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Transmittal Notice 96-07

TN 96-07


This is to transmit changes to the Indian Health Manual Part 5, Chapter 5, "Acquisition Management."  The following changes are hereby transmitted: (1) a new Section 5-5.7AC, "Personal Services Contracts"; (2) a new Exhibit in Section 5-5.7; and (3) the changes in Section 5-5.13, "Conditions Regarding the Reimbursement of Drugs."

/Luana Reyes for/
Michael H. Trujillo, M.D., M.P.H.
Assistant Surgeon General
Director, Indian Health Service


Indian Health Manual, Part 5, Chapter 5, Section 5-5.7AC, pages 7-27 thru 7-36, Manual Exhibit 5-5-7.K, and Section 5-5.13 (HH), Pages 13-49 and 13-50.


Indian Health Service Circular No. 95-13, "Personal Services Contracts," and the Indian Health Manual, Section 5-5.13 (HH), Pages 13-49 and 13-50.


Replace page 7-27 dated March 27, 1995, in Section 5-5.7(AC) with new pages 7-27 through 7-36.  File the new Exhibits 5-5.7-K behind Exhibit 5-5.7-J.  Replace page 13-49 and 13-50 dated September 30, 1994, with the attached replacement pages 13-49 and 13-50 dated June 13, 1996.

Log and file this transmittal notice in sequential order.

Distribution:  PSD 557 (Indian Health Service Mailing Key)
Date:  June 13, 1996