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Personnel Delegation #51

Personnel Delegation #51

FEB 17 1995

From: Director
Office of Personnel Management

Subject: Delegation of Authority to Waive Mandatory Electronic Funds Transfer

To: PHS Agency Personnel Officers

Authority Delegated and to Whom

  1. Pursuant to the authority delegated by the Assistant Secretary for Personnel Administration to the Director, Office of Personnel Management, PHS, on December 28, 1994, I hereby delegate to the PHS agency personnel officers the authority to waive mandatory electronic funds transfer for Federal wage, salary or retirement payments upon written request by the recipient.

Redelegation and Restrictions

  1. This authority applies to recipients who begin to receive such payments on ot after January 1, 1995, including new Federal employees, new Federal retirees, and those hired from outside the Department of Health and Human Services.
  2. This authority may be redelegated with further redelegation authorized.  Any redelegation of this authority must be in writing.

Information and Guidance

  1. This authority must be exercised in accordance with the provisions of P.L. 103-356, Title 4 USC 401 and 402, and pertinent regulations of the Department of Treasury.

Effective Date

  1. This delegation is effective upon date of signature.

/James H. Eagen/
James H. Eagen

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