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Personnel Delegation #29

Personnel Delegation #29

Date:  AUG 1 1990

From: Director of Headquarters Operations

Subject: Delegation of Authority to Issue Official Reprimands Under HHS Personnel Instruction 751-1

To: Area Directors

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Director, Indian Health Service (IHS), by the Reorganization Order of January 4, 1988, which elevated the Indian Health Service to a PHS Agency, and in accordance with authority delegated by the Director, Office of Management (OM), PHS, on July 23, 1984, and subsequently redelegated to Director of Headquarters Operations by the Director, IHS, on September 21, 1989, I hereby delegate to the Area Directors to be exercised within your Area Office organization, the authority to issue official reprimands under DHHS Personnel Instruction 751-1.


This authority may be redelegated with further redelegation authorized so that all supervisors receive this authority.  All delegations and redelegations must be in writing, in memorandum format.


This delegation does not apply to IHS supervisors or employees who are in or under the line supervision of a regional office official.


Information and guidance for exercising this authority are found in HHS Personnel Instruction 751-1 "Official Reprimands."


The Delegation of Authority issued in Part I, Chapter 5, Indian Health Manual, Exhibit l-5.2F-B, Subject:  To Issue Official Reprimands, TN 85.2, dated November 15, 1984, was superseded by the memorandum from the Director, IHS, to the Director of Headquarters Operations on September 21, 1989.


This delegation is effective upon signature.

/Robert Marsland/
Robert A. Marsland
Assistant Surgeon General

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