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Physical Receiving and Issuing of Personal Property

Indian Health Service
Rockville, Maryland 20852

Refer to:  OMS


Effective Date:  June 30, 2015


Circular Exhibit 2015-05-A, Physical Receiving and Inspection Report

Circular Exhibit 2015-05-B, IHS Personal Property - Receiving and Issuing Process Diagram

  1. Introduction.  This circular provides a step-by-step procedure for physical receiving and issuing to maintain control and accountability of personal property acquired for the Indian Health Service (IHS).  Additionally, this process requires the use of the Physical Receiving and Inspection Report (See Circular Exhibit 2015-05-A) as the required physical accountability document for both complete and partial shipments.  This circular replaces all previous informal tools and procedures for personal property, such as the use of the Third Party Unified Financial Management System (UFMS) Receiving Report Authorization Sheet that was distributed in October 2012.
  2. Inspect Packages.  The Physical Receiving Agent (PRA) will conduct a physical inspection of incoming personal property packages delivered to the loading dock or any other place at which it is received.
  3. Review Shipping Documents.  The PRA will remove and review the shipping documents of each package to identify the Purchase Order (PO) number.
    1. If no PO number can be located on the shipping documents, review on-hand open POs to determine if the following shipment information can be matched to obtain the PO number:
      1. Item name and/or description
      2. Item quantity
      3. Vendor name
      4. Ordering office
    2. If the PO is not identified among on-hand open POs, coordinate with the Procurement Office to determine if the following shipment information can be matched to one of their open POs to obtain the PO number:
      1. Item name and/or description
      2. Item quantity
      3. Vendor name
      4. Ordering office
    3. If a PO was not issued and the procurement was authorized through other appropriate mechanisms such as a government purchase card, physical receiving procedures are still required.  However, the iProcurement receiving process in 4E and 5 do not apply.
    4. If the PO number is located, proceed with processing the shipment.  If a PO number cannot be located for the shipment, coordinate with the Procurement Office to contact the vendor to arrange for the return shipment at the vendor's cost.
  4. Process Shipment.  The PRA will obtain a copy of the PO for use in processing the shipment.  If the PO is not available, notify the Procurement Office to obtain a copy of the PO.
    1. Validate Shipment Completion and Condition of Items.  The PRA will validate the shipment using the following criteria:
      1. The PO number is listed on external shipping documents or packing slip
      2. Items ordered are items shipped
      3. Quantity of items match quantity ordered
    2. Invalid Shipment.  If the contents of the shipment do not align with the PO due to the shipment of incorrect items, quantity of items or physical condition of items, the PRA will coordinate with Procurement to contact the vendor to correct the shipment as needed, to include return of incorrect or damaged items at the vendor's cost.
    3. Process Physical Receipt and Issue of Property.  If all items on the PO are included in the delivery, the PRA completes and signs the Physical Receiving and Inspection Report (Circular Exhibit 2015-05-A), issues the property to the user, and has the user sign the Physical Receiving and Inspection Report as the physical accountability document.  The same process is used for a partial delivery with the exception that the partial quantity received is noted on the Physical Receiving and Inspection Report and the user/requestor is informed of the partial delivery.  If the PRA and user are the same individual, a separate individual must validate receiving the shipment and sign the Physical Receiving and Inspection Report as the designated PRA.  One individual cannot sign as both the PRA and user.
    4. Issue Copy of Completed Physical Receiving and Inspection Report to User.  The PRA will provide a copy of the completed Physical Receiving and Inspection Report to the user to be attached to his/her hand receipt and filed.  The PRA will maintain the original, signed Physical Receiving and Inspection Report as part of official property records.
    5. Coordinate With iProcurement Receiver.  The PRA will provide a copy of the completed Physical Receiving and Inspection Report to the designated iProcurement Receiver for the ordering office.
  5. Enter iProcurement Receiving.  The iProcurement Receiver will receive items in the UFMS iProcurement module after being presented with the fully signed Physical Receiving and Inspection Report.
  6. Build the Asset Record.  The Property Manager will use the corresponding skeletal file in the PO Interface to establish a property asset record in the Property Management Information System (PMIS).
  7. Related Documents and Glossary.  The following section contains the Indian Health Manual (IHM) references related to this circular and a glossary of common acronyms and words used in the circular.
    1. Related Documents.
      1. Part 5, Chapter 12, "Personal Property Management," IHM
      2. Reference IHM 5-12.6 for Physical Receiving Processes
      3. Physical Receiving and Inspection Report
    2. Glossary.

      Key Term
      iProcurement Receiver An individual with UFMS iProcurement Receiver access who enters receipts against a PO for items received following physical receipt of the order and notification by the PRA
      Physical Accountability Responsibility for property assigned to a user during the initial or subsequent issue of items to the user
      PMIS Property Management Information System
      PRA Physical Receiving Agent
      Physical Receiving and Inspection Report This is the Physical Receiving and Inspection Report completed during initial receipt of assets to record shipment information and used as the standard physical accountability document
      UFMS Unified Financial Management System
  8. Effective Date.  This circular becomes effective on the date signed by the Acting Director, IHS.

    /Robert G. McSwain/
    Robert G. McSwain
    Acting Director
    Indian Health Service
    Distributed:  IHS-wide
    Date:  June 30, 2015