Personnel Delegation #34
Date: FEB 2 1994
From: |
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health Management Operations
Subject: |
Delegation of Authority to Determine When Term Appointments are Appropriate
To: | PHS Agency Heads |
Authorities Deleaated and to Whom
- Pursuant to the authority delegated by the Assistant Secretary for Personnel Administration (ASPER) to the Assistant Secretary for Health on September 29, 1993, and the January 14, 1991, Delegation of Personnel Administration and Personnel Management Authoities from the Acting Assistant Secretary for Health,to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health Management Operations, PHS, I hereby delegate to.the PHS agency heads, for positions within their respective agencies, Excluding positions in or under the regional offices the authority to determine that a position or positions may be filled by term appointments.
Redelegation and Restrictions
- This authority is limited to the determination that a position or positions may be filled by term appointments. The actual filling of the positions for which term appointments are authorized must still be done under competitive procedures.
- This authority may be redelegated to the PHS agency personnel officers with further redelegation authorized.
Information and Guidance
- Requirements and instructions for exercising this authority are contained in Federal Personnel Manual Chapter 316.
Prior Delegations
This delegation supersedes the March 12, 1981, Delegation of Authority to Determine When Term Appointments are Appropriate from the Acting Director, Office of Management, PHS, to the PHS Agency Heads. To the extent that previous redelegations of this authority are consistent with the provisions of this delegation they remain in effect.
Effective Date
- This delegation is effective upon date of signature.
/Tony Itteilag/
Anthony L. Itteilag
Anthony L. Itteilag
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