Notice to Rescind Circular 69-02
Indian Health Service
Rockville, Maryland 20857
Refer to: OPHS
This notice rescinds Indian Health Service (IHS) Indian Health Manual (IHM), Circular, 69-02, “Reporting Outbreaks, Epidemics or Unusual Occurrences of Communicable Diseases.” The information in this Circular is out of date. Current mandates state that this reporting is now done through the respective states and in extreme cases the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Please discard your binder copies and any file copies of IHM, Circular 69-02, “Reporting Outbreaks, Epidemics or Unusual Occurrences of Communicable Diseases,” at your earliest convenience.
/Michael D. Weahkee/
RADM Michael D. Weahkee, MBA, MHSA
Assistant Surgeon General, U.S. Public Health Service
Indian Health Service
RADM Michael D. Weahkee, MBA, MHSA
Assistant Surgeon General, U.S. Public Health Service
Indian Health Service