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Transmittal Notice 10-07

TN 10-07


The purpose of this Transmittal Notice (TN) is to forward a copy of the revised Delegation of Authority (DOA), Administrative #31 ?Use of Research Facilities by Qualified Academic Scientists, Engineers, and Students.?  This DOA is being updated to reflect organizational changes of IHS Headquarters.  The position of Director of Headquarters Operations no longer exists, and the titles of other key positions have changed.

/Yvette Roubideaux, M.D./
Yvette Roubideaux, M.D., M.P.H.
Indian Health Service


The revised DOA, Administrative #31, ?Use of Research Facilities by Qualified Academic Scientists, Engineers, and Students.?


Delegation of Authority, Administrative #31, ?Use of Research Facilities by Qualified Academic Scientists, Engineers, and Students,? dated January 23, 1988


Remove and discard the current copies of DOA, Administrative #31 ?Use of Research Facilities by Qualified Academic Scientists, Engineers, and Students,? dated January 23, 1988 from your manual system binders.  Insert the attached copy of the revised DOA Administrative #31, ?Use of Research Facilities by Qualified Academic Scientists, Engineers, and Students,? TN 2010-07 in its place.

Log and file this TN in sequential order.

Distribution:  Indian Health Service-wide
Date:  June 24, 2010