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Impact of Polyvictimization on LGBTQ Youth and Adults

In this webinar, Aliza Yarrow discusses the complex trauma adaptations employed by LGBTQ youth and adults who have experienced victimization and polyvictimization. Topics addressed include ways multidisciplinary providers can address the specific needs of LGBTQ youth and adults as well as addressing issues of stigma and discrimination.

By National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Polyvictimization and Sexual Exploitation of Young Boys and Men

In this webinar Stephen Procopio discusses polyvictimization as it relates to the commercial sexual exploitation of boys and adolescent males. He describes unique issues for both runaway and "throwaway" youth, as well as implications for contracting HIV.

By National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Responding to LGBTQ Youth after Sexual Abuse

In this webianr speakers discuss special areas of vulnerability, risk factors, disclosure, and cultural competency when working with LGBTQ youth after sexual abuse. Participants learn to identify issues of risk, challenge and strength specific to LGBTQ youth and young adults and develop strategies that balance personal beliefs with professional responsibilities. Speakers address the knowledge and empathy needed to understand the unique stressors experienced by sexual and gender minority youth, their families and caregivers.

By National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Trauma Among Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Youth

In this webinar Heidi Stern-Ellis and Al Killen-Harvey raise awareness of the vulnerability to abuse and neglect among gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender adolescents. During the presentation the stages of sexual identity development as they relate to LGBTQ youth and the barriers to LGBTQ youth coming to terms with their sexuality are identified. Issues that arise in the child welfare arena are also discussed.

By National Child Traumatic Stress Network