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IHS Indian Health Care Improvement Fund (IHCIF)


The Indian Health Care Improvement Fund (IHCIF) Workgroup is comprised of Tribal and Federal representatives from each Area and Indian health care leaders from HQ.  The workgroup was convened in January 2018 to evaluate the existing Indian Health Care Improvement Fund (IHCIF) formula and make recommendations for potential revisions to the formula.  The American Indian and Alaska Native population has long experienced a disproportionately high level of health problems compared to other Americans. The lingering health status inequities are troublesome and prompt the IHS to determine what it would cost to provide equitable health care services to Indian people.  The IHCIF Workgroup is tasked with determining the primary benchmark used to develop a pricing model to determine this cost.  The formula proposed by the group was utilized to facilitate consultation with Indian Tribes.  The Indian Health Service allocates the Indian Health Care Improvement Fund to tribes using results from the model.

Representative Alternate
Chris Devers, Tribal Representative, Pauma Band of Mission Indians Mark LeBeau, Tribal Representative, California Rural Indian Health Board, Inc.

California Area Representative

Christine Brennan
Indian Health Service/California Area Office
Phone:  (916) 930-3981, ext. 333
Fax:  (916) 930-3952