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As part of IHS's commitment to ensuring a coordinated, holistic response to the opioid and heroin epidemic, the HOPE Committee publishes quarterly newsletters to share important updates related to the IHS response to the opioid and heroin epidemic. The goal of each newsletter is to briefly highlight resources and share additional information with our healthcare workforce, our employees, and our tribal stakeholders.

Issue 26: April 2024: Supporting Recovery, Xylazine Test Strips, Family Care Plans, New Screening Tools, and Team-Based Care

Issue 25: January 2024: Harm Reduction: a Positive Approach to Reduce the Harm that May Come From Substance Use and High-Risk Behaviors

Archived Newsletters

Issue 24: July 2023: Advancing Opioid Stewardship:Strategies to Save Lives

Issue 23: April 2023: Importance of Team-Based Approaches and Screening, Special Considerations for Pregnant Persons, and Removal of the DATA Waiver

Issue 22: January 2023: 2022 CDC Pain Guidelines and Ihs Opioid Surveillance Dashboard

Issue 21: October 2022: Emerging Drug Threat: Rainbow Fentanyl and Patient Screening, and Assessment Tools: Identifying Risky Substance Use

Issue 20: July 2022: Emerging drug threat: Nitazenes, Maternal-infant Health and Substance use Resources, and Improving Pain and Addiction Care in the Emergency Department

Issue 19: April 2022: Provider Considerations: Expanding Access to Treatment, Harm Reduction Strategies: Fentanyl Test Strips, and Provider Considerations: Long-Acting Buprenorphine

Issue 18: January 2022: Newly Released Recovery Rack Card, Substance Use Warmline, Virtual Naloxone Training, and Pharmacist Echo Sessions

Issue 17: October 2021 [PDF - 595 KB]: Covid-19: The Continued Impact, Counterfeit Controlled Drugs, Dental Screening Updates, and Virtual Naloxone Train-The-Trainer

Issue 16: July 2021 [PDF - 259 KB]: Safe Medication Disposal in The Community, Reducing Stigma: Choosing Language, Supporting Pharmacists Within Team-Based Models Of Care

Issue 15: April 2021 [PDF - 364 KB]: Peer specialists supporting recovery, DEA drug take back day, and new ECHO supporting the advancement of pharmacist roles within the team treating substance use disorder

Issue 14: January 2021 [PDF - 494 KB]: IHS Refresher Training, COVID-19 and Naloxone, Expanding Access to Opioid Use Disorder Treatment, and Safeguarding Prescriptions

Issue 13: October 2020 [PDF - 329 KB]: Harm Reduction Strategies, HOPE's Pain and Opioid Use Disorder Webinar Series, recent release of HOPE's Opioid Information Slipsheet, and a prevention video

Issue 12: September 2020 [PDF - 290 KB]: Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Special Edition

Issue 11: July 2020 [PDF - 1 MB]: Opioids and Covid-19

Issue 10: April 2020 [PDF - 240 KB]: Pain Management

Issue 9: January 2020 [PDF - 250 KB]: Recommendations on Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome, Substance Use Warmline Collaboration, Naloxone Access, and the Cloud Project

Issue 8: October 2019 [PDF - 519 KB]: Increasing Access to Naloxone, Integrated Pain Management Care: A Rehab Specialist Perspective, And Opioid Stewardship

Issue 7: July 2019 [PDF - 412 KB]: Accessing MAT for Opioid Use Disorder, Managing Acute Dental Pain, Patient Information Booklet on Opioid Use Disorder Released, and HHS’s Pain Management Task Force Releases Best Practice Guideline./p>

Issue 6: April 2019 [PDF - 300 KB]: Clinical Guidance Regarding Pregnancy and Opioid Use Disorder, Safety Precautions: Fentanyl and Synthetic Opioids, and Opioid Crisis Data: Understanding the Epidemic

Issue 5: January 2019 [PDF - 295 KB]: Internet Eligible Controlled Substance Provider Designation, The Role Of Pain and Addiction Training, and Opioid Crisis Data

Issue 4: November 2018 [PDF - 212 KB]: October Declared Substance Abuse Prevention Month, DEA Prescription Drug Take Back Day and Facing Addiction in America

Issue 3: September 2018 [PDF - 279 KB]: IHS Launches New Opioids Website, Physical Therapy: Chronic Pain Treatment Alternative and Syringe Services Programs

Issue 2: June 2018 [PDF - 561 KB]: Prescribing and Dispensing Naloxone to First Responders, Screening: Prioritizing Individuals who use Illicit Drugs, and Medication Disposal

Issue 1: January 2018 [PDF - 466 KB]: Training Updates, Responsible Opioid Prescribing Policy, and Expanding Access to Naloxone and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)