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Transmittal Notice 06-21

TN 06-21


The purpose of this Transmittal Notice is to forward a copy of the new Part 7, Chapter 7, "Performance Management Appraisal Program,? Indian Health Manual (IHM).  The purpose of this chapter is to establish the Indian Health Service (IHS) policies and procedures for planning, monitoring, developing, appraising, and recognizing the performance of all non-Senior Executive Service managers, supervisors, and employees of the IHS.  The policies and procedures contained in this chapter will provide a mechanism for clarifying and communicating organizational goals and expected outcomes; identifying individual and/or team accountability; providing formal feedback; and documenting individual and team performance.

/Charles W. Grim, D.D.S./
Charles W. Grim, D.D.S., M.H.S.A.
Assistant Surgeon General
Director, Indian Health Service


Part 7, Chapter 7, ?Performance Management Appraisal Program,? IHM.


IHS Circular No. 97-09 ?Performance Appraisal System,? dated October 15, 1997.


Remove and discard the current copies of IHS Circular No. 97-09 ?Performance Appraisal System,? from your manual system binders.

Insert the attached copy of the new Part 7, Chapter 7, ?Performance Management Appraisal Program,? IHM, in Part 7, after chapter 6.

Distribution:  IHS-wide
Date:  September 26, 2006