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Charter, Technical Advisory Group

Indian Health Service
Rockville, Maryland

refer to: OD


Effective Date:  09/14/2001


  1. PURPOSE.  The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) provides leadership to the Indian Health Service (IHS) Headquarters support staff so they can carry out the mission of the IHS.

  2. GOALS.  The TAG was established in order to:
    1. Promote quality performance by all support staff by providing training and development programs.
    2. Serve as advocates for support staff needs and opportunities.
    3. Provide a professional interface between management on behalf of support staff.
    4. Motivate the support staff to reach their highest possible level of performance.
    5. Develop materials as references and guidelines to improve the quality of support staff products.

  3. MEMBERSHIP.  The TAG is chaired by the Special Assistant to the Director, IHS, and is composed of the secretaries to each Office Director.  When a designated secretary is unable to represent the office, an alternate may be appointed by the Office Director.

  4. FIRST NATIONS.  First Nations is the identifier and logo for training for IHS support staff that is sponsored by the TAG.  The TAG has developed and has proprietary use of the First Nations identifier.

    1. To the Executive Staff.  The relationship between the TAG and the Executive Staff is critical to the successful achievement of their goals.  The effectiveness of TAG is dependent upon the support of the Executive Staff in promoting TAG programs with the Division Directors and the support staff within their offices.  Primary communication is between the Director of Headquarters Operations and the TAG chairperson.  Equally important communication occurs between each Office Director and his/her lead secretary.
    2. To the Executive Secretariat/Travel Management Specialist/Records Management Officer/Payroll Liaison.  The Director, Executive Secretariat (ES), Travel Management Specialist, Records Management Officer, and the Payroll Liaison are ex officio members of the TAG and shall meet with the TAG at least twice a year to maintain a liaison relationship, and to present updated correspondence information and materials.  The Director, ES, will work closely with the TAG chairperson and will be available to address issues or concerns brought before the TAG.

  6. MEETINGS.  The TAG, IHS Headquarters East (HQE), meets twice each month or at the call of the chairperson during regular work hours.  The TAG also attends 3-day planning sessions with the National TAG each year to assess their progress and establish their objectives for the upcoming year.  The National TAG consists of the Area Director secretaries and HQE.  The HQE and the National TAG have a monthly conference call to share information and to keep up-to-date on program and administrative issues.

  7. REPORTS.  The TAG will meet annually with the Director of Headquarters Operations to report on progress toward objectives and activities.
    1. Feedback.  Feedback from this meeting will be incorporated into the planning for the following year.

  8. FUNDING.  Headquarters will fund Headquarters activities through each Office Director.  The training activities that are sponsored by the TAG are included in the Headquarters training budget.

  9. SUPERSEDURE.  This Circular supersedes IHS Circular No. 93-5, "Charter - Technical Advisory Group IHS," dated 8/27/93, in its entirety.

  10. EFFECTIVE DATE.  This Circular is effective on the date of signature.

/Michael H. Trujillo, M.D./
Michael H. Trujillo, M.D., M.P.H., M.S.
Assistant Surgeon General
Director, Indian Health Service

Distribution: IHS_Wide
Date: 09/14/01
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