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Personnel Delegation #36

Personnel Delegation #36

AUG 12 1996

TO: Director
Clinical Support Center
Phoenix, Arizona

FROM: Acting Associate Director
Office of Human Resources

SUBJECT: Delegation of Authority to Approve and Acquire Training

Authority Delegated and to Whom

  1. Pursuant to the authority delegated to the Associate Director, Office of Human Resources (OHR), by the Acting Director of Headquarters Operations on November 2, 1995, I hereby delegate to the Director, Clinical Support Center, Phoenix, Arizona, for employees of the Clinical Support Center, Phoenix, Arizona, including members of the Senior Executive Service, the authority to:
    1. approve training; and
    2. acquire training.
  2. Approval authority is the authority to provide employees with training as a means of enhancing individual or group performance which contributes to the organization's mission.  Approval authority includes the authority to assess training needs; select employees for training; manage and provide training within the provisions of 5 United States Code (U.S.C.) Chapter 41; ensure that the training conforms to relevant laws, regulations, requirements;and Department and component and assess the effectiveness of training.
  3. Acquisition authority is the authority to approve off-the-shelf training for individual employees or groups of employees under the authority of the Government Employees Training Act.
  4. Off-the-shelf Training is training with standard features and costs established in catalogs or other printed material available to the general public, or training offered by an individual consultant or firm where standard features and costs are established based on past practices, costs of off-the-shelf training do not include employee travel or development of training material.
  5. The authority to approve IHS-wide training which is 120 days or longer is retained by the Director, IHS.
  6. The dollar limits and guidelines for "micro purchases" established by the Office of Management and Budget apply to training acquired under this authority.
  7. These authorities may not be redelegated.

Information and Guidance

  1. Requirements and instructions for exercising these authorities are contained in 5 UCS Chapter 41, 5 Code of Federal Regulations 410, Health and Human Services Personnel Instruction 410-1, and Public Health Service Circular 410-1, Approving and Acquiring Training.

Prior Delegation

  1. None.

Effective Date

  1. This delegation is effective upon date of signature.

/Robert G. McSwain/
Robert G. McSwain

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