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Hand Receipt Management

Indian Health Service
Rockville, Maryland 20852

Refer to:  OMS


Effective Date:  June 30, 2015


Circular Exhibit 2015-06-A, HHS-439 Personal Custody Property Record/Hand ReceiptExit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving 

Circular Exhibit 2015-06-B, Sample Asset List

  1. Introduction.  This circular provides a step-by-step procedure for Hand Receipt management and periodic reconciliation at the Indian Health Service (IHS).  The circular describes the standardized process and procedure for use of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)-439 Personal Custody Property Record/Hand Receipt form (hereinafter referred to as the Hand Receipt) and Asset List which is generated from the Property Management Information System (PMIS) in Hand Receipt management.  This process includes periodic reconciliation with the Physical Receiving and Inspection Reports, HHS-22 Request for Property Action forms and other applicable physical receiving documents.  The use of Hand Receipts (See Circular Exhibit 2015-06-A) is required for property accountability.  Additionally, this process requires the use of the Physical Receiving and Inspection Report as the required physical accountability document (Reference:  IHS Circular No. 2015-05, Physical Receiving and Issuing of Personal Property) for both complete and partial shipments.
  2. Post Pending Documents to PMIS.  The Property Management Officer (PMO) or their designee will enter the pending documents needed to perform semi-annual reconciliations for physical accountability and establish a cut-off date in accordance with the reconciliation schedule.
  3. Issue Updated Hand Receipt.  The PMO or their designee will issue an updated Hand Receipt and Asset List to the User for signature.
  4. Acknowledge Property Accountability.  The User reviews and signs the updated Hand Receipt to acknowledge accountability that all the information on the updated Hand Receipt is verified.  The User then retains a copy of the updated Hand Receipt and returns the original to the Property Manager.
  5. Resolve Accountability Information.  If the information on the updated Hand Receipt cannot be fully verified, the User will verify assets for which he/she is responsible and accountable, provide supporting documentation and cooperate with the Property Manager to conduct a PMIS system check in an effort to resolve the discrepancy.
  6. Update Property Records.  The PMO or their designee will initiate appropriate actions as needed (e.g., HHS-22s, Reports of Survey, etc.) to account for and assign responsibility for property that has been transferred or is lost, damaged, or destroyed.  They will also update associated property records based on the result of actions taken to account for the property.
  7. Issue Updated Hand Receipt to User.  The PMO or their designee will issue the updated Hand Receipt and Asset List to user for signature.
  8. Acknowledge Property Accountability After Issue Resolution.  The User reviews and signs the updated Hand Receipt to acknowledge accountability, retains a copy and returns the original to the Property Manager.
  9. Maintain Official Hand Receipt.  The PMO or their designee files and maintains the original Hand Receipt and supporting documentation as part of the property records.
  10. Reconciliation Schedule.  Hand Receipts will be reconciled semi-annually in accordance with the schedule in the table below:

    Hand Receipt Reconciliation Schedule:

    Reconciliation As-of Date Reconciliation Completion Date
    1st Semi-Annual: As of 31 March 15 April
    2rd Semi-Annual: As of 30 September 15 October
  11. Related Documents and Glossary.  The following section contains the references related to this circular and a glossary of common acronyms and words used in the circular.
    1. Related Documents.
      1. Part 5, Chapter 12, "Personal Property Management," Indian Health Manual (IHM)
      2. Reference Section 5-12.8J IHM for Hand Receipt processes
      3. The HHS-439 Hand Receipt
    2. Glossary.

      Key Term
      Hand Receipt This is the HHS-439 form used to maintain physical accountability of personal property issued to users
      HHS-22 This Request for Property Action form is used to record property movement and changes in physical accountability for property due to staff departures, transfers, change in duties and other circumstances
      PMIS Property Management Information System
      PMO Property Management Officer
      Physical Receiving and Inspection Report This is the Physical Receiving and Inspection Report completed during initial receipt of assets to record shipment information and used as the standard physical accountability document
  12. Effective Date.  This circular becomes effective on the date signed by the Acting Director, IHS.

/Robert G. McSwain/
Robert G. McSwain
Acting Director
Indian Health Service

Distributed:  IHS-wide
Date:  June 30, 2015
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