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Diabetes Prevention Program Toolkit


Disclaimer Statement:

Most of the resources in the DP Toolkit Appendices (below) are examples of tools that were used by the 38 SDPI DP Initiative grant programs.

The following documents:

  • Were created to help implement diabetes prevention interventions in American Indian/Alaska Native communities
  • Have not been updated or edited from its original content, as they were developed for local use
  • Are time sensitive to the date and purpose for which they were created
  • May be outdated based on current clinical guidelines and practices

The Indian Health Service and the Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information provided.


Module 1: Getting Started - Appendix

Module 2: Identifying, Recruiting, and Retaining Participants - Appendix

Potential Participant and Clinic/Provider Referral Examples

Program Information Fact Sheet Example

Invitation to Participate in DPP Program Letter Example

Tipping the Motivational Balance for Changes Webinar Series

Retention Plan Examples

Participant Data Collection Examples