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Search for federal IHS employees, volunteers, contractors, and some employees of tribal organizations and urban Indian health programs. You must enter at least one piece of information to search.  Names must be at least two letters.  Searches must result in less than 5000 matches.

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Your search criteria has 8 matches.
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NamePosition TitlePrimary PhoneIHS Area
Imran Hanif Environmental Engineer 530-246-5339
Ext 307
Filmore Harvey Tribal Utility Consultant 530-246-5339
Brian Haynes Engineering Tech (Civil) 530-246-5339
Jenny Holden Engineering Technician (Civil) 530-246-5339
Ext 305
Jeremy Liebscher Jr. Environmental Engineer 530-246-5339
Ext 309
Stephen Rooklidge District Engineer, Environmental Engineer 530-246-5339
Sarah Wikoff Administrative Support Assistant 530-246-5339
Ext 28301
Rinnah Wyatt Sanitarian 530-246-5339