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CFC Award Program

Public Health Service
Indian Health Service
Rockville, Maryland 20857

Refer to: OAM/DAS


Effective Date:  04/17/1992


  1. PURPOSE.  This circular establishes a formalized award system for the Indian Health Service (IHS) Headquarters annual National Capital Area Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).

  2. POLICY.  It is the policy of IHS Headquarters East that the Office of the Director and all Associate Director Offices, i.e., Office of the Director, Office of Health Programs, etc., will be eligible to receive an award for their voluntary participation in the CFC.

    1. At the conclusion of the official Department of Health and Human Services National Capital Area CFC, the IHS Headquarters Coordinator and Co-coordinator will notify the Director, which Offices have qualified for an award.
    2. The Director will approve all qualified awardees and conduct an official award presentation to the Office Associate Director and Team Captain at a general staff meeting within 3 months after the conclusion of the campaign.

  4. AWARD CRITERIA.  Following is a list of the CFC awards and the criteria for selection:
    1. The President's Award.  Any IHS Headquarters East Office that has an overall average contribution of at least $150 per employee.
    2. The Chairman's Award.  Any IHS Headquarters East Office that has an overall average contribution of at least $100 per employee and an overall participation rate of 75 percent or more.
    3. The Honor Award.  Any IHS Headquarters East Office that has an overall average contribution of $75 per employee and an overall participation rate of 70 percent or more.
    4. The Merit Award.  Any IHS Headquarters East Office that has an overall average contribution of $50 per employee and an overall participation rate of 65 percent or more.
      1. More than one award may be issued in each category.
      2. An Office may not receive more than one award.
    5. Contributor's Trophy.  For the highest dollar contribution against goal by an IHS Headquarters East Office, must meet a minimum 100% of dollar goal.
    6. The Participation Trophy.  For the highest participation rate exceeding 75 percent by a IHS Headquarters East Office.
    7. The Eagle Trophy.  For the greatest percentage of Eagle and Double Eagle contributions by an IHS Headquarters East Office.
    8. The Triple Crown Trophy.  Given to the IHS Headquarters East Office, that, at a minimum, meets all three trophy criteria and has the best record compared to the other Offices.
      1. No more than one trophy may be awarded in each category.
      2. Office employee staffing figures will be based upon the official staffing schedule in place on the beginning date of the campaign.

    1. The maintenance and review of CFC contribution records is the sole responsibility of the CFC Coordinator.  The Coordinator will provide periodic reports to the Director on progress made by each Office, and will prepare final award recommendations.
    2. The IHS CFC Coordinator will ensure that appropriate plaques and/or trophies are prepared for presentation by the Director.
    3. The Director will ensure that awards are presented to those Offices that meet the minimum requirements for each award category.

    /Everett R. Rhoades, M.D./
    Everett R. Rhoades, M.D.
    Assistant Surgeon General
    Director, Indian Health Service

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