two-surface] amalgam written test Day 5: Laboratory practice on typodont final exam Post-Course Work: Participants must complete 40 restorations under the proctorship of a supervising dentist within 6-12 months following course completion. Pre-Course Work: Participants must complete the online Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Prerequisite Course at least 2 weeks prior to attending the Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Course. SUPERVISORS should work with dental assistants prior to the course to make sure that they have the knowledge to successfully complete/pass the written and practical tests required. Certification Process: Following successful completion of the 40 restorations [which must be done within 1 year of completion of the course], the dental assistant should send the evaluation sheet to the PRIMARY INSTRUCTOR of the course. The instructor will then contact the IHS CDE Coordinator requesting an EFDA Certificate be issued, and the student [new EFDA] will receive an e-mail with further instructions on how to print their EFDA Certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe tooth morphology and structure. 2. Place and finish basic amalgam and composite restorations. 3. Discriminate between what is an acceptable and unacceptable restoration.
Completion of the online Restorative Expanded Functions-Basic Prerequisite course [please check the CDE Catalog for the appropriate course number - for FY 2018, it is DA0004]. This online course must be completed successfully at least two weeks prior to the course; failure to complete the course will result in un-registration of the student. The dental assistant's supervisor & dental director are also responsible for preparing the student for success in the course. They can do this by reviewing the online course materials with the dental assistant to ensure that the student will pass the written tests in the Basic course.
Required to host site
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0042: Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic
6/18/2018 - 6/22/2018
Facility: |
Yakama Health Clinic |
Location: |
Toppenish, WA |
Instructor(s): |
Cheryl Sixkiller
Director: |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
0 - 2 students |
Tuition: |
$360.00 |
Hours: |
36.00 (Total CDE); 36.00 (DANB Clinical) |
NOTE: This course is scheduled to have 8 students. 2 students will be from the host site, and 6 slots will be open for other dental assistants on a first-come, first-served basis. The Indian Health Service has been a pioneer since 1961 in the training and certification of dental assistants for expanded duties. Expanded Function Dental Assistants [EFDAs] can significantly increase clinical productivity and access to dental services. The purpose of this course is to introduce the dental assistant to the placement and finishing of restorative materials used in operative dentistry. Technical background information is presented in cavity classification and dental anatomy. Class I, II, V amalgam restorations, Class III, and V composite restorations are covered in lecture and laboratory exercises. Both written and practical examinations are used to measure participant progress. The basic course has been organized for those dental assistants who have limited or no training and/or experience in the placement of restorative materials. Additionally, it is limited to those clinics where the ratio of dentists to dental assistants allows the practice of expanded restorative functions. If the newly acquired skills are to become fully developed, the assistant must be able to return to his/her clinic and work with their dentist for a recommended period of 6 months. This follow-up is required in order to complete the course and receive a certificate. AGENDA: Day 1: Didactic [Cavity classification system, Class V buccal amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont Day 2: Didactic [Class I occlusal amalgam, Class II two-surface amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class V amalgam written test Day 3: Didactic [Burnishing and polishing, Class III and V composites] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class I amalgam written test Day 4: Didactic [Cavity liners] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class II [two-surface] amalgam written test Day 5: Laboratory practice on typodont final exam Post-Course Work: Participants must complete 40 restorations under the proctorship of a supervising dentist within 6-12 months following course completion. Pre-Course Work: Participants must complete the online Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Prerequisite Course at least 2 weeks prior to attending the Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Course. SUPERVISORS should work with dental assistants prior to the course to make sure that they have the knowledge to successfully complete/pass the written and practical tests required. Certification Process: Following successful completion of the 40 restorations [which must be done within 1 year of completion of the course], the dental assistant should send the evaluation sheet to the PRIMARY INSTRUCTOR of the course. The instructor will then contact the IHS CDE Coordinator requesting an EFDA Certificate be issued, and the student [new EFDA] will receive an e-mail with further instructions on how to print their EFDA Certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe tooth morphology and structure. 2. Place and finish basic amalgam and composite restorations. 3. Discriminate between what is an acceptable and unacceptable restoration.
Completion of the online Restorative Expanded Functions-Basic Prerequisite course [please check the CDE Catalog for the appropriate course number - for FY 2018, it is DA0004]. This online course must be completed successfully at least two weeks prior to the course; failure to complete the course will result in un-registration of the student. The dental assistant's supervisor & dental director are also responsible for preparing the student for success in the course. They can do this by reviewing the online course materials with the dental assistant to ensure that the student will pass the written tests in the Basic course.
Required to host site
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0043: Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic
6/25/2018 - 6/29/2018
Facility: |
Gallup Indian Medical Center |
Location: |
Gallup, NM |
Instructor(s): |
Jeannie Yoon
Director: |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
2 - 6 students |
Tuition: |
$360.00 |
Hours: |
36.00 (Total CDE); 36.00 (DANB Clinical) |
NOTE: This course is scheduled to have 8 students. 2 students will be from the host site, and 6 slots will be open for other dental assistants on a first-come, first-served basis. The Indian Health Service has been a pioneer since 1961 in the training and certification of dental assistants for expanded duties. Expanded Function Dental Assistants [EFDAs] can significantly increase clinical productivity and access to dental services. The purpose of this course is to introduce the dental assistant to the placement and finishing of restorative materials used in operative dentistry. Technical background information is presented in cavity classification and dental anatomy. Class I, II, V amalgam restorations, Class III, and V composite restorations are covered in lecture and laboratory exercises. Both written and practical examinations are used to measure participant progress. The basic course has been organized for those dental assistants who have limited or no training and/or experience in the placement of restorative materials. Additionally, it is limited to those clinics where the ratio of dentists to dental assistants allows the practice of expanded restorative functions. If the newly acquired skills are to become fully developed, the assistant must be able to return to his/her clinic and work with their dentist for a recommended period of 6 months. This follow-up is required in order to complete the course and receive a certificate. AGENDA: Day 1: Didactic [Cavity classification system, Class V buccal amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont Day 2: Didactic [Class I occlusal amalgam, Class II two-surface amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class V amalgam written test Day 3: Didactic [Burnishing and polishing, Class III and V composites] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class I amalgam written test Day 4: Didactic [Cavity liners] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class II [two-surface] amalgam written test Day 5: Laboratory practice on typodont final exam Post-Course Work: Participants must complete 40 restorations under the proctorship of a supervising dentist within 6-12 months following course completion. Pre-Course Work: Participants must complete the online Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Prerequisite Course at least 2 weeks prior to attending the Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Course. SUPERVISORS should work with dental assistants prior to the course to make sure that they have the knowledge to successfully complete/pass the written and practical tests required. Certification Process: Following successful completion of the 40 restorations [which must be done within 1 year of completion of the course], the dental assistant should send the evaluation sheet to the PRIMARY INSTRUCTOR of the course. The instructor will then contact the IHS CDE Coordinator requesting an EFDA Certificate be issued, and the student [new EFDA] will receive an e-mail with further instructions on how to print their EFDA Certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe tooth morphology and structure. 2. Place and finish basic amalgam and composite restorations. 3. Discriminate between what is an acceptable and unacceptable restoration.
Completion of the online Restorative Expanded Functions-Basic Prerequisite course [please check the CDE Catalog for the appropriate course number - for FY 2018, it is DA0004]. This online course must be completed successfully at least two weeks prior to the course; failure to complete the course will result in un-registration of the student. The dental assistant's supervisor & dental director are also responsible for preparing the student for success in the course. They can do this by reviewing the online course materials with the dental assistant to ensure that the student will pass the written tests in the Basic course.
Required to host site
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0044: Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic
7/16/2018 - 7/20/2018
Facility: |
University of Buffalo |
Location: |
Buffalo, NY |
Instructor(s): |
Joseph Salamon
Director: |
Joseph Salamon |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
2 - 6 students |
Tuition: |
$360.00 |
Hours: |
36.00 (Total CDE); 36.00 (DANB Clinical) |
NOTE: This course is scheduled to have 8 students. 2 students will be from the host site, and 6 slots will be open for other dental assistants on a first-come, first-served basis. The Indian Health Service has been a pioneer since 1961 in the training and certification of dental assistants for expanded duties. Expanded Function Dental Assistants [EFDAs] can significantly increase clinical productivity and access to dental services. The purpose of this course is to introduce the dental assistant to the placement and finishing of restorative materials used in operative dentistry. Technical background information is presented in cavity classification and dental anatomy. Class I, II, V amalgam restorations, Class III, and V composite restorations are covered in lecture and laboratory exercises. Both written and practical examinations are used to measure participant progress. The basic course has been organized for those dental assistants who have limited or no training and/or experience in the placement of restorative materials. Additionally, it is limited to those clinics where the ratio of dentists to dental assistants allows the practice of expanded restorative functions. If the newly acquired skills are to become fully developed, the assistant must be able to return to his/her clinic and work with their dentist for a recommended period of 6 months. This follow-up is required in order to complete the course and receive a certificate. AGENDA: Day 1: Didactic [Cavity classification system, Class V buccal amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont Day 2: Didactic [Class I occlusal amalgam, Class II two-surface amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class V amalgam written test Day 3: Didactic [Burnishing and polishing, Class III and V composites] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class I amalgam written test Day 4: Didactic [Cavity liners] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class II [two-surface] amalgam written test Day 5: Laboratory practice on typodont final exam Post-Course Work: Participants must complete 40 restorations under the proctorship of a supervising dentist within 6-12 months following course completion. Pre-Course Work: Participants must complete the online Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Prerequisite Course at least 2 weeks prior to attending the Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Course. SUPERVISORS should work with dental assistants prior to the course to make sure that they have the knowledge to successfully complete/pass the written and practical tests required. Certification Process: Following successful completion of the 40 restorations [which must be done within 1 year of completion of the course], the dental assistant should send the evaluation sheet to the PRIMARY INSTRUCTOR of the course. The instructor will then contact the IHS CDE Coordinator requesting an EFDA Certificate be issued, and the student [new EFDA] will receive an e-mail with further instructions on how to print their EFDA Certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe tooth morphology and structure. 2. Place and finish basic amalgam and composite restorations. 3. Discriminate between what is an acceptable and unacceptable restoration.
Completion of the online Restorative Expanded Functions-Basic Prerequisite course [please check the CDE Catalog for the appropriate course number - for FY 2018, it is DA0004]. This online course must be completed successfully at least two weeks prior to the course; failure to complete the course will result in un-registration of the student. The dental assistant's supervisor & dental director are also responsible for preparing the student for success in the course. They can do this by reviewing the online course materials with the dental assistant to ensure that the student will pass the written tests in the Basic course.
Required to host site
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0045: Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic
7/16/2018 - 7/20/2018
Facility: |
Northern Navajo Medical Center |
Location: |
Shiprock, NM |
Instructor(s): |
Juan Vigil
Director: |
Brittany Satini |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
2 - 6 students |
Tuition: |
$360.00 |
Hours: |
36.00 (Total CDE); 36.00 (DANB Clinical) |
NOTE: This course is scheduled to have 8 students. 2 students will be from the host site, and 6 slots will be open for other dental assistants on a first-come, first-served basis. The Indian Health Service has been a pioneer since 1961 in the training and certification of dental assistants for expanded duties. Expanded Function Dental Assistants [EFDAs] can significantly increase clinical productivity and access to dental services. The purpose of this course is to introduce the dental assistant to the placement and finishing of restorative materials used in operative dentistry. Technical background information is presented in cavity classification and dental anatomy. Class I, II, V amalgam restorations, Class III, and V composite restorations are covered in lecture and laboratory exercises. Both written and practical examinations are used to measure participant progress. The basic course has been organized for those dental assistants who have limited or no training and/or experience in the placement of restorative materials. Additionally, it is limited to those clinics where the ratio of dentists to dental assistants allows the practice of expanded restorative functions. If the newly acquired skills are to become fully developed, the assistant must be able to return to his/her clinic and work with their dentist for a recommended period of 6 months. This follow-up is required in order to complete the course and receive a certificate. AGENDA: Day 1: Didactic [Cavity classification system, Class V buccal amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont Day 2: Didactic [Class I occlusal amalgam, Class II two-surface amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class V amalgam written test Day 3: Didactic [Burnishing and polishing, Class III and V composites] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class I amalgam written test Day 4: Didactic [Cavity liners] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class II [two-surface] amalgam written test Day 5: Laboratory practice on typodont final exam Post-Course Work: Participants must complete 40 restorations under the proctorship of a supervising dentist within 6-12 months following course completion. Pre-Course Work: Participants must complete the online Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Prerequisite Course at least 2 weeks prior to attending the Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Course. SUPERVISORS should work with dental assistants prior to the course to make sure that they have the knowledge to successfully complete/pass the written and practical tests required. Certification Process: Following successful completion of the 40 restorations [which must be done within 1 year of completion of the course], the dental assistant should send the evaluation sheet to the PRIMARY INSTRUCTOR of the course. The instructor will then contact the IHS CDE Coordinator requesting an EFDA Certificate be issued, and the student [new EFDA] will receive an e-mail with further instructions on how to print their EFDA Certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe tooth morphology and structure. 2. Place and finish basic amalgam and composite restorations. 3. Discriminate between what is an acceptable and unacceptable restoration.
Completion of the online Restorative Expanded Functions-Basic Prerequisite course [please check the CDE Catalog for the appropriate course number - for FY 2018, it is DA0004]. This online course must be completed successfully at least two weeks prior to the course; failure to complete the course will result in un-registration of the student. The dental assistant's supervisor & dental director are also responsible for preparing the student for success in the course. They can do this by reviewing the online course materials with the dental assistant to ensure that the student will pass the written tests in the Basic course.
Required to host site
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0046: Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic
8/6/2018 - 8/10/2018
Facility: |
Dilkon Health Station [Winslow] |
Location: |
Dilkon, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Keone Tyau
Director: |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
0 - 2 students |
Tuition: |
$360.00 |
Hours: |
36.00 (Total CDE); 36.00 (DANB Clinical) |
NOTE: This course is scheduled to have 8 students. 6 students will be from the host site, and 2 slots will be open for other dental assistants on a first-come, first-served basis. The Indian Health Service has been a pioneer since 1961 in the training and certification of dental assistants for expanded duties. Expanded Function Dental Assistants [EFDAs] can significantly increase clinical productivity and access to dental services. The purpose of this course is to introduce the dental assistant to the placement and finishing of restorative materials used in operative dentistry. Technical background information is presented in cavity classification and dental anatomy. Class I, II, V amalgam restorations, Class III, and V composite restorations are covered in lecture and laboratory exercises. Both written and practical examinations are used to measure participant progress. The basic course has been organized for those dental assistants who have limited or no training and/or experience in the placement of restorative materials. Additionally, it is limited to those clinics where the ratio of dentists to dental assistants allows the practice of expanded restorative functions. If the newly acquired skills are to become fully developed, the assistant must be able to return to his/her clinic and work with their dentist for a recommended period of 6 months. This follow-up is required in order to complete the course and receive a certificate. AGENDA: Day 1: Didactic [Cavity classification system, Class V buccal amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont Day 2: Didactic [Class I occlusal amalgam, Class II two-surface amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class V amalgam written test Day 3: Didactic [Burnishing and polishing, Class III and V composites] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class I amalgam written test Day 4: Didactic [Cavity liners] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class II [two-surface] amalgam written test Day 5: Laboratory practice on typodont final exam Post-Course Work: Participants must complete 40 restorations under the proctorship of a supervising dentist within 6-12 months following course completion. Pre-Course Work: Participants must complete the online Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Prerequisite Course at least 2 weeks prior to attending the Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Course. SUPERVISORS should work with dental assistants prior to the course to make sure that they have the knowledge to successfully complete/pass the written and practical tests required. Certification Process: Following successful completion of the 40 restorations [which must be done within 1 year of completion of the course], the dental assistant should send the evaluation sheet to the PRIMARY INSTRUCTOR of the course. The instructor will then contact the IHS CDE Coordinator requesting an EFDA Certificate be issued, and the student [new EFDA] will receive an e-mail with further instructions on how to print their EFDA Certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe tooth morphology and structure. 2. Place and finish basic amalgam and composite restorations. 3. Discriminate between what is an acceptable and unacceptable restoration.
Completion of the online Restorative Expanded Functions-Basic Prerequisite course [please check the CDE Catalog for the appropriate course number - for FY 2018, it is DA0004]. This online course must be completed successfully at least two weeks prior to the course; failure to complete the course will result in un-registration of the student. The dental assistant's supervisor & dental director are also responsible for preparing the student for success in the course. They can do this by reviewing the online course materials with the dental assistant to ensure that the student will pass the written tests in the Basic course.
Required to host site
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0047: Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic
9/17/2018 - 9/21/2018
Facility: |
Woodrow Wilson Keeble Memorial Health Care Center [Sisseton] |
Location: |
Sisseton, SD |
Instructor(s): |
Ruth Reed
Director: |
Flauryse Baguidy |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 8 students |
Tuition: |
$360.00 |
Hours: |
36.00 (Total CDE); 36.00 (DANB Clinical) |
NOTE: This course is scheduled to have 8 students. 3 students will be from the host site, and 5 slots will be open for other dental assistants on a first-come, first-served basis. The Indian Health Service has been a pioneer since 1961 in the training and certification of dental assistants for expanded duties. Expanded Function Dental Assistants [EFDAs] can significantly increase clinical productivity and access to dental services. The purpose of this course is to introduce the dental assistant to the placement and finishing of restorative materials used in operative dentistry. Technical background information is presented in cavity classification and dental anatomy. Class I, II, V amalgam restorations, Class III, and V composite restorations are covered in lecture and laboratory exercises. Both written and practical examinations are used to measure participant progress. The basic course has been organized for those dental assistants who have limited or no training and/or experience in the placement of restorative materials. Additionally, it is limited to those clinics where the ratio of dentists to dental assistants allows the practice of expanded restorative functions. If the newly acquired skills are to become fully developed, the assistant must be able to return to his/her clinic and work with their dentist for a recommended period of 6 months. This follow-up is required in order to complete the course and receive a certificate. AGENDA: Day 1: Didactic [Cavity classification system, Class V buccal amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont Day 2: Didactic [Class I occlusal amalgam, Class II two-surface amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class V amalgam written test Day 3: Didactic [Burnishing and polishing, Class III and V composites] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class I amalgam written test Day 4: Didactic [Cavity liners] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class II [two-surface] amalgam written test Day 5: Laboratory practice on typodont final exam Post-Course Work: Participants must complete 40 restorations under the proctorship of a supervising dentist within 6-12 months following course completion. Pre-Course Work: Participants must complete the online Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Prerequisite Course at least 2 weeks prior to attending the Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Course. SUPERVISORS should work with dental assistants prior to the course to make sure that they have the knowledge to successfully complete/pass the written and practical tests required. Certification Process: Following successful completion of the 40 restorations [which must be done within 1 year of completion of the course], the dental assistant should send the evaluation sheet to the PRIMARY INSTRUCTOR of the course. The instructor will then contact the IHS CDE Coordinator requesting an EFDA Certificate be issued, and the student [new EFDA] will receive an e-mail with further instructions on how to print their EFDA Certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe tooth morphology and structure. 2. Place and finish basic amalgam and composite restorations. 3. Discriminate between what is an acceptable and unacceptable restoration.
Completion of the online Restorative Expanded Functions-Basic Prerequisite course [please check the CDE Catalog for the appropriate course number - for FY 2018, it is DA0004]. This online course must be completed successfully at least two weeks prior to the course; failure to complete the course will result in un-registration of the student. The dental assistant's supervisor & dental director are also responsible for preparing the student for success in the course. They can do this by reviewing the online course materials with the dental assistant to ensure that the student will pass the written tests in the Basic course.
Required to host site
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0048: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Basic
6/25/2018 - 6/28/2018
Facility: |
Fort Defiance |
Location: |
Ft. Defiance, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Mylene Santulan
Director: |
Mylene Santulan |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
2 - 4 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
This course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. It is designed to teach dental assistants to provide dental cleanings to remove visible calculus by using state-of-the art Piezoelectric scalers or Magnetostrictive ultrasonic scalers. Agenda: Monday 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Tuesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using ultrasonic equipment • Dental procedure codes • Ultrasonic lab using mannequins/typodonts Tuesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Lab • Ultrasonic lab with mannequins/typodonts • Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Wednesday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Thursday 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Thursday 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Friday 8:00 AM- Noon – Practicum and Close Out • Students provide dental cleanings for patients until 11:00 AM • Explanation of post-course work, Q&A session, and evaluations Post-Course Requirements: Students must complete 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home dental clinic. This is documented on the Follow-Up Training Progress Record, which is then maintained at the local program. The dental chief/director should then e-mail the IHS CDE Coordinator to inform him that post-course requirements have been met and that the record is on file at the local clinic. Once this is done, the IHS CDE Coordinator will provide the student with a link to receive their CDE certificate and their EFDA certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs [CPITN] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough ultrasonic scaling of teeth.. 4. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. . 5. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 6. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 7. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
Dental assistants must have basic knowledge about periodontal disease before attending the Periodontal Expanded Functions-Basic course. The basic knowledge includes: what makes oral hygiene instruction effective; how to modify patient behavior to improve compliance with oral hygiene regimens; and antimicrobials and their use in preventing and treating periodontal diseases. This online course [course DA0001 in this year's catalog] consists of pre-tests, learning activities, and post-tests in the two modules. To complete this course, dental assistants must earn a score of 80 percent or better on each post-test. Dental assistants must successfully complete these two modules prior to attending the course.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0049: Periodontal Expanded Functions - Basic
5/3/2018 - 5/31/2018
Facility: |
Gila River Health Center |
Location: |
Sacaton, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Jody Herschenhorn, Cynthia Perez, Gregory Smith
Director: |
Gregory Smith |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
7 - 6 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 490) |
This course is only open to GRHC staff. This course is composed of didactic and clinical instruction. It is designed to teach dental assistants to provide dental cleanings to remove visible calculus by using state-of-the art Piezoelectric scalers or Magnetostrictive ultrasonic scalers. Typical Agenda is described below. However, this course will be taught over 5 specific days: May 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31. Day 1: 1:00-5:00 PM - Lecture • Detection and Diagnosis- Gingivitis and Periodontitis • Public Health Perio and Periodontal Risk Day 2: 8:00 AM- Noon - Lecture and Lab • Instrumentation of teeth using ultrasonic equipment • Dental procedure codes • Ultrasonic lab using mannequins/typodonts Day 2: 1:00- 5:00 PM- Lab • Ultrasonic lab with mannequins/typodonts • Lab evaluations through direct observation and feedback Day 3: 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings on each • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Day 3: 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluation for each patient through direct observation and feedback Day 4: 8:00 AM- Noon - Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Day 4: 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum • Students provide dental cleanings for patients • Practicum evaluations through direct observation and feedback Day 5: 8:00 AM- Noon – Practicum and Close Out • Students provide dental cleanings for patients until 11:00 AM • Explanation of post-course work, Q&A session, and evaluations Post-Course Requirements: Students must complete 20 dental cleanings which are checked and scored by the hygienist/dentist at their home dental clinic. This is documented on the Follow-Up Training Progress Record, which is then maintained at the local program. The dental chief/director should then e-mail the IHS CDE Coordinator to inform him that post-course requirements have been met and that the record is on file at the local clinic. Once this is done, the IHS CDE Coordinator will provide the student with a link to receive their CDE certificate and their EFDA certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Relate Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs [CPITN] scores to a need for potential periodontal treatment. 2. Detect disease, supra and subgingival calculus. 3. Provide thorough ultrasonic scaling of teeth.. 4. Accurately code for periodontal and hygiene procedures with IHS/ADA coding. . 5. Recommend effective toothpastes, mouth rinses and oral hygiene aids to patients. 6. Motivate patients to improve plaque removal and periodontal health. 7. Identify who is at risk for periodontal breakdown.
Dental assistants must have basic knowledge about periodontal disease before attending the Periodontal Expanded Functions-Basic course. The basic knowledge includes: what makes oral hygiene instruction effective; how to modify patient behavior to improve compliance with oral hygiene regimens; and antimicrobials and their use in preventing and treating periodontal diseases. This online course [course DA0001 in this year's catalog] consists of pre-tests, learning activities, and post-tests in the two modules. To complete this course, dental assistants must earn a score of 80 percent or better on each post-test. Dental assistants must successfully complete these two modules prior to attending the course.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0050: Restorative Expanded Functions - Advanced
9/10/2018 - 9/13/2018
Facility: |
Claremore Indian Hospital |
Location: |
Claremore, OK |
Instructor(s): |
Terry Haney
Director: |
Kip Martin |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
4 - 8 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
28.00 (Total CDE); 28.00 (DANB Clinical) |
This is a CLOSED course, available only to dental assistants selected previously by the course director. This course is a continuation of the “Basic Expanded Functions” course, which is a prerequisite. All five-cavity classifications/preparations will be covered in lecture and laboratory exercises, including amalgam and composite restorations. Lectures will review and update course participants on dental restorative materials including a discussion of bonding agents. Laboratory exercises will be performed on typodonts beginning with conservative preparations and working up to and including cusp-protected amalgam and incisal angle composite resin restorations. Also, participants will be introduced to the basics of occlusion. The course will require that the participant perform 5 cusp-protecting amalgams [CPAs] and 5 class IV composite restorations back in their clinical setting before receiving her/his certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Have an understanding of the basic concepts of occlusion as they apply to restorative dentistry. 2. Be able to place and finish complex Class II amalgam restorations and composite restorations involving the incisal angle. 3. Have an understanding of the current state-of-the-art in dentinal bonding agents. 4. Have the ability to discriminate between acceptable and unacceptable restorations
1. Certificate from the Basic Expanded Functions course. 2. Completion of the online Restorative Expanded Functions-Basic Prerequisite course.
