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Eye Care Coordination Committee

Indian Health Service
Rockville, Maryland 20857

Refer to: OCPS


1. Purpose
2. Authority
3. Membership
4. Responsibilities
5. Meeting Schedule and Format
6. Ad Hoc Subcommittees
7. Supersedure
8. Effective Date

  1. PURPOSE.  The Eye Care Coordination Committee (herein referred to as “The Committee”) is established to discuss and make recommendations on many eye care related issues within the Indian Health Service (IHS). The goal of The Committee is to achieve effective eye care management in equal partnership with the disciplines of Optometry and Ophthalmology based upon trust and cooperation for enhancing the quality, efficiency, and safety of eye care in the IHS.
  2. AUTHORITY.  The Committee functions under the guidance and authority of the IHS Chief Medical Officer (CMO).
  3. MEMBERSHIP.  The Committee will consist of four Federal employees (two ophthalmologists and two optometrists). The four Federal employees will be the Chief and the Deputy Clinical Consultants of the professions of optometry and ophthalmology, appointed by the IHS CMO, and will be required to serve on The Committee. When needed, an equal number of Federal optometrists/ophthalmologists will be added as additional members of The Committee for an appropriate amount of time determined by the Chief Clinical Consultants. These new members will be appointed by the respective Chief Clinical Consultant of each discipline.
    1. CHAIRPERSON.  A chairperson will be appointed by The Committee to perform key tasks, such as:
      1. Brings pertinent issues to The Committee;
      2. Organizes and conducts meetings;
      3. Appoints a Vice-Chairperson and Secretary as needed;
      4. Acts as a Committee liaison to IHS Headquarters;
      5. Represents optometry, ophthalmology, or both disciplines as designated by the Chief Clinical Consultant;
      6. Acts as a spokesperson for IHS Eye Care when designated by The Committee;
      7. Updates the IHS Eye Care Directory annually;
      8. Oversees the publication of the IHS Eye Care Notes newsletter; and
      9. Finalizes approved documents for submission to Headquarters.
    2. VICE-CHAIRPERSON.  If appointed, will:
      1. Assume the duties of the Chairperson in the event of his or her absence; and
      2. Serve in any capacity as requested by the IHS CMO or The Committee Chairperson.
    3. SECRETARY.  If appointed, will:
      1. Coordinate the preparation of meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and communicate information to The Committee; and
      2. Serve in any capacity as requested by the IHS CMO or The Committee Chairperson or the Vice-Chairperson (when assuming the role of Chairperson).
  4. RESPONSIBILITIES.  The Committee shall plan and coordinate activities and policies that involve both optometry and ophthalmology such as:
    1. Develop proposals, e.g., program enhancements, proposing legislation, program-based equipment requests, etc.
    2. In coordination with the Office of Environmental Health and Engineering, Division of Facilities Planning and Construction develop facilities planning and staffing documents.
    3. Develop and review policies and procedures.
    4. Develop and strengthen relationships between ophthalmology and optometry.
    5. Coordinate and schedule biennial IHS Eye Care meetings.
    6. Establish and coordinate treatment guidelines, diabetic and glaucoma eye care, and all other professionally integrated patient care issues.
    7. Troubleshoot IHS-wide eye care issues.
    8. Develop and strengthen public relations.
  5. MEETING SCHEDULE AND FORMAT.  The Committee will meet twice a year. Ad hoc meetings will be added on an as needed basis. The Committee will also seek to involve stakeholders throughout the IHS on any issues.
    1. As funds permit, one in-person annual congregation of committee members is recommended with the second meeting held via a virtual meeting platform
    2. A standard agenda will be utilized and minutes recorded. Meeting minutes will be distributed within 30 days of the meeting and will be maintained in accordance with the IHS records management policies and procedures.
  6. AD HOC SUBCOMMITTEES.  The Chairperson will establish and appoint committee members to ad hoc subcommittees as needed.
  7. SUPERSEDURE.  This circular supersedes Indian Health Manual Part 3, Chapter 9, Manual Exhibit 3-9-A, “Indian Health Service Eye Care Coordination Committee Charter,” dated September 8, 2000.
  8. EFFECTIVE DATE.  This charter becomes effective on the date of signature.
/Roselyn Tso/
Roselyn Tso
Indian Health Service