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Transmittal Notice 08-05

TN 08-05


The purpose of this Transmittal Notice (TN) is to forward a copy of the revised Delegation of Authority (DOA), Personnel #20, "Indian Health Service Ethics Program."  This DOA has been revised to reflect changes in the designation of the Indian Health Service (IHS) Deputy Ethics Counselor.

The authority is now delegated to the Director, Program Integrity and Ethics Staff and the IHS Are Directors; without the authority to redelegate.

/Robert G. McSwain/
Robert G. McSwain
Acting Director, Indian Health Service


The revised DOA, Personnel #20, "Indian Health Service Ethics Program."


DOA, Personnel #20, "Delegation of Authority Indian Health Service Ethics Program," dated February 18, 2006.


Remove and discard the current copies of DOA, Personnel #20, "Delegation of Authority Indian Health Service Ethics Program," dated February 18, 2006, from your manual system binders.  Insert the attached copy of the revised DOA, Personnel #20, "Delegation of Authority Indian Health Service Ethics Program," TN 2008-05, in its place.

Log and file this TN in sequential order.

Distribution:  Indian Health Service-wide
Date:  May 13, 2008