Personnel Delegation #54
OCT 22 1996
TO: |
Area Directors Associate Director Office of Health Program Research and Development
Director Division of Personnel Management
SUBJECT: | Delegation of Authority To Approve Grade and Pay Retention where such use is optional |
Authority Delegated and to Whom
- Pursuant to the authority delegated to the Director, Division of Personnel Management, Indian Health Service (IHS), by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources, OASMB, in Health and Human Services (HHS) Personnel Instruction 531-2, Setting Salary, dated May 20, Area Directors, 1996, I hereby delegate to the Area Directors and the Associate Director, Office of Health Program Research and Development (OHPRD), for their respective organizations, the authority to approve the use of grade or pay retention where such use is optional.
Redelegations and Restrictions
- The authority delegated above must be redelegated to the Area and OHPRD servicing personnel officials.
- Personnel Officers are responsible for ensuring that all legal and regulatory requirements are met.
Prior Delegations
- None.
Information and Guidance
- Requirements and instructions for exercising these authorities are contained in 5 U.S.C. Chapter 53; 5 CFR, Part 36; HHS Personnel Instruction 531-2, Setting Salary; and IHS policy.
Effective Date
- This delegation is effective upon date of signature.