To host site
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA0051: Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic
7/30/2018 - 8/3/2018
Facility: |
A-Mo Health Center |
Location: |
Salina, OK |
Instructor(s): |
Arlan Andrews, Ruth Reed
Director: |
Arlan Andrews |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
0 - 1 students |
Tuition: |
$360.00 |
Hours: |
36.00 (Total CDE); 36.00 (DANB Clinical) |
NOTE: This course is scheduled to have 8 students. 5 students will be from the host site, and 1 slot will be open for other dental assistants on a first-come, first-served basis. The Indian Health Service has been a pioneer since 1961 in the training and certification of dental assistants for expanded duties. Expanded Function Dental Assistants [EFDAs] can significantly increase clinical productivity and access to dental services. The purpose of this course is to introduce the dental assistant to the placement and finishing of restorative materials used in operative dentistry. Technical background information is presented in cavity classification and dental anatomy. Class I, II, V amalgam restorations, Class III, and V composite restorations are covered in lecture and laboratory exercises. Both written and practical examinations are used to measure participant progress. The basic course has been organized for those dental assistants who have limited or no training and/or experience in the placement of restorative materials. Additionally, it is limited to those clinics where the ratio of dentists to dental assistants allows the practice of expanded restorative functions. If the newly acquired skills are to become fully developed, the assistant must be able to return to his/her clinic and work with their dentist for a recommended period of 6 months. This follow-up is required in order to complete the course and receive a certificate. AGENDA: Day 1: Didactic [Cavity classification system, Class V buccal amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont Day 2: Didactic [Class I occlusal amalgam, Class II two-surface amalgam] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class V amalgam written test Day 3: Didactic [Burnishing and polishing, Class III and V composites] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class I amalgam written test Day 4: Didactic [Cavity liners] laboratory practice on typodont practical test on Class II [two-surface] amalgam written test Day 5: Laboratory practice on typodont final exam Post-Course Work: Participants must complete 40 restorations under the proctorship of a supervising dentist within 6-12 months following course completion. Pre-Course Work: Participants must complete the online Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Prerequisite Course at least 2 weeks prior to attending the Restorative Expanded Functions - Basic Course. SUPERVISORS should work with dental assistants prior to the course to make sure that they have the knowledge to successfully complete/pass the written and practical tests required. Certification Process: Following successful completion of the 40 restorations [which must be done within 1 year of completion of the course], the dental assistant should send the evaluation sheet to the PRIMARY INSTRUCTOR of the course. The instructor will then contact the IHS CDE Coordinator requesting an EFDA Certificate be issued, and the student [new EFDA] will receive an e-mail with further instructions on how to print their EFDA Certificate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe tooth morphology and structure. 2. Place and finish basic amalgam and composite restorations. 3. Discriminate between what is an acceptable and unacceptable restoration.
Completion of the online Restorative Expanded Functions-Basic Prerequisite course [please check the CDE Catalog for the appropriate course number - for FY 2018, it is DA0004]. This online course must be completed successfully at least two weeks prior to the course; failure to complete the course will result in un-registration of the student. The dental assistant's supervisor & dental director are also responsible for preparing the student for success in the course. They can do this by reviewing the online course materials with the dental assistant to ensure that the student will pass the written tests in the Basic course.
Required to host site
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2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA1000: Radiological Health and Safety Examination
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
0 - 10000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
0.00 (Total CDE) |
There is no need to "Register" for this course. Simply login to the CDE and use the link provided on the Course Page - "Take the exam" in the "Instructions" section on the Course Detail page to receive credit. According to PL 97-35, the initial certification of competency in Dental Radiology involves two components: 1. Written Evaluation: "A criterion-reference test designed to measure knowledge and functional capability essential for making diagnostically acceptable radiographic surveys with minimal risk to the patient and the operator." 2. Clinical Evaluation: "The written examination is supplemented as necessary with a clinical examination." Demonstration of clinical proficiency means meeting the minimum standards in Infection control, radiology protection, quality of radiographs and presentation of radiographs. The radiology certification process is intended to be accomplished at the dental auxiliarys facility under the guidance of the supervising dentist.
Learning Objectives:
This course is the online version of the written exam. Upon successful completion [a grade of 75 percent or higher] on the online exam and the completion of the clinical portion of the radiology certification process, the dental auxiliary will receive a certificate of competency in radiology. To complete the online clinical portion of the radiology exam process, the supervisor must enter the clinical evaluations online in the dental directory. Go to the Assistants listing in the directory and use the drop down menu under their name to select "Add Radiology Clinical Eval" which will present the evaluation entering screen.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA1001: Digital Imaging Health and Safety Examination
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
0 - 10000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
0.00 (Total CDE) |
There is no need to "Register" for this course. Simply login to the CDE and use course DA2001 to prepare for the exam, if necessary, and then Click on "Take the exam" in the "Instructions" section on the Course Detail page to receive credit. According to PL 97-35, the initial certification of competency in Dental Radiology involves two components: 1. Written Evaluation: "A criterion-reference test designed to measure knowledge and functional capability essential for making diagnostically acceptable radiographic surveys with minimal risk to the patient and the operator." 2. Clinical Evaluation: "The written examination is supplemented as necessary with a clinical examination." Demonstration of clinical proficiency means meeting the minimum standards in Infection control, radiology protection, quality of radiographs and presentation of radiographs. The radiology certification process is intended to be accomplished at the dental auxiliarys facility under the guidance of the supervising dentist.
Learning Objectives:
This course is the online version of the written exam. Upon successful completion [a grade of 75 percent or higher] on the online exam and the completion of the clinical portion of the radiology certification process, the dental auxiliary will receive a certificate of competency in radiology. To complete the online clinical portion of the radiology exam process, the supervisor must enter the clinical evaluations online in the dental directory. Go to the Assistants listing in the directory and use the drop down menu under their name to select "Add Radiology Clinical Eval" which will present the evaluation entering screen.
It is recommended that dental auxiliaries study for the exam using Digital Imaging course DA2001.
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2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA2000: Dental Radiography
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Assistants, Dentists, Hygienists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
0 - 10000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 730) |
The Consumer-Patient Radiation Health and Safety Act of 1981 [PL 97-35] requires dental personnel be trained and certified in dental radiology. The intent of radiology certification is to eliminate unnecessary radiation exposure to the patient, operator, and other staff while assuring quality, diagnostic radiographs. The certification process involves successfully passing a written examination, and demonstrating clinical competency while adhering to accepted radiological practices.
Learning Objectives:
After completing this course, dental auxiliaries will be prepared to take the written exam, and demonstrate competency in the following areas:
Infection Control Place barriers or disinfect operatory and X-ray equipment. Wear appropriate PPE. Select appropriate X-ray film, and assemble the XCP. Disinfect protective devices [apron and thyroid collar]. Limit contamination when processing X-rays.
Patient Protection Place protective device [apron/thyroid collar] on each patient during all exposures. Store protective devices to reduce creasing and damage. Stabilize the PID or cone and positioned it in close proximity to the XCP when the exposure is made. Patient never holds film or stabilizes PID [cone].
Operator Protection Stand at least six feet from the patient and not in the path of the primary beam or behind protective barrier during exposure. Allow only necessary persons in radiographic area during exposures. Give a warning prior to pushing the X-ray activator button. Staff never holds film or stabilizes PID [cone]. Wear dosimeter [film badge].
Take, Process, Mount Diagnostic Radiographs Film placement is appropriate for the area of the mouth under study. Density and contrast of radiographs are such that anatomical hard and soft tissue landmarks can be differentiated. Radiographic image size is not distorted in the area of the mouth under study. Radiographs disclose no overlapping image in the area of mouth under study, except where tooth alignment does not permit open contacts. Radiographs disclose no cone-cutting. Bitewing radiographs include the distal surface of the erupted canines and distal surface of the most posterior erupted teeth. Radiographs show no processing errors. Dental radiographs are mounted and contained in the patient’s dental record, and include the following: Patient’s name and chart number Date radiographs taken Initials of the dentist who ordered the films Initials of dental assistant who took the films
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
Assistant Courses
DA2001: Dental Digital Imaging
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
0 - 10000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
32.00 (Total CDE); 32.00 (DANB Clinical); 32.00 (AGD - 730) |
The Consumer-Patient Radiation Health and Safety Act of 1981 [PL 97-35] requires dental personnel be trained and certified in dental radiology. The purpose of the certification program is to eliminate unnecessary radiation exposure to the patient, operator, and other staff while assuring quality, diagnostic dental images. Learning resources [video demonstrations, practice quizzes, skill competency checklists] are accessible after registering for this course. The learning resources also include the Dental Digital Imaging Study Guide which presents information about: 1] Radiation Safety and Protection; 2] Digital Dental Equipment; 3] Dental Digital Imaging Techniques; 4] Infection Control; and 5] Special Dental Imaging Techniques.
Learning Objectives:
After studying the information in the Dental Digital Imaging Study Guide, watching the video demonstrations, completing the quizzes and skill competencies, dental auxiliaries will be prepared to take the written exam, and demonstrate competency in digital imaging in the following areas: Infection Control • Place barriers or disinfect operatory and X-ray equipment. • Wear appropriate PPE. • Select appropriate receptor and exposure settings. • Assemble the XCP. • Disinfection of the protective devices [apron and thyroid collar]. • Limit contamination when taking dental images. Patient Protection • Place protective devices on each patient during all exposures. • Store protective devices to reduce creasing and damage. • Stabilize the PID or cone and position it in close proximity to the XCP when the image is taken. Operator Protection • Stand at least six feet from the patient and not in the path of the primary beam or behind protective barrier during exposure. • Allow only necessary persons in radiographic area during exposures. • Give a warning prior to pushing the X-ray activator button. • Position receptor and cone correctly without being held by staff or patient during exposures. • Wear dosimeter. Take, Process, and Upload into Proper Template/ Store Diagnostic Dental Digital Images • Place receptor appropriately for the area of the mouth under study. • Take images with correct density and contrast such that anatomical hard and soft tissue landmarks can be differentiated. • Take images with no distortion in the area of the mouth under study. • Take images with no overlapping in the area of mouth under study, except where tooth alignment does not permit open contacts. • Take images with no cone-cutting. • Take bitewing images that show the distal surface of the erupted canine and distal surface of the second molar. • Use appropriate template to assure dental images are dated, identified with patient’s name and chart number, and contained in the patient’s electronic dental record.
Payment Address:
No tuition required
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0001: How to Apply Fluoride Varnish
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Bonnie Bruerd
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 430) |
You must be logged in to the CDE site to access this course. This one-hour course, How to Apply fluoride Varnish, was developed as a collaboration between the Indian Health Service [IHS] and the IHS Head Start Program. This course will provide an overview of Early Childhood Caries and describe its impact among American Indian and Alaska Native children. Participants will learn how to provide an oral health risk assessment, how to apply fluoride varnish, and key messages for families to prevent ECC. Course developed January, 2010.
Learning Objectives:
After completing this course, participants will be able to: - Describe Early Childhood Caries [ECC]
- List two ways to prevent ECC.
- Recognize the various stages of ECC.
- Discuss the benefits of topical fluoride.
- List the 5 steps to applying fluoride varnish.
- Demonstrate the appropriate application of fluoride varnish.
- List one key message for families to prevent ECC.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0002: Serving Young Children with Special Health Care Needs
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
4.00 (Total CDE); 4.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 4.00 (AGD - 750) |
This series of five modules is designed to provide oral health professionals with information to help ensure that young children with special health care needs have access to health promotion and disease prevention services that address their unique oral health needs in a comprehensive, family-centered, and community-based manner. Four CE credits through IHS are available to dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants. - Module 1: An Overview of Children with Special Health Care Needs and Oral Health
- Module 2: Providing Optimal Oral Health Care
- Module 3: Oral Health Supervision
- Module 4: Prevention of Oral Disease
- Module 5: Behavior Guidance
To register for the course, click on the link and follow the directions to start the course.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this course, participants will be able to be: 1. Aware and responsive to the oral health unique requirements for young children with special health care needs. 2. Develop family-centered preventive programs for young children with special health care needs. 3. Proficient in managing oral health behaviors for young children with special health care needs.
None Course developed September, 2006; reviewed August, 2011.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0003: Infection Control Review
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Assistants, Dentists, Hygienists, Support Staff |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
3.00 (Total CDE); 3.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 3.00 (AGD - 148) |
The goal of infection control is to create a safe environment to prevent or reduce the risk of disease transmission to patients and dental staff. Having trained staff who know how to do this becomes a critical part of any infection control program. This course is appropriate as an annual review of infection control procedures and practices for all dental providers. Teaching Methods This course is delivered online including narration and interactive activities. Course developed September, 2008; reviewed February, 2011.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this course you will be able to: - Explain the importance of infection control
- Describe the four principles of infection control
- Discuss practices to reduce or prevent the risk of disease transmission
Continuing Dental Education [CDE] Credit Information: To receive CDE credit, you must view the entire course, pass the quiz with a score of 80 or higher, and complete a course evaluation. You will be able to print a letter documenting successful completion.
Hardware/Software Requirements:
Windows | Macintosh |
Intel Pentium II 450MHz or faster processor [or equivalent] | PowerPC G3 500MHz or faster processor | 128MB of RAM | 128MB of RAM |
Operating systems and browsers Flash Player 8 is supported on the following operating systems and browsers:
WindowsPlatform | Browser |
Microsoft Windows 98 | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows Me | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows 2000 | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows XP | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows Server 2003 | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later |
MacintoshPlatform | Browser |
Mac OS X v.10.1.x, 10.2.x, 10.3.x, or 10.4.x | Internet Explorer 5.2, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL for Mac OS X, Opera 6, Safari 1.x or later |
This course may contain an audio portion or soundtrack. Please turn on your speakers or use headphones.
Mary Beth Kinney, RDH, MPH, EdD was the lead author of the first CDC Infection Control Risk File, and coordinated the development of From Policy to Practice: OSAP’s Interactive Guide to the CDC Guidelines.
Erma J. Casuse, CDA is the IHS Coordinator for Dental Assisting Education. She has over 15 years of experience teaching infection control to dental staff, and assessing infection control practices in dental programs.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0008: Promoting Oral Health in AI/AN Communities
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Bonnie Bruerd, Kathy Phipps
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
4.00 (Total CDE); 4.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 4.00 (AGD - 750) |
This course provides an overview of prevention strategies to improve oral health both in the dental clinic and in American Indian/Alaska Native communities. The course discusses the importance of prevention and describes best practices to prevent dental caries and periodontal diseases in all age groups. Course developed February, 2010.
Learning Objectives:
After completing this online course, participants will be able to: - List three ways to provide topical fluoride.
- Discuss the effectiveness of sealants in AI/AN communities.
- Describe an effective protocol for fluoride varnish for children 9-24 months of age.
- List two negative effects of drinking pop.
- List the steps for providing a toothbrush prophylaxis.
- Discuss the effects of tobacco use and diabetes on periodontal disease.
- List three ways that you can get involved in oral health in your community.
- Describe two ways to improve the effectiveness of oral health education.
Hardware/Software Requirements:
Windows | Macintosh |
Intel Pentium II 450MHz or faster processor [or equivalent] | PowerPC G3 500MHz or faster processor | 128MB of RAM | 128MB of RAM |
Operating systems and browsers Flash Player 8 is supported on the following operating systems and browsers:
WindowsPlatform | Browser |
Microsoft Windows 98 | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows Me | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows 2000 | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows XP | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later | Windows Server 2003 | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL 9, Opera 7.11 or later |
MacintoshPlatform | Browser |
Mac OS X v.10.1.x, 10.2.x, 10.3.x, or 10.4.x | Internet Explorer 5.2, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Netscape 7.x or later, AOL for Mac OS X, Opera 6, Safari 1.x or later |
This course may contain an audio portion or soundtrack. Please turn on your speakers or use headphones.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0009: Cultural Competency Curriculum for Disaster Preparedness and Crisis Response
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Darci Graves, Guadalupe Pacheco, Ann Kenny
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
12.00 (Total CDE); 12.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 12.00 (AGD - 142) |
In the wake of recent disasters such as Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and the Homeland Security Presidential Directive [HSPD-21], emergency preparedness and disaster and crisis response have gained national recognition and significance. This course is designed to equip disaster and crisis volunteers and personnel with the awareness, knowledge, and skills needed to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services to diverse communities during all phases of disaster. The course is grounded in the Office of Minority Health's [OMH] CLAS Standards, which are grouped into three themes: Culturally Competent Care, Language Access Services, and Organizational Supports. Course developed September, 2008; reviewed August, 2011; scheduled for review December, 2012.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1. Discuss issues related to cultural competency in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. 2. Identify strategies to promote self-awareness about attitudes, beliefs, biases, and behaviors that may influence the disaster services they provide. 3. Devise strategies to enhance skills toward the provision of culturally and linguistically competent care in disaster situations. 4. Demonstrate the advantages of the adoption of the CLAS Standards as appropriate in their emergency services.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0011: The Carious Process and Intervention
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
3.00 (Total CDE); 3.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 3.00 (AGD - 730) |
This course reviews the carious process and etiology. It also covers various strategies commonly used for both caries prevention and control. It also presents appropriate combinations of strategies for patients in various risk categories. Supplemental reading is suggested at the end of the course. Course developed July, 2009; reviewed August, 2011.
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this course, you will be able to: 1. Discuss dental caries risk assessment and the IHS risk categories. 2. Explain the various factors that place some patients at greater risk of developing dental caries. 3. Describe how the concept of caries management might be used to improve access to dental care.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0012: Dental Myths
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Support Staff, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
3.00 (Total CDE); 3.00 (DANB Clinical); 3.00 (AGD - 730) |
This course covers treatment assumptions made with conventional caries management. It explains the risks of restorative treatment and the impact of examiner variation on patient care. Supplemental reading is suggested at the end of the course. Course developed July, 2009; reviewed August, 2011.
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this course, you will be able to: 1. List the treatment perspectives of conventional caries management. 2. Describe what could lead to variability in diagnosis and treatment planning. 3. Identify the risks of restorative intervention. 4. Contrast caries treatment choices between the conventional and medical models.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0013: Examination, Diagnosis, Treatment Planning and Recall
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
4.00 (Total CDE); 4.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 4.00 (AGD - 730) |
This course covers exam and diagnosis, treatment planning and recall. It focuses on the concept of a risk-based medical model to manage dental caries. It is an evidence based approach to preventive and restorative procedures that considers both the clinician’s judgment and available resources. Recommendations and regimens listed are supported by current professional, refereed literature. The model is a clinical approach which addresses treatment planning and delivery of oral health care services for the individual and family. Supplemental reading is suggested at the end of the course. Course developed July, 2009; reviewed August, 2011.
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this course, you will be able to: 1. Describe how to examine for and diagnose dental caries. 2. Place patients in appropriate risk categories based on exam findings and modifiers. 3. Develop a prioritized treatment plan that includes an appropriate recall interval.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0014: Caries Risk Program Evaluation
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Support Staff, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.00 (Total CDE); 2.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 2.00 (AGD - 730) |
This course provides two basic reasons for evaluating a caries risk program: 1] are doing it right and 2] does it work. If you are not doing the right things, you can’t possibly tell if a particular program is working or not. Supplemental reading is suggested at the end of the course.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to: 1. Discuss why program evaluation is important. 2. Identify what outcomes will be measured in your program and how they will be measured. 3. Describe the importance of coding standardization and the need to apply codes in a consistent and appropriate manner.
None. Course developed January, 2001. Revised January, 2004. Revised January, 2010.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0015: Introduction to Caries Diagnosis & Risk Management
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
3.00 (Total CDE); 3.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 3.00 (AGD - 730) |
This course showcases a risk based approach for the management of dental caries. It includes basic information on caries diagnosis, risk assessment and treatment planning. Supplemental reading is suggested at the end of the course. Course developed January, 2001. Revised January, 2004 Revised January, 2010
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to: 1. Discuss dental caries risk assessment and the IHS risk categories. 2. Describe the various factors that place some patients at greater risk of developing dental care. 3. Explain how the concept of caries management might be used to improve access to dental care.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0016: Public Health Issues in Periodontics
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Gregory Smith
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff, Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.00 (Total CDE); 2.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 2.00 (AGD - 490) |
This course showcases a risk based approach for the management of periodontal diseases. It includes basic information on periodontal detection, diagnosis, risk assessment, treatment planning, and prognosis.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1. Diagnose periodontal diseases. 2. List 4 major risk factors that place patients at greater risk of developing periodontitis. 3. Discriminate between teeth with guarded and hopeless prognoses. 4. Explain how the concept of risk assessment and periodontal management might be used to improve access to dental care.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0017: Domestic Violence Screening Course
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Sarah Tucker, Jenifer Markowitz
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.00 (Total CDE); 2.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 2.00 (AGD - 156) |
All staff working in Indian Health Service, Tribal and Urban Indian healthcare facilities are invited to attend the IHS Tribal Forensic Healthcare’s web-based training on Domestic Violence Screening. This training supports the IHS GPRA measure on DV Screening. This training is available year round and can be completed according to your schedule.
Learning Objectives:
After completing this activity, the participant should be better able to: - Defining IPV across the lifespan
- Describing ways to create a supportive environment
Identifying limits of confidentiality and parameters for mandatory reporting requirements - Describing the GPRA IPV/DV screening measure and documenting the results using he EHR, BHS, or paper encounter forms
- Employing a process for comprehensive screening of IPV patients
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0018: IHS Essential Training on Pain and Addiction [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Joanne Katzman, Snehal Bhatt
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
5.00 (Total CDE); 5.00 (AGD - 200) |
In July 2016, Special General Memorandum [SGM] 2016-05: Mandatory Training for Federal Prescribers of Controlled Substance Medications established IHS policy requiring all IHS Federal prescribers, contractors [that spend 50 percent or more of their clinical time under contract with the Federal Government], clinical residents and trainees to successfully complete this course. All existing prescribers meeting the above established criteria shall complete this training within 6 months of the date of issuance of this memo. New prescribers must comply with this requirement within 6 months from the start of IHS employment. All must complete a refresher training course every 3 years following completion of the initial training. The recorded webinar can be accessed at This course consists of five modules, each approximately one hour in length.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1. Discuss the epidemic of unintentional opiate overdose deaths. 2. List Institute of Medicine Guidelines for Best Practices in pain management. 3. Explain safe prescribing of opiate analgesics, with detailed equianalgesic dosing guidelines. 4. Identify the patient at risk for addictions, current addictions issues, and diversion. 5. Refer to Federal regulations regarding pain management.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0019: IHS Periodontal Treatment Initiative Overview
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Gregory Smith, Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 490) |
This online course provides dental staff and health care leaders within IHS, Tribal, and Urban programs with knowledge about the IHS Periodontal Treatment Initiative.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants should be able to: 1. Define the objectives of the IHS Periodontal Treatment Initiative; 2. Describe the different components of the initiative; 3. Explain the challenges we face in improving the periodontal health of American Indians and Alaska Natives through this initiative.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0020: Periodontal Disease Detection, Examination and Diagnosis
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Gregory Smith, Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 490) |
This online course provides dental staff with an overview of different ways to detect periodontal disease, the components and details of a periodontal examination, and how providers can assign an accurate periodontal diagnosis.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants should be able to: 1. Explain and properly use the Community Periodontal Index in screening patients for periodontal disease; 2. Describe the examination protocol for periodontal disease and when to conduct a full periodontal workup following a CPI screening; and 3. Develop an evidence-based periodontal diagnosis and treatment plan based on the screening, periodontal workup, and other indicators.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0021: The Oral-Systemic Relationship
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Gregory Smith, Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 490) |
This online course provides dental and other health care professional staff knowledge about the relationship between periodontal disease and systemic disease.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants should be able to: 1. Explain the relationship between periodontitis, chronic inflammation, and systemic inflammatory processes; 2. Describe the strength of association between periodontitis and diabetes, cardiovascular disease, adverse pregnancy outcomes, and pulmonary disease; and 3. List 2-3 new relationships between periodontitis and systemic problems that are now being investigated.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0022: Periodontal Disease Management/Treatment
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Gregory Smith, Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 490) |
This online course provides general dentists, dental hygienists, dental therapists, and expanded function dental assistants [and others] working in IHS, Tribal, and Urban dental programs with guidance on treating patients with periodontal disease.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants should be able to: 1. Describe the treatment sequence as it relates to severity of periodontal disease; 2. Define the goal of periodontal therapy; and 3. Use appropriate adjuncts in the treatment of periodontal disease.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0023: Enamel Defects: a risk factor for ECC [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
John Zimmer
Director: |
John Zimmer |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.00 (Total CDE); 2.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 2.00 (AGD - 430) |
This webinar describes the effect of enamel defects on the development of early childhood caries and reviews the statement "ECC is multifactorial in origin, and the notion that the principal etiology is inappropriate feeding modalities in no longer tenable." The webinar is accessible at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar. This webinar will be held on 2/17 from 2-4 EST, and information on how to connect is available from the IHS Dental Listserv, or you may join by going to
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Review the evidence of the third risk factor for s-ECC; 2. Know the treatment guidelines of developmental defects of enamel, proposed by EAPD; and 3. Distinguish between carious lesions and enamel defects in the primary dentition.
