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IHS Headquarters Responsibilities for the Facilities Planning and Construction Program

Public Health Service
Health Services Administration
Indian Health Service
Rockville, Maryland 20857


Effective Date:  February 3, 1981


1. Purpose
2. Background
3. Policy
4. Procedure

  1. PURPOSE.  The purpose of this circular is to provide a statement of those functions and responsibilities which are applicable for all Indian Health Service (IHS) construction projects. P.L. 93-638 contracts and grants are not exempted.

  2. BACKGROUND.  The IHS Headquarters is responsible to develop and maintain space and equipment standards, develop justification for the IHS Health Facility projects, coordinate design, construction, and equipment costs with budgetary impacts, provide energy monitoring, and develop reports to high authorities and Congress.  To minimize problems generated and to assure that the Indian Health Service health care facility resources are in consonance with the acceptable criteria and standards, and are functionally effective and efficient, the Indian Health Service Headquarters has clarified and re-emphasized the functions and responsibilities within the subject program.

  3. POLICY.  Indian Health Service Headquarters will review and/or determine and approve the health needs (scope of project and requirements) for all health facility projects.  This includes type and magnitude of health services to be rendered; population projections, discharge rates, length of stay, inpatient bed requirements, staffing criteria, standards and methodologies to be used in addressing these health needs, and budget requirements.

    Indian Health Service Headquarters will review and approve all Tribal, Service unit, Area and/or Program Office facility construction proposals for new and major modernization projects that involve appropriated funds.

    Indian Health Service Headquarters will review and approve all Program Information Documents (PID) or Program of Requirements (POR), health delivery master plans, and P.L. 93-638 contracts or grants prepared by Tribal groups, Service Units, Area and/or Program Offices prior to implementation.  Each proposal submitted for approval is to include the Area and/or Program Office?s conclusions and recommendations.

    Indian Health Service Headquarters will review and approve all facility master plans, feasibility studies, designs, and construction documents (concepts, schematics, design development drawings, and the various stages of working drawings and specifications) for compliance with Indian Health Service functional requirements, certification standards and criteria and Congressional intent.

  4. PROCEDURE.  Indian Health Service Headquarters will be furnished two copies of all contract documents, including plans and specifications, for staff review five working days prior to proposed site visits and review conferences.

    Indian Health Service Headquarters will be informed of site visits and review conferences so as to participate if deemed necessary.

    Indian Health Service Headquarters will review and approve any proposed changes in project scope and the impact such changes will have on the total project prior to the implementation of any such changes.

    Indian Health Service Headquarters will be furnished project schedules, monthly project status reports, and special reports as requested.

    For additional information or clarification, please contact the Facilities Planning and Construction Branch, FTS 8-443-1850, Rockville, Maryland.

/Emery A. Johnson, M.D./
Emery A. Johnson, M.D.
Assistant Surgeon General
Director, Indian Health Service

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