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Facility Name: La Push - Quileute Tribe
A picture of the facility, if available.



Mailing Address:

P.O. BOX 189
La Push, WA

Street Address:

560 Quileute Heights
La Push, WA

About La Push - Quileute Tribe

Small clinic located in health center with other providers such as PA for medical, nurse practitioner, RN, acupuncture, & other specialties. Clinic open to tribal members. Staff of one dentist, one hygienist, and one assistant. Located in La Push, Washington. Main population served: Quileute Tribe.

Geographic Information
Location: La Push, WA
Type of Program: Tribal
Service Unit: NEAH BAY
Tribe/Nation: Quileute Tribe
Staffing / Clinic Size
Year Clinic was built (or remodeled):
Number of dental operatories: 3
Types of referral services:
Total dental clinic staffing: 5
Clinic Specifics / About The Area
Number of clinic patients (users):
Nearest city with > 50,000 people & distance:
Airports serving the area & distance:
Housing Options:
Distance from clinic to nearest residential area:
Distance to nearest schools:
Recreational opportunities in the immediate area:

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