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Program Delegation #18

Program #18
FEB 17, 2005

TO: Deputy Director for Indian Health Policy
Director, Office of Tribal Programs

FROM: Director

SUBJECT: Delegation of Grant Related Authorities under Title I, Section 103(b)(2) and 103(e) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, Public Law 93-638, as amended.


Pursuant to the authority vested in the Director, Indian Health Service (IHS), by the Reorganization Order of January 4, 1988, (52 FR 47053), which elevated the IHS to a Public Health Service Agency, I hereby delegate to the officials listed below, the following grant related authorities under Title I, Section 103(b)(2) and 103(e) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, Public Law 93-638, as amended:

  1. Provide program leadership of the Tribal Management Grant Program,
  2. Establish and publish program guidelines, which include:
    1. eligibility and establishment of criteria for the types of programs and services,
    2. funding priorities,
    3. system for objective review of applicants,
    4. program specific reports, and
    5. any necessary procedural or substantive requirements for the administration of the grant program.
  3. Concur or non-concur with the recommendations of Headquarters review panels.


Deputy Director for Indian Health Policy
Director, Office of Tribal Programs


These authorities may not be redelegated.


Authority to perform the grant administrative authorities, including signing the resulting grant documents, was delegated to the IHS Headquarters Grants Management Officer on May 4, 1994.

These authorities shall be exercised in accordance with all applicable grant regulations and grant policy directives issued by the Secretary of Health and Human Services.


This delegation supersedes the previous delegation of authority located in Indian Health Manual, Program Delegation #18, dated August 19, 1999.


This delegation is effective upon the date of signature.

/Robert G. McSwain for/
Charles W. Grim, D.D.S., M.H.S.A.
Assistant Surgeon General

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