How do I get the EDR?
Any facility wishing to obtain the EDR must meet the basic requirements of having personal computers with network connectivity in each dental operatory Facilities that meet these requirements must then complete an EDR Site Specific Cost Estimate Questionaire http://www.doh.ihs.gov/EDR/index.cfm?fuseaction=facility.display
The EDR Site Specific Cost Estimate Quesitonaire will be reviewed. If review of the completed EDR Site Specific Cost Estimate Quesitonnaire demonstrates the site meets the preliminary EDR readiness standards, the site will receive a Cost Share Estimate which must be reviewed and accepted by the site before the site can be placed in the queue for an EDR Site Assessment. If a site does not meet the preliminary EDR readiness standards, it is the site’s responsibility to upgrade their systems prior to re-applying for EDR implementation.
If you have any difficulties with this website, contact EDR Website Administrator.