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Facility Name: Clinton Indian Health Center
A picture of the facility, if available.


Alt. Phone:

Street Address:

102321 N 2274th Rd

About Clinton Indian Health Center

Located in the town of Clinton, 70 miles west of Oklahoma City on Interstate 40, the Clinton Indian Hospital is JCAHO-accredited. The facility logs 30,000 outpatient visits -- 20,000 of them attended by the four physicians. Weekly outpatient clinics are devoted to prenatal and well-baby care, diabetes, orthopedics, pediatrics, ENT, and ophthalmology. Implemented an electronic dental record system.

Geographic Information
Location: CLINTON, OK
Type of Program: IHS
Service Unit: CLINTON
Staffing / Clinic Size
Year Clinic was built (or remodeled): 2007
Number of dental operatories: 10
Types of referral services: Endodontic
Total dental clinic staffing: 17
Clinic Specifics / About The Area
Number of clinic patients (users): 8800
Nearest city with > 50,000 people & distance: Oklahoma City
Airports serving the area & distance: Will Rodgers Airport
Housing Options: Purchase/ rent
Distance from clinic to nearest residential area: 1
Distance to nearest schools: 3
Recreational opportunities in the immediate area: 18 hole golf course, municipal airport, public pool, Foss Lake, Fort Cobb Lake, Southwest Playhouse, Acme Brick Park, Community Exercise Facility, Mile track half scale train ride, local hunting and fishing

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