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Personnel Delegation

Personnel Delegation #24

February 27, 2017

TO: Director, Office Of Human Resources
FROM: Acting Director

SUBJECT: Delegation of Authority, Personnel #24, "Indian Health Service Designation of Management Official in Labor Management Relations Matters"


As the Acting Director, I hereby delegate the authority to the Director, Office of Human Resources, to serve as the Designated Management Official (DMO) for the Indian Health Service (IHS).  In making this delegation, it is also understood that the responsibilities and authorities of this designation can be carried out by the higher level management officials in your chain of command.

The DMO is the senior-level management official and the final management official contemplated at Step 3 of the negotiated grievance procedure.  The DMO is also responsible for all correspondence or other communications between the IHS and Laborer's International Union of North America (LIUNA), Local Union #5251 and the IHS National Council.


Director, Office of Human Resources


This authority may not be re-delegated.


All initial communication and/or correspondence concerning a labor-management relations matter within IHS (that concerns either an employee or a unique group of employees, i.e., employees of an individual office or work unit) is to be directed to the appropriate supervisor in the chain-of-command of the employee(s) involved in the matter, along with concurrent notice to the Labor Relations Officer (LRO) at IHS Headquarters in the Office of Human Resources.  Concerns not specific to any one employee or unique group of employees or of a general nature to the IHS organization are to be brought to the attention of the LRO who will arrange for any further involvement of the DMO, as necessary.  This delegation is in accordance with the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement dated September 16, 2010, that is in effect between the IHS and LIUNA.


Delegation of Authority, Personnel #24, dated January 18, 2011


This delegation is effective on the date of signature.

/Chris Buchanan/
RADM Chris Buchanan, R.E.H.S., M.P.H.
Assistant Surgeon General, USPHS
Acting Director
Indian Health Service