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The IHS Forensic Healthcare Project Exit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving  provides in-person and web-based training related to the identification, collection, and preservation of medical forensic evidence obtained during treatment of victims of sexual and domestic violence.


National MSPI and DVPI New Grantee and IHS Programs Welcome Call/Webinar

This conference webinar served as the official welcome for the new MSPI and DVPI grantees and IHS Federal programs. The call provided an overview for funded Tribes, Tribal organizations, urban Indian health programs and IHS Federal programs on upcoming project items including: required revisions and submission processes, submission of the brief project overview, the grantee kick-off meeting, technical assistance available, the release of funds, and other important project updates. All project grantees (Project Director and/or Project Officer) were required to attend this new MSPI and DVPI funding webinar per the official Notice of Award programmatic terms and conditions. If you were unable to attend, you may view the training presentation. For any questions about the content of the webinar, please contact your assigned IHS program official.

Other IHS webinars are available through the Tele-Education Webinar archive page.

Other Training and Online Learning

From the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), the Child Welfare Information Gateway's Learning Center Exit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving  provides access to various knowledge-building resources.

The community-focused Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs (DAIP) Duluth Model Exit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving  is a program developed in 1980 to reduce violence against women.

Developed by the NRCDV, the Domestic Violence Evidence Project Exit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving , is designed to help state coalitions, local domestic violence programs, researchers, and other individuals and organizations better respond to identifying and integrating evidence-based practice into domestic violence services. The site includes a comprehensive evidence review of domestic violence core services, programs, and innovative practices.

Domestic Violence: Understand the Basics Exit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving , a one-hour interactive online learning tool developed by the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence and VAWnet, defines domestic violence, provides an overview on how it impacts individuals and society, what factors allow domestic violence to exist, the risks and choices that face survivors, and how to contribute to reducing and ending domestic abuse.

Promising Futures without Violence Exit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving is an online best practices resources center offering evidence based interventions, program models, training curriculum and tools to provide safe services for strengthening children, youth and parents experiencing domestic violence.

From, "Special Collection: Trauma-Informed Domestic Violence Services: Understanding the Framework and Approach" Exit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving  is a 3-part topic collection that consists of an overview of the framework and research supporting trauma-informed approaches to working with survivors and their children, building program capacity, and developing collaborations and increasing access.