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Part 8, Chapter 20: Manual Exhibit 8-20-I

Information, Documentation, and Support

Information, Documentation, and Support: _____________________________________________

Tester Name: ______________________________________ Phone: (___) __________________

Tester Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________

Fully Compliant (FC):  All instances fully meet the standard as defined below
Non-Compliant (NC):  All instances did not meet the standard
Partially Compliant (PC):  Partially met and requires further explanation
Not Applicable (N/A):  Standard is not applicable to this application
Not Tested (NT):  Standard was not tested

Compliance is defined as meeting the requirement set forth in the Section 508 Technical Standards 36 CFR Part 1194Exit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving .

Any item not rated as fully compliant needs an explanation in detail as to why the standard was not met.  Enter the ID number and an explanation in the space provided at the end of the checklist.

NOTE:  The requirements in this section addresses access to all information, documentation, and support provided to end users (i.e., Federal employees) of covered technologies.  This includes user guides, installation guides for end-user installable devices, and customer support and technical support communications. Such information must be available in alternate formats upon request at no additional charge.  Alternate formats or method of communication can include Braille, large print, electronic text, TTY access, and captioning and audio description for video materials.

36 CFR Part 1194.41 Standards & Checklist Questions
1 Product support documentation

(a) Product support documentation provided to end-users shall be made available in alternate formats upon request, at no additional charge.

Is product support documentation provided to end-users available in alternate formats (i.e., ASCII text or HTML) upon request for no additional charge?

2 Accessibility and compatibility features

(b) End-users shall have access to a description of the accessibility and compatibility features of products in alternate formats or alternate methods upon request, at no additional charge.

(b.1) Is a description of the product's accessibility and compatibility features that are built into a product fully documented and available in alternate formats or alternate modes upon request at no additional charge?


(b.2) Are all keyboard navigation which does not follow documented system conventions fully documented and available in alternate formats or alternate modes upon request at no additional charge?>

3 Support services

(c) Support services for products shall accommodate the communication needs of end-users with disabilities.

Are help desks and other support services for products or services capable of accommodating the communications needs of persons with disabilities?


Enter the ID number and a detailed explanation for any Non-Compliant (NC), Partially Compliant (PC), Not Applicable (N/A), or Not Tested (NT) results from above.


Application Results:

___Fully Compliant ___Partially Compliant ___Non-Compliant ___ Not Applicable ___ Not Tested

Checklists will be superseded by forthcoming HHS guidance on acceptance criteria.  See Disclaimer: You Are Leaving  for the latest materials.

Additional Comments: