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A Celebration of Psychology and the Indian Health Service

Celebration of Psychology and the Indian health Service logo

Join your colleagues for this unique five-hour program describing the ongoing development of Prescribing Medical Psychologist services on behavioral health teams in the Indian Health Service.

Saturday, August 14th, 2010
10:00am - 3:00pm
San Diego Marriott

The program:

  • Symposium: Speakers on Mental Health in Indian Country, Using the "Talking Circle",Protecting Communities Using Tribal and Federal Law, and other topics
  • Hear Rose Weahkee, PhD, Director of Behavioral Health, Indian Health Service; and Melba Vasquez, PhD, APA President-elect
  • Native American Cultural Festival: Dancing, Drumming, Storytelling, and Grammy award winner, Michael Brant DeMaria
  • Buffet Luncheon including speaker from the Surgeon General's Office

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Advance registration required.

Download the Celebration Flyer [PDF - 291KB]

For more information e-mail Steven Tulkin or Beth Rom-Rymer.