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Clearance of Publications on Dietary Guidance

Public Health Service
Indian Health Service
Rockville, Maryland 20857


Effective Date:  May 9, 1990


1. Purpose
2. Background
3. Policy
4. Procedures


    To establish the Indian Health Service (IHS) system for approval of all IHS publications intended to provide dietary guidance to the IHS service population.  The purpose of the system is to ensure consistency of IHS publications with the established DHHS/USDA dietary guidance principles.


    The Subcommittee on Dietary Guidance (SDG) of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Nutrition Policy Board (NPB) has directed each DHHS Agency to establish a system for review and approval of all draft publications intended to provide dietary guidance to the general public.  The SDG will be kept informed of the existence and status of all publications relevant to dietary guidance.

  3. POLICY:

    In order to assure that all dietary guidance publications prepared by IHS staff are scientifically accurate, culturally relevant, and meet the needs of the population served, the IHS system for clearance of publications on dietary guidance is established.

    Dietary guidance publications are those written materials, such as handouts, fact sheets, etc., for the public that include general information on specific nutrients, normal dietary patterns and food behavior, food preparation methods, etc., as they relate to growth, development, health promotion and disease prevention.  Patient handout publications for normal diets, including energy modified diets for pregnancy, weight control, etc., are included in this definition.

    Clinical diets with modification in nutrient composition, such as low protein diets and calcium controlled diets, and scientific publications written for research journals, monographs, or other scientific documents are not included.  Scientific and program papers prepared by IHS staff and IHS contractors intended for publication must adhere to the IHS policy issued in IHS Circular No. 88-3, Clearance of Papers for Publication.

    1. Each Area Office will establish a review and approval process for assurance that publication produced in the Area adhere to the following dietary guidance review criteria:
      1. Scientifically accurate. All information must be based on the best currently available scientific evidence.
      2. Consistent with the most current DHHS/USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans.  Since the Guidelines serve as the basis for all Federal dietary guidance to the general public, publications must support the tenants of the Dietary Guidelines.
      3. Consistent with IHS standards.
      4. Avoidance of specific brand names of foods or other items that can be misconstrued as IHS endorsement.  Disclaimers must be included if specific brand names are used for illustrative purposes.
      5. Readability, appeal, and clarity of the overall publication including titles and graphs; culturally appropriate illustrations and charts.
      6. Appropriate pamphlet identification, including date published and/or revised, Area, Service Unit, etc.
    2. The written Area review process will be submitted to the IHS-SDG representative.
    3. All IHS Headquarters publications and those developed jointly by more than one Area will be approved by the IHS Nutrition Education subcommittee (IHS-NES).  The IHS-NES will be chaired by the IHS representative to the SDG.  Members of the committee will be from Nutrition and Dietetics, Health Education, Public Health Nursing, Community Health Representative, and other programs when appropriate.
    4. When a publication is not approved by the Area, the developer of the publication may appeal the decision to the IHS-NES.
    5. Following clearance by Area and/or IHS-NES, the publication is returned to the originating office for publication.  It is recommended that the final publication include a statement concerning approval of the publication by the Area.
    6. Ten (10) copies of all publications and information as to the availability are to be provided to the Chair, IHS-NES, for distribution to the DHHS-SDG.
    7. A record of approved publications will be maintained at the Area Office for Area approved publications and at Headquarters for Headquarters approved publications.

/Everett R. Rhoades, M.D./
Everett R. Rhoades, M.D.
Assistant Surgeon General

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