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Commissioned Officer Authorization for Actual Expense Allowance

Public Health Service
Indian Health Service
Rockville, Maryland 20857


Effective Date:  10/13/1988


  1. PURPOSE:  To provide the proper format for requesting actual expense allowance for commissioned officers.

    1. Prepare a request according to format on attached Exhibit 1.
    2. Prepare an Indian Health Service (IHS) memorandum for signature by the appropriate Area or Associate Director.
    3. Submit the request and memorandum directly to:

      Director, Division of Commissioned Personnel, OSG (ATTN: PDTTAC MAP member)
      Parklawn Building, Room 4-35
      5600 Fishers Lane
      Rockville, Maryland 20857

  3. AUTHORIZATION:  Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR), Chapter 4, Part C, U4210, Request for Actual Expense Allowance.

  4. TIMEFRAME:  Requests for approval may include one trip and must be submitted at least 14 days prior to actual travel date.  This assures that the Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Allowance Committee (PDTTAC) has sufficient time to review these requests.

  5. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION:  In accordance with the JFTR, all requests must be at least 10 percent more than current allowable rates, but no more than 150 percent of the current allowable rates.  In addition, JFTR, Part C, U4200 General, states reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses may be authorized or, approved when necessary expenses are unusually high due to unique or special circumstances and a prescribed per diem allowance is inappropriate; or when incurred expenses for occasional meals and/or lodgings are unusually high.

/Robert Marsland for/
Everett R. Rhoades, M.D.
Assistant Surgeon General

Exhibit 1

______Area Office

Request for Approval of Actual Expense Allowance

Division of Commissioned Personnel, OSG, USPHS

In accordance with the Joint Federal Travel Regulations, Chapter 4, Part C, U4210, a request is hereby made for an actual expense allowance for official travel to (location), on (date).  The current meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) rate of $_____ will remain the same.  The following data is provided for your information:

  1. specific reason for travel;
  2. whether meetings with technical, professional, or scientific organizations are involved;
  3. whether an international conference or meeting is involved;
  4. identity of senior member of the party, whether civilian or military, including grade, full name, and SSN;
  5. names and titles of foreign governmental contacts, if any;
  6. roster of other members of the Services who will also be performing the travel involved including grade, full name, and SSN;
  7. proposed itinerary showing complete identification of places in or outside CONUS to be visited, the length of duty at each place, and the inclusive dates of travel;
  8. information as to any specific arrangements which have been made such as provisions for use of special government quarters, messes, open messes, motels, restaurants, etc.;
  9. any other information available indicating amount of expenses which may be incurred, amount of allowances necessary, or reasons why normal per diem will not suffice;
  10. reasons normal first-class accommodations will not suffice; and
  11. name and phone number of individual who may be contacted concerning this request.

    Area Director/Associate Director

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