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National Pharmacy Council - Charter

Indian Health Service
Rockville, Maryland 20857

Refer to:  OCPS



  1. PURPOSE.  The purpose of the National Pharmacy Council (NPC) is to provide advice and consultation to the Principal Pharmacy Consultant (PPC) of the Indian Health Service (IHS) on pharmacy services that will help meet the mission of the IHS.
  2. MEMBERSHIP.  The committee may change in number and composition to meet the needs of the IHS pharmacy program and individual projects under consideration by the NPC.  Members will serve for 2 years and may be elected for a second term on an as-needed basis.  Any member not attending at least one meeting per year will be reviewed for replacement. Membership is comprised of:
    1. Executive Leadership Committee of the NPC.  The Executive Leadership Committee (ELC) of the NPC is comprised of the NPC Chairperson (hereafter referred to as the Chair), Vice-Chairperson/Chair-Elect (hereafter referred to as Vice-Chair), Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and the PPC.
    2. Standing Committee Chairs.  Chairs of all standing committees of the Indian Health Service pharmacy program.
    3. Area Representatives.  The following representatives should be included from each Area:
      1. The Area Pharmacy Consultant (APC);
      2. One Pharmacist Representative; and
      3. One Pharmacy Technician.
  3. COMMITTEES.  The NPC may establish either standing or ad hoc committees to perform specific projects or tasks.
    1. Chair.  At the end of the term for the NPC Chair, the Vice-Chair shall assume the role of NPC Chair for a two-year term.
    2. Vice-Chair.  At the end of the term of the Vice-Chair, the Chair shall request nominations, from current NPC members, for replacements of that position. The Vice Chair will be elected by a simple majority of NPC members.
    3. Secretary.  At the end of the Secretary's term, the NPC Vice-Chair shall submit a national call for nominations.  The Secretary will be elected by a simple majority of NPC members.
    4. Deputy Secretary.  At the end of the Deputy Secretary's term, the NPC Secretary shall submit a national call for nominations.  Qualified applicants shall be submitted to the ELC for a vote.  The PPC shall be the tie breaker in case of a tied vote.
    5. Standing Committee Members.  When a vacancy in committee membership occurs, the NPC Secretary shall submit a national call for nominations.  Qualified applicants shall be submitted to the ELC for a vote. The PPC shall be the tie breaker in case of a tied vote.
    6. Area Representatives.  When a vacancy in Area membership occurs, the APC in that Area shall submit an Area-wide call for nominations.  Qualified applicants shall be submitted to the ELC for a vote. The PPC shall be the tie breaker in case of a tied vote.
  5. VACANCIES.  If an ELC Officer position is vacated during the year, the Secretary will call for nominations and a vote of the NPC membership for another NPC Committee member to fill the vacant office for a full two year term.
  6. VOTES.
    1. Quorum.  A quorum is a simple majority of the NPC.  A quorum of 50% of voting membership will be required to conduct business and teleconference may be utilized as necessary to meet quorum.
    2. Vote on Motions.  A simple majority of votes will determine the acceptance or rejection of a given motion. In the event of a tie vote, the NPC Chair will cast a vote for the motion to proceed or not proceed.
    1. Principal Pharmacy Consultant.  The PPC is administratively responsible for all matters involving the IHS Pharmacy programs.
    2. Chairperson.  In the absence of the NPC Chair, the charter membership will be led by the Vice-Chair.  The NPC Chair:
      1. Represents the position(s) of the NPC at IHS Leadership meetings or other meetings, as required.
      2. Guides and mediates ELC actions with respect to organizational priorities and governance concerns.
      3. Serves in any capacity as requested by the PPC.
    3. Vice-Chair.  It is the NPC Vice-Chair's responsibility to:
      1. Assume the duties of the NPC Chair in the event of his or her absence.
      2. Serve in any capacity as requested by the ELC.
    4. Secretary.  It is the NPC Secretary's responsibility to:
      1. Assume the duties of the NPC Chair in the event of his or her absence and the absence of the NPC Vice-Chair.
      2. Coordinate the preparation of monthly meeting agendas and communicate information to the ELC.
      3. Record, maintain, and distribute meeting minutes.
      4. Serve in any capacity as requested by the ELC.
    5. Deputy Secretary.It is the NPC Deputy Secretary's responsibility to:
      1. Assume the duties of the NPC Secretary in the event of his or her absence.
      2. Serve in any capacity as requested by the ELC.
    6. Members.  It is the NPC member's responsibility to:
      1. Attend and participate in regular committee, national, and combined council meetings.
      2. Promote common understanding and implementation of the current Agency priorities, initiatives, and direction at Area and local levels.
      3. Contribute to the development of agendas for general, annual, and special meetings of the NPC.
      4. Maintain an up-to-date list of all IHS, Tribal, and Urban (I/T/U) pharmacy programs in their respective Areas.
      5. Utilize this national forum to identify issues and develop initiatives that address pharmacy needs.
      6. Provide guidance for clinical pharmacy practices in I/T/U programs.
      7. Support and promote the President's, Department's, and IHS initiatives.
      8. Participate in setting the IHS' strategic action agenda.
      9. Improve the pharmacy program management through better communication.
      10. Advocate and act on specific concerns of its membership in a professional and appropriate manner.
      11. Promote performance improvement and organizational development through effective leadership and management support for pharmacy.
    1. Scheduled Meetings.  Depending on the availability of funds, it is anticipated that the NPC will convene at least one face-to-face meeting each year.  Other meetings, by means of teleconference, etc., will be convened, as needed.
    2. Ad-hoc Meetings.  Other ad-hoc meetings may be held for specific purposes as needed and resources allow.
    3. Votes.  Only committee members are allowed to vote.
    4. Agenda.  The agenda for the meeting should include and focus on priorities set at NPC short and long-range planning sessions.  Requests for additions to the agenda of issues or items of business can come from any IHS pharmacist to the NPC Secretary, but must arrive one month in advance of scheduled meetings.
    5. Meeting Minutes.  The meeting minutes will be developed by the NPC Secretary and distributed within 30 days of the meeting or teleconference.  First item of business for all meetings will be to review and approve the last meeting minutes.  Minutes should be available electronically for review and comment by any pharmacist within the IHS.
  10. Effective Date.

    This IHS Circular becomes effective on the date of signature.

/Michael D. Weahkee/
RADM Michael D. Weahkee, MBA, MHSA
Assistant Surgeon General, U.S. Public Health Service
Acting Director
Indian Health Service

Distributed:  IHS-wide
Date:  September 29, 2017