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Personnel Delegation #52



Office of the Secretary

Washington, D.C. 20201

SEP 27 1995



Subject: Delegation of Authority for Executive Resource Management

Under the authority vested in the Assistant Secretary for Personnel Administration by, memorandum from the Secretary dated January 24,1983, and by direction of the Secretary in her memorandum of September 27, 1995, concerning additional delegations of executive\resource management authorities, the following authorities are delegated to Heads of operating Divisions:

Establishment/abolishment of Senior Executive Service (SES) positions SES career appointments (subject to the conditions set forth below) reassignments (both within and outside the OPDIV) transfers details to and from executive-level positions reinstatement into the SES adverse actions initial pay setting and pay adjustments performance bonuses (subject to the conditions set forth below) special act cash awards, recruitment and relocation bonuses and retention allowances sabbaticals Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) assignments alternative work schedules establishment/appointment/pay setting and adjustments for Senior Level (SL) and Scientific and Professional (ST) positions administrative changes to position descriptions appointments of non-flag Commissioned Officers into SES equivalent positions recertification determinations recommend approval of selectees managerial qualifications to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management full pay setting authorities for Senior Biomedical Research Service positions (subject to OMB limitations.)

This delegation is subject to the following exceptions and conditions:

The Secretary retains authority over allocation of all slots (SES, SBRS, Sk, and ST) among the OPDIVs; establishment of overall SES bonus pools, within which individual bonus decisions will be made; approval of all noncareer executive personnel actions; nomination of executives for Presidential rank awards; and career appointments of current or former noncareer appointees.

The Secretary reserves the authority to concur in selections for key executive positions, as mutually agreed upon by the Secretary and the OPDIV head, and for OPDIV Executive Resource Board membership.

Each OPDIV is expected to develop and submit to the Secretary a performance-based executive resource management plan that (1) defines key positions (e.g., direct reports); (2) states desired outcomes in terms of program improvements, including progress towards achieving diversity; (3) addresses how succession planning will be carried out; (4) describes planned monitoring and reporting activities in such areas as pay distribution, executive development and mobility, and executive workforce demographics; and (5) spells out the extent to which the OPDIV head plans to redelegate any of the executive resource management authorities.

This delegation is effective immediately and must be exercised in accordance with all laws, regulations, U.S. Office of Personnel Management and Department personnel policies and guidance covering these areas.  Any redelegations must be in writing.

/Singnature for Thomas S. McFee/
Thomas S. McFee
Assistant Secretary for
Personnel Administration

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