Payment Address:
No tuition required
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0024: Depression Screenings in a Dental Setting [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Gabe Longhi
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 149) |
This one-hour recorded webinar discusses how to use the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 [PHQ-2] to screen patients for depression in a dental setting, and how to follow up with patients that have a positive screening. The webinar is accessible at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. List the two PHQ-2 questions; 2. Describe how depression relates to oral health; and 3. Explain the process of what to do with a positive depression screening result.
None - webinar
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0025: Strategies to Improve GPRA Performance [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This one-hour recorded webinar provides best practices related to improvement of the dental Government Performance and Results Act [GPRA] indicators of access to dental care, dental sealants, and fluoride. The webinar is accessible at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe at least one best practice as it relates to improving access to dental care; 2. Describe at least one best practice as it relates to improving the proportion of 2-15 year-olds receiving dental sealants; and 3. Describe at least one best practice as it relates to improving the proportion of 1-15 year-olds receiving topical fluoride treatment.
None - webinar
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0026: Preparing for National Children's Dental Health Month [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 430) |
This one-hour recorded webinar provides an overview of National Children's Dental Health Month. This webinar is accessible at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. List the focus areas for this year's NCDHM; 2. Describe actions that can be taken at the local level in support of NCDHM; and 3. Develop at least one presentation or article related to NCDHM promotions.
None - webinar
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0027: Caring for Elders with Diabetes - Diabetes Online CE [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Blythe Winchester
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This presentation will review the differences in overall pathophysiology in elders with diabetes compared to younger patients with the disease. Reducing risks of complications from diabetes will also be discussed. Clinical considerations to assist in providing the best care for elders with diabetes will be described. This webinar is accessible at
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Summarize the differences between elders with diabetes vs. younger patients with the disease. 2. Incorporate key concepts of individualizing caring for elders with diabetes into clinical practice. 3. Incorporate into practice, information on the differences in pharmacotherapy in elders with diabetes compared to younger patients.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0028: Basic Principles of Adult Learning [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Assistants, Hygienists, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This webinar provides attendees with an overall perspective of significant adult learning along with 12 principles for improving adult learning. Continuing dental education instructors, past and present, are encouraged to participate in this course to learn different approaches at teaching dental staff. All dental staff are encouraged to participate in this course to learn different approaches at teaching other staff and patients. This webinar is accessible at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants should be able to: 1. Identify how adult learners are different from younger learners; 2. Recall at least two aspects of significant learning; and 3. Relate their own learning preferences with 3 of the 12 principles.
None- online course
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0029: Management & Treatment for the Pediatric Patient with Erosion [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 430) |
This one-hour webinar focuses on dental erosion management and treatment. This webinar is accessible at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Define etiology of dental erosion; 2. Describe erosion prevention strategies; 3. Explain how dental erosion is managed in the pediatric patient, including treatment principles.
None - webinar
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0030: Update on Nutrition for People with Chronic Kidney Disease - Diabetes Online CE [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Theresa Kuracina
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This presentation will review the differences in overall pathophysiology in elders with diabetes compared to younger patients with the disease. Reducing risks of complications from diabetes will also be discussed. Clinical considerations to assist in providing the best care for elders with diabetes will be described. This webinar is accessible at
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Identify chronic kidney disease using urine and blood tests and describe kidney function and complications of CKD; 2. Identify dietary interventions to slow progression of CKD; and 3. Identify sources of sodium, protein, phosphorus, and potassium in My Native Plate food groups.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0031: What the Diabetes Team Needs to Know About ESRD - Diabetes Online CE [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Andrew Narva
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Support Staff, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This presentation is designed to assist diabetes care providers and educators in counseling people with diabetes and kidney disease who are progressing toward end-stage renal disease. The session will provide diagnostic criteria, treatment options, and recommendations for educating and assisting patients prepare appropriately for kidney failure. The benefits of care coordination for patients with diabetic kidney disease/end stage renal disease will also be addressed. This webinar is accessible at
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Utilize lab tests for identifying and monitoring CKD and assessing progression. 2. Describe important interventions for people with progressive kidney disease approaching kidney failure. 3. Discuss treatment choices for patients with kidney failure.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0032: FDA Update on Menu and Nutrition Facts Labeling - Diabetes Online CE [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Robin McKinnon, Claudine Kavanaugh
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
The FDA has recently undertaken work to promote healthy dietary practices and address the need for greater clarity in nutrition information menus and food products. This seminar will provide information on the latest requirements for menu and nutrition labeling. Details regarding changes to menu and nutrition facts labeling requirements will be reviewed. The session will include discussion of the draft voluntary sodium reduction guidance for processed and packaged food, Menu Labeling, updates to the Nutrition Facts label, and updates to designation of Serving Sizes and Labeling of Certain Sized Packages. Practical information for diabetes educators on the use of the updated menu and food labeling will also be provided. This webinar is accessible at
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe requirements for menu labeling. 2. Identify updated changes to the Nutrition Facts label. 3. Explain the draft voluntary sodium reduction guidance and how it may be able to contribute to reduced risk of disease and improved health and well being.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0033: Update on Immunizations for People with Diabetes - Diabetes Online CE [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Amy Groom
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
Immunizations are important for keeping people of all ages healthy. Specific immunization needs are determined by factors such as age, lifestyle, health conditions, locations of travel, and previous immunizations. This seminar will address the specific immunization needs of adults with diabetes and provide comprehensive information on immunization recommendations, schedule, and documentation for adults with diabetes. The immunization needs of youth with diabetes vs youth in general will also be clarified. This recorded webinar is accessible at
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants should be able to: 1. Discuss specific immunization recommendations for people with diabetes, and their importance to overall health. 2. Discuss current national immunization trends in adult AI/AN patients with diabetes. 3. Identify and use resources for educating people with diabetes about their immunization needs.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0034: Fun, Easy, and Free Resources for Nutrition Education: Online Interactive Tools from USDA - Diabetes Online CE [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Corey Holland
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This is a one-hour webinar offered by the IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention. The USDA has a number of nutrition education resources available for diabetes educators to use in their promotion of healthier lifestyles. This seminar will provide participants with the opportunity to acquire information about the online USDA nutrition education resources. The session will include an overview of a number of resources available including programs such as the SuperTracker, What's Cooking?, the BMI Calculator, My Plate Daily Checklist, Quizzes, Portion Distortion, and Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator. Details for effective use of the resources with a variety of audiences will be shared. This webinar is accessible at
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Locate and utilize the SuperTracker for individual and group education sessions. 2. Utilize nutrition education resources available on the USDA web site to counsel patients with pre-diabetes or diabetes. 3. Identify one change you can make in your clinical or public health practice.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0035: Innovations in Nutrition Care for Reaching Patients - Diabetes Online CE [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Stacy Hammer, Darian Schaubert, Abbey McCarthy
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This webinar is offered through a collaboration with the IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention. This seminar will provide participants with the opportunity to learn about a variety of innovative ways to connect with patients to provide diabetes education. The session will include an overview of effective approaches for providing diabetes education, including use of group education, food bank pantry, grocery store tours, connecting elders and youth, and community advisory boards. Details for effective use of these and other approaches with a variety of audiences will be shared. The webinar is accessible at
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Utilize group education techniques to provide effective group education sessions. 2. Describe elements of a process for bringing youth and elders together to learn about improving health and well being. 3. Identify one change you can make in your clinical or public health practice.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0036: New Directions in Understanding and Managing Childhood Obesity - Diabetes Online CE [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Jeffrey Powell, Jill Moses
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This webinar is offered through a collaboration with the IHS This presentation will provide an overview of the clinical management of overweight children and some resources and strategies for improving their care. The training will update knowledge of providers and is also designed with the intent of providing ideas for evidence based interventions. A review of current data on pediatric overweight and obesity and the relationship with type 2 diabetes and discussion of evidence based prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity in children will also be provided. This webinar is accessible at
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Analyze epidemiology data regarding childhood diabetes and associated risk factors. 2. Assess risk factors for the development of childhood obesity in pediatric patients. 3. Identify one change you can make in your clinical or public health practice.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0037: CDT-2017 Code Changes [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Joel Knutson
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
This webinar provides participants with an update on Common Dental Terminology [CDT] 2017 codes, including a discussion of frequently used diagnostic, preventive, restorative, endodontic, periodontal, oral surgery, and prosthodontic code issues faced in IHS, Tribal, and Urban dental programs. The webinar can be accessed at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1. Discuss at least three code changes with CDT 2017. 2. Briefly provide an overview of the levels of care in the IHS system. 3. Identify the new codes for: [1] distal shoe space maintainer; [2] silver ion antimicrobial application; [3] scaling of an implant site; [4] medical consultation; [5] dental case management [4 different types]
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0039: Dentistry and HIV/AIDs, Considerations for the Provision of Care [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Mark Nichols
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 750) |
The HIV/AIDS patient can present as a medically complex patient and may need special considerations for examination and for invasive procedure risks assessment. This lecture will briefly review the epidemiology and pathogenesis of HIV and the elements of the health history with special emphasis on certain aspects that related to the patient with HIV or AIDS, including oral pathology manifestations. This lecture will also review the standard of care for a HIV surgical risk assessment and discuss potential complications, as well as review the dental procedures that are routinely performed on this population. The webinar can be accessed at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Review the elements of a health history and identify 3 components with specific application to the HIV patient; 2. Review the standard of care for an HIV/AIDS invasive risk assessment; and 3. Discuss 3 dental procedures performed on HIV patients and discuss any indications or contraindications, and review any pharmacological contraindications.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0042: 2017 HPDP Funding Initiative Project Reports [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
In an effort to share innovate, best, and promising prevention practices, recipients of the 2017 IHS Oral Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Funding Initiative share their final evaluation reports. This webinar can be accessed at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants should be able to: 1. List at least three national oral health promotion/disease prevention initiatives in the IHS; 2. Describe at least one of the funding programs, including results of their project; and 3. Implement at least one preventive strategy learned from the projects reported by funded sites.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0043: Dental Prescribing Guidelines for Pain Management [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Jennifer Lamermayer, Wil Darwin
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
5 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 200) |
Pain management in dentistry and in medicine continues to be a very important topic. This 1-hour webinar provides participants with pain management standards of care, examples of pain related to dentistry, and offer recommendations for treatment of dental pain through pharmacological agents. This recorded webinar is available at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. List pain management standards of care; 2. Describe examples of dental procedures, drugs, and disease states that can cause pain; and 3. Describe appropriate pain management for dental procedures.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0044: Diabetes Medications and Medication Management - Diabetes Online CE [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Chris Larner
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Assistants, Support Staff, Hygienists, Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This webinar is offered through a collaboration with the IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention. This seminar will cover the latest information on diabetes medications and the management of patients receiving them. Working with patients on individualized treatment targets, and intricacies of needing and using multiple medications will also be addressed. This webinar is accessible at
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the different types of diabetes medications, their mechanisms of action, and the types of patients with diabetes for whom they are best suited. 2. Teach patients about common adverse effects of medications used to manage blood glucose. 3. Monitor patient medications to assure safety and efficacy.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0045: IHS Monthly CDE Webinar: Interceptive Orthodontics [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Jonathan Chiang
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 370) |
The IHS general dentist faces challenges often when considering space maintenance and orthodontics in their patients. This 1-hour webinar provides participants with knowledge to make informed orthodontic decisions with regard to interceptive orthodontic treatment during the transitional dentition. This is a RECORDING of a live webinar and can be accessed at The course completion code is announced during the recording.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Strengthen orthodontic decision making through a limited orthodontic examination worksheet; 2. Provide guidance for interceptive orthodontic treatment; and 3. Advise parents regarding primary tooth extraction and space maintenance.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0046: Dental Antibiotic Prophylaxis [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Kenneth Moran
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 010) |
This webinar provides a review and the presenter's opinions regarding antibiotic prophylaxis as it relates to its various applications in the dental setting. The webinar can be accessed at, and the completion code is embedded in the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completing this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Apply the American Heart Association's recommendations for dental antibiotic prophylaxis in the clinic; 2. Formulate an individual clinical application of dental antibiotic prophylaxis with total joint replacement patients; and 3. Explain the general use of dental antibiotic prophylaxis in the clinic setting.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0047: Improving Access to Care for 0-2 Year-Olds [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Bonnie Bruerd
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 430) |
This one-hour recorded webinar provides tips for improving dental access for 0-2 year-old children using strategies that can be implemented in the dental clinic and in collaboration with medical and community partners. IHS, Tribal, and Urban dental programs who have demonstrated success in increasing 0-2 year-old dental access will be featured on this 1-hour national webinar. This webinar is accessible at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to: 1. List at least three clinic-basic strategies that are effective in improving access for 0-2 year-old AI/AN children; 2. List at least three medical/community-based strategies that are effective in improving access for 0-2 year-old AI/AN children; 3. Describe at least one strategy that your facility will implement as a result of this presentation.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0048: Periodontal Disease Detection, Examination, and Diagnosis [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Gregory Smith, Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 490) |
The purpose of this presentation is to provide dental professionals with the knowledge and skills to detect and diagnose periodontal disease. This recorded webinar is accessible at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Explain and properly use the Community Periodontal Index in screening patients for periodontal disease; 2. Describe the examination protocol for periodontal disease and when to conduct a full periodontal workup; and 3. Develop an evidence-based periodontal diagnosis and treatment plan based on the periodontal examination.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0049: Identification and Treatment Planning of Developmental Defects of Enamel [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Abby Shannon
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (AGD - 250) |
This recorded webinar provides information in diagnosis and in treatment plans of developmental defects of enamel. The webinar is accessible at, and the completion code is embedded within the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1. Demonstrate competency in diagnosing and discussing developmental dental defects with appropriate nomenclature. 2. Demonstrate competency in recognizing the differential diagnosis between incipient decay, frank cavitation, and developmental defects. 3. Demonstrate competency in developing appropriate treatment plans for management of dental developmental defects.
Payment Address:
Please Make Checks Payable to: Indian Health Service.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0050: ADO Concepts III
11/7/2017 - 7/10/2018
Facility: |
IHS Headquarters |
Location: |
Rockville, MD |
Instructor(s): |
James Osaki, CHRISTOPHER HALLIDAY, Richard Champany, Steve Tetrev, Joel Knutson, TIMOTHY LOZON, Nathan Mork, Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
6 - 22 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
22.00 (Total CDE); 22.00 (AGD - 550) |
This course is designed for IHS Area Dental Officers to hone their skills in providing outstanding customer service to dental programs in their Areas. The course will consist of multiple webinars and one in-person training.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: 1. Describe the 3 strategic goals of the IHS Division of Oral Health; 2. Align NDDM reports to clinical efficiency & effectiveness measures; and 3. Develop an Area Oral Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Program
Participants must be current Area Dental Officers.
Payment Address:
Please Make Checks Payable to: Indian Health Service.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0051: 2018 California Area Continuing Dental Education Conference
5/7/2018 - 5/10/2018
Facility: |
DoubleTree Hotel |
Location: |
Sacramento, CA |
Instructor(s): |
Steve Riggio, Lane Thomsen, Marilyn Freeman, Thaddous Archie, Susan Dahl, Justin Crone, Lisa Saiia, Melodi Randolph, Marieke Kruidering-Hall, WALTER LUCIO, ELIZABETH LAURON, Dmitry Tsvetov, Toni Adams, Clara Kim, Jeremy Horst Keeper, Nichol Gibson, Michelle Brucklacher, Troy Schmedding, MARY ANN GONZALEZ, Eva-Marie DelPuerto, Carrie Loewen, Mark Etsey, Stanley Malamed, Lil Caperila, Lancette VanGuilder, Johnah Galicia, Richard Schoen, Gary Lau, jan Carver, Virgil Moorehead, Chalise Morgan, Omar Dyab, Kunjal Patel, Brandon One Feather, Sue Lukins
Director: |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
100 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
80.75 (Total CDE); 80.75 (DANB Non-Clinical); 2.00 (AGD - 010); 2.00 (AGD - 370); 8.00 (AGD - 142); 2.00 (AGD - 670); 8.00 (AGD - 490); 2.00 (AGD - 148); 2.00 (AGD - 310); 1.25 (AGD - 144); 2.50 (AGD - 130); 4.00 (AGD - 340); 8.00 (AGD - 730); 6.00 (AGD - 250); 2.00 (AGD - 070); 6.00 (AGD - 430); 23.00 (AGD - 550); 2.00 (AGD - 563) |
The purpose of this course is to provide relevant continuing dental education to California Area dental staff which will cover a multitude of clinical topics. The Annual Conference is the only opportunity for the dental staff from California Area programs to meet. The conference is put together with the advice of the California Area Dental Advisory Committee, which is composed of dentists representing geographic regions of California, as well as, a dental hygiene representative and a dental assistant representative. The committee selects relevant topics that will increase the skills of dental staff and improve the oral health outcomes for AI/AN patient population.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this meeting, participants will be able to: 1. Improve Tribal and urban Indian health staff’s clinical skills and knowledge; 2. Provide public health oriented continuing dental education courses; and 3. Learn culturally appropriate approached to providing patient care through lectures, panel discussions and group interactions.
Open only to California Area dental staff
Travel to host site required
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0052: Challenges Course: Alaska Area
4/10/2018 - 4/12/2018
Facility: |
Alaska Native Medical Center |
Location: |
Anchorage, AK |
Instructor(s): |
THOMAS BREWER, Mary Williard, Abby DeBonis, Maria Heidi Sipin, JANE BLEUEL, Kashif Bhatti, Bridget Willet, Phillip Woods, Sarah Satow, Nhi Huynh, Antonio Parameswaran
Director: |
Maria Heidi Sipin |
Audience: |
Dentists, DHA |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
10 - 50 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
20.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (AGD - 130); 5.50 (AGD - 310); 2.50 (AGD - 250); 5.50 (AGD - 430); 2.00 (AGD - 200); 2.00 (AGD - 550); 1.50 (AGD - 070) |
This course is open only to newer dentists [new to the IHS/Tribal system] in the Alaska Area IHS. The purpose of Challenges course is to provide new dentists and providers practicing in the Alaska Indian Health Services didactic and hands-on training in pediatric dentistry, oral surgery, endodontics, and advanced general dental topics.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: 1. Identify appropriate behavior guidance and comprehensive pediatric dental treatment planning techniques; 2. Discuss signs and symptoms of oral facial infections and recognize oral facial trauma, apply suturing techniques; and 3. Apply endodontic treatment techniques, understand full thickness flap design, and extraction complications.
This is an in-person course for the Alaska Area only. Attendees will be required to travel to ANMC in Anchorage.
Payment Address:
There is no tuition for this course as it is sponsored by the Alaska Area.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0053: 2017 Alaska Area Dental Meeting
11/7/2017 - 11/9/2017
Facility: |
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium |
Location: |
Anchorage, AK |
Instructor(s): |
laura mckeown, Maxine Janis, George Bird, Heather Skelton, Debra Nemes, Brian Berube, Karol Fink, Phillip Woods, Donald Chi, Amber Lathan, Rex Malcolm, Saulo Geraldeli, THOMAS BREWER, Rebecca Neslund, Daniel Mendez, Rabecca Arnold, Dawn Maack, Louis Ulrich
Director: |
Sarah Shoffstall-Cone |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
10 - 100 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
43.00 (Total CDE); 43.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130); 21.50 (AGD - 550); 2.50 (AGD - 149); 3.00 (AGD - 148); 3.00 (AGD - 250); 2.00 (AGD - 340); 8.00 (AGD - 730); 1.00 (AGD - 490); 1.00 (AGD - 430) |
This annual meeting is aimed at dental staff in the Alaska Area to promote collaboration and sharing of best practices related specifically to Alaska Natives.
Learning Objectives:
After completing this course, participants should be able to: 1. Describe tribal health organizations in Alaska and the issues they face; 2. Identify needs and future direction of the Alaska Area; and 3. Define at least two best practices learned through this meeting.
Participants should be Alaska Area dental staff
To host site
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0054: Update on Dental Disease Prevention & Public Health Approach in AI Communities - Portland Area
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board |
Location: |
Portland, OR |
Instructor(s): |
Bonnie Bruerd
Director: |
Bonnie Bruerd |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.00 (Total CDE); 2.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 010); 1.00 (AGD - 430) |
This course occurs at multiple sites in the Portland Area IHS, during site visits by the Dental Support Center. Upon completion of the presentations, the Dental Support Center will provide attendees with the course completion code. This two-hour presentation is intended to provide the very latest information on the prevention and management of dental caries and periodontal diseases. Both clinical and community-based interventions will be presented and the learning group will discuss the implementation of these interventions in their local communities. Furthermore, the presentation will review dental program GPRA objectives, public health principles, and effective health education strategies. Course Dates/Locations: 10/26/17: Chehalis 11/9/17: Klamath 11/16/17: Lummi 02/08/18: Tulalip 02/22/18: Port Gamble
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe how public health dentistry is different than private practice dentistry. 2. Describe at least one strategy to establish school-based programs or recruit school-age children to the dental clinic for fluoride and sealants. 3. Describe at least one strategy to recruit more infants and toddlers to the dental program for screening and fluoride. 4. List at least two strategies to improve the effectiveness of health education.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0055: Pre-Conception Care and Education for Women with Diabetes - Diabetes Online CE [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/4/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Laura Mercer
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This webinar is sponsored by the Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention. The course can be accessed live on 10/4/17 at 3 p.m. EDT by going to Registration is not required; simply use the join session button at the time of the training. This seminar will provide an overview of the prevalence of pre-gestational type 2 diabetes along with health outcome implications and risks. Evidence based information and ADA standards for patient care and education will be discussed.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Provide women with type 2 diabetes with education about the importance of glycemic control and the risks of poor control in pregnancy, especially early pregnancy. 2. Describe strategies to reduce unintended pregnancy in women with diabetes. 3. Identify one change you can make in providing pre-conception care and education for women with type 2 diabetes.
Payment Address:
Please Make Checks Payable to: Indian Health Service.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0056: Pre-Conception Care for Women at Risk for Development of Gestational or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - Diabetes Online CE [recorded webinar - read summary on how to access]
10/18/2017 - 10/18/2017
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Laura Mercer
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This webinar is sponsored by the Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention. The course can be accessed live on 10/4/17 at 3 p.m. EDT by going to Registration is not required; simply use the join session button at the time of the training. This seminar will provide an in depth discussion of pre-conception considerations in working with women at risk for development of gestation diabetes [GDM] or type 2 diabetes [T2DM]. Information on the magnitude of the problem and the health outcome implications and risks will be provided. Evidence based information and ADA standards for patient care and education will be included.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Provide women at risk for developing diabetes with education about lifestyle interventions to promote weight control and diabetes prevention. 2. Describe the magnitude of the problem and the multi-generational impact of diabetes in pregnancy. 3. Identify one change you can make in providing pre-conception care and education for women at risk for developing diabetes.
Payment Address:
Please Make Checks Payable to: Indian Health Service.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0057: EDR Training and Implementation in IHS
10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
To be determined |
Location: |
Instructor(s): |
Ginger Roberts, Cindy Abreu, Mary Randall
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Assistants, Dentists, Support Staff, Hygienists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
48.00 (Total CDE); 48.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 48.00 (AGD - 550) |
All who receive EDR go-live training will receive CDE through this course. To receive credit, receive the completion code from the IHS EDR team. Summary: Our trainees are provided a presentation, along with hands-on use, of the Clinical Applications and the Electronic Appointment Scheduler in the Dentrix Enterprise electronic dental record [EDR]. This course of instruction is presented on site for a full 6 days. An additional 2 days are spent together with the trainer during “Go Live” following the initial five days. At this time, the EDR is put to work with active patients in the dental clinic, with the trainer there to assist the Doctors and Staff Members as they use the software. We will instruct the Dental Chief, Staff Dentists, and the entire Team, respective to position, on how to: 1. Setup the Clinic in Dentrix Enterprise [includes Password Security settings and assigned rights for a Login/Password for each Provider and Staff Member]. 2. Enter existing treatment, treatment planned procedures, and completed treatment procedures in the Patient Chart. 3. Enter Perio Charting of pocket depths, recession, etc. 4. Complete and Approve Clinical Notes for each patient’s visit to the clinic. 5. Appoint and Re-Appoint patients for needed treatment. 6. Use scanning hardware and the Dentrix Enterprise Document Center to electronically store all paperwork. 7. Set-up and monitor a Recall system for ongoing patient care. 8. Use the DXOne reporting module for collection of statistical data for various Reporting needs. 9. If applicable, use DEXIS, digital x-ray software that is the Dentrix Enterprise solution for acquiring, manipulating, and storing digital images. Lummi, 1/16-1/26/18 Spirit Lake, 6/21-26/18 Penobscot, 4/3 - 5/16/18
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1. Effectively chart patient conditions, along with planned and completed treatment, in an electronic format. 2. Write, approve, and store Clinical Notes electronically. 3. Produce, manipulate, and store digital images [if applicable to the clinic]. 4. Enter and archive Patient Appointments electronically. 5. Track and contact Patients for treatment planned, and for regular hygiene care needed. 6. Use Dentrix Enterprise to go completely chartless/paperless when desired. 7. Retrieve, schedule, manage, and maintain statistical data at will.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0058: Baby Teeth Matter Collaborative
10/25/2017 - 10/25/2017
Facility: |
Sea-Tac Marriott |
Location: |
Seattle, WA |
Instructor(s): |
Bonnie Bruerd, Alia Katabi, Marty Lieberman
Director: |
Bonnie Bruerd |
Audience: |
Dentists, Assistants, Hygienists, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 50 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
4.75 (Total CDE); 4.75 (DANB Non-Clinical); 4.75 (AGD - 430) |
This course will provide the most recent Baby Teeth Matter [BTM] data, review parameters for data collection, define 0-5 caregiver role in multiple settings, and conclude with goal setting and writing PDSAs for the coming year. This course is open to Portland Area sites participating in the Baby Teeth Matter [BTM] Collaborative.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to: 1. List the parameters for quarterly data collection for BTM. 2. List the elements of a 0-5 caregiver and describe the combination of dental providers that can fulfill that role. 3. Write 2-3 PDSAs to increase dental access and decrease referrals to private pediatric dentists for 0-5 year olds.
This course is only open to programs currently participating in the Baby Teeth Matter collaborative.
Yes. Course is at the Sea-Tac Marriott. A flyer with additional information will be sent to prospective participants by the course director.
Payment Address:
Tuition is not required as this is a Northwest Portland Indian Health Board and Washington Dental Services Foundation-sponsored course
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0059: ANMC Study Club: Traditional Healing
10/18/2017 - 10/18/2017
Facility: |
Alaska Native Medical Center |
Location: |
Anchorage, AK |
Instructor(s): |
Gilbert Daney
Director: |
Maria Heidi Sipin |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 50 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
The purpose of this 1-hour course is to provide dental providers with information on what traditional healing means to our patient population and how it is associated with dealing with chronic pain. This course is offered in the Alaska Area only.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1. Identify what traditional healing means to our patient population; 2. Identify the different methods in which traditional healing can help with chronic pain; and 3. Discuss how traditional healing can relate to dentistry
None; local course
Payment Address:
No tuition required
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0060: IHS Monthly EDR Series: Overview of Posting in Dentrix Enterprise [Live Webinar]
10/18/2017 - 10/18/2017
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Ginger Roberts
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
This 90-minute webinar will provide an overview of posting and coding in Dentrix Enterprise 8.0.5. Discussion will include: posting from the patient chart and ledger; proper protocol to correct errors; attaching ICD-10 codes; and ensuring posting in Dentrix Enterprise is a clear process. The live version of this webinar can be accessed at
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Post from the patient chart and ledger; 2. Correct errors, and describe how this translates to RPMS; and 3. Attach ICD-10 codes.
Participants should be end users of the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
Payment Address:
Please Make Checks Payable to: Indian Health Service.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0061: SCF Study Club: Dental Implant Site Preparation
10/27/2017 - 10/27/2017
Facility: |
South Central Foundation |
Location: |
Anchorage, AK |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Nhi Huynh |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
5 - 35 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 310) |
This in-person course is part of the ongoing Southcentral Foundation Study Club. The purpose of the course is to inform general dentists of techniques on how to preserve the alveolar ridge and manage the soft tissue at extraction sites in preparation for future dental implant placement.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: 1. Describe how to preserve the alveolar ridge dimension following an extraction; 2. Explain techniques on how to regenerate bone in a deficient ridge [guided bone regeneration]; and 3. Describe key concepts of soft tissue management around dental implants
Payment Address:
Please Make Checks Payable to: Indian Health Service.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0062: IHS Monthly CDE Webinar [Live Course]: Caries Risk Management & Recall Interval
10/25/2017 - 10/25/2017
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 730) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Continuing Dental Education [CDE] Webinar series and will describe the new IHS Caries Risk Classification System & recommended recall intervals. This course is being offered LIVE on 10/25/17 at The webinar is also being recorded; to access the recorded course, look for the same course name and "Recorded Webinar" in the title in the CDE Catalog.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the IHS Caries Risk Classification System; 2. Explain the rationale behind recall intervals; 3. Classify caries risk on patients at exam appointments.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0063: IHS Monthly CDE Webinar [Live Course]: Dental Appliances for Sleep Apnea & Surgical Management of Sleep Apnea
11/29/2017 - 11/29/2017
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Justin Sikes, Benjamin Warren
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 310) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Continuing Dental Education [CDE] Webinar series and will describe treatment of sleep apnea. This course is being offered LIVE on 11/29/17 at The webinar is also being recorded; to access the recorded course, look for the same course name and "Recorded Webinar" in the title in the CDE Catalog.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Define characteristics of sleep apnea; 2. Describe non-surgical treatments for sleep apnea including oral appliances; and 3. Describe surgical considerations for sleep apnea.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0064: IHS Monthly CDE Webinar [Live Course]: Hall Crown Technique
1/24/2018 - 1/24/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 430) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Continuing Dental Education [CDE] Webinar series and will describe steps and rationale of the Hall Crown Technique. This course is being offered LIVE on 01/24/18 at The webinar is also being recorded; to access the recorded course, look for the same course name and "Recorded Webinar" in the title in the CDE Catalog.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the difference in technique between placement of a traditional stainless steel crown and the Hall Technique; 2. Describe indications and contraindications for the use of the Hall Technique; and 3. Review the literature pertaining to success rates of stainless steel crowns places using the Hall Technique.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0065: IHS Monthly CDE Webinar [Recorded Webinar-no live course]: Dental Root Fractures
2/28/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Elizabeth Rose
Director: |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 200) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Continuing Dental Education [CDE] Webinar series. A traumatic injury to the tooth may result in a vertical or horizontal dental root fracture. The direction and location of the fracture will ultimately determine the long-term outlook of the tooth. This webinar will review diagnostic testing and best treatment options for dental root fractures. This course is ONLY available as a recorded webinar. To receive credit, you must view the entire webinar, then enter the completion code provided during the webinar. The webinar can be viewed at: If you have follow-up questions, you may direct them to the presenter, Dr. Elizabeth Rose, at
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe diagnostic tests for diagnosing root fracture; 2. Provide a differential diagnosis for types of oral pain which may include root fracture; and 3. Discuss treatment options for root fractures.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0066: IHS Monthly CDE Webinar [Live Course]: Considerations in Restoring Class III Occlusal Relationships
3/28/2018 - 3/28/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Mitchell Wilkinson
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 180) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Continuing Dental Education [CDE] Webinar series and will describe prosthodontic considerations in restoring malocclusion. This course is being offered LIVE on 03/28/18 at The webinar is also being recorded; to access the recorded course, look for the same course name and "Recorded Webinar" in the title in the CDE Catalog.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Define a Class I, II, and III occlusal relationship; 2. Describe prosthodontic solutions to restoring Class III occlusal relationships; and 3. Explain problems in restoring malocclusion.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0067: IHS Monthly CDE Webinar [Live Course]: Considerations in Complete and Partial Denture Design
4/25/2018 - 4/25/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Mitchell Wilkinson
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 670) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Continuing Dental Education [CDE] Webinar series and will describe techniques and considerations in denture design. This course is being offered LIVE on 04/25/18 at The webinar is also being recorded; to access the recorded course, look for the same course name and "Recorded Webinar" in the title in the CDE Catalog.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe important retention factors for maxillary and mandibular complete dentures; 2. Compare and contrast different types of partial dentures; and 3. Explain treatment algorithms in determining the type of partial denture to provide to patients.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0068: IHS Monthly CDE Webinar [Live Course]: Silver Diamine Fluoride
5/23/2018 - 5/23/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Jeremy Horst Keeper
Director: |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 430) |
Silver fluoride therapy is transforming caries management. Here we focus on case selection, technique, managing stain, and handling the 19 failure rate. Incorporation with traditional methods is suggested. This course is being offered LIVE on 05/23/18 at The webinar is also being recorded; to access the recorded course, look for the same course name and "Recorded Webinar" in the title in the CDE Catalog.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Demonstrate technique to apply and avoid stain of restorations; 2. Guide follow-up care for silver fluoride therapy; and 3. Conduct informed consent for silver fluoride therapy.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0069: IHS Monthly CDE Webinar [Recorded Webinar]: GPRA Basics and Strategies for Improvement
7/2/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Continuing Dental Education [CDE] Webinar series and will describe strategies for IHS and tribal programs to make that last push to meet annual dental GPRA goals. To access this recorded webinar, go to
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Define the three dental Government Performance and Results Act [GPRA] measures; 2. List at least three strategies to meet each of the three GPRA measures; and 3. Implement strategies to improve GPRA performance in your clinic.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0070: IHS Monthly CDE Webinar [Live Course]: Oral Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Project Reports for FY 2018
7/25/2018 - 7/25/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Continuing Dental Education [CDE] Webinar series and will give FY 2018 HPDP funded project sites the opportunity to showcase their projects in front of a national audience. This course is being offered LIVE on 07/25/18 at The webinar is also being recorded; to access the recorded course, look for the same course name and "Recorded Webinar" in the title in the CDE Catalog.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Define early childhood caries; 2. Describe at least one prevention project outlined during the webinar; and 3. Implement at least one best practice learned from this webinar.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0071: IHS Special CDE Webinar [Live Course]: Oral Health Surveillance Training 2018
8/22/2018 - 8/22/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Kathy Phipps
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
The IHS will conduct training of 1-5 year-old AI/AN children in 2018, and this 1 hour webinar will provide training and information to IHS, tribal, and urban dental programs about the surveillance. This is the 2nd training; if you attended the first, you are not required to attend this one.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the purpose of the IHS Oral Health Surveillance Program; 2. Describe the sampling methodology behind this year's surveillance; and 3. Conduct oral health surveys on 1-5 year-old AI/AN children
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0072: IHS Monthly CDE Webinar [Live Course]: Periodontics in a Public Health Setting
9/5/2018 - 9/5/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Eric Jewell
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 490) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Continuing Dental Education [CDE] Webinar series and will describe how to implement an effective periodontal program in a public health setting. This course is being offered LIVE on 09/05/18 at The webinar is also being recorded; to access the recorded course, look for the same course name and "Recorded Webinar" in the title in the CDE Catalog.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe differences in management of periodontal patients in a public health vs. a private practice setting; 2. Explain the rationale behind extracting hopeless teeth and when to use local or systemic antimicrobials; and 3. Outline the treatment sequence in treating periodontal patients in a public health setting.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0073: IHS Monthly Dental Leadership Webinar [Live Course, Open to ADOs, Support Centers, and Dental Directors only]: IHS Draft Oral Health Strategic Plan
11/1/2017 - 11/1/2017
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 50 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Monthly Dental Leadership Webinar Series. This course is being offered LIVE on 11/01/17 only to Area Dental Officers, IHS Headquarters Dental Staff, Dental Support Centers, and Dental Directors and Deputy Dental Directors of IHS and Tribal dental programs. The link to this webinar will be sent out on the IHS Dental Chiefs Listserv. The webinar is also being recorded; to access the recorded course, which is open to EVERYONE, look for the same course name and "Recorded Webinar" in the title in the CDE Catalog.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the rationale behind developing a strategic plan; 2. List three goals of the draft IHS Oral Health Strategic Plan; and 3. Implement one or more strategies of the strategic plan.
Participants should serve currently in one of the following capacities: 1. IHS Area Dental Officer 2. Clinical & Preventive Support Center 3. IHS Headquarters Dental Staff 4. Dental Director/Chief of an IHS or Tribal dental program 5. Assistant or Deputy Director/Chief of an IHS or Tribal dental program
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0074: IHS Monthly Dental Leadership Webinar [Live Course, Open to ADOs, Support Centers, and Dental Directors only]: Considerations in Facility Remodeling
12/6/2017 - 12/6/2017
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Jose Rodriguez
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 50 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Monthly Dental Leadership Webinar Series. This course is being offered LIVE on 12/06/17 only to Area Dental Officers, IHS Headquarters Dental Staff, Dental Support Centers, and Dental Directors and Deputy Dental Directors of IHS and Tribal dental programs. The link to this webinar will be sent out on the IHS Dental Chiefs Listserv. The webinar is also being recorded; to access the recorded course, which is open to EVERYONE, look for the same course name and "Recorded Webinar" in the title in the CDE Catalog.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Formulate spacing needs based on staffing and population served; 2. Describe considerations in facility remodeling related to radiography, infection control, cabinetry, etc.; and 3. List at least three resources to find out more information on facility remodeling.
Participants should serve currently in one of the following capacities: 1. IHS Area Dental Officer 2. Clinical & Preventive Support Center 3. IHS Headquarters Dental Staff 4. Dental Director/Chief of an IHS or Tribal dental program 5. Assistant or Deputy Director/Chief of an IHS or Tribal dental program
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0075: IHS Monthly Dental Leadership Webinar [Live Course, Open to ADOs, Support Centers, and Dental Directors only]: Oral Health Literacy
1/3/2018 - 1/3/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
David Schindler
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 50 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Monthly Dental Leadership Webinar Series. Oral Health Literacy affects everything we do, and this presentation provides information on the attributes of a health literate organization. This course is being offered LIVE on 01/03/18 only to Area Dental Officers, IHS Headquarters Dental Staff, Dental Support Centers, and Dental Directors and Deputy Dental Directors of IHS and Tribal dental programs. The link to this webinar will be sent out on the IHS Dental Chiefs Listserv. The webinar is also being recorded; to access the recorded course, which is open to EVERYONE, look for the same course name and "Recorded Webinar" in the title in the CDE Catalog.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the impact of health literacy on oral and general health; 2. Define oral health literacy; and 3. List at least five attributes of a health literate healthcare organization.
Participants should serve currently in one of the following capacities: 1. IHS Area Dental Officer 2. Clinical & Preventive Support Center 3. IHS Headquarters Dental Staff 4. Dental Director/Chief of an IHS or Tribal dental program 5. Assistant or Deputy Director/Chief of an IHS or Tribal dental program
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0076: IHS Monthly Dental Leadership Webinar [Live Course, Open to ADOs, Support Centers, and Dental Directors only]: National Children's Dental Health Month
2/7/2018 - 2/7/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
CHRISTOPHER HALLIDAY, Timothy Ricks, Elaine Sanchez, Aliandra Maes
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Monthly Dental Leadership Webinar Series. This approximately 35-minute webinar, provides valuable information on preparing for the 2018 National Children's Dental Health Month, describing oral health disparities in AI/AN communities, different resources available from the IHS Division of Oral Health, and tips on what your program can do in celebration of National Children's Dental Health Month. This course is being offered LIVE on 02/07/18 only to Area Dental Officers, IHS Headquarters Dental Staff, Dental Support Centers, and Dental Directors and Deputy Dental Directors of IHS and Tribal dental programs. The link to this webinar will be sent out on the IHS Dental Chiefs Listserv. The webinar is also being recorded; to access the recorded course, which is open to EVERYONE, look for the same course name and "Recorded Webinar" in the title in the CDE Catalog.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the purpose of National Children's Dental Health Month; 2. List this year's theme; and 3. Implement at least one strategy in celebration of NCDHM.
Participants should serve currently in one of the following capacities: 1. IHS Area Dental Officer 2. Clinical & Preventive Support Center 3. IHS Headquarters Dental Staff 4. Dental Director/Chief of an IHS or Tribal dental program 5. Assistant or Deputy Director/Chief of an IHS or Tribal dental program
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0077: IHS Monthly Dental Leadership Webinar [Live Course, Open to ADOs, Support Centers, and Dental Directors only]: Maximizing Use of Expanded Function Dental Assistants
3/7/2018 - 3/7/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Terry Haney, Gregory Smith, Ruth Reed
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 50 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Monthly Dental Leadership Webinar Series. It is designed to provide you information about the IHS Expanded Function Dental Assistant [EFDA] Program - definition/scope of practice, how many are trained now in IHS and tribal programs, course curriculum, certification process, when and how the EFDA should be used in the dental clinic, advantages/disadvantages of using EFDAs, etc. This course is being offered LIVE on 03/07/18 only to Area Dental Officers, IHS Headquarters Dental Staff, Dental Support Centers, and Dental Directors and Deputy Dental Directors of IHS and Tribal dental programs. The link to this webinar will be sent out on the IHS Dental Chiefs Listserv. The webinar is also being recorded; to access the recorded course, which is open to EVERYONE, look for the same course name and "Recorded Webinar" in the title in the CDE Catalog.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the scope of work for restorative and periodontal EFDAs; 2. Describe the curriculum, prerequisites, and post-course certification requirements for restorative and periodontal EFDAs; and 3. List three ways restorative and periodontal EFDAs can help improve productivity, access, and efficiency in IHS and tribal dental programs.
Participants should serve currently in one of the following capacities: 1. IHS Area Dental Officer 2. Clinical & Preventive Support Center 3. IHS Headquarters Dental Staff 4. Dental Director/Chief of an IHS or Tribal dental program 5. Assistant or Deputy Director/Chief of an IHS or Tribal dental program
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0078: IHS Special Webinar: Human Papillomavirus & Oral Cancer
4/4/2018 - 4/4/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Andria Apostolou, Joseph Park, Thomas Weiser
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 150 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 148) |
This is a special webinar available to all staff. Back in 2016, a study confirmed that infection from human papillomavirus [HPV] 16 precedes development of some head and neck cancers [see]. The Indian Health Service Division of Oral Health [DOH], in partnership with the IHS Division of Epidemiology and Disease Prevention, conducted a survey over the past month to further understand the knowledge, attitudes and practices around human papillomavirus [HPV] prevention among oral health professionals at IHS/Tribal/Urban service units. This webinar will provide information on the results of that survey, a discussion of oral cancer and oral cancer screenings by dental providers, and information about the HPV vaccination series and how dental providers can engage patients and parents in a discussion about HPV vaccination. To join the LIVE webinar on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at 1:00 Eastern Time, follow these steps: 1. Go to 2. A window should appear to “join audio conference” [if not, click on the phone icon at the top of the screen and choose “dial-out”] 3. Click on the “Dial-out” feature [receive call from the meeting] 4. Type in your phone number 5. Click join at the bottom of the window 6. Wait for the call, then press “1” to join the conference 7. Mute your phone until the presenter opens up for questions from the audience 8. There is no need to sign in or announce yourself 9. You are encouraged to join 5-10 minutes ahead of time in case you need assistance; once the webinar begins, login assistance is not available 10. If you are asked to enter a “Meeting One” room number, it is 8082919 11. If for some reason the dial-out feature does not work, you may call directly into the webinar at 1 [800] 832-0736. RECORDING: The webinar is also being recorded; to access the recorded course look for the same course name and "Recorded Webinar" in the title in the CDE Catalog. The recorded webinar cannot be accessed through the above URL. Please also note that you cannot receive CDE credit for both the live and recorded webinars.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the results of the IHS HPV-Oral Cancer Survey conducted in January-February 2018; 2. Explain the relationship between Human Papillomavirus and oral and pharyngeal cancers; and 3. Discuss with patients and parents/guardians the advantages of HPV vaccination and refer patients to medical providers for the vaccination.
This course is open to all IHS, Tribal, and Urban dental staff at no cost.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0079: IHS Special CDE Webinar [Live Session]: IHS Dental Pain Management Guidelines
6/6/2018 - 6/6/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Brandy Larson
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 50 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 200) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Monthly Dental Leadership Webinar Series. The webinar is also being recorded; to access the recorded course, which is open to EVERYONE, look for the same course name and "Recorded Webinar" in the title in the CDE Catalog.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Define the purpose of the Dental Directors' Pain Management Workgroup; 2. Explain the need for standardized prescription pain management guidelines; and 3. Provide an update of the work of the Dental Directors' Pain Management Workgroup.
Participants should serve currently in one of the following capacities: 1. IHS Area Dental Officer 2. Clinical & Preventive Support Center 3. IHS Headquarters Dental Staff 4. Dental Director/Chief of an IHS or Tribal dental program 5. Assistant or Deputy Director/Chief of an IHS or Tribal dental program
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0080: CDE Webinar [Recorded Webinar only]: Caries Diagnosis & Treatment Planning in a Public Health Environment
8/3/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Wesley Johnson
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 200 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 010) |
Many dentists coming into the IHS system have issues with over-diagnosing caries and planning extravagant treatment plans. This course will discuss caries diagnosis and treatment planning in a public health environment.This course is intended for new dentists and as a refresher for experienced dentists. TO ACCESS THE COURSE, LOG INTO THIS WEBSITE:
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe standards of caries diagnosis; 2. Discuss caries management by risk assessment; and 3. Treatment plan patients for caries management in a public health environment.
Participants should serve currently in one of the following capacities: 1. IHS Area Dental Officer 2. Clinical & Preventive Support Center 3. IHS Headquarters Dental Staff 4. Dental Director/Chief of an IHS or Tribal dental program 5. Assistant or Deputy Director/Chief of an IHS or Tribal dental program
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0081: IHS Special CDE Webinar [Live Course]: Oral Health Surveillance Training 2018
7/11/2018 - 7/11/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Kathy Phipps
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
This is one of two webinars for this year's surveillance. If you are participating as an examiner, you only need to attend ONE of the two trainings. This training can be accessed at: for the live session. From July to December this year, the Indian Health Service will be once again asking IHS, tribal, and urban dental programs to conduct an oral health survey of AI/AN children aged 1-5 years. We last surveyed 1-5 year-old AI/AN children in 2010 and 2014, and what we found from these surveys was that AI/AN children suffer more from tooth decay than other populations in the U.S., that early prevention before the age of two is critical, and that sealants on primary molars are underutilized. The purpose of these surveys is to monitor the burden of oral disease and use of the oral health care delivery system. We will have over a hundred programs around the country who will assess oral health status of AI/AN children, and this information can be used at the local, Area, and national level to show disparities that in turn can help programs prioritize and allocate resources to address those disparities. We are asking you and your clinic to participate in the upcoming survey. This means that you will screen a set number of 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-year old children in non-dental clinic settings such as well-child, WIC, Early Head Start, Head Start, tribal preschool programs, and kindergarten. The number of children to screen is based on the size of your user population - the smaller the user population, the fewer children to screen.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the purpose of the IHS Oral Health Surveillance Program; 2. Describe the sampling methodology behind this year's surveillance; and 3. Conduct oral health surveys on 1-5 year-old AI/AN children
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0082: IHS Special Webinar [Live Course]: Caries Diagnosis & Treatment Planning in a Public Health Environment
8/1/2018 - 8/1/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Wesley Johnson
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 010) |
Many dentists coming into the IHS system have issues with over-diagnosing caries and planning extravagant treatment plans. This course will discuss caries diagnosis and treatment planning in a public health environment.This course is intended for new dentists and as a refresher for experienced dentists.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe standards of caries diagnosis; 2. Discuss caries management by risk assessment; and 3. Treatment plan patients for caries management in a public health environment.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0083: IHS Monthly CDE Webinar: Early Childhood Caries/Baby Teeth Matter
9/26/2018 - 9/26/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Bonnie Bruerd
Director: |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 430) |
This course will provide an overview of ways to increase dental access and decrease referrals to pediatric dentists for 0-5 year-olds. To access this webinar, please go to:
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Define early childhood caries and discuss prevalence of this disease in the AI/AN population; 2. List 3 ways to increase dental access for 0-5 year-olds; and 3. List 3 elements of minimally-invasive dentistry [MID].
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0084: SCF Study Club: Cleft Lip and Palate
11/9/2017 - 11/9/2017
Facility: |
South Central Foundation |
Location: |
Anchorage, AK |
Instructor(s): |
Kayla Carver
Director: |
Nhi Huynh |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
5 - 35 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 750) |
This in-person course is part of the ongoing Southcentral Foundation Study Club. The purpose of the course is to provide a review of the development and treatment of cleft lip and palate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: 1. Discuss embryology as it relates to the development of facial structures; 2. Describe the decision-making process as it relates to treatment needs of a child with cleft lip and palate; and 3. Describe the composition and activities of the ANMC Clef Lip/Cleft Palate Team.
