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Personnel Delegation #32

Personnel Delegation #32

Date:  DEC 11 1984

From: Director
Office of Management

Subject: Delegation of Authority to Establish Qualification Standards for Senior Executive Service Positions

To: PHS Agency Heads
PHS Agency Executive Resources Board Representatives
OASH Executive Resources Board Representative

Pursuant to the authority delegated by the Assistant Secretary for Health to the Director, Office of Management, PHS, On DEC 3 1984, I hereby delegate to thr PHS agency heads for employees within their respective organizations, including employees in regional and field offices, the authority to establish qualification standards for Senior Executive Service (SES) positions that are filled by career appointment.

In addition, I hereby delegate to each PHS agency representative and the office of the assistant secretary for health representative to the PHS Executive Resources Board, the authority to establish qualification standards for SES positions that are filled by career appointment insofar as it pertains to their function on the Executive Resources Board.

Requirements and instructions for exercising this authority are contained in HHS Personnel Instruction 920-10.

This authority may not be redelegated.

This delegation is effective upon date of signature.

/Wilford J. Forbush/
Wilford J. Forbush

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