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Personnel Delegation #20

Personnel Delegation #20

FEB 14, 2008

TO: Director, Program Integrity and Ethics Staff
Area Directors

FROM: Deputy Ethics Counselor

SUBJECT: Delegation of Authority, Personnel #20, "Indian Health Service Thics Program"


Pursuant to the authorities delegated to the Director, Office of Management Services, Indian Health Service (IHS), as the Deputy Ethics Counselor, by the Special Counsel for Ethics and Designated Agency Ethics Official, Office of the General Counsel (OGC), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), on October 24, 2007 (See Personnel Delegation of Authority #58), I hereby delegate to the IHS Area Directors and the Director, Program Integrity and Ethics Staff (PIES), the authority to review, consider, and sign as the Agency Final Reviewing Official on ?Confidential Financial Disclosure Reports,? Office of Government Ethics (OGE) Form 450, and in the notes section of ?Confidential Certificates of No New Interests (Executive Branch),? Optional OGE Form 450-A, as well as the authority to review and consider ?Request for Approval of Outside Activity,? Form HHS-520 and ?Annual Report of Outside Activity,? Form HHS-521.


Director, Program Integrity and Ethics Staff
Area Directors


These authorities may not be redelegated.


  1. These authorities do not include the authority to review OGE Form 450 and OGE Optional Form 450-A filed by the PIES employees.  The forms submitted by PIES employees will be reviewed by the OGC Ethics Division and signed by the designated Deputy Ethics Counselor for IHS as the Agency?s Final Reviewing Official.
  2. The PIES office will conduct the initial review of Headquarters OGE Form 450 and OGE Optional Form 450-A as the Intermediate Reviewer and Agency?s Final Reviewing Official.
  3. Designated Area Ethics Contacts will receive, review, and sign HHS-520 forms.  The signed Form HHS-520 will be forwarded to the appropriate Area Director to initial indicating concurrence as the Management/Committee/or Other Intermediate Review.  The Designated Area Ethics Contacts will then forward all ?Requests for Approval of Outside Activity,? Form HHS-520, and a copy of the employees position description to PIES.  PIES will review, complete, and sign as the Agency Ethics Official Review.  The completed Form HHS-520 with all required signatures will then be returned by PIES to the Areas for the Area Director?s signature as the Agency Designee (Approving Official) Determination.
  4. When an employee requests approval to run for election or serve in an appointed or elected Tribal Council or other governing body, the Designated Area Ethics Contact will forward above mentioned Form HHS-520 to PIES, as well as a copy of the employee?s position description, and a copy of the Tribal charter.  The responsibility for contacting the Tribe for consultation prior to rendering a decision rests with PIES.  PIES will review Form HHS-520 and sign as the Agency Ethics Official Review.  The Deputy Ethics Counselor retains the authority to sign as the Agency Designee (Approving Official) Determination.
  5. All ?Annual Report of Outside Activity,? Forms HHS-521, must be submitted to PIES along with the Designated Area Ethics Contact and Area Director?s Intermediate Review and concurrence.  PIES will review and sign as the Agency Ethics Official.  The Forms HHS-521 will then be returned to the Area for review and records maintenance.
  6. PIES will conduct the initial review of all ?Public Financial Disclosure Reports,? Standard Form 278.  The authority to certify will be retained by the Deputy Ethics Counselor.
  7. These delegations of authorities shall be exercised in accordance with all applicable OGE regulations and policy directives issued by the HHS Designated Agency Ethics Official.


This delegation supersedes Delegation of Authority, Personnel #20 ?Delegation of Authority Indian Health Service Ethics Program,? dated February 18, 2006.


This delegation is effective upon date of signature.

/Athena S. Elliott/
Athena S. Elliott


Area Directors
Director, Program Integrity and Ethics Staff

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