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Personnel Delegation #49

Personnel Delegation #49

JUL 17 1995

TO: Area Directors

FROM: Acting Director of Headquarters Operations

SUBJECT: Delegation of Authority for the Flexible Workplace Arrangements Program

Authority Delegated and to Whom

  1. Pursuant to the authority delegated to the Director of Headquarters Operations by the Director, Indian Health Service (IHS), on July 17, 1995 I hereby delegate to the Area Directors, for their respective Area offices the authority to approve requests to participate in the Flexible Workplace Arrangements Program.

Redelegation and Restrictions

  1. The authority delegated in paragraph 1. above may be redelegated.  The authority must be exercised by an official higher than the employee's immediate supervisor.

Information and Guidance

  1. This authority should be exercised in accordance with the guidance provided in the United States Office of Personnel Management Guidelines for Pilot Flexible Workplace Arrangements, Health and Human Services policy, and Interim Public Health Service (PHS) Circular 600-1, PHS Flexible Workplace Arrangements Program.

Prior Delegations

  1. None.

Effective Date

  1. This delegation is effective upon date of signature.

/Luana L. Reyes/
Luana Reyes

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