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Transmittal Notice 08-18

TN 08-18


The purpose of this Transmittal Notice (TN) is to forward copy of the revised Part 2, Chapter 7, "Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule and the Privacy Act," Indian Health Manual (IHM).  Part 2, Chapter 7, IHM was approved on September 14, 2007, shortly thereafter, an inadvertant omission was identified that includes language vital to compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Privacy Rule and the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended.  The following revisions will bring the chapter into compliance:

  1. Section 2-7.2C(4).  Designation of a Privacy Official, specifying their authority and responsibilities
  2. Section 2-7.2E.   Designation of a Service Unit Privacy Official, specifying their authority and responsibilities; and
  3. Section 2-7.4A and Manual Exhibit 2-7-D were revised for clarity.

No other changes were made to the existing chapter, forms, or instructions for completion.  Requirements for transmission and receipt of confidential information by facsimile also remain unchanged.

/Robert G. McSwain/
Robert G. McSwain
Director, Indian Health Service


  1. Section 2-7.2C(4).  Designation of a Privacy Official, specifying their authority and responsibilities.
  2. Section 2-7.2E.   Designation of a Service Unit Privacy Official, specifying their authority and responsibilities
  3. Section 2-7.4A.  The paragraph was revised for clarity.
  4. Manual Exhibit 2-7-D.  Manual Exhibit 2-7-D was revised for clarity.


  1. Section 2-7.2E
  2. Section 2-7.4A
  3. Manual Exhibit 2-7-D


Remove and discard the current copies of pages 1-11, 2-7, IHM, the chapter Table of Contents, and Manual Exhibit 2-7-D.

Insert the attached copies of the revised pages 1-11, 2-7, IHM, the chapter Table of COntents, and Manual Exhibit 2-7-D, in their place in the manual system binder.

Log and file this TN in sequential order.

Distribution:  IHS-wide
Date:  September 16, 2008