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Sustainability Advisory Board - Charter

Indian Health Service
Rockville, Maryland 20852

Refer to: OEHE


Effective Date:  March 12, 2013


  1. PURPOSE.  This Circular establishes the Indian Health Service (IHS) Sustainability Advisory Board (SAB).  The SAB supports the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) in planning, implementing, and monitoring sustainability efforts.

  2. SCOPE.  The SAB will:

    1. ensure a coordinated multiple office approach to support cross-cutting Executive Order 13514 sustainability initiatives;

    2. promote environmental sustainability as a way of doing business and emphasize "return on investment" benefits;

    3. ensure that IHS planning incorporates practices which support sustainability needs; and

    4. serve as the central reviewing body for sustainability issues or question requiring executive decisions.

  3. BACKGROUND.  "Sustainability" refers to the long-term management of IHS facilities and operations in a manner which minimizes our impact on the environment.  Sustainable practices meet society's present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.  For success sustainable practices must be applied across the organization.  Many offices have sustainability responsibilities; cross-cutting coordination and collaboration is needed to carry out this initiative.  Sustainability practices include, but are not limited to the following:

    1. increase energy efficiency;

    2. measure, report, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from direct and indirect activities;

    3. conserve and protect water resources through efficiency, reuse, and storm water management;

    4. eliminate waste, recycle, and prevent pollution;

    5. leverage Agency acquisitions to foster markets for sustainable technologies and environmentally preferable materials, products, and services;

    6. design, construct, maintain, and operate high performance sustainable buildings in sustainable locations; and

    7. strengthen the vitality and livability of the communities in which Federal facilities are located; and inform Federal employees about and involve them in the achievement of these goals.

  4. AUTHORITY.  Executive Order 13514:  "Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance," Federal Register Vol. 74, No. 194, Thursday, October 8, 2009.


    1. Deputy Director for Management Operations.  The Deputy Director for Management Operations (DDMO) in consultation with the Director, Office of Information Technology (OIT), the Director, Office of Management Services (OMS), and the Director, Office of Environmental Health and Engineering (OEHE) will appoint individuals to participate in HHS sustainability efforts and provide SAB representation for their respective offices, for these efforts, including HHS and IHS workgroups, via memorandum.  The individuals are listed below:

      1. Electronic Stewardship/Data Consolidation Manager - OIT

      2. Energy/Water Manager - OEHE

      3. Environmental Manager - OEHE

      4. Fleet Manager - OMS

      5. Green Procurement Manager - OMS

      6. Pollution Prevention/Waste Manager - OEHE

      7. Green House Gas Scope 3 Manager (Telework/Travel/Commuting - OMS)

      8. Sustainable Green Buildings Manager - OEHE

      9. Sustainability Outreach/Communications Manager - Office of the Director

    2. Chairperson, SAB.  The Chairperson, SAB, will:

      1. Provide sustainability implementation, activity, and progress reports to the Director, IHS.

      2. Engage IHS leadership in sustainability initiatives.

      3. Serve as the central reviewing body for sustainability issues or questions requiring executive decisions.

      4. establish SAB meeting agendas.

    3. Chief Sustainability Officer.  The Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) serves as the Chairperson, SAB and will distribute the agenda to SAB members at least 15 working days prior to the SAB meeting.

  6. MEMBERSHIP.  The SAB membership includes the chairperson, four permanent members, and two rotating members.  The members may be either the Office Director or his or her designee as appointed by the DDMO in Section 5 (above).  Members provide reports on sustainability initiatives underway in their respective Office or any involvement with HHS sustainability workgroups activities.  Members will also provide input on progress on meeting the goals and objectives prescribed by Executive Order 13514.

    1. Federal Permanent Members.  There are 5 permanent members serving on the SAB.  The permanent members include:

      1. Chairperson.  Chief Sustainability Officer or his or her designee

      2. Members.

        1. Deputy Director for Management Operations or his or her designee

        2. Director, Office of Environmental Health and Engineering (OEHE) or his or her designee

        3. Director, OMS, or his or her designee

        4. Director, Office of Clinical and Preventitive Services

      3. Rotating Members.  The 2 rotating members will be selected by the CSO for a term not to exceed 3 years from the beginning of the rotating member's term of service.  Current rotating members who desire to end their term of service early must forward a request in writing to the SAB Chairperson.  The 2 rotating members will include:

        1. One Area Director

        2. One IHS Service Unit Chief Executive Officer

  7. MEETINGS.  The SAB will meet (in person, teleconference, or video conference) no less than twice annually to carry out its responsibilities.  Special meetings may be called by the CSO or the DDMO.

    1. Attendance.  The SAB may recommend to the Chairperson the replacement of any Rotating Member missing 2 consecutive committee meetings.

    2. Quorum.  A quorum exists if over half of the SAB membership or their designees are present.

    3. Decisions.  Decisions will be by simple majority of those present at each meeting.  If a simple majority cannot be reached, the pros and cons of opposing arguments will be submitted in writing to the Director, IHS.

    4. Final Decisions.  The Director, IHS, will make the final decision, which will be disseminated to the SAB members.

    5. Minutes.  Minutes documenting SAB action items and responsibilities will be distributed to SAB members within 15 working days following each meeting.

  8. SUBMISSION OF ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION.  Issue papers must be submitted for consideration on the agenda in the following format:

    1. Topic

    2. Background

    3. Issues or Alternatives

    4. Recommendations

    5. Area/Title/Signature/Date

  9. CHARTER REVIEW.  The SAB will review its charter every 3 years from the date of ratification or as needed, to evaluate overall effectiveness and incorporate any improvements.  Recommended changes to the SAB charter must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the SAB.  All changes to the SAB Charter must be approved by the Director, IHS.

  10. SUPERSEDURE.  None.

  11. EFFECTIVE DATE.  This circular becomes effective on the date of signature.

/Yvette Roubideaux, M.D./
Yvette Roubideaux, M.D., M.P.H.
Indian Health Service

Distributed:  IHS-wide
Date:  March 12, 2013