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Part 5, Chapter 8: Manual Exhibit K

Authorized Telephone Calls

Authorized Telephone Calls Travel Status of Employee Vicinity Called Number of Call(s) and Cost Limits
Personal calls for employee who shares a residence with another person(s) - TDY travel of 2 or more nights

- House-hunting trips and en route travel in conjunction with permanent change of station travel (covers both the employee or unaccompanied spouse)
The residence OR the area where dependents are located who are unable to stay alone, i.e., infants One brief daily call, with a total trip cost not to exceed the number of lodging nights multipiled by $5, for locations in CONUS, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands
Personal calls for employees who do not share a residence - TDY travel of 3 or more nights A location within the ODS's local commuting area One brief call for every full 3-day period of travel multiplied by:

- $7 for locations in CONUS, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands

- $7 for all other locations