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Search for federal IHS employees, volunteers, contractors, and some employees of tribal organizations and urban Indian health programs. You must enter at least one piece of information to search.  Names must be at least two letters.  Searches must result in less than 5000 matches.

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Your search criteria has 11 matches.
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NamePosition TitlePrimary PhoneIHS Area
Larry Abutin Engineering Technician (Civil) 760-735-6889
Michael Cadena Tribal Utilities Technical Con 760-735-6882
Uwakmfon Ibekwe Environmental Engineer 760-735-6890
John Jeng Engineering Technician 760-735-6880
Starlight Larvie Admin Support Assistant (OA) 760-735-6880
Brian Lewelling District Environmental Health Specialist 760-735-6891
Lorenzo Madero Engineering Technician 760-735-6884
Talat Mahmood Environmental Engineer 760-735-6886
Julia Majkrzak Field Engineer 760-735-6887
Zachary Ruylemeyer Environmental Engineer 760-735-6883
Joshua Sims Environmental Engineer 760-735-6885