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Personnel Delegation #5

Personnel Delegation #5

MAY 4 1995

TO: Associate Director
Office of Human Resources

FROM: Acting Director of Headquarters Operations

SUBJECT: Delegation of Authority for Performance Awards under the Employee Performance Management System (EPMS)

Authority Delegated and To Whom

  1. Pursuant to the authority delegated to the Director of Headquarters Operations by the Director, Indian Health Service (IHS), on MAY 2, 1995 , I hererby delegate to the Associate Director, Office of Human Resources, to be exercised for the IHS, the authority to establish and maintain an effective performance award program under the employee performance management system (EPMS).  This includes the authority to:
    1. Designate EPMS performance award budget managers to manage each EPMS performance award budget within IHS.
    2. Approve the amount of each EPMS performance award budget for each Performance Recognition Group within IHS in accordance with PHS policy, including the authorities to:  (1) redistribute funds between budgets as needed; and (2) determine whether awards in each budget will be made as a percentage of pay or as dollar amounts.
    3. Approve the establishment of new EPMS performance award budget groups, the modification of existing EPMS performance award budget groups, and the abolishment of EPMS performance award budget groups.

Redelegation and Restrictions

  1. This delegation does not include the authority to approve the annual EPMS performance award budget for PHS, or the authority to recommend to the Secretary, through the Assistant Secretary for Personnel Administration (ASPER), performance awards in excess of $10,000 but not to exceed $25,000.  These authorities are retained by the Assistant Secretary for Health.
  2. The authority to approve EPMS performance awards that do not exceed $5,000 based on Outstanding, Excellent, and Fully Successful performance was delegated directly by the ASPER on September 6, 1990, to the EPMS performance award budget managers, through the officials in the line of supervision above them.
  3. The authorities delegated in paragraph 1a, b, and c, above may be redelegated with further Redelegation authorized.

Information and Guidance

  1. Requirements and instructions for exercising the authorities cited above are contained in 5 United States Code Chapter 43, 5 Code of Federal Regulations Part 430, and Health and Human Services Instruction 430-5.

Prior Delegations

  1. None.

Effective Date

  1. This delegation is effective upon date of signature.

/Luana L. Reyes/
Luana L. Reyes

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