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Transmittal Notice 99-07

TN 99-07


This transmittal forwards the attached Delegation of Authority (D/A) to Sign Indian Health Service Educational Loan Repayment Program Contracts (Program #14).  This authority is delegated from the Director.  Indian Health Service (IHS) to the Director of Headquarters Operations (DHO) the Director, Office of Management Support (OMS), and all Area Directors (within specified fund limits).  This authority may not be redelegated.

/Michael H. Trujillo, M.D./
Michael H. Trujillo, M.D., M.P.H., M.S.
Assistant Surgeon General
Director, Indian Health Service


The D/A memorandum (Program #14) from the Director, IHS, to the DHO, Director, OMS, and Area Directors; a table that represents amounts authorized to be obligated for each Area office for loan repayment contracts; and the revised Program Delegation of Authority Index.


This delegation of authority supersedes Indian Health Program #6, transmitted as TN 88.10, dated September 14, 1988.


File the attached D/A in the master copy D/A Program Binder at Tab #14 and replace the Program D/A Index with the revised copy.

Distribution:  Indian Health Service Mailing List Date:  September 29, 1999