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Field Visits by Representatives from Other Organizations

Public Health Service
Health Services Administration
Indian Health Service
Rockville, Maryland 20852


Effective Date:  November 10, 1975


  1. PURPOSE.  To establish policy and procedures relative to field visits by representatives of various private or public agencies and organizations.

  2. BACKGROUND.  From time to time representatives of various organizations, including other public agencies, visit field stations of the Indian Health Service.  To assure that within the capabilities of existing staff these representatives are properly briefed and fully informed regarding the program and operations of the Indian Health Service, the following policy is established.

  3. POLICY.
    1. When the Indian Health Service Director requests an Indian Health Area Director to make special arrangements for a visit by a representative of such an organization, the Indian Health Area Director will be responsible for taking action to insure that all appropriate arrangements are made and that the representative is properly briefed and fully informed on the Indian Health Service's program and operations in that Area.
    2. Headquarters will provide the Area with appropriate background information on the visitor including:  purpose and objectives of visit; special interests of visitor; program or operational matters most likely to be discussed; proposed itinerary; any other information as appropriate.
    3. The Area will have the responsibility for fully briefing appropriate Service Unit Directors concerning the visit.
    4. The representative will be accompanied by appropriate Area staff member or members.  When appropriate, the IHS Director may assign a Headquarters staff member to accompany the representative.
    5. When a visit involves a specific reservation or tribal group, arrangements shall be made to inform the tribal organization and invite their participation.
    6. Upon completion of the visit the Area Director will submit a brief report to the Indian Health Service Director, including any recommendations or comments of which the IHS Director should be aware.
    7. Whenever feasible, the Office of the IHS Director will arrange for a close-out interview at which time findings and recommendations resulting from the visit will be discussed.

  4. SUPERSESSION.  This Circular revises and supersedes Circular no. 65-4 dated 4/26/65.

/Joe Exendine for/
Emery A. Johnson, M.D.
Assistant Surgeon General
Director, Indian Health Service

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