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Appearance Before Congressional Committees

Public Health Service
Health Services and Mental Health Administration
Indian Health Service
Rockville, Maryland 20852


Effective Date: December 15, 1971


1. Purpose
2. Background
3. Policy
4. Procedure

  1. PURPOSE.  The purpose of this circular is to set forth the policy of the Indian Health Service regarding requests to appear before Congressional Committees.

  2. BACKGROUND.  Representatives of the Indian Health Service are requested, from time to time, to appear before Congressional Committees to present testimony on matters under consideration of the Committee.

    In responding to such requests the following important considerations must be kept in mind:

    1. This is a request from another branch of the government; namely, the Legislative Branch and political considerations may be involved. Consequently, testimony must have the prior clearance of the Director, Indian Health Service, Administrator, HSMHA and the Assistant Secretary for Legislation, DHEW.
    2. The individual presenting the testimony is doing so as a representative of the Indian Health Service and as such his testimony must be within the context of or reflect the policies of the Indian Health Service, HSMHA, Department and the Administration.

  3. POLICY.  The Director, Indian Health Service, shall be notified immediately of all requests received by the Indian Health Service staff from Congressional Committees to present testimony or to provide technical assistance.

    Field personnel receiving such requests shall immediately notify the Director through the Area Director.  If the request is in writing, a copy shall be forwarded immediately to the Director to insure that appropriate action can be initiated by the Director.

    The presentation of testimony or the provision of technical assistance must have the prior clearance of the Director, Indian Health Service.  After the presentation of the testimony, a report of the hearings shall be submitted to the Director.

  4. PROCEDURES.  The Office of Management Policy will be responsible for notifying the Office of the Assistant Administrator for Legislation, HSMHA, regarding requests from Congressional Committees for the presentation of testimony or the provision of technical assistance except in those situations where the Office of the Director has obtained prior clearance for these matters.

    The Office of Management Policy will be responsible for assuring the appropriate clearances are obtained, including clearances of proposed testimony, the notification of all staff members involved and follow-up on the preparation of appropriate reports.

/Emery A. Johnson, M.D./
Emery A. Johnson, M.D
Assistant Surgeon General
Director, Indian Health Service

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