Payment Address:
Please Make Checks Payable to: Indian Health Service.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0085: Updates on Immunizations for People with Diabetes - Diabetes Online CE
11/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Amy Groom
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This webinar is offered through a collaboration with the IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention. Immunizations are important for keeping people of all ages healthy. Specific immunization needs are determined by factors such as age, lifestyle, health conditions, locations of travel, and previous immunizations. This seminar will address the specific immunization needs of adults generally as well as for adults with diabetes, and provide comprehensive information on immunization recommendations, schedule, and documentation. The immunization needs of youth with diabetes vs. youth in general will also be clarified. The webinar is accessible at
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Provide patients with education regarding changes and updates in recommended adult immunizations. 2. Discuss specific immunization recommendations for people with diabetes, and their importance to overall health. 3. Implement ways to improve current national and local immunization trends in adult AI/AN patients with diabetes.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0086: IHS Monthly EDR Series: Dentrix Enterprise Document Center Management [Live Webinar]
11/15/2017 - 11/15/2017
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Ginger Roberts
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
This 90-minute webinar will provide an overview of the document center in Dentrix Enterprise 8.0.5. 1. How to access the Dentrix Enterprise Document Center 2. How to select Document types and set up Document templates 3. Correcting mislabeled or incorrectly scanned or stored documents 4. Review functions of the Modify Document tool bar 5. Modify Document Attachments 6. Discuss the document center's other options for providers, staff, insurance, employers etc 7. Review the print to Dentrix Document Center functionality and its uses 8. Learn how to add a note to a document, and where to view it The live version of this webinar can be accessed at on November 15th.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Set up Document types and Document templates 2. Know the tools to correct a document that was labeled incorrectly or scanned incorrectly into the work folder or patient record. 3. Describe the Modify Document tool bar = allows you to add a page, crop, etc.
Participants should be end users of the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
Payment Address:
Please Make Checks Payable to: Indian Health Service.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0087: EDR Training and Implementation in IHS
5/31/2017 - 6/8/2017
Facility: |
Rocky Boy Tribal Health Center |
Location: |
Elder, MT |
Instructor(s): |
Renee Gilbert
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Assistants, Support Staff, Dentists, Hygienists |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
1 - 100 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
48.00 (Total CDE); 48.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 48.00 (AGD - 561) |
Summary: Our trainees are provided a presentation, along with hands-on use, of the Clinical Applications and the Electronic Appointment Scheduler in the Dentrix Enterprise electronic dental record [EDR]. This course of instruction is presented on site for a full 6 days. An additional 2 days are spent together with the trainer during “Go Live” following the initial five days. At this time, the EDR is put to work with active patients in the dental clinic, with the trainer there to assist the Doctors and Staff Members as they use the software. We will instruct the Dental Chief, Staff Dentists, and the entire Team, respective to position, on how to: 1. Setup the Clinic in Dentrix Enterprise [includes Password Security settings and assigned rights for a Login/Password for each Provider and Staff Member]. 2. Enter existing treatment, treatment planned procedures, and completed treatment procedures in the Patient Chart. 3. Enter Perio Charting of pocket depths, recession, etc. 4. Complete and Approve Clinical Notes for each patient’s visit to the clinic. 5. Appoint and Re-Appoint patients for needed treatment. 6. Use scanning hardware and the Dentrix Enterprise Document Center to electronically store all paperwork. 7. Set-up and monitor a Recall system for ongoing patient care. 8. Use the DXOne reporting module for collection of statistical data for various Reporting needs. 9. If applicable, use DEXIS, digital x-ray software that is the Dentrix Enterprise solution for acquiring, manipulating, and storing digital images.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1. Effectively chart patient conditions, along with planned and completed treatment, in an electronic format. 2. Write, approve, and store Clinical Notes electronically. 3. Produce, manipulate, and store digital images [if applicable to the clinic]. 4. Enter and archive Patient Appointments electronically. 5. Track and contact Patients for treatment planned, and for regular hygiene care needed. 6. Use Dentrix Enterprise to go completely chartless/paperless when desired. 7. Retrieve, schedule, manage, and maintain statistical data at will.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0088: Infection Control Training for IHS/Tribal Dental Programs by the Area Dental Officer
11/2/2017 - 11/2/2017
Facility: |
Grand Ronde |
Location: |
Grande Ronde, OR |
Instructor(s): |
Cheryl Sixkiller
Director: |
Cheryl Sixkiller |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 40 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.50 (Total CDE); 2.50 (AGD - 148) |
This is an in-person training conducted by the Portland Area Dental Officer [ADO] in conjunction with dental site visits in the Portland Area. It is open only to the program receiving the site visit. The training is tailored to the IHS and tribal dental programs requests in preparation for AAAHC survey with a review of CDC recommendations on infection control.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1. Demonstrate proper hygiene etiquette. 2. Know appropriate use of Personal Protective Equipment. 3. Be able to safely turnover operatories and instruments between patient visits.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0089: IHS Monthly CDE Webinar [Recorded Course]: Caries Risk Management & Recall Interval
10/27/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists, Assistants, DHA, Hygienists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 730) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Continuing Dental Education [CDE] Webinar series and will describe the new IHS Caries Risk Classification System & recommended recall intervals. This course is a RECORDED webinar and may be accessed at If you participated in the live webinar on 10/25 you may NOT receive CDE credit for watching the recorded webinar; however, if you were unable to participate in the 10/25 webinar, you may view this recorded webinar, enter the completion code at the end and receive CDE credit. NO AUDIO IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS RECORDED WEBINAR due to an issue with the Adobe Connect Webinar Audio Bridge. For past and future recorded webinars on other topics, audio is available, however.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the IHS Caries Risk Classification System; 2. Explain the rationale behind recall intervals; 3. Classify caries risk on patients at exam appointments.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0090: Team Approach for Diabetes Challenges - Diabetes Online CE
11/15/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Elizabeth Ketner
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This webinar is offered through a collaboration with the IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention. This session will provide discussion of strategies for using evidence-based interventions and a team approach to help adults with Type 2 diabetes improve management of their diabetes. Common challenges with addressing patient issues will be presented and discussed. The importance of individualized assessment and treatment strategies will be emphasized. The process of developing an individualized and multidisciplinary plan of care focusing on the patient’s physical, psychosocial, spiritual, emotional, and cultural characteristics/beliefs will be addressed. The webinar is accessible at
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Collaborate with patients to develop an individualized plan of care focusing on the patient’s physical, psychosocial, spiritual, emotional, and cultural characteristics/beliefs. 2. Assess and modify, if necessary, a medication regimen to control hyper or hypoglycemia in an adult with type 2 diabetes. 3. Implement a team approach to improve diabetes care and education in your facility/community.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0091: Clinical Advances in Eye Care for People with Diabetes - Diabetes Online CE
11/28/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Mark Horton
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This webinar is offered through a collaboration with the IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention. The evidence basis for diabetic retinopathy care will be presented in the context of evolving best practices in Indian Country. Options for diabetes eye care, including recent advances in diagnostic and treatment modalities will be discussed. The public health impact of clinical translation of diabetic retinopathy science will be considered in terms of level of effort, cost effectiveness, clinical outcomes, and return on investment from the vantages of the person with diabetes, and also the health care system. The webinar is accessible at
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the epidemiological history of diabetic retinopathy in Indian country. 2. Talk with patients about the evidence basis for diagnosis and treatment of diabetic retinopathy. 3. Promote tailoring specific clinical approaches for diabetes eye care to suit local patient and health care system needs.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0092: Healthy Corner Store: Work to Increase Produce Availability in Communities on the Navajo Nation - Diabetes Online CE
12/6/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Emily Piltch
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This webinar is offered through a collaboration with the IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention. This session will provide an overview of healthy corner store work to increase produce availability in communities on the Navajo Nation. Multiple perspectives on the barriers as well as the motivators for increasing produce consumption will be described. Discussion will include a summary of all produce available across the small stores in areas and community without grocery stores; a summary store owner/manager interviews regarding produce consumption. Participants will be encouraged to develop strategies for helping communities remove barriers to produce access and consumption. The webinar is accessible at
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Collaborate with patients and community groups to develop a plan to promote increased availability and consumption of produce. 2. Identify resources and tools for assessment of produce availability and consumption in your community. 3. Identify one change you can make in your clinical or public health practice relevant to increasing healthy food availability.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0093: IHS Monthly EDR Series: Dentrix Office Journal and ‘More Info’ Modules [Live Webinar]
12/13/2017 - 12/13/2017
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
jamie westfall
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Hygienists, Support Staff, Dentists, Assistants |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
This 90-minute webinar will provide an overview of daily use of Dentrix Enterprise Office Journal and ‘More Info’ Modules The live version of this webinar can be accessed at Agenda: Office Journal: 1. Overview of the Office Journal -Activity in Dentrix Enterprise 2. Set up views in the Office Journal 3. Posting entries of conversations [phone calls and in person conversations] 4. Using Reminders in the Office Journal More Info: 1. Overview of More Info Module 2. Quickly view critical information regarding the patient - Appointments, Continuing Care, Chart Number and more
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to understand the following: 1. Office Journal - Entry of conversations and use of daily reminders. 2. Office Journal - View all entries of patient activity and conversations. 3. More Info- View critical information regarding a patient quickly and efficiently.
Participants should be end users of the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
Payment Address:
Please Make Checks Payable to: Indian Health Service.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0094: EDR Training and Implementation in IHS
8/1/2017 - 8/8/2017
Facility: |
Trenton Community Clinic |
Location: |
Trenton, ND |
Instructor(s): |
Cindy Abreu
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Assistants, Support Staff, Dentists, Hygienists |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
1 - 100 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
48.00 (Total CDE); 48.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 48.00 (AGD - 550) |
Summary: Our trainees are provided a presentation, along with hands-on use, of the Clinical Applications and the Electronic Appointment Scheduler in the Dentrix Enterprise electronic dental record [EDR]. This course of instruction is presented on site for a full 6 days. An additional 2 days are spent together with the trainer during “Go Live” following the initial five days. At this time, the EDR is put to work with active patients in the dental clinic, with the trainer there to assist the Doctors and Staff Members as they use the software. We will instruct the Dental Chief, Staff Dentists, and the entire Team, respective to position, on how to: 1. Setup the Clinic in Dentrix Enterprise [includes Password Security settings and assigned rights for a Login/Password for each Provider and Staff Member]. 2. Enter existing treatment, treatment planned procedures, and completed treatment procedures in the Patient Chart. 3. Enter Perio Charting of pocket depths, recession, etc. 4. Complete and Approve Clinical Notes for each patient’s visit to the clinic. 5. Appoint and Re-Appoint patients for needed treatment. 6. Use scanning hardware and the Dentrix Enterprise Document Center to electronically store all paperwork. 7. Set-up and monitor a Recall system for ongoing patient care. 8. Use the DXOne reporting module for collection of statistical data for various Reporting needs. 9. If applicable, use DEXIS, digital x-ray software that is the Dentrix Enterprise solution for acquiring, manipulating, and storing digital images.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1. Effectively chart patient conditions, along with planned and completed treatment, in an electronic format. 2. Write, approve, and store Clinical Notes electronically. 3. Produce, manipulate, and store digital images [if applicable to the clinic]. 4. Enter and archive Patient Appointments electronically. 5. Track and contact Patients for treatment planned, and for regular hygiene care needed. 6. Use Dentrix Enterprise to go completely chartless/paperless when desired. 7. Retrieve, schedule, manage, and maintain statistical data at will.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0095: SCF Study Club: Troubleshooting in the Adjustment Chair
12/19/2017 - 12/19/2017
Facility: |
South Central Foundation |
Location: |
Anchorage, AK |
Instructor(s): |
Bridget Willet
Director: |
Nhi Huynh |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
5 - 35 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 670) |
This in-person course is part of the ongoing Southcentral Foundation Study Club. The purpose of the course is to determine common issues and solutions for providers working on the adjustment chair at Southcentral Foundation Dental. This includes discussion of Advadent vs. conventional dentures and indications for each as well as function of locator attachments.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: 1. Understand indications for Advadent vs. conventional dentures. 2. Review function of locator attachments and how they work. 3. Discuss common issues with dentures and potential solutions for each.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0096: IHS Monthly CDE Webinar [Recorded Webinar]: Dental Appliances for Sleep Apnea & Surgical Management of Sleep Apnea
11/29/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Justin Sikes, Benjamin Warren
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 310) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Continuing Dental Education [CDE] Webinar series and will describe treatment of sleep apnea. To access the recorded course, go to [copy and paste this URL]. The completion code is announced in the chat box at the end of the course. NOTE: IF YOU RECEIVED CDE CREDIT FOR THE LIVE COURSE ON 11/29, YOU MAY NOT RECEIVE CREDIT FOR THIS COURSE. Special Note: Due to technical difficulties during this webinar, only the first 40 minutes of the 54-minute webinar have audio available. However, slides are still presented throughout the webinar and the participant can follow the slides even when the audio isn't working.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Define characteristics of sleep apnea; 2. Describe non-surgical treatments for sleep apnea including oral appliances; and 3. Describe surgical considerations for sleep apnea.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0097: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education - Periodontal Charting [Recorded Webinar]
12/5/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Theresa Romero
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
This 1-hour webinar will detail how to utilize the periodontal charting function in the Dentrix Electronic Dental Record. This is a recorded webinar that can be accessed at [copy and paste this link]. Participants must watch the entire webinar and the completion code is included within the webinar. If you took this course originally in FY 2017 [course DE0051], you MAY review it again in FY 2018 and receive CDE credit.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Learn the perio path and issues caused when you fall of the path; 2. Learn the navigation tools of the EDR with relation to periodontal charting; and 3. Explain/recognize periodontal exam views in the EDR.
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0098: IHS EDR Series: Insurance Billing Using Dentrix Enterprise 8.0.5 [Recorded Webinar]
12/5/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Ginger Roberts
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
This is a webinar in the IHS Electronic Dental Record series, and end users of the IHS EDR are encouraged to participate in this training opportunity. Dentrix Enterprise has everything you need to file your dental insurance claims. In this webinar you will learn how to bill insurance companies, add attachments electronically, track your claims plus how to read the reports that come back from eServices. This is a recorded webinar that can be accessed at [copy and paste this link]. Participants must watch the entire webinar and the completion code is included within the webinar. If you took this course originally in FY 2017 [course DE0068], you MAY review it again in FY 2018 and receive CDE credit.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. File and refile claims 2. Track claims and update statuses 3. File and pay claims using the Batch Insurance options
Participants should be users of the IHS EDR
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0099: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education - Understanding and Navigating the Dentrix Patient Chart [Recorded Webinar]
12/5/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Cindy Abreu
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
This 1-hour webinar will detail how to utilize the chart function in the Dentrix Electronic Dental Record, including charting existing conditions, attaching ICD-10 codes, and changing providers in the system, and will introduce new features in versions 8.0 and 8.0.5. This is a recorded webinar that can be accessed at [copy and paste this link]. Participants must watch the entire webinar and the completion code is included within the webinar. If you took this course originally in FY 2017 [course DE0041], you MAY review it again in FY 2018 and receive CDE credit.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Identify and understand the patient/chart statuses on the Dentrix Schedule display. 2. Chart: Existing restorations; Treatment planned procedures; Conditions. 3. Link ICD-10 codes to Treatment Planned Procedures 4. Change Dentrix chart entries from Charted Provider to Rendering Provider
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0100: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education Series - Dentrix Enterprise Document Center Management [Recorded Webinar]
12/5/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Theresa Romero
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
This 1 1/2-hour webinar will provide an overview of the Dentrix Enterprise Document Center, including how to access the document center, how to select document types and set up document templates, how to correct mislabeled or incorrectly scanned or stored documents, and review functions of the modify document tool bar. This is a recorded webinar that can be accessed at [copy and paste this link]. Participants must watch the entire webinar and the completion code is included within the webinar. If you took this course originally in FY 2017 [course DE0087], you MAY review it again in FY 2018 and receive CDE credit.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Set up Document types and Document templates 2. Know the tools to correct a document that was labeled incorrectly or scanned incorrectly into the work folder or patient record. 3. Describe the Modify Document tool bar = allows you to add a page, crop, etc.
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0101: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education Series - Resolving RPMS-EDR Interface Issues [Recorded Webinar]
12/5/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Ginny Bronson
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
This 1 1/2-hour webinar will provide an overview of the Resource and Patient Management System [RPMS] and Electronic Dental Record [EDR] interface including: [1] the type of data transmitted between RPMS and Dentrix; [2] the Bade production; and [3] common issues with the RPMS interface and review of the troubleshooting guide. This is a recorded webinar that can be accessed at [copy and paste this link]. Participants must watch the entire webinar and the completion code is included within the webinar. If you took this course originally in FY 2017 [course DE0085], you MAY review it again in FY 2018 and receive CDE credit.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Understand data flow between Dentrix and RPMS; 2. Troubleshoot issues related to Bade production in Ensemble; and 3. Resolve common issues with patient demographic data in RPMS.
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0102: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education - Using Dentrix Clinical Note Templates to Simplify Record Keeping and Save Time [Recorded Webinar]
12/5/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
jamie westfall
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
Inserting pre-written notes instead of typing them each time ensures consistent phrasing and prevents typing errors. It also eliminates the necessity to abbreviate phrases and dental terms for faster note taking. Often, we encounter clinicians whose notes have become very abbreviated over time. With clinical note templates, you can maintain a comprehensive, detailed clinical record with a couple clicks of the mouse. This is a recorded webinar that can be accessed at [copy and paste this link]. Participants must watch the entire webinar and the completion code is included within the webinar. If you took this course originally in FY 2017 [course DE0105], you MAY review it again in FY 2018 and receive CDE credit.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Utilize Clinical note templates in Dentrix; 2. Creating new clinical note templates; 3. Using prompts in clinical notes.
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0103: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education - Utilizing the Available Note Fields in Dentrix Enterprise [Recorded Webinar]
12/5/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Cindy Abreu
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
This 1-hour webinar will cover the different kinds of notes you can enter in Dentrix, their purpose and use, and from which modules you can access these notes. Notes will be divided into the following areas: Scheduling Notes, Patient Information Notes, Financial Notes, Insurance Notes, and Clinical Notes. This is a recorded webinar that can be accessed at [copy and paste this link]. Participants must watch the entire webinar and the completion code is included within the webinar. If you took this course originally in FY 2017 [course DE0117], you MAY review it again in FY 2018 and receive CDE credit.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Identify all of the available notes fields in Dentrix Enterprise; 2. Quickly and efficiently have access to specific information about each patient; and 3. Create and maintain a complete clinical and personal record for each patient.
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0104: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education - eServices for billing from Dentrix Enterprise [Recorded Webinar]
12/5/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Poonam Jackson, Carey Zibley
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
This 1-hour webinar will be an introduction to the eServices module and how it works in the billing process. Information will be provided on access and how to use the eServices program. This is a recorded webinar that can be accessed at [copy and paste this link]. Participants must watch the entire webinar and the completion code is included within the webinar. If you took this course originally in FY 2017 [course DE0121], you MAY review it again in FY 2018 and receive CDE credit.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Understand what the components of eServices are and how they work in the billing process. 2. Understand some of the specifics of eServices for the IHS Dentrix Enterprise client 3. Understand who to contact or how to apply for eServices for Dentrix Enterprise
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0105: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education - Maximizing Utilization of the Dentrix Appointment Book Features [Recorded Webinar]
12/5/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Johnnie Phillips
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
This 1-hour webinar is focused on the appointment book in Dentrix. We will review some setup functions that may not have visited since your initial install, discover some of the best features the appointment book has to offer, and review the lists that are essential in scheduling. This is a recorded webinar that can be accessed at [copy and paste this link]. Participants must watch the entire webinar and the completion code is included within the webinar. If you took this course originally in FY 2017 [course DE0123], you MAY review it again in FY 2018 and receive CDE credit. This webinar will be recorded and the recording link will be sent out on the IHS EDR Listserv after the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Set up different areas of the appointment book to best fit your site needs. 2. Utilize the features present for more effective scheduling. 3. Have a solid understanding of the different appointment book lists and when they are most helpful
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0106: IHS Monthly EDR Series: Overview of Posting in Dentrix Enterprise [Recorded Webinar]
12/5/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Ginger Roberts
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
This 90-minute webinar will provide an overview of posting and coding in Dentrix Enterprise 8.0.5. Discussion will include: posting from the patient chart and ledger; proper protocol to correct errors; attaching ICD-10 codes; and ensuring posting in Dentrix Enterprise is a clear process. This is a recorded webinar that can be accessed at [copy and paste this link]. Participants must watch the entire webinar and the completion code is included within the webinar. If you took this course originally in FY 2018 [course DE0060], you CANNOT CLAIM CDE CREDIT BY VIEWING THIS RECORDED SESSION. The live version of this webinar can be accessed at
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Post from the patient chart and ledger; 2. Correct errors, and describe how this translates to RPMS; and 3. Attach ICD-10 codes.
Participants should be end users of the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
Payment Address:
Please Make Checks Payable to: Indian Health Service.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0107: IHS Monthly CDE Webinar [Recorded Webinar]: Considerations in Restoring Class III Occlusal Relationships
3/28/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Mitchell Wilkinson
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
0.75 (Total CDE); 0.75 (DANB Non-Clinical); 0.75 (AGD - 670) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Continuing Dental Education [CDE] Webinar series and will describe prosthodontic considerations in restoring malocclusion. This course was offered live on 3/28/18. The recorded version can be heard by copying and pasting the following link: Once completed, you may enter the course completion code given during the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Define a Class I, II, and III occlusal relationship; 2. Describe prosthodontic solutions to restoring Class III occlusal relationships; and 3. Explain problems in restoring malocclusion.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0108: IHS Monthly Dental Leadership Webinar [Recorded Webinar]: Considerations in Facility Remodeling
12/6/2017 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Jose Rodriguez
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 200 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Monthly Dental Leadership Webinar Series. The recorded webinar provides information on the Pine Ridge Dental Program remodeling effort and tips for dental staff when remodeling programs. To access the webinar, please go to [copy and paste this URL]. The course completion code is announced during the webinar. IF YOU RECEIVED CREDIT FOR THE LIVE SESSION [DE0074], YOU MAY NOT RECEIVE CREDIT FOR THIS RECORDED SESSION.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Formulate spacing needs based on staffing and population served; 2. Describe considerations in facility remodeling related to radiography, infection control, cabinetry, etc.; and 3. List at least three resources to find out more information on facility remodeling.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0109: SCF Study Club: Dental Care and the Obstetric Patient
1/9/2018 - 1/9/2018
Facility: |
South Central Foundation |
Location: |
Anchorage, AK |
Instructor(s): |
Sarah Truitt, Bethany Berry
Director: |
Nhi Huynh |
Audience: |
Hygienists, Dentists, Assistants |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
5 - 35 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 750) |
This in-person course is part of the ongoing Southcentral Foundation Study Club. The purpose of the course is to review the importance of dental care in pregnant women and the data that supports good oral health and good prenatal outcomes. Review the use of diagnostic imaging and routine medications, including anxiolytics during pregnancy. Review common concerns with the obstetrical dental patient.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: 1. Review the literature that connects oral health and obstetrical outcomes. 2. Review diagnostic dental procedures in the obstetric patient. 3. Review the use of medications [anxiolytics, antibiotics, pain medications] in pregnancy.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0110: Understanding and Using Clinical Data - Diabetes Online CE
1/9/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Ryan Schupbach
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This webinar is offered through a collaboration with the IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention. Scientific papers are often a source of invaluable data, statistics, and conclusions, yet are frequently misunderstood or misrepresented. Using simple statistical tools can assure that published data is accurate and derived through high quality trial methodology. This session will provide clinicians with basic information for understanding and confidently applying clinical trial findings to daily practice. The webinar is accessible at
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Discuss elements of literature evaluation needed in medical publication dissection; 2. Interpret important features of sound medical literature; and 3. Describe basic applied/translational statistics used in formulary management.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0111: Prevention 101: Introduction to Dental Disease Prevention [for dentists & dental hygienists]
4/13/2018 - 4/13/2018
Facility: |
Sheraton Albuquerque Airport |
Location: |
Albuquerque, NM |
Instructor(s): |
CHRISTOPHER HALLIDAY, Elaine Sanchez, Aliandra Maes, Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
10 - 30 students |
Tuition: |
$67.50 |
Hours: |
6.75 (Total CDE); 6.75 (AGD - 550) |
This one-day abbreviated course will provide dentists and dental hygienists with some of the basics of dental disease prevention including information on fluoride varnish, fluoridation, sealants, silver ion antimicrobials, glass ionomers, oral health education, and program planning. This course is limited to the first 25 registrants.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. List at least three evidence-based prevention best practices in dental disease prevention; 2. Describe the steps in the POARE planning model; and 3. Create and carry out a prevention project at the participant's own clinic.
Participants must be dentists, dental hygienists, or dental therapists in order to participate in this course.
Travel to the host site is required
Payment Address:
Payment must be by check and accompanied by Tuition Payment Form
IHS DIvision of Oral Health, ATTN: CDE Coordinator
5600 Fishers Lane, Mail Stop 08N34 A
Rockville, MD 20857
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0112: Periodontics in the IHS [Refresher Course for Dentists & Hygienists]
4/9/2018 - 4/9/2018
Facility: |
Sheraton Albuquerque Airport |
Location: |
Albuquerque, NM |
Instructor(s): |
Gregory Smith
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
15 - 50 students |
Tuition: |
$67.50 |
Hours: |
6.75 (Total CDE); 6.75 (AGD - 490) |
This one-day course provides IHS, Tribal, and Urban dentists and dental hygienists detailed information about treating periodontal disease in a public health environment. This course is limited to the first 50 students who register.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: 1. List the three most common periodontal diagnoses; 2. Describe the treatment planning process for a patient with periodontal disease; and 3. Describe the IHS Periodontal Expanded Functions Dental Assistant Program.
