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Administrative Delegation #39 Rescinded

Administrative #39 Rescinded
APR 16 2008

TO: Acting Director
Through: IHS/ESS /LK/
               DDMO: /RG/

FROM: Acting Director
Management Policy and Internal Control Staff

SUBJECT: Rescission of Delegation of Authority, Administrative #39, "Special Delegation" -- ACTION


The purpose of this memorandum is to request your approval to rescind the attached Indian Health Service (IHS) Delegation of Authority (DOA), Administrative #39, "Special Delegation."


This DOA is being rescinded because the agreement with the Alaska Area Native Health Service and the South Central Foundation is no longer in effect.  The IHS no longer requires space in their facility.


I recommend you approve the rescission of this DOA by initialing on the "Approved" line that follows, and by signing the Transmittal Notice at Tab A.


Approved     /RGM/     Disapproved__________  Date  4/22/08

/Curtis Kitto/
Curtis Kitto

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