Program Delegation #17
TO: |
Addressees See below |
Director |
SUBJECT: | Delegation of Authority, Program #17, "Title V of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, 25 United States Code § 5381, et seq." |
Pursuant to 25 United States Code (U.S.C.) § 1661, I hereby delegate, for application Indian Health Service-wide, the authorities under Title V of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA), 25 U.S.C. § 5381 et seq., to the individuals listed below:
Principal Deputy Director
Deputy Director
Deputy Director for Management Operations
Deputy Director for Intergovernmental Affairs
Deputy Director for Field Operations
Director, Office of Tribal Self-Governance
Deputy Director, Office of Tribal Self-Governance
Director, Alaska Area
These authorities may not be redelegated.
For all individuals delegated the authorities above, the delegation excludes the authority to:
- Promulgate regulations under 25 U.S.C. § 5397;
- Submit reports to Congress;
- Establish or appoint members to advisory committees or national commissions;
- Negotiate and approve construction project agreements (except those individuals authorized under Administrative Delegation #48);
- Issue final decisions responding to Contract Disputes Act claims presented by compactors (except those individuals authorized under Administrative Delegations #51 and #53); and
- Approve and sign all initial Compacts and initial Funding Agreements executed under Title V of the ISDEAA, as amended.
For the Director, Alaska Area, in addition to the other restrictions and limitations of this section, the delegation excludes the authority to:
- Award planning and negotiation cooperative agreements for the IHS Tribal Self-Governance Program, in accordance with 25 U.S.C. § 5383(e); and
- Determine which Tribes participate in Self-Governance, in accordance with 25 U.S.C. § 5383 and 42 C.F.R. §§ 137.15-18.
This Delegation of Authority (DOA) supersedes the previous DOA, Program #17, dated December 14, 1998, and previously superseded DOA, Program #16, dated December 14, 1996 and DOA, Program #15, dated March 14, 1996.
This DOA is effective on the date of signature.
RADM Michael D. Weahkee, MBA, MHSA
Assistant Surgeon General, U.S. Public Health Service
Acting Director
Indian Health Service
Principal Deputy Director
Deputy Director
Deputy Director for Management Operations
Deputy Director for Intergovernmental Affairs
Deputy Director for Field Operations
Director, Office of Tribal Self-Governance
Deputy Director, Office of Tribal Self-Governance
Director, Alaska Area