Participants must be dentists, dental hygienists, or dental therapists.
Travel to host site is required.
Payment Address:
Payment must be by check and accompanied by Tuition Payment Form
IHS DIvision of Oral Health, ATTN: CDE Coordinator
5600 Fishers Lane, Mail Stop 08N34 A
Rockville, MD 20857
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0113: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education - ICD-10 Coding Overview in Dentrix Enterprise [Live Webinar]
1/17/2018 - 1/17/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Ginger Roberts
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
This 1-hour webinar, offered live on Jan. 17, 2018, provides an overview of the appropriate use of ICD-10 codes in Dentrix Enterprise 8.0.5. Like all of the live webinars for the EDR series, this webinar can be accessed at on the day and time of the training [2-3:30 Eastern]. This webinar will be recorded and the recording link will be sent out on the IHS EDR Listserv after the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Understand set up & cross coding of ICD-10 codes with ADA CDT Codes; 2. Proper use of ICD-10 codes on procedures, and on dental claims; and 3. Review common errors with codes between RPMS and Dentrix Enterprise.
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0114: CDC-IHS Healthcare Infection Prevention and Control Training - Portland
6/6/2018 - 6/7/2018
Facility: |
Portland Area Office |
Location: |
Portland, OR |
Instructor(s): |
Isaac See, Bryan Christensen, Alex Guh, Ruth Link-Gelles, Eve Cuny, Matthew Ellis
Director: |
Cheryl Sixkiller |
Audience: |
DHA, Hygienists, Assistants, Dentists |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
5 - 200 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
13.50 (Total CDE); 13.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 13.50 (AGD - 148) |
This is a two-day training session conducted by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Indian Health Service focusing on infection prevention and control for healthcare settings. The areas of training will include principles of infection prevention and control, roles and responsibilities of infection control committee, education of leadership on infection prevention and control, risk recognition and risk management, environmental infection control, application of infection control assessment tools, setting specific infection prevention and control considerations, and healthcare associated infection outbreak response in outpatient care table top exercise.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1. Know the roles and responsibilities of an infection control committee. 2. Become familiar with Infection Control Risks Assessments. 3. Know the process for outbreak response in an outpatient care setting.
To host site
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0115: IHS Monthly Dental Leadership Webinar [Recorded Webinar]: Oral Health Literacy
1/4/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
David Schindler
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
This presentation covers the 10 attributes of a health literate health care organization and kicks off the IHS Division of Oral Health oral health literacy campaign. To access this RECORDED webinar, please copy and paste this URL: Once you have viewed the recorded webinar, you can enter the completion code given during the course. If you attended the live session you may not receive credit for listening to the recorded session.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the impact of health literacy on oral and general health; 2. Define oral health literacy; and 3. List at least five attributes of a health literate organization.
This presentation is open to all dental staff.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0116: SCF Study Club: Quit Tobacco Program
2/13/2018 - 2/13/2018
Facility: |
South Central Foundation |
Location: |
Anchorage, AK |
Instructor(s): |
Crystal Meade, Diana Gamez
Director: |
Nhi Huynh |
Audience: |
Dentists, Assistants, Hygienists |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
5 - 35 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 158) |
This in-person course is part of the ongoing Southcentral Foundation Study Club. The purpose of this course is to inform dental providers of the Quit Tobacco Program available at Southcentral Foundation and ANTHC, and discuss how the referral process to these programs work.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: 1. Describe the Southcentral Foundation Quit Tobacco Program; 2. Detail when to refer patients for tobacco cessation; and 3. Describe the ANTHC Quit Tobacco Program.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0117: Diabetes and Dementia - Diabetes Online CE
1/23/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Blythe Winchester
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This webinar is offered through a collaboration with the IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention. Diabetes and prediabetic states have consistently been shown to be risk factors for cognitive decline, mild cognitive impairment and dementia. This session will provide an overview of the associations between dementia and diabetes. Discussion of the relationship of dementia with multiple diabetes-related factors over time [age at onset, diabetes duration, glucose control, presence of complications, inflammation, medications and hypoglycemic episodes] will be included. The session will also provide information/recommendations for caring for people with diabetes and dementia. The webinar is accessible at
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1.Talk with patients and caregivers about how diabetes affects living with dementia; 2. Talk with patients and caregivers about how diabetes affects the risk of developing cognitive impairment and dementia; and 3. Describe ways to include dementia in the holistic care of dementia patients in your clinical or community setting.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0118: Hypertension Guidelines - Diabetes Online CDE
2/13/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Dena Wilson
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
The session will include a discussion of various clinical practice guidelines for hypertension and how they relate to individual hypertension management, including blood pressure measurement, hypertension identification, and the IHS hypertension protocol. In addition, the session will include discussion of assessment of medication adherence in treating hypertension. A clinician tool for using the IHS hypertension protocol for managing hypertension will also be provided. The live webinar will be on February 13, 2018. The recording of the live webinar will be available on the Division of Diabetes web site for three years. The live and recorded sessions of our trainings are all available at the following
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the importance of understanding clinical practice guidelines and application to individual patient treatment; 2. Outline a plan for assessing patients for hypertension; and 3. Integrate the IHS Hypertension Treatment protocol into clinical care.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0119: American Academy of Dental Therapy [AADT] Annual Meeting
5/15/2018 - 5/18/2018
Facility: |
Swimonmish Casino and Lodge |
Location: |
Anacortes, WA |
Instructor(s): |
Kathy Phipps, Mary Williard, Jeremy Horst Keeper, Darryl Tonemah, Coyte Cooper
Director: |
Rachael Hogan |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
25 - 200 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
17.00 (Total CDE); 17.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 3.00 (AGD - 010); 3.00 (AGD - 550); 5.00 (AGD - 770); 6.00 (AGD - 430) |
This is a dynamic, multi-day meeting filled with motivating and inspiring dental providers to recognize the past, current, and future trends of oral health including best preventative and minimally invasive dental techniques with an emphasis on Native Communities. AGENDA [tentative]: Tuesday May 15th, 2018 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm - Flip the Script: 3 steps to Radically Improve your Productivity and Potential by Dr. Coyte Cooper Wednesday May 16th, 2018 8:30 am - 9:00 am - Registration, breakfast. 9:00 am -12:00 pm - Oral Health in American Indian/Alaska Natives by Dr. Kathy Phipps 12:00 pm -1:30 pm - Lunch break 1:30 pm -4: 30 pm - DHAT Curriculum Update, P.O.A.R.E., School Based Sealant Projects by Dr. Mary Williard 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm - Wrap up, dinner not provided. Thursday May 17th, 2018 8:00 am - 8:30 am - Breakfast 8: 30 am - 11:30 pm - Trauma and Our Communities by Dr. Darryl Tonemah 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm - Swinomish Blessing of the Fleet [bused over] 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm - AADT Face to Face Meeting [conference room in lodge, dinner not provided] Friday May 18th, 2018 9:00 am -12:00 pm - Minimally Invasive Dentistry by Dr. Jeremy Horst 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm - Clinical Applications by Dr. Jeremy Horst 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm - Wrap up, Thank you, dinner not provided
Learning Objectives:
For learning objectives of each session, please refer to the event program. Overall learning objectives: Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Identify past and future oral health issues and concerns within Native communities; 2. Name at least three oral health prevention best practices; and 3. Describe minimally invasive dentistry techniques.
To host site
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0120: IHS Monthly EDR Series: Dentrix Office Journal and ‘More Info’ Modules [Recorded Webinar]
1/8/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
jamie westfall
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Assistants, Hygienists, Support Staff |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
This 90-minute webinar will provide an overview of daily use of Dentrix Enterprise Office Journal and ‘More Info’ Modules This is a RECORDED webinar. To access this webinar, please copy and paste this URL: The completion code is announced during the webinar. IF YOU RECEIVED CDE CREDIT FOR THE LIVE SESSION - DE0093 - YOU MAY NOT RECEIVE CREDIT FOR THIS SESSION ALSO. Agenda: Office Journal: 1. Overview of the Office Journal -Activity in Dentrix Enterprise 2. Set up views in the Office Journal 3. Posting entries of conversations [phone calls and in person conversations] 4. Using Reminders in the Office Journal More Info: 1. Overview of More Info Module 2. Quickly view critical information regarding the patient - Appointments, Continuing Care, Chart Number and more
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to understand the following: 1. Office Journal - Entry of conversations and use of daily reminders. 2. Office Journal - View all entries of patient activity and conversations. 3. More Info- View critical information regarding a patient quickly and efficiently.
Participants should be end users of the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
Payment Address:
Please Make Checks Payable to: Indian Health Service.
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0121: Minimally Invasive Dentistry Clinical Course
2/27/2018 - 2/28/2018
Facility: |
Marimn Health Center [formerly Benewah] |
Location: |
Plummer, ID |
Instructor(s): |
Jeremy Horst Keeper
Director: |
Bonnie Bruerd |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
6 - 30 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
15.00 (Total CDE); 10.00 (DANB Clinical); 5.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 15.00 (AGD - 430) |
This course will be a two-day course with ½ day lecture and 1 ½ days of hands on clinical practice with minimally-invasive dentistry to include the use of silver ion microbials, interim therapeutic restorations, SMART technique, and Hall crowns. Participants for this course are selected by the course director. This is a CLOSED course, and only those credentialed at the host facility can participate.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: 1. List the components of minimally-invasive dentistry and describe the evidence supporting each; 2. Demonstrate strategies for behavior management of 0-5 year-old children; and 3. Apply silver ion antimicrobials, place ITRs, use the SMART technique, and place Hall crowns as appropriate clinically.
Participants must be hand selected by the course director.
To host site
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0122: Baby Teeth Matter
2/7/2018 - 2/7/2018
Facility: |
Sea-Tac Marriott |
Location: |
Seattle, WA |
Instructor(s): |
Bonnie Bruerd, Travis Nelson, Sarah Borgida, Alia Katabi
Director: |
Bonnie Bruerd |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 100 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
6.50 (Total CDE); 6.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 2.00 (AGD - 430); 4.50 (AGD - 130) |
This course will provide the most recent Baby Teeth Matter [BTM] data, provide new information on behavior management for 0-5 year old children, provide a panel presentation on effective ways to work with daycares and Early Head Start, and conclude with goal setting and writing PDSAs for the coming quarter. This course is only open to Portland Area staff participating in the Baby Teeth Matter project.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to: 1. List 3 ways to work more closely with tribal daycare centers and Early Head Start; 2. List 3 strategies to manage child behavior during dental visits; and 3. Write 2-3 PDSAs to increase dental access and decrease referrals to private pediatric dentists for 0-5 year olds.
This course is only open to programs currently participating in the Baby Teeth Matter collaborative.
Yes. Course is at the Sea-Tac Marriott. A flyer with additional information will be sent to prospective participants by the course director.
Payment Address:
Tuition is not required as this is a Northwest Portland Indian Health Board and Washington Dental Services Foundation-sponsored course
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0123: EDR Training and Implementation in IHS - Crownpoint
12/4/2017 - 1/3/2018
Facility: |
Crownpoint |
Location: |
Crownpoint, NM |
Instructor(s): |
Renee Gilbert, Johnnie Phillips
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Assistants, Dentists, Support Staff, Hygienists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 35 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
52.00 (Total CDE); 52.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 52.00 (AGD - 550) |
Our trainees are provided a presentation, along with hands-on use, of the Clinical Applications and the Electronic Appointment Scheduler in the Dentrix Enterprise electronic dental record [EDR]. This course of instruction is presented on site for a full 6 days. An additional 2 days are spent together with the trainer during “Go Live” following the initial five days. At this time, the EDR is put to work with active patients in the dental clinic, with the trainer there to assist the Doctors and Staff Members as they use the software. We will instruct the Dental Chief, Staff Dentists, and the entire Team, respective to position, on how to: 1. Setup the Clinic in Dentrix Enterprise [includes Password Security settings and assigned rights for a Login/Password for each Provider and Staff Member]. 2. Enter existing treatment, treatment planned procedures, and completed treatment procedures in the Patient Chart. 3. Enter Perio Charting of pocket depths, recession, etc. 4. Complete and Approve Clinical Notes for each patient’s visit to the clinic. 5. Appoint and Re-Appoint patients for needed treatment. 6. Use scanning hardware and the Dentrix Enterprise Document Center to electronically store all paperwork. 7. Set-up and monitor a Recall system for ongoing patient care. 8. Use the DXOne reporting module for collection of statistical data for various Reporting needs. 9. If applicable, use DEXIS, digital x-ray software that is the Dentrix Enterprise solution for acquiring, manipulating, and storing digital images.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1. Effectively chart patient conditions, along with planned and completed treatment, in an electronic format. 2. Write, approve, and store Clinical Notes electronically. 3. Produce, manipulate, and store digital images [if applicable to the clinic]. 4. Enter and archive Patient Appointments electronically. 5. Track and contact Patients for treatment planned, and for regular hygiene care needed. 6. Use Dentrix Enterprise to go completely chartless/paperless when desired. 7. Retrieve, schedule, manage, and maintain statistical data at will.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0124: Oklahoma Area Dental Seminar - February 2018
2/7/2018 - 2/7/2018
Facility: |
Moore Norman Technology Center |
Location: |
Oklahoma City, OK |
Instructor(s): |
Rene Graham, Coty Shores
Director: |
Keasha Myrick |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
6.00 (Total CDE); 6.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 3.00 (AGD - 200); 3.00 (AGD - 730) |
This quarterly seminar is held to present updated clinical and non-clinical information through continuing dental education courses to IHS dental personnel within OCA.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this seminar, participants should be able to: 1. Describe changes in radiology techniques and impact of radiation exposure; 2. Explain how to effectively treat intra- and extra-capsular disorders; and 3. Describe the anatomy of the temporo-mandibular joint.
Participants should be from the Oklahoma City Area [OCA].
Yes, to host site.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0125: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education - ICD-10 Coding Overview in Dentrix Enterprise [Recorded Webinar]
1/23/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Ginger Roberts
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.00 (Total CDE); 2.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 2.00 (AGD - 550) |
This 1-hour recorded webinar provides an overview of the appropriate use of ICD-10 codes in Dentrix Enterprise 8.0.5. This webinar can be accessed at If you attended the live webinar on 1/17/18 [DE0113], you may not receive CDE credit for both that course and this course.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Understand set up & cross coding of ICD-10 codes with ADA CDT Codes; 2. Proper use of ICD-10 codes on procedures, and on dental claims; and 3. Review common errors with codes between RPMS and Dentrix Enterprise.
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0126: IHS Monthly CDE Webinar [Recorded Webinar]: Hall Crown Technique
1/25/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 430) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Continuing Dental Education [CDE] Webinar series and will describe steps and rationale of the Hall Crown Technique. This course was being offered LIVE on 01/24/18 [Course DE0064 in the 2018 Catalog]. If you received CDE credit for that course, you may not receive credit for this course. This recorded webinar is available at [copy and paste URL]. The completion code is given during the course.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the difference in technique between placement of a traditional stainless steel crown and the Hall Technique; 2. Describe indications and contraindications for the use of the Hall Technique; and 3. Review the literature pertaining to success rates of stainless steel crowns places using the Hall Technique.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0127: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education - What's New in Dentrix Enterprise 8.0.9 [Live Webinar]
2/21/2018 - 2/21/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Elliot Walker
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
This 1-hour webinar, offered live on Feb. 21, 2018, provides an overview of changes with Dentrix 8.0.9. Like all of the live webinars for the EDR series, this webinar can be accessed at on the day and time of the training [2-3:30 Eastern]. This webinar will be recorded and the recording link will be sent out on the IHS EDR Listserv after the webinar.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Describe new features in Dentrix 8.0.9; 2. Understand office impact of upgrading to Dentrix 8.0.9; and 3. Utilize the features of Dentrix 8.0.9.
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0128: Breastfeeding: How Infants Learn to Feed - Diabetes Online CDE
2/22/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Christina Smillie
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
This session will provide an in depth look at how hospital and new parent practices affect the innate impulses and adaptive behaviors of the newborn learning to breastfeed. Neurological processes/model for infant feeding will be outlined and described. Tips and tools for increased implementation and sustainability of baby friendly hospital practices will be shared. The live webinar will be on February 22, 2018. The recording of the live webinar will be available on the Division of Diabetes web site for three years. The live and recorded sessions of our trainings are all available at the following
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Adapt clinical practice to enhance breastfeeding support and opportunity. 2. Change the breastfeeding environment to a supportive setting that will increase exclusive breastfeeding rates. 3. Apply the knowledge gained to improve breastfeeding education provided to new mothers.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0129: IHS Monthly Dental Leadership Webinar [Recorded Course, open to all dental staff]: National Children's Dental Health Month 2018
2/8/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Elaine Sanchez, Aliandra Maes, CHRISTOPHER HALLIDAY, Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
0.50 (Total CDE); 0.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 0.50 (AGD - 550) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Monthly Dental Leadership Webinar Series. This approximately 35-minute webinar, which is available to ALL dental staff, provides valuable information on preparing for the 2018 National Children's Dental Health Month, describing oral health disparities in AI/AN communities, different resources available from the IHS Division of Oral Health, and tips on what your program can do in celebration of National Children's Dental Health Month. This webinar was offered live on February 7, 2018, but the recorded version is available at this link only: [copy and paste that URL to access it]. The course completion code is given during the presentation. If you received CDE credit during the live webinar, you may not also receive credit for the recorded webinar.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the purpose of National Children's Dental Health Month; 2. List this year's theme; and 3. Implement at least one strategy in celebration of NCDHM.
Participants should serve currently in one of the following capacities: 1. IHS Area Dental Officer 2. Clinical & Preventive Support Center 3. IHS Headquarters Dental Staff 4. Dental Director/Chief of an IHS or Tribal dental program 5. Assistant or Deputy Director/Chief of an IHS or Tribal dental program
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0130: SCF Study Club: Suturing Techniques for the General Practitioner
3/21/2018 - 3/21/2018
Facility: |
South Central Foundation |
Location: |
Anchorage, AK |
Instructor(s): |
Jennifer Lombrano, matthew Williams, Antonio Parameswaran
Director: |
Nhi Huynh |
Audience: |
Dentists |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
5 - 35 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (AGD - 310) |
This in-person course is part of the ongoing Southcentral Foundation Study Club. The goal of this course is to train general dentists in predictable suturing techniques.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: 1. Discuss different types of suture configurations and indications for use. 2. Learn the principles of correct suturing techniques. 3. Demonstrate suturing techniques.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0131: Fresh Food Pharmacy: Changing How We Take Care of Patients With Food Insecurity - Diabetes Online CDE
3/1/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Michelle Passaretti
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Support Staff, Assistants |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 130) |
Food insecurity, a phenomenon that affects the entire household, is also an important contributor to overall health. Even after adjusting for socioeconomic status, food insecure adults are more likely to have diabetes and have difficulty with diabetes self-management and other health conditions. This training will address implications for health care and education that is offered to patients including steps the clinician/educator can take to screen for food insecurity and identify resources to help clients obtain healthful foods in AI/AN communities. The session invites health team members to think of ways to be more responsive to the needs of patients and take steps to improve services. The live webinar will be on March 1, 2018. The recording of the live webinar will be available on the Division of Diabetes web site for three years. The live and recorded sessions of our trainings are all available at the following
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Summarize current information about the effects of food insecurity on diabetes prevention and diabetes self-management, and overall health. 2. Locate and utilize screening tools to assess food insecurity in persons with diabetes. 3. Name at least two programs/system strategies you can support in your community that address food insecurity.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0132: How Far Can You Go For a Smile? - Kayenta Grand Rounds
2/14/2018 - 2/14/2018
Facility: |
Kayenta Health Center |
Location: |
Kayenta, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Susan Garner
Director: |
Nicolette McDermot-Ketchum |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 50 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 750) |
This course, part of the ongoing Grand Rounds CE Lecture Series at the Kayenta Health Center, will focus on cleft lip and cleft palate, special considerations, and utilizing the entire healthcare team in management of these patients. Compared to other racial/ethnic groups, Native Americans are at a significantly higher risk for cleft lip/palate. We have many providers new to our patient population who are not aware of the higher risks that our patients have for a number of conditions. There is a gap in knowledge about the prevalence, causes and treatment options for cleft lip/palate in our patient population. The knowledge gained from this presentation will allow them to support those patients with orofacial clefts before, during and after specialist intervention. This course is open to staff at the Kayenta Service Unit only.
Learning Objectives:
As a result of participating in this activity, the healthcare team will: 1. Examine the prevalence and causes of cleft lip/palate. 2. Recognize and assess cleft lip/palate to determine optimal treatment options. 3. Apply a team approach to managing patients with cleft lip/palate.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0133: Periodontal Disease Detection, Examination, Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning - for Sacaton dental staff only
2/22/2018 - 2/22/2018
Facility: |
Gila River Health Care Corporation |
Location: |
Sacaton, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Gregory Smith
Director: |
Gregory Smith |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 100 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 490) |
This in-person course will provide Gila River dental staff with an overview of different ways to detect periodontal disease, the components and details of a periodontal examination, and how providers can assign an accurate periodontal diagnosis. This course is only open to Gila River Health Care Corporation dental staff.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants should be able to: 1. Explain and properly use the Community Periodontal Index in screening patients for periodontal disease; 2. Describe the examination protocol for periodontal disease and when to conduct a full periodontal workup following a CPI screening; and 3. Develop an evidence-based periodontal diagnosis and treatment plan based on the screening, periodontal workup, and other indicators.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0134: Locator Abutments: Clinical Procedures - Tuba City Study Club
3/8/2018 - 3/8/2018
Facility: |
Tuba City Regional Health Care Center |
Location: |
Tuba City, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Roger Oldroyd
Director: |
Roger Oldroyd |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
3 - 20 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.00 (Total CDE); 2.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 2.00 (AGD - 690) |
This in-person course will provide participants with a general overview of abutment selection and clinical procedures for locator implant abutments. This course is open to Tuba City Regional Health Care Center dental staff only.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will: 1. Identify appropriate patients to be treated with Locator abutments; 2. Treatment plan and select appropriate abutments for restorations; and 3. Understand clinical procedures for restoration of Locator abutments.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0135: Integrating Historic Food Ways into Current Healthcare Practices - Diabetes Online CDE
3/13/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Kibbe Conti
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Assistants, Support Staff, Hygienists, Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
2 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 150) |
This webinar is offered through a collaboration with the IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention, with the recording available on the DDTP website at The course will be live on March 13th but the recorded version will be available for three years. Although traditional food ways have a long history of importance and use in health maintenance and disease prevention and treatment in AI/AN communities, they are often underestimated as a part of health services. This session will provide an overview of the potential contributions of the Indigenous diet to health, wellness, and people-centered health care. Discussion of appropriate integration of traditional food ways into health care and education will be provided, including specific examples and tools for diabetes care and self-management education.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the contribution of Indigenous concepts in patient education in supporting motivation for patient change. 2. Provide diabetes education in a way that encourages use of traditional food ways. 3. Identify aspects of traditional Native American lifestyles that may contribute to improved health and well-being.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0136: Special Webinar: Cone Beam Computed Tomography [CT]
3/21/2018 - 3/21/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Ali Pourian
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 250 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 730) |
This course is being offered live on Wednesday, March 21, 2018 @ 1:00 Eastern Time. To access the live course, please go to The course will provide the practitioner with basic knowledge of the principles of cone beam CT [CBCT] production. An overview of the methods of data representation will be shown, along with associated anatomy. The course will demonstrate how CBCTs can be used in placement of implants, evaluation of temporomandibular diseases as well as common jaw pathosis.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Understand the basic working principles of Cone Beam CT; 2. Understand the various data representations capable with CBCT; and 3. Understand the applications of Cone Beam CT in dentistry.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0137: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education - What's New in Dentrix Enterprise 8.0.9 [Live Webinar]
3/21/2018 - 3/21/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Elliot Walker
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
This 1-hour webinar, offered live on March 21, 2018, provides an overview of changes with Dentrix 8.0.9. Like all of the live webinars for the EDR series, this webinar can be accessed at on the day and time of the training [2-3:30 Eastern]. AGENDA: DXE 8.0.9 topics for March 21, 2018 1. More Information Window o Patient Picture [Covered in Feb 21, 2018, Webinar] o Summary Tab [Covered in Feb 21, 2018, Webinar] o Insurance and billing - Table discussion on eService - coming in April o Patient Tags [Covered In Feb 21, 2018, Webinar] - What it is and how to use it o Medical Alerts tab o Procedures tab o Treatment plan tab - Consent forms o Treatment Plan manager o Vitals - may not do in IHS office o Appointments [Covered In Feb 21, 2018, Webinar] o Treatment request o Treatment Request manager 2. Scheduling Assistant 3. Q&A TO JOIN: 1. Go to 2. Click/select the ‘Enter as a Guest’ option; type your name in the ‘Name’ box; type “sunshine” in the ‘Room Passcode’ box; and click on “Enter Room”. Note: A window with Adobe Connect training slides may pop-up. You can view the training slides or just close the pop-up window by clicking on the “x” in the upper right corner and proceed to the following steps: 3. A window should appear to “join audio conference” a. Click on the “Dial-out” feature [receive call from the meeting] b. Type in your phone number c. Click “Join” at the bottom of the window d. Wait for the call, answer, then press “1” to join the conference 4. If the above method for audio access does not work, an alternative to join the audio is by dialing 1-800-832-0736 and then enter: 8082919 . [include the “” and “”] 5. PLEASE Mute your phone until the end when the presenter opens up the session for questions from the audience. DO NOT PLACE YOUR PHONE ON HOLD during the session. 6. There is no need to sign in or announce yourself 7. You may also ask questions by typing in the “chat” box in the lower right-hand side RECORDED WEBINAR: This webinar will be recorded and the recording link will be sent out on the IHS EDR Listserv after the webinar. To receive CDE credit for the recorded webinar, you will need to find the course in the CDE catalog [it is not this course]. You may not receive CDE credit for both the live and recorded sessions.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Describe new features in Dentrix 8.0.9; 2. Understand office impact of upgrading to Dentrix 8.0.9; and 3. Utilize the features of Dentrix 8.0.9.
