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Administrative Delegation #2

AUG 11 1995

Administrative #2

TO: Director, Office of Engineering Services - Region VI
Director, Office of Engineering Services - Region X

FROM: Associate Director
Office of Information Resources Management

SUBJECT: Delegation of Procurement Authorithy for the Acquisition fo Federal Processing Resources


Pursuant to the authority delegated to the Associate Director, Office of Information Resources Management (OIRM), by the Director of Headquarters Operations, IHS, on July 19, 1994, I hereby delegate to the Directors, Office of Engineering Services, Region VI and Region X the authority to acquire Federal Information Processing (FIP) Resources necessary for completing architectural and engineering projects for the Indian Health Service as follows:

  1. The Delegation of Procurement Authority, per requirement, is up to the Small Purchase Limit as defined by the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and the Federal Information Resources Management Regulations (FIRMR).

    For FIP acquisitions from Federal Supply Schedules, the order limit is the maximum order limitation of the schedule or $250,000, whichever is less.

  2. For all other FIP resources requirements, authority must be obtained from the Associate Director, Office of Information Resources Management.


This authority may not be redelegated.


Only the information requirements of this delegation are to be administered by the Directors, OES, Regions VI and X.  The acquisition of necessary FIP resources approved by each of the Directors can only be authorized by a contracting officer who has been appointed in accordance with Federal Acquisitions Regulations (FAR), Subpart 1.6.

This delegation of authority is to be used in conjunction with established procedures published in the Indian Health Manual, Part 5, Chapter 5, Section 12, "Automated Data Processing and Telecommunications Contracting" (copy attached).

For FIP acquisitions that exceed the authority delegated herein, the Directors, OES, Regions VI and X must continue to seek specific acquisition delegations in accordance with existing IHS, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Public Health Service (PHS) and General Services Administration (GSA) Information Resources Management (IRM) policies.

With this authority comes the responsibility for the Directors, OES, Regions VI and X, to comply with the applicable GSA policies, presented in the FIRMR, HHS policies, presented in the HHS IRM Manual and supplemented by the DHHS IRM Circular series, and PHS IRM policies, presented in the PHS IRM Manual.


This delegation is effective upon date of signature.

/Richard M. Church/
Richard M. Church
Assistant Surgeon General

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