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Personnel Delegation

Personnel Delegation #26

NOV 21 1994

TO: Director of Headquarters Operations

FROM: Director

SUBJECT: Delegation of Authority for Physicians Comparability Allowance

Authority Delegated and To Whom

  1. Pursuant to the authority delegated to the Director, Indian Health Service (IHS), by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health Management Operations (DASHMO), Public Health Service (PHS) on February 7, 1994, I hereby delegate to the Director of Headquarters Operations (DHO), for IHS, the authorities shown below:
    1. to certify that a physician is required in a position relative to the payment of Physicians Comparability Allowance (PCA); and
    2. to approve and issue PCA agreements (form PHS-6106) and determine actual allowances to be paid to physicians.

Redelegation and Restrictions

  1. The DASHMO retains the authority to determine the conditions under which repayment of PCA may be waived when an employee terminates a PCA service agreement with PHS, and to approve requests for such waivers.
  2. The authorities delegated in paragraph 1. above may be redelegated with further redelegation authorized.

Information and Guidance

  1. Requirements and Instructions for exercising these authorities are contained in Health and Human Services Personnel Instruction 595-1, and PHS Personnel Circular 595-l.

Prior Delegations

  1. This delegation supersedes the delegation contained in the Indian Health Manual, Part 1, Chapter 5, Delegations of Authority, Exhibit l-5.2A-1, "Physicians Comparability Allowance," dated December 26, 1984,

Effective Date

  1. This delegation is effective upon date of signature.

    /Michael Trujillo, M.D./
    Michael H. Trujillo, M.D., M.P.H.
    Assistant Surgeon General

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