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0138: Portland Area Elder Collaborative
3/21/2018 - 3/21/2018
Facility: |
Hilton |
Location: |
Seattle, WA |
Instructor(s): |
Bonnie Bruerd, Sarah Borgida, Philip Weinstein
Director: |
Bonnie Bruerd |
Audience: |
DHA, Hygienists, Assistants, Dentists |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
5 - 100 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
6.00 (Total CDE); 6.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 6.00 (AGD - 750) |
This one-day in-person course is co-sponsored by the Northwest Tribal Dental Support Center and is specifically designed for dental staff in the Portland Area. This course will provide new information on dental fears as applies to elders, provide a panel presentation on effective ways to work in the community to increase dental access for elders, and develop data guidelines to track dental access for elders. AGENDA [Draft only]: 8:30 am Welcome and Opening Exercise - Sarah Borghida, ARCORA 9:00 am Data: What should we count and why? - Dr. Bonnie Bruerd 9:30 am PDSA Data 9:45 am Break 10:00 am Dental Fears and Elders - Dr. Phil Weinstein 12:00 pm Lunch [PDSA: Dental Fears] 1:00 pm Community-Based Strategies for Outreach - Panel 2:00 pm PDSA on Community Outreach 2:15 pm Review infographic elements - Dr. Bonnie Bruerd 2:45 pm Break 3:00 pm Next Steps - Sarah Borghida and Dr. Bonnie Bruerd Develop objectives moving forward Organize panel for NTDSC summer meeting Develop structure and training for taking on new sites 4:00pm Adjourn
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe how to assess if an elder is suffering from dental fears; 2. List 3 strategies to manage dental fears; and 3. List 3 strategies for working with medical and community partners to increase dental access for elders.
Participants must be in the Portland Area.
Travel is required to the host site in Seattle, Washington.
Payment Address:
Not applicable
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0139: Getting Breastfeeding Right from the Start: Enhancing Maternal Newborn Competence - Diabetes Online CDE
3/22/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Catherine Watson-Jenna
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Assistants, Support Staff, Hygienists, Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
2 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 150) |
This webinar is offered through a collaboration with the IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention, with the recording available on the DDTP website at The course will be live on March 22nd but the recorded version will be available for three years. Early problems with breastfeeding cause about half of mothers to abandon breastfeeding in the first postpartum weeks. This session will provide information on multiple, simple ways that obstetricians, midwives, nursing and other staff can support the normal process of breast feeding. Breast feeding is an evidence based early intervention for reducing risk for obesity and diabetes. Tips and tools for increased implementation and sustainability of baby friendly hospital practices will be shared. The IHS promotes and tracks breast feeding via efforts such as the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, the Diabetes Treatment and Prevention Program Best Practices, and GPRA.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Alter practice routines that interfere with the natural process of breastfeeding in order to support a more optimal breastfeeding duration. 2. Enhance and improve advice and support to new mothers to help prevent early problems. 3. Describe the benefits of breastfeeding related to obesity.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0140: Food Insecurity in Indian Country: A Case Study Approach - Diabetes Online CDE
3/28/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Patty Keane
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Assistants, Support Staff, Hygienists, Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
2 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 149) |
This webinar is offered through a collaboration with the IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention, with the recording available on the DDTP website at The course will be live on March 28th but the recorded version will be available for three years. This session will outline the current state of food insecurity among American Indian and Alaska Native [AI/AN] people, and the programs that influence food access in urban and rural Native communities. The association between food insecurity and nutrition-related chronic disease, including diabetes and obesity will be explored through a case study approach. Examples of culturally appropriate approaches to promote food security at the individual, family, and community level when serving AI/AN populations will be provided. The importance of including indigenous perspectives into evidence-based chronic disease prevention initiatives will also be discussed.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Summarize current information about the effects of food insecurity on diabetes prevention and diabetes self-management, and overall health. 2. Locate and utilize screening tools to assess food insecurity in persons with diabetes. 3. Name at least two programs/system strategies you can support in your community that address food insecurity.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0141: IHS Monthly Dental Webinar [Recorded Webinar] Maximizing Use of Expanded Function Dental Assistants
3/8/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Terry Haney, Gregory Smith, Ruth Reed
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Hygienists, Assistants, Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Monthly Dental Leadership Webinar Series. It is designed to provide you information about the IHS Expanded Function Dental Assistant [EFDA] Program - definition/scope of practice, how many are trained now in IHS and tribal programs, course curriculum, certification process, when and how the EFDA should be used in the dental clinic, advantages/disadvantages of using EFDAs, etc. This is a RECORDED webinar. To view the webinar, copy this link: The completion code for the webinar is announced during the webinar. You may not receive CDE credit for both the live session [DE 0077 in the 2018 catalog] and this course.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the scope of work for restorative and periodontal EFDAs; 2. Describe the curriculum, prerequisites, and post-course certification requirements for restorative and periodontal EFDAs; and 3. List three ways restorative and periodontal EFDAs can help improve productivity, access, and efficiency in IHS and tribal dental programs.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0143: Oklahoma Area Dental Seminar - August 2018
8/8/2018 - 8/8/2018
Facility: |
Moore Norman Technology Center |
Location: |
Oklahoma City, OK |
Instructor(s): |
Tricia Osuana
Director: |
Keasha Myrick |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 50 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
6.00 (Total CDE); 6.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 6.00 (AGD - 130) |
This quarterly seminar is held to present updated clinical and non-clinical information through continuing dental education courses to IHS dental personnel within OCA. The course will have t2o 3-hour lectures: Change your thoughts to improve your outcomes, and It's all about saving lives. Both will focus on new products and emerging technologies. Course: CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS AND IMPROVE YOUR OUTCOMES Updated protocols assist us in determining our patient’s specific needs. As we move towards a more collaborative profession, we need to embrace these updates to identify those needs. We are presented with continuous challenges of new advances in products and technology and their use in dentistry and are in need information to determine when and how to add them into our armamentaria. As professionals providing health services, our perception of product use along with protocols needs to be discussed with our team as well as the interdisciplinary referrals we have. The process of care [assessment, diagnosis, treatment planning, implementation, evaluation and documentation] requires a comprehension of protocols, products and treatment options and how they are to be utilized. 1. Distinguish which new-to-market products should be brought into your practice 2. Integrate materials and products for a variety of uses in the dental office from infection control, dental hygiene therapy, oral cancer screening, patient communication and instrumentation 3. Modify diagnosis assistance with the team and rationale for changes in assessment forms and diagnostic tools Course: It’s all about Saving Lives! As dental professionals we are able do something unique to help the thousands of individuals in need of our care. As a specific set of healthcare providers treating this unique group, transplant recipients, it is necessary for us to understand their dental care options and oral hygiene needs. Organ transplantation and donation has increased tremendously over the last 10 years yet there is still an immense need for understanding the processes of donation, transplantation and recipient care. Participate in a sharing of organ transplantation and donation information; learn about transplant recipients and their need for specialized dental care. This presentation will offer insight about the ‘how to’s’ of not only dental care for organ recipients but also communication with their families. We will also share insight on how to be a donor; understand that process and how to aid in sharing the message with your patients and colleagues on how to ~ Save Lives! Sharing life’s experiences is a fabulous way to learn! 1. Recognize the need for specialized care for transplant recipients 2. Develop protocols for patient’s dental needs based on medications and oral complications 3. Appreciate and understand organ donation processes 4. Communicate with patients and family to share the need for registration
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this seminar, participants should be able to: 1. Participants will be able to distinguish which new-to-market products should be brought into your practice. 2. Participants will be able to integrate materials and products for a variety of uses in the dental office from infection control, dental hygiene therapy, oral cancer screening, patient communication and instrumentation. 3. Participants will be able to modify diagnosis assistance with the team and rationale for changes in assessment forms and diagnostic tools.
Participants should be from the Oklahoma City Area [OCA].
Yes, to host site.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0144: IHS Special Webinar: Human Papillomavirus & Oral Cancer [Recorded Webinar]
4/4/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Thomas Weiser, Andria Apostolou, Joseph Park
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 148) |
TO ACCESS THIS COURSE, PLEASE COPY AND PASTE THE FOLLOWING LINK: This is a special webinar available to all staff. In 2016, a study confirmed that infection from human papillomavirus [HPV] 16 precedes development of some head and neck cancers [see]. The Indian Health Service Division of Oral Health [DOH], in partnership with the IHS Division of Epidemiology and Disease Prevention, conducted a survey over the past month to further understand the knowledge, attitudes and practices around human papillomavirus [HPV] prevention among oral health professionals at IHS/Tribal/Urban service units. This webinar provides information on the results of that survey, a discussion of oral cancer and oral cancer screenings by dental providers, and information about the HPV vaccination series and how dental providers can engage patients and parents in a discussion about HPV vaccination.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the results of the IHS HPV-Oral Cancer Survey conducted in January-February 2018; 2. Explain the relationship between Human Papillomavirus and oral and pharyngeal cancers; and 3. Discuss with patients and parents/guardians the advantages of HPV vaccination and refer patients to medical providers for the vaccination.
This course is open to all IHS, Tribal, and Urban dental staff at no cost.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0145: AIDC Study Club: Oral Surgery Journal Review
4/18/2018 - 4/18/2018
Facility: |
Albuquerque IHS Dental Clinic |
Location: |
Albuquerque, NM |
Instructor(s): |
Matt Fisher
Director: |
Matt Fisher |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
5 - 10 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.00 (Total CDE); 2.00 (AGD - 770) |
This is exclusively for dental staff at the Albuquerque IHS Dental Clinic [AIDC]. This 2 hour journal review gathering will review 10 articles from current scientific dental journals discussing trends, evaluation/diagnosis, treatment options, provision of care, complications, and follow-up strategies for oral and maxillofacial cases.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Diagnose and treatment plan for common conditions requiring oral surgery, including when to refer to a specialist; 2. List the most common oral surgery complications and the most effective and successful ways to deal with them; and 3. Describe current trends in the pharmacologic management of oral surgery patients and how to determine appropriate follow-up strategies.
Participants must be on staff at AIDC
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0146: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education - What's New in Dentrix Enterprise 8.0.9 [Recorded Webinar]
3/22/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Elliot Walker
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
This 1-hour webinar, which was offered live on Feb. 21, 2018 as course DE0127 in the 2018 catalog, provides an overview of changes with Dentrix 8.0.9. The recorded webinar can be viewed by going to: If you received CDE credit for the live session on 2/21/18, you may not also receive CDE credit for this course.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Describe new features in Dentrix 8.0.9; 2. Understand office impact of upgrading to Dentrix 8.0.9; and 3. Utilize the features of Dentrix 8.0.9.
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0147: Cone Beam Computed Tomography [Recorded Webinar]
3/22/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Ali Pourian
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 730) |
The course will provide the practitioner with basic knowledge of the principles of cone beam CT [CBCT] production. An overview of the methods of data representation will be shown, along with associated anatomy. The course will demonstrate how CBCTs can be used in placement of implants, evaluation of temporomandibular diseases as well as common jaw pathosis. This course may be accessed by copying and pasting this link: Note that if you received CDE credit for the live session on 3/21/18, you may not also receive CDE credit for the recorded session.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Understand the basic working principles of Cone Beam CT; 2. Understand the various data representations capable with CBCT; and 3. Understand the applications of Cone Beam CT in dentistry.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0148: Door2Door Diabetes Program - Diabetes Online CDE
4/25/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Scott McGrew
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Assistants, Support Staff, Hygienists, Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 149) |
This webinar is offered through a collaboration with the IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention, with the recording available on the DDTP website at The course will be live on April 25th but the recorded version will be available for three years. This session will provide an overview of the Door2Door Diabetes Program at the Whiteriver Service Unit, including a brief program description and a review of program outcomes and results. Information on implementation of a home visit program and evaluating program outcomes will be provided. Program tools and resources will also be shared.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Examine the benefits of community outreach in treating and preventing diabetes. 2. Utilize tools and resources developed by the White Mountain Apache Door2Door Campaign to develop a program in your community. 3. Identify one change you can make in your clinical or public health practice to promote community outreach to improve diabetes treatment and prevention.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0149: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education [Live Webinar] - Resolving RPMS-EDR Interface Issues
4/18/2018 - 4/18/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Ginny Bronson
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Assistants, Dentists, Hygienists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.00 (Total CDE); 2.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 2.00 (AGD - 550) |
This course will provide an overview of the RPMS-EDR interface including: [1] the type of data transmitted between RPMS and Dentrix; [2] restarting the Ensemble Bade production, finding errors and messages; [3] common issues with the RPMS interface and review of the troubleshooting guide. To join: 1. Go to: 2. Click/select the ‘Enter as a Guest’ option; type your name in the ‘Name’ box; type “sunshine” in the ‘Room Passcode’ box; and click on “Enter Room”.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Understand how the data flows between RPMS and Dentrix. 2. Troubleshoot issues related to the Bade production in Ensemble. 3. Resolve common issues with patient and provider information in RPMS
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0150: Infection Control Training for IHS/Tribal Dental Programs by the Area Dental Officer
4/18/2018 - 4/18/2018
Facility: |
Klamath Falls |
Location: |
Klamath Falls, OR |
Instructor(s): |
Cheryl Sixkiller
Director: |
Cheryl Sixkiller |
Audience: |
Hygienists, Assistants, DHA, Dentists |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 40 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
3.00 (Total CDE); 3.00 (AGD - 148) |
This is an in-person training conducted by the Portland Area Dental Officer [ADO] in conjunction with dental site visits in the Portland Area. It is open only to the program receiving the site visit. The training is tailored to the IHS and tribal dental programs requests in preparation for AAAHC survey with a review of CDC recommendations on infection control.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1. Demonstrate proper hygiene etiquette. 2. Know appropriate use of Personal Protective Equipment. 3. Be able to safely turnover operatories and instruments between patient visits.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
Reducing Stress to Help Baby Nurse: Addressing Latching Challenges - Diabetes Online CDE
4/19/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Catherine Watson-Jenna
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Assistants, Support Staff, Hygienists, Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 149) |
This webinar is offered through a collaboration with the IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention, with the recording available on the DDTP website at The course will be live on April 19th but the recorded version will be available for three years. Breast feeding is an evidence based early intervention for reducing risk for obesity and diabetes. Getting baby to latch properly is important to a good breastfeeding experience for moms and babies. Maternal interpretations of infant behavior and signs of infant frustration can impact mom’s motivation to breastfeed. This session will provide information on how staff can enhance maternal functioning by providing support, interpreting and framing normal infant behaviors, and modeling and teaching ways to increase the infant’s ability to work through breastfeeding difficulties. The IHS promotes and tracks breast feeding via efforts such as the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, the Diabetes Treatment and Prevention Program Best Practices, and GPRA.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Teach moms to interpret infant behavior and signs of frustration with feeding. 2. Model and teach breastfeeding moms support behaviors to promote the infant’s ability to work though feeding difficulties.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0152: Pharmacologic Treatment for the Prevention of Diabetes - Diabetes Online CDE
5/8/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Richard Arakaki
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Assistants, Support Staff, Hygienists, Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 149) |
This webinar is offered through a collaboration with the IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention, with the recording available on the DDTP website at The course will be live on May 8th but the recorded version will be available for three years. The overall prevalence of diabetes among American Indian and Alaska Native people is approximately 15 or twice the national average. This session will provide discussion of screening for individuals with prediabetes to help identify people at risk and provide them with interventions to reduce development of diabetes. Discussion of lifestyle modification and medications as effective interventions that have been shown to decrease diabetes incidence will also be included.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Assess individuals for tailored intervention to prevent and/or delay diabetes. 2. Educate and increase patient awareness on the various risk factors for the development of diabetes. 3. Evaluate clinical studies of anti-hyperglycemic medication for the prevention of diabetes.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0153: EDR Training and Implementation in IHS
4/2/2018 - 4/10/2018
Facility: |
Santo Domingo Health Center |
Location: |
Kewa Pueblo, NM |
Instructor(s): |
Cindy Abreu
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Assistants, Support Staff, Dentists, Hygienists |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
1 - 100 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
48.00 (Total CDE); 48.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 48.00 (AGD - 561) |
Summary: Our trainees are provided a presentation, along with hands-on use, of the Clinical Applications and the Electronic Appointment Scheduler in the Dentrix Enterprise electronic dental record [EDR]. This course of instruction is presented on site for a full 6 days. An additional 2 days are spent together with the trainer during “Go Live” following the initial five days. At this time, the EDR is put to work with active patients in the dental clinic, with the trainer there to assist the Doctors and Staff Members as they use the software. We will instruct the Dental Chief, Staff Dentists, and the entire Team, respective to position, on how to: 1. Setup the Clinic in Dentrix Enterprise [includes Password Security settings and assigned rights for a Login/Password for each Provider and Staff Member]. 2. Enter existing treatment, treatment planned procedures, and completed treatment procedures in the Patient Chart. 3. Enter Perio Charting of pocket depths, recession, etc. 4. Complete and Approve Clinical Notes for each patient’s visit to the clinic. 5. Appoint and Re-Appoint patients for needed treatment. 6. Use scanning hardware and the Dentrix Enterprise Document Center to electronically store all paperwork. 7. Set-up and monitor a Recall system for ongoing patient care. 8. Use the DXOne reporting module for collection of statistical data for various Reporting needs. 9. If applicable, use DEXIS, digital x-ray software that is the Dentrix Enterprise solution for acquiring, manipulating, and storing digital images.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1. Effectively chart patient conditions, along with planned and completed treatment, in an electronic format. 2. Write, approve, and store Clinical Notes electronically. 3. Produce, manipulate, and store digital images [if applicable to the clinic]. 4. Enter and archive Patient Appointments electronically. 5. Track and contact Patients for treatment planned, and for regular hygiene care needed. 6. Use Dentrix Enterprise to go completely chartless/paperless when desired. 7. Retrieve, schedule, manage, and maintain statistical data at will.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0154: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education [Recorded Webinar] - Resolving RPMS-EDR Interface Issues
4/18/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Ginny Bronson
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.00 (Total CDE); 2.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 2.00 (AGD - 550) |
This course will provide an overview of the RPMS-EDR interface including: [1] the type of data transmitted between RPMS and Dentrix; [2] restarting the Ensemble Bade production, finding errors and messages; [3] common issues with the RPMS interface and review of the troubleshooting guide. To listen to this recorded webinar, go to:
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Understand how the data flows between RPMS and Dentrix. 2. Troubleshoot issues related to the Bade production in Ensemble. 3. Resolve common issues with patient and provider information in RPMS
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0155: IHS Clinical Rounds: Best Practices Pain Management & Safe Opioid Prescribing in Indian Country, for Non-Prescribing Clinicians
5/10/2018 - 5/10/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Joanne Katzman, George Comerci, Paul Romo
Director: |
Mary Toledo |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 340) |
This webinar will address pain, pain management, addiction, and medication assisted treatment for Non-prescribing Clinicians. Participants will learn about non-pharmacological and non-opioid treatments for chronic pain, and the role of a multidisciplinary pain team. Opioid misuse will be discussed, as well as medication assisted treatment and harm reduction interventions. Registration This presentation is open to everyone, and there is no fee to participate in this webinar. Continuing education credits from various disciplines will be provided for attending this webinar. Details on how to claim these credits will be provided during the presentation. NOTE: Per APA guidelines partial credit will not be given, you must attend the entire one hour in order to receive credits. Registration is required. Each individual must register. If attending in a group setting [2], please email TBHCE at for additional instructions. If you are a first time attendee, please follow these directions to register: 1. Visit the following link: 2. Once the page loads, click on the “Event Registration” tab at the top of the page 3. Fill out the registration information a. Please remember your password as you will need it to log in to the webinar 4. Click “Submit” at the bottom of the page to complete registration. If you have attended and registered for other webinars via Adobe Connect and have a username/password, follow these directions: 1. Visit the following link: 2. Once the page loads, click on the “Event Registration” tab at the top of the page 3. Click the link following: “If you have registered with us before, please: click here” 4. Confirm all required fields are filled out 5. Click “Submit” at the bottom of the page to complete registration. Connection Information To log in on the day of the webinar: 1. Visit: 2. Log in with the username and password you created when you registered to attend Adobe Connect First Time Users The IHS uses Adobe Connect for online meetings. If you have never attended an Adobe Connect meeting before, please test your connection before the session. Questions & Technical Assistance If you have trouble with any of the steps above or do not receive the confirmation email, please contact us using the address below as soon as possible. You will receive a reply from, this is not spam or junk mail. This is the help ticket system we use, and any email you receive from this address is us responding to your request for help. Hardware Requirements You must have a computer with broadband Internet access. For the best experience viewing the videos, use Internet Explorer 11 or greater and Flash 28 player. Click on the "Flash" icon to install the player, if necessary. If you have any trouble viewing the video trainings, contact us at for alternate viewing options. If you have trouble viewing this training on-line, check your system to make sure you have the appropriate hardware and software. If you need help or have any questions, please send an email to Note: Before you begin the training, you can review the IHS Privacy Policy []. Also, you can review the Survey Monkey Privacy Policy for details on how user information submitted in the evaluation is protected.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Examine the public health opioid epidemic in Indian Country. 2. Incorporate effective non-opioid pharmacological pain treatment options. 3. Apply best practices for safe opioid use with a focus on chronic pain management and substance use disorder.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0156: Understanding Dental QAI/PI Tools - Great Plains Area
4/27/2018 - 4/27/2018
Facility: |
Wagner Dental Clinic |
Location: |
Wagner, SD |
Instructor(s): |
Flauryse Baguidy
Director: |
Flauryse Baguidy |
Audience: |
Assistants, Support Staff, Dentists, Hygienists |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 50 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
This one-hour lecture will be provided by the Great Plains Area Dental Officer and will cover key components of the IHS Dental Quality Assurance/Improvement [QAI] Program, also known as Performance Improvement [PI]. This course is currently only being offered to Wagner Dental Clinic staff.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: 1. Define quality assurance, quality improvement, and performance improvement; 2. Describe the elements of a QA/QI program; and 3. Explain the rationale behind implementing a quality improvement program in dental.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0157: Baby Led Positioning for Successful Breastfeeding - Diabetes Online CDE
5/17/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Nancy Mohrbacher
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Assistants, Support Staff, Hygienists, Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 149) |
This webinar is offered through a collaboration with the IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention, with the recording available on the DDTP website at The course will be live on May 17, 2018 but the recorded version will be available for three years. Breast feeding is an evidence based early intervention for reducing risk for obesity and diabetes. This session will provide information on the background and natural methodology of allowing the baby to lead in achieving the best position and latch for himself. Information to help mom be supportive of her baby’s ability to work through breastfeeding difficulties will be discussed. The IHS promotes and tracks breast feeding via efforts such as the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, the Diabetes Treatment and Prevention Program Best Practices, and GPRA.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Examine information about baby’s inborn ability to self-attach in order to provide increased support and opportunity for moms to be successful in breastfeeding. 2. Support and educate the breastfeeding dyad effectively. 3. Change breastfeeding education focus and support to acknowledge and allow for the importance of baby led attachment.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0158: EDR Training and Implementation in IHS
4/9/2018 - 4/12/2018
Facility: |
Fort Yuma Health Center |
Location: |
Yuma, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Renee Gilbert
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Assistants, Support Staff, Dentists, Hygienists |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
1 - 100 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
48.00 (Total CDE); 48.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 48.00 (AGD - 561) |
Summary: Our trainees are provided a presentation, along with hands-on use, of the Clinical Applications and the Electronic Appointment Scheduler in the Dentrix Enterprise electronic dental record [EDR]. This course of instruction is presented on site for a full 6 days. An additional 2 days are spent together with the trainer during “Go Live” following the initial five days. At this time, the EDR is put to work with active patients in the dental clinic, with the trainer there to assist the Doctors and Staff Members as they use the software. We will instruct the Dental Chief, Staff Dentists, and the entire Team, respective to position, on how to: 1. Setup the Clinic in Dentrix Enterprise [includes Password Security settings and assigned rights for a Login/Password for each Provider and Staff Member]. 2. Enter existing treatment, treatment planned procedures, and completed treatment procedures in the Patient Chart. 3. Enter Perio Charting of pocket depths, recession, etc. 4. Complete and Approve Clinical Notes for each patient’s visit to the clinic. 5. Appoint and Re-Appoint patients for needed treatment. 6. Use scanning hardware and the Dentrix Enterprise Document Center to electronically store all paperwork. 7. Set-up and monitor a Recall system for ongoing patient care. 8. Use the DXOne reporting module for collection of statistical data for various Reporting needs. 9. If applicable, use DEXIS, digital x-ray software that is the Dentrix Enterprise solution for acquiring, manipulating, and storing digital images.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1. Effectively chart patient conditions, along with planned and completed treatment, in an electronic format. 2. Write, approve, and store Clinical Notes electronically. 3. Produce, manipulate, and store digital images [if applicable to the clinic]. 4. Enter and archive Patient Appointments electronically. 5. Track and contact Patients for treatment planned, and for regular hygiene care needed. 6. Use Dentrix Enterprise to go completely chartless/paperless when desired. 7. Retrieve, schedule, manage, and maintain statistical data at will.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0159: IHS Monthly CDE Webinar [Recorded Webinar]: Considerations in Complete and Partial Denture Design
4/25/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Mitchell Wilkinson
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 670) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Continuing Dental Education [CDE] Webinar series and will describe techniques and considerations in denture design. The course was offered live on April 24, 2018 as course DE0067; if you received credit for that course, you may not also receive credit for this course. To access the recorded webinar, COPY AND PASTE THIS LINK:
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe important retention factors for maxillary and mandibular complete dentures; 2. Compare and contrast different types of partial dentures; and 3. Explain treatment algorithms in determining the type of partial denture to provide to patients.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0160: Alaska Dental Therapy Educational Program Presentation Day
5/31/2018 - 5/31/2018
Facility: |
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium |
Location: |
Anchorage, AK |
Instructor(s): |
Allison Wasuli, Marissa Gardner, Melinda Gray, Alexandria Jones, SUZANNE EBERLING, Sarah Shoffstall-Cone, Leandra Beech, Samantha Sparks, Jeremy Horst Keeper, ,
Director: |
Sarah Shoffstall-Cone |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
5 - 100 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
6.00 (Total CDE); 6.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 2.00 (AGD - 010); 4.00 (AGD - 430) |
The Alaska Dental Therapy Educational Program [ADTEP] will be hosting a day of continuing education. ADTEP students will be presenting their graduation and community project presentations. We will have a keynote speaker on evidence-based prevention materials and practices as well.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: 1. Describe the benefit of using the POARE model to plan, implement, and evaluate prevention programs and how this allows one to determine if the project is effective and efficient; 2. Identify evidence-based clinical practice and prevention activities that will enhance one's dental program; and 3. Define evidence-based dentistry and how it can improve patient/community outcomes. Individual session learning objectives will be made available to participants.
To host site - in-person course only
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0161: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education [Live Webinar] - Dentrix Enterprise eServices Review
5/16/2018 - 5/16/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Brad Royer
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.00 (Total CDE); 2.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 2.00 (AGD - 550) |
Course Overview: This course will review the current eServices offerings for Dentrix Enterprise. In particular, we will dive into the landscape of eClaims submissions and possibilities in the Medicaid space. This course will, therefore, help participants understand connections that exist today to different state Medicaid payers and what research is being done to potentially offer new connection in the future. Agenda: 1] Discuss the current Dentrix Enterprise eServices offerings a. eClaims b. Attachments c. Quickbill 2] Describe X12 ANSI 837D [Dental] versus 837I [Institutional] connections 3] Outline current payer connections and availability for use 4] Discuss current research for payer connections not currently available 5] Open Q&A To join: 1. Go to: 2. Click/select the ‘Enter as a Guest’ option; type your name in the ‘Name’ box; type “sunshine” in the ‘Room Passcode’ box; and click on “Enter Room”.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Reiterate the Dentrix Enterprise eServices offerings 2. Understand the eClaims and patient billing processes 3. Explain the current and future opportunities for insurance billing
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0162: Approach to Headache - Kayenta Grand Rounds
5/23/2018 - 5/23/2018
Facility: |
Kayenta Health Center |
Location: |
Kayenta, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Aaron Berkowitz
Director: |
Nicolette McDermot-Ketchum |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 50 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 149) |
This course, part of the ongoing Grand Rounds CE Lecture Series at the Kayenta Health Center, will focus on providing an overview of the neurological exam and headaches. This course is open to staff at the Kayenta Service Unit only.
Learning Objectives:
As a result of participating in this activity, the healthcare team will: 1. Distinguish between primary headache disorders and secondary headache.; 2. Recognize the red flags for not-to-miss causes of secondary headache; and 3. Appropriately manage primary headache symptoms.
Must be dental staff at Kayenta Service Unit
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0163: EDR Training and Implementation in IHS
5/1/2018 - 5/8/2018
Facility: |
Nespelem Indian Health Center |
Location: |
Nespelem, WA |
Instructor(s): |
Renee Gilbert
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Assistants, Support Staff, Dentists, Hygienists |
Level: |
Advanced |
Quota: |
1 - 3 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
48.00 (Total CDE); 48.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 48.00 (AGD - 561) |
Summary: Our trainees are provided a presentation, along with hands-on use, of the Clinical Applications and the Electronic Appointment Scheduler in the Dentrix Enterprise electronic dental record [EDR]. This course of instruction is presented on site for a full 6 days. An additional 2 days are spent together with the trainer during “Go Live” following the initial five days. At this time, the EDR is put to work with active patients in the dental clinic, with the trainer there to assist the Doctors and Staff Members as they use the software. We will instruct the Dental Chief, Staff Dentists, and the entire Team, respective to position, on how to: 1. Setup the Clinic in Dentrix Enterprise [includes Password Security settings and assigned rights for a Login/Password for each Provider and Staff Member]. 2. Enter existing treatment, treatment planned procedures, and completed treatment procedures in the Patient Chart. 3. Enter Perio Charting of pocket depths, recession, etc. 4. Complete and Approve Clinical Notes for each patient’s visit to the clinic. 5. Appoint and Re-Appoint patients for needed treatment. 6. Use scanning hardware and the Dentrix Enterprise Document Center to electronically store all paperwork. 7. Set-up and monitor a Recall system for ongoing patient care. 8. Use the DXOne reporting module for collection of statistical data for various Reporting needs. 9. If applicable, use DEXIS, digital x-ray software that is the Dentrix Enterprise solution for acquiring, manipulating, and storing digital images.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1. Effectively chart patient conditions, along with planned and completed treatment, in an electronic format. 2. Write, approve, and store Clinical Notes electronically. 3. Produce, manipulate, and store digital images [if applicable to the clinic]. 4. Enter and archive Patient Appointments electronically. 5. Track and contact Patients for treatment planned, and for regular hygiene care needed. 6. Use Dentrix Enterprise to go completely chartless/paperless when desired. 7. Retrieve, schedule, manage, and maintain statistical data at will.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0164: IHS Monthly CDE Webinar [Recorded Course]: Silver Diamine Fluoride
5/24/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Jeremy Horst Keeper
Director: |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 430) |
Silver fluoride therapy is transforming caries management. Here we focus on case selection, technique, managing stain, and handling the 19 failure rate. Incorporation with traditional methods is suggested. This is a RECORDED webinar. To access the course, copy this URL into your browser: To receive CDE credit, view the entire webinar and enter the course completion code provided during the course. If you received CDE credit for the live session offered on 5/23/18, you may not also receive CDE credit for this course.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Demonstrate technique to apply and avoid stain of restorations; 2. Guide follow-up care for silver fluoride therapy; and 3. Conduct informed consent for silver fluoride therapy.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0165: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education [Recorded Webinar] - Dentrix Enterprise eServices Review
5/16/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Brad Royer
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.00 (Total CDE); 2.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 2.00 (AGD - 550) |
Course Overview: This course will review the current eServices offerings for Dentrix Enterprise. In particular, we will dive into the landscape of eClaims submissions and possibilities in the Medicaid space. This course will, therefore, help participants understand connections that exist today to different state Medicaid payers and what research is being done to potentially offer new connection in the future. THIS IS A RECORDING OF A COURSE OFFERED MAY 16, 2018 [DE0161]. IF YOU RECEIVED CDE CREDIT FOR THAT COURSE, YOU MAY NOT RECEIVE CREDIT FOR THIS COURSE AS WELL. TO ACCESS THE RECORDED COURSE LINK, PLEASE COPY AND PASTE THE FOLLOWING LINK INTO YOUR BROWSER: . Agenda: 1] Discuss the current Dentrix Enterprise eServices offerings a. eClaims b. Attachments c. Quickbill 2] Describe X12 ANSI 837D [Dental] versus 837I [Institutional] connections 3] Outline current payer connections and availability for use 4] Discuss current research for payer connections not currently available 5] Open Q&A
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Reiterate the Dentrix Enterprise eServices offerings 2. Understand the eClaims and patient billing processes 3. Explain the current and future opportunities for insurance billing
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0166: Oklahoma City Area 2018 Annual Dental Meeting
6/19/2018 - 6/21/2018
Facility: |
Renaissance Tulsa Hotel & Convention Center |
Location: |
Tulsa, OK |
Instructor(s): |
CHRISTOPHER HALLIDAY, Joel Knutson, Bob Smith, Amy Logan, jamie westfall, PAUL WOOD, Amber Riley, Kevin Fields, Danny Walters, Paul Pierce, Peggy Coe, Jaime Parrish, Brian Jackson, Ana Sandee
Director: |
Keasha Myrick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 400 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
30.00 (Total CDE); 30.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 0.50 (AGD - 149); 3.00 (AGD - 148); 10.50 (AGD - 550); 1.50 (AGD - 157); 1.00 (AGD - 144); 4.50 (AGD - 770); 1.50 (AGD - 490); 1.50 (AGD - 310); 6.00 (AGD - 145) |
This is the annual dental meeting of the Oklahoma City Area dentists, hygienists, assistants, and front office dental staff.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course/meeting, participants should be able to: 1. Describe Division of Oral Health resources available to field programs; 2. Identify disease transmissibility in the dental setting; and 3. Explain the role of a forensic dental team in scientific human identification and multiple fatality incidents.
Travel required to meeting location; see flyer distributed by the Oklahoma City Area Office for information on lodging and the draft agenda.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0167: Breastfeeding and Depression - Diabetes Online CDE
6/21/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Kathleen Kendall-Tackett
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Assistants, Support Staff, Hygienists, Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 149) |
This webinar is offered through a collaboration with the IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention, with the recording available on the DDTP website at The course will be live on June 21, 2018 but the recorded version will be available for three years. Breast feeding is an evidence based early intervention for reducing risk for obesity and diabetes. This session will include presentation of the literature and research related to depression and its effect on success and duration of breastfeeding. Information on the effect of breastfeeding on state of depression will also be discussed. The IHS promotes and tracks breast feeding via efforts such as the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, the Diabetes Treatment and Prevention Program Best Practices, and GPRA.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Advise pregnant women and mothers on the effects of depression and depressive trauma on breastfeeding. 2. Examine information about how breastfeeding can improve depression rates in postpartum women. 3. Provide education on the ways breastfeeding protects the mental health of postpartum women.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0168: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education [Live Webinar] - 10 Things You Didn't Know Dentrix Enterprise Could Do
6/20/2018 - 6/20/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Pat Tandon
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 1000 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.00 (Total CDE); 2.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 2.00 (AGD - 550) |
Course Overview: This course is part of the continuing EDR series and will focus on Discovering underutilized areas of the software, and improving efficiencies with Dentrix Enterprise. Agenda: 1. Creating custom letter templates a. Creating a template, and creating Letters for a filtered set of patients. 2. Using the Dentrix Letter Merge Add-in for Microsoft Word a. With this add-in, you can easily pull patient information into the letter templates 3. Using Quick Letters – School/Work Excuse, and much more! a. How to merge a single patient’s information 4. Appointment Lists a. Unscheduled list b. ASAP List 5. Late Appointment Tracking a. Will display on the appointment book 6. Appointment Statistics report a. Easily track number of scheduled appointments, broken appointments, wait/will call, average appointment time, and more 7. Quickly find available time a. Find new appointment time b. Search by provider/ops, or specific time blocks. 8. Using the appointment book day note 9. Continuing Care Lists a. Customizing the Views b. Using the temporary view c. Quick access to Journal/Documents from the list 10. Quickly access Appointment and Continuing Care information for a patient or family using the More Info Button To join: 1. Go to: 2. Click/select the ‘Enter as a Guest’ option; type your name in the ‘Name’ box; type “sunshine” in the ‘Room Passcode’ box; and click on “Enter Room”.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Learn to Use Letter Merge and Quick Letters; 2. Enhance your Appointment Book Scheduling Processes; and 3. Describe Tips and Tricks useful for all Enterprise Users.
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0169: Area Dental Officer Concepts III - In-person Course
7/25/2018 - 7/26/2018
Facility: |
Albuquerque Area Office |
Location: |
Albuquerque, NM |
Instructor(s): |
Steve Tetrev, Richard Champany
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 24 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
10.25 (Total CDE); 10.25 (DANB Non-Clinical); 10.25 (AGD - 770) |
This is the culmination of the Area Dental Officer Concepts I, II, and III courses. It is embedded within the annual Area Dental Officer - Headquarters Meeting. Participants should attend the entire 1 1/2 days to receive credit for the course; partial credit is not available. AGENDA: July 25, 2018 8:00 - 8:30 ADOs and HQ are endangered species 8:30 - 10:15 Program review reports, lessons learned, best practices 10:30 - 12:00 Building relationships 1:00 - 3:00 Staff development, needs assessment, culture of learning 3:15 - 5:00 Exercise - develop staff development plans July 26, 2018 8:00 - 8:30 Review previous day 8:30 - 9:30 Advocacy for the ADO position - accountability, responsiveness, marketing, & exercise 9:45 - 11:00 Personal development - learning needs, teaching, create personal development plan
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe best practices related to the comprehensive program review tool; 2. List three steps to market the Area Dental Officer position in your Area; and 3. Describe how to assess staff development needs and act on them.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0170: IHS Special CDE Webinar [Recorded Webinar]: Oral Health Surveillance Training 2018
7/11/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Kathy Phipps
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
This is a recording of the live training offered on 7/11/18. If you attended that live training or plan to attend the live training in August 2018, you do not need to access this webinar except as a reference. You can access it at From July to December this year, the Indian Health Service will be once again asking IHS, tribal, and urban dental programs to conduct an oral health survey of AI/AN children aged 1-5 years. We last surveyed 1-5 year-old AI/AN children in 2010 and 2014, and what we found from these surveys was that AI/AN children suffer more from tooth decay than other populations in the U.S., that early prevention before the age of two is critical, and that sealants on primary molars are underutilized. The purpose of these surveys is to monitor the burden of oral disease and use of the oral health care delivery system. We will have over a hundred programs around the country who will assess oral health status of AI/AN children, and this information can be used at the local, Area, and national level to show disparities that in turn can help programs prioritize and allocate resources to address those disparities. We are asking you and your clinic to participate in the upcoming survey. This means that you will screen a set number of 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-year old children in non-dental clinic settings such as well-child, WIC, Early Head Start, Head Start, tribal preschool programs, and kindergarten. The number of children to screen is based on the size of your user population - the smaller the user population, the fewer children to screen.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the purpose of the IHS Oral Health Surveillance Program; 2. Describe the sampling methodology behind this year's surveillance; and 3. Conduct oral health surveys on 1-5 year-old AI/AN children
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0171: Portland Area Dental Meeting
8/21/2018 - 8/23/2018
Facility: |
Tulalip Resort |
Location: |
Tulalip, WA |
Instructor(s): |
Bonnie Bruerd, Kathy Phipps, Cheryl Sixkiller, BRUCE JOHNSON, Christina Peters, Mary Brickell, Sarah Borgida, Tina Woods, Nora Frank-Buckner, Erik Vinson, Dana Diehl
Director: |
Bonnie Bruerd |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
10 - 300 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
16.25 (Total CDE); 16.25 (DANB Non-Clinical); 0.50 (AGD - 149); 6.75 (AGD - 550); 3.00 (AGD - 430); 0.50 (AGD - 150); 0.50 (AGD - 130); 1.00 (AGD - 730); 3.00 (AGD - 770); 1.00 (AGD - 750) |
The purpose of the annual dental meeting is to provide updates, present new oral health data, and provide continuing dental education on various clinical, prevention, and cultural topics. This is the annual meeting of the Portland Area and will include an orientation session and a Baby Teeth Matter session.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this meeting, participants should be able to: 1. Describe at least three ways to improve their health so that they can become healthier healers; 2. Screen children for the 2018 IHS oral health survey; and 3. List 3 components of minimally-invasive dentistry and how each might fit in to a comprehensive ECC program.
Yes, to host site
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0172: AIDC Study Club: Nitrous Oxide Anxiolysis
7/17/2018 - 7/17/2018
Facility: |
Albuquerque IHS Dental Clinic |
Location: |
Albuquerque, NM |
Instructor(s): |
Matt Fisher
Director: |
Matt Fisher |
Audience: |
Dentists |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
5 - 10 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.00 (Total CDE); 2.00 (AGD - 340) |
This is exclusively for dental staff at the Albuquerque IHS Dental Clinic [AIDC]. This 2 hour Nitrous Oxide refresher course will discuss the equipment used for the Nitrous Oxide procedure, patient selection when planning a Nitrous Oxide procedure, and the technique of providing Nitrous Oxide anxiolysis to patients.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Select good candidates for nitrous oxide anxiolysis. 2. Correctly utilize nitrous oxide equipment in administering nitrous oxide. 3. Describe safety issues with nitrous oxide use in a dental program.
Participants must be on staff at AIDC
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0173: Oral Health and Diabetes Connection
7/12/2018 - 7/12/2018
Facility: |
Tsehootsooi Medical Center |
Location: |
Fort Defiance, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Mylene Santulan, Valerie Long
Director: |
Mylene Santulan |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
2 - 300 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 490) |
This 1 1/2 hour course is available only for staff at the Tsehootsooi Medical Center, Fort Defiance. It is a presentation given to an interdisciplinary audience aimed at improving collaboration between the dental department and other healthcare professionals in the treatment and management of patients with diabetes mellitus.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the relevance of oral health in support of diabetes management; 2. Provide an overview of the connection between periodontal disease and diabetes mellitus; and 3. Explain the process for obtaining a dental exam or periodontal screening.
Must be staff at Ft. Defiance.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0174: Tobacco Cessation for People with Diabetes - Diabetes Online CDE
7/24/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Laura Molander
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Assistants, Support Staff, Hygienists, Dentists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 158) |
This webinar is offered through a collaboration with the IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention, with the recording available on the DDTP website at The course will be live on June 21, 2018 but the recorded version will be available for three years. This session will offer an overview of commercial tobacco use among the AI/AN population. Resources will be provided to enhance patient success toward tobacco free living. The pathophysiology of nicotine addiction and evidence-based interventions for the treatment of health-risk behaviors will be reviewed. The session will help providers and staff engage and support patients in abstaining from tobacco use in order to promote a healthy lifestyle for themselves and our communities.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Describe connections between smoking, diabetes macro and micro-vascular complications, and CVD/PAD. 2. Use the ‘Five A Model’ as a tobacco use intervention 3. Identify one change you can make to improve local tobacco cessation outcomes at your clinic.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0175: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education - Maximizing Utilization of the Dentrix Appointment Book Features and Lists
7/18/2018 - 7/18/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Ginger Roberts
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Assistants, Support Staff, Hygienists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 200 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.00 (Total CDE); 2.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 2.00 (AGD - 550) |
This is part of the ongoing monthly EDR continuing education series. Presenter: Ginger has over 40 years’ experience in the dental profession. She spent 12 years as a dental assistant and the last 30 years as a front desk employee, and then office manager in a busy dental practice. Ginger has had years of experience filing dental and medical insurance using the Dentrix/Enterprise software. She has also been a Dentrix Enterprise trainer for 18 years and a seminar instructor for 12 years. Ginger has been on the IHS project since its inception. She works all over the country, training the Dentrix/Enterprise software, and really enjoys meeting and training the dental teams. Ginger lives in the Northern Kentucky/Cincinnati area. Agenda: Appointment Book Set up: • Adding/editing appointment book views • Changing appointment status types/colors • How to set up a provider/schedules in the appointment book • Opening and closing the clinic schedule • Operatory set up • Flip tab set up Appointment Book Features: • Find New Appointment time with ease • Utilizing the pin board • Scheduling events • Adding initial reasons to the appointment information window • Appointment History • Wait will call vs. broken appointment • Appointment Checklist • Provider / Assistant time Appointment Lists: • Unscheduled list • ASAP list • Pin Board List
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Appointment Book Setup and Features that can increase efficiency and productivity 2. Identify some common issues and how to avoid them [or quickly resolve them] 3. Generating and utilizing appointment book lists
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0176: IHS Monthly CDE Webinar [Recorded Course]: Oral Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Project Reports for FY 2018
7/29/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Timothy Ricks
Director: |
Timothy Ricks |
Audience: |
DHA, Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.50 (Total CDE); 1.50 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.50 (AGD - 550) |
This course is part of the ongoing IHS Continuing Dental Education [CDE] Webinar series and will give FY 2018 HPDP funded project sites the opportunity to showcase their projects in front of a national audience. This is a RECORDED webinar. COPY AND PASTE THIS LINK TO VIEW:
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Define early childhood caries; 2. Describe at least one prevention project outlined during the webinar; and 3. Implement at least one best practice learned from this webinar.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0177: Supporting Expectant Moms with Diabetes - Diabetes Online CDE
8/14/2018 - 9/30/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
Cassandra Vanderpool
Director: |
Jan Frederick |
Audience: |
Dentists, Assistants, Support Staff, Hygienists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 500 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 149) |
This webinar is offered through a collaboration with the IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention, with the recording available on the DDTP website at The course will be live on August 14, 2018 but the recorded version will be available for three years. This seminar will provide an overview of lifestyle management recommendations for women with diabetes in pregnancy. Information and insights for working with pregnant women with diabetes to help them achieve behavior change will be provided. Evidence based information and ADA standards for patient care and education will be presented.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 1. Implement strategies to assist in managing diabetes in pregnancy; 2. Develop a list of resources for assisting women who have diabetes in pregnancy; and 3. Identify at least one change you will incorporate into your clinical or community health practice as a result of the training.
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0178: IHS EDR Continuing Dental Education - Improving Efficiency in the Patient Chart
8/15/2018 - 8/15/2018
Facility: |
Online |
Location: |
Online |
Instructor(s): |
jamie westfall
Director: |
Joel Knutson |
Audience: |
Dentists, Assistants, Support Staff, Hygienists |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
1 - 200 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
2.00 (Total CDE); 2.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 2.00 (AGD - 550) |
This is part of the ongoing monthly EDR continuing education series. Information on the link to the webinar will be sent out via the IHS EDR listserv. This course will provide information on tools available in Dentrix Enterprise that will help you improve clinical efficiency & effectiveness, focusing on lesser known software features for charting, treatment planning, and progress notes.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1. Find information faster using the different view options in the patient chart and treatment planner; 2. Learn how to document discussions with patients about treatment recommendations and their case acceptance; and 3. Identify office manager settings that can enhance the use of the patient chart.
Participants should be end users in the IHS Electronic Dental Record.
None required
Payment Address:
No tuition
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0179: The Medicine of Dentistry - Kayenta Grand Rounds
8/15/2018 - 8/15/2018
Facility: |
Kayenta Health Center |
Location: |
Kayenta, AZ |
Instructor(s): |
Herman Campbell
Director: |
Nicolette McDermot-Ketchum |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Review |
Quota: |
1 - 50 students |
Tuition: |
$0.00 |
Hours: |
1.00 (Total CDE); 1.00 (DANB Non-Clinical); 1.00 (AGD - 550) |
This course, part of the ongoing Grand Rounds CE Lecture Series at the Kayenta Health Center, is a one-hour presentation describing the relationship between dentistry and medical care. This course is open to staff at the Kayenta Service Unit only.
Learning Objectives:
As a result of participating in this activity, the healthcare team will: 1. Recognize the disease patterns of dentistry. 2. Describe the inter relationship of oral disease to systemic disease and certain medications. 3. Implement a standard of care for prescribing medications and care options that affect patient healthcare.
Must be dental staff at Kayenta Service Unit
Payment Address:
2018 Continuing Dental Education Catalog
General Courses
DE0180: 2018 Nashville Area Dental Meeting
8/28/2018 - 8/30/2018
Facility: |
Nashville Airport Hilton |
Location: |
Nashville, TN |
Instructor(s): |
Christy Duke, Jeffrey Stuart, Kelly Tanner, Cynthia Chennault, Angela Snell, , Neva Eklund, Palmeda Taylor, Timothy Ricks, Misti Houck, Joseph Park, Frank Licht, Cameron Chase, Tori Reaves, Bryan Hendrix
Director: |
Joseph Park |
Audience: |
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Support Staff |
Level: |
Basic |
Quota